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Peroxisomal enzymes are synthesized in the cytoplasm and imported post-translationally across the peroxisome membrane. Unlike other organelles with a sealed membrane, peroxisomes can import folded enzymes, and they seem to lack intraperoxisomal chaperones. Here, we propose a mechanistic model for the early steps in peroxisomal-matrix-enzyme import, which might help to explain the unusual features of this process.  相似文献   

Angèle S  Hall J 《Mutation research》2000,462(2-3):167-178
The genetic determinants for most breast cancer cases remain elusive. Whilst mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 significantly contribute to familial breast cancer risk, their contribution to sporadic breast cancer is low. In such cases genes frequently altered in the general population, such as the gene mutated in Ataxia telangiectasia (AT), ATM may be important risk factors. The initial interest in studying ATM heterozygosity in breast cancer arose from the findings of epidemiological studies of AT families in which AT heterozygote women had an increased risk of breast cancer and estimations that 1% of the population are AT heterozygotes. One of the clinical features of AT patients is extreme cellular sensitivity to ionising radiation. This observation, together with the finding that a significant proportion of breast cancer patients show an exaggerated acute or late normal tissue reactions after radiotherapy, has lead to the suggestion that AT heterozygosity plays a role in radiosensitivity and breast cancer development. Loss of heterozygosity in the region of the ATM gene on chromosome 11, has been found in about 40% of sporadic breast tumours. However, screening for ATM mutations in sporadic breast cancer cases, showing or not adverse effects to radiotherapy, has not revealed the magnitude of involvement of the ATM gene expected. Their size and the use of the protein truncation test to identify mutations limit many of these studies. This latter parameter is critical as the profile of mutations in AT patients may not be representative of the ATM mutations in other diseases. The potential role of rare sequence variants within the ATM gene, sometimes reported as polymorphisms, also needs to be fully assessed in larger cohorts of breast cancer patients and controls in order to determine whether they represent cancer and/or radiation sensitivity predisposing mutations.  相似文献   

The genetic determinants for most breast cancer cases remain elusive. Whilst mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 significantly contribute to familial breast cancer risk, their contribution to sporadic breast cancer is low. In such cases genes frequently altered in the general population, such as the gene mutated in Ataxia telangiectasia (AT), ATM may be important risk factors. The initial interest in studying ATM heterozygosity in breast cancer arose from the findings of epidemiological studies of AT families in which AT heterozygote women had an increased risk of breast cancer and estimations that 1% of the population are AT heterozygotes. One of the clinical features of AT patients is extreme cellular sensitivity to ionising radiation. This observation, together with the finding that a significant proportion of breast cancer patients show an exaggerated acute or late normal tissue reactions after radiotherapy, has lead to the suggestion that AT heterozygosity plays a role in radiosensitivity and breast cancer development. Loss of heterozygosity in the region of the ATM gene on chromosome 11, has been found in about 40% of sporadic breast tumours. However, screening for ATM mutations in sporadic breast cancer cases, showing or not adverse effects to radiotherapy, has not revealed the magnitude of involvement of the ATM gene expected. Their size and the use of the protein truncation test to identify mutations limit many of these studies. This latter parameter is critical as the profile of mutations in AT patients may not be representative of the ATM mutations in other diseases. The potential role of rare sequence variants within the ATM gene, sometimes reported as polymorphisms, also needs to be fully assessed in larger cohorts of breast cancer patients and controls in order to determine whether they represent cancer and/or radiation sensitivity predisposing mutations.  相似文献   

The term quorum sensing (QS) is used to describe the communication between bacterial cells, whereby a coordinated population response is controlled by diffusible molecules produced by individuals. QS has not only been described between cells of the same species (intraspecies), but also between species (interspecies) and between bacteria and higher organisms (inter-kingdom). The fact that QS-based communication appears to be widespread among microbes is strange, considering that explaining both cooperation and communication are two of the greatest problems in evolutionary biology. From an evolutionary perspective, intraspecies signalling can be explained using models such as kin selection, but when communication is described between species, it is more difficult to explain. It is probable that in many cases this involves QS molecules being used as 'cues' by other species as a guide to future action or as manipulating molecules whereby one species will 'coerce' a response from another. In these cases, the usage of QS molecules cannot be described as signalling. This review seeks to integrate the evolutionary literature on animal signalling with the microbiological literature on QS, and asks whether QS within bacteria is true signalling or whether these molecules are also used as cues or for the coercion of other cells.  相似文献   

Successful vaccine development for schistosomiasis has been hindered by a lack of consensus on the type of immune response that would provide maximum levels of protective immunity and incomplete knowledge of the key antiparasite effector mechanisms. Many vaccine studies conducted in mice support type-1-cytokine-mediated effector mechanisms, while acquired resistance in humans correlates with type-2-cytokine-mediated responses. However, recent data from cytokine-knockout mice suggest that choosing between these opposing pathways may be less important than previously hypothesized, as discussed here by Thomas Wynn and Karl Hoffmann.  相似文献   

Antisense oligonucleotides provide a simple and efficient approach for developing target-selective drugs because they can modulate gene expression sequence-specifically. Antisense oligonucleotides have also become efficient molecular biological tools to investigate the function of any protein in the cell. As the application of antisense oligonucleotides has expanded, multiple mechanisms of oligonucleotides have been characterized that impede their routine use. Here, we discuss different mechanisms of action of oligonucleotides and the possible ways of minimizing non-antisense-related [corrected] effects to improve their specificity.  相似文献   

