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棉铃虫田间种群Bt毒素Cry1Ac抗性基因频率的估算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用改进的F1筛查法检测了2005年采自华北地区的棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)田间种群对Bt毒素Cry1Ac的抗性基因频率。2005年从河南安阳和河北沧县转Bt基因抗虫棉上采集二代棉铃虫卵,在室内用人工饲料饲养至2龄幼虫,用1 μg/cm2 的Cry1Ac活化毒素进行初筛,将初筛存活成虫与室内筛选的GYBT抗性品系成虫进行单对杂交,并用区分剂量(2.5 μg/cm2)对F1代进行检测。经检测,2005年河南安阳棉铃虫种群和河北沧县棉 铃虫种群对Cry1Ac抗性基因频率基本一致,分别为1.4×10-3和1.5×10-3。用毒素涂表法测定了2004、2005年采自河南安阳、河北高阳、河北沧县、新疆阿克苏和新疆沙湾棉铃虫田间种群对Cry1Ac活化毒素的敏感性水平,结果表明华北棉区与新疆内陆棉区棉铃虫种群对Cry1Ac的敏感性存在一定的地区性差异(<8倍)。总体上,我国华北棉区棉铃虫种群对Cry1Ac还未产生明显抗性,抗性基因频率处于正常水平。棉铃虫对转Bt基因抗虫棉的抗性风险依然存在,需要尽快启动全国性的早期抗性检测和预警工作。  相似文献   

采用浸叶法测定了2003年秋季、2004年春季采自广东惠州、福建福州、浙江杭州和江苏南京的小菜蛾Plutella xylostella田间种群对Cry1Aa、Cry1Ab、Cry1Ac和Cry2Aa以及Bt制剂kurstaki亚种 (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, Btk)的抗性水平。与敏感品系PHI-S相比,广东惠州田间小菜蛾种群的抗性水平最高,其对Cry1Ab和Cry1Ac的抗性分别达到了168和120倍,均为高抗水平; 对Btk制剂的抗性有47倍,达到了中抗水平;对Cry1Aa和Cry2Aa具有低水平抗性 (分别为5.8和5.6倍)。福建福州、浙江杭州和江苏南京田间小菜蛾种群抗性水平相近,对Cry1Ab和Cry1Ac具有低至中等水平抗性 (8~28倍),对Btk制剂具有低水平抗性 (3.5~7倍),对Cry1Aa和Cry2Aa还没有产生明显抗性。因此,在我国东南沿海地区要注意Btk制剂与Bt其他亚种制剂或其他生物杀虫剂轮换使用,以减小Bt制剂对小菜蛾的选择压力,延缓小菜蛾对Bt抗性的发展。  相似文献   

本实验研究了小菜蛾Plutella xylostella L.高抗Cry1Ac种群DBM1Ac-R(抗性倍数大于1000)及敏感种群DBM1Ac-S的生长发育、繁殖等生物特征情况,组建了两种群的生命表,并对其适合度进行了研究。结果表明,DBM1Ac-R的产卵量、卵历期、孵化率和化蛹率、蛹重及雌雄比(♀:♂),均显著低于DBM1Ac-S。DBM1Ac-R相对于DBM1Ac-S的相对适合度为0.5762,表明Cry1Ac抗性种群在繁殖能力上存在明显的生存劣势。  相似文献   

魏纪珍  郭予元  高希武  张涛  梁革梅 《昆虫学报》2012,55(10):1154-1160
为了防治多种鳞翅目害虫, 表达Cry1Fa的转基因玉米和棉花已在美国商业化种植。明确棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera对Cry1Fa与Cry1Ac的交互抗性及这两种杀虫蛋白之间的协同作用, 可以为表达 Cry1Fa+Cry1Ac的转双价抗虫棉花的合理应用提供依据。本实验测定了Cry1Fa对棉铃虫敏感品系(96S)及用Cry1Ac筛选的抗性品系(BtR, 抗性倍数2 194.15倍)的毒力, 发现Cry1Fa对敏感棉铃虫的毒力远低于Cry1Ac, LC50值是Cry1Ac的504.80倍; 而且抗性品系BtR对Cry1Fa存在19.98倍的交互抗性。Cry1Fa与Cry1Ac混用可以提高Cry1Fa毒杀敏感棉铃虫的效果, 尤其是Cry1Fa浓度较低时, 加入Cry1Ac, 可以显著增加Cry1Fa的毒力; 但只有加入较高浓度的Cry1Fa时才能增加Cry1Ac的毒力。由于BtR品系已经对Cry1Ac产生抗性, Cry1Ac对抗性棉铃虫的毒力明显降低; 在较高浓度的Cry1Ac中加入Cry1Fa可以显著增加棉铃虫的死亡率(P=0.0015, F=6.88, df=6), 但最高死亡率仅为58.33%。D-饱和最优试验的结果证实, Cry1Ac对于敏感棉铃虫的死亡率的影响达到显著水平(t1=13.76﹥t0.05), Cry1Ac与Cry1Fa的交互作用对毒力的影响也达到显著水平(t22=2.42﹥t0.05; t11=6.95﹥t0.05; t12=3.43﹥t0.05)。Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa对抗性棉铃虫死亡率的影响都达到显著水平(t1=3.03﹥t0.05;t2=2.59﹥t0.05), 但Cry1Ac是决定抗、 感棉铃虫死亡率的关键因素; Cry1Ac与Cry1Fa最佳浓度配比范围都是1.41~2.10 μg/cm2; 在抗性品系中, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa的交互作用不显著。所以, 尽管Cry1F+Cry1A作物扩大了杀虫谱, 但棉铃虫对这两种蛋白存在交互抗性, 而且这两种蛋白混用对治理抗Cry1Ac棉铃虫的效果不理想, 因此不建议在中国种植表达Cry1F+Cry1A的棉花。关  相似文献   

为了从离体细胞水平探讨昆虫对苏云金芽孢杆菌杀虫晶体蛋白的部分抗性机制,本文采用活化的Cry1Ac 毒素对粉纹夜蛾BTI-TN-581-4细胞连续筛选86代,获得了高水平抗性细胞,研究了其某些特性。它对Cry1c 产生了低水平的交互抗性,对低渗溶液的耐受性显著增强,双向电泳图谱表明抗性细胞膜蛋白组分发生了明显的变化。膜蛋白组分的变化可能导致了筛选细胞的耐低渗透压和抗Cry1C。  相似文献   

为了研究昆虫对Bt的抗性机制 