Recent progress indicates that there are multiple pathways of nucleocytoplasmic transport which involve specific targeting sequences, such as nuclear localization sequences (NLSs), and cytosolic receptor molecules of the importin/karyopherin superfamily which recognise and dock the NLS-containing proteins at the nuclear pore. This first step of nuclear import/export is of central importance, with the affinity of the importin-targeting sequence interaction a critical parameter in determining transport efficiency. Different importins possess distinct NLS-binding specificities, which allows the system to be modulated through differential expression of the importins themselves, as well as through competition between different importins for the same protein, and between different proteins for the same importin. The targeting sequence-importin interaction can also be influenced directly by phosphorylation increasing the affinity of the interaction with importins or by targeting sequence masking through phosphorylation or specific protein binding. Targeting sequence recognition thus appears to represent a key control point in the regulation of nuclear transport. BioEssays 22:532-544, 2000.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (NR) is an enzymatic source of nitric oxide (NO) in plants, and it needs Mo for the Mo-cofactor to be activated. Because NR-deficient mutants are not always available in some species, a cheap and simple pharmacological application of tungstate, which substitutes for Mo in the Mo-cofactor as a competitive antagonist, is widely used as a NR inhibitor in plant NO research. However, evidence indicates that tungstate not only inactivates NR but also inhibits other molybdate-dependent enzymes in plants. In addition, a number of investigations have shown that tungstate also inhibits root growth, affects cortical microtubule formation, and induces programmed cell death (PCD) in plants, just like other heavy metals do. Therefore, tungstate has been shown to exert many other effects that are not connected with the inhibition of NR activity. The origin and mechanism of using tungstate as a NR inhibitor in plants is reviewed here and the progress regarding tungstate toxicity to plants and the possible problems involved in using tungstate as a NR inhibitor in plant NO research are analysed. In summary, the use of tungstate as a NR inhibitor in plant NO research must be treated with caution, keeping in mind that it is not completely specific. It is necessary to search for more NR-deficient mutants and new, specific NR inhibitors. A combination of pharmacological and biochemical analysis with a genetic approach will be necessary in order to investigate the roles of NO in plants.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is an obligate brood parasite that mimics the eggs of its hosts. The host-specific egg pattern is thought to be inherited matrilinearly, creating female-only host-specific races. Males are thought not to be adapted to their host and they maintain the species by mating arbitrarily with respect to host specialization of females. However, recent results suggest that male cuckoos may also show host-specific adaptations and these may require assortative mating with respect to host. The calls males produce on the breeding grounds could provide a potential mechanism for assortative mating. We tested whether male cuckoo calls differ more between nearby populations that parasitize different hosts than between distant populations that parasitize the same host. We recorded the calls of geographically distant pairs of populations in Hungary, with each pair consisting of a forest population and a nearby reed bed population. Each habitat is characterized by one main host species for the common cuckoo. Our results show that calls of distant cuckoo populations from the same habitat type are more similar to each other than they are to those of nearby populations from a different habitat. These results suggest that cuckoo calls differ sufficiently to allow recognition of habitat-specific individuals.  相似文献   

Intuitively, keeping ones distance from a source of infection would appear to be the best way to limit the occurrence of disease. However, this overlooks the importance of repeated infections in maintaining efficient immune defenses. When acquired immunity has partly waned, re-exposure to the pathogenic agent may lead to mild disease that boosts the immune system. This prevents the total loss of immunity that would lead to classical disease in cases of re-infection. Here, using a mathematical model, we show that avoiding the pathogenic agent is detrimental in some situations, e.g. for pathogens that are highly transmissible, are not excessively lethal and that induce rapidly waning immunity. Reducing exposure to pathogenic agents is among the objectives of most, if not all, public health measures. A better understanding of the factors influencing the severity of a disease is required before applying measures that reduce the circulation of pathogenic agents.  相似文献   

Rapid developments in free radical biology and molecular technology have permitted exploration of the free radical theory of aging. Oxidative stress has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases. Studies have found evidence of oxidative damage to macromolecules (DNA, lipids, protein), and data in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster support the hypothesis that oxidative injury might directly cause the aging process. Additional links between oxidative stress and aging focus on mitochondria, leading to development of the mitochondrial theory of aging. However, despite the number of studies describing the association of markers of oxidative damage with advancing age, few, if any definitively link oxidative injury to altered energy production or cellular function. Although a causal role for oxidative stress in the aging process has not been clearly established, this does not preclude attempts to reduce oxidative injury as a means to reduce morbidity and perhaps increase the healthy, useful life span of an individual. This review highlights studies demonstrating enhanced oxidative stress with advancing age and stresses the importance of the balance between oxidants as mediators of disease and important components of signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Proteins represent extremely susceptible targets for oxidants. Oxidative modifications of proteins may bring about violation of their structure and functionality. It implies that the structures of proteins are not infallible in terms of their antioxidant defence. The protection mechanisms in preventing oxidative damages for proteins within cells are mainly related to a large variety of antioxidant enzymatic systems. In contrast, plasma proteins are scarcely protected by these systems, so the mechanism that provides their functioning in the conditions of generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) seems to be much more complicated. Oxidation of many proteins was long considered as a random process. However, the highly site-specific oxidation processes was convincingly demonstrated for some proteins, indicating that protein structure could be adapted to oxidation. According to our hypothesis, some of the structural elements present in proteins are capable of scavenging ROS to protect other protein structures against ROS toxicity. Various antioxidant elements (distinct subdomains, domains, regions, and polypeptide chains) may act as ROS interceptors, thus mitigating the ROS action on functionally crucial amino acid residues of proteins. In the review, the oxidative modifications of certain plasma proteins, such as α2-macroglobulin, serum human albumin, fibrinogen, and fibrin-stabilising factor, which differ drastically in their spatial structures and functions, are analysed. The arguments that demonstrate the possibility of existing hypothetical antioxidant structures are presented. For the first time, the emphasis is being placed on the programmed mechanism of protein oxidation.  相似文献   

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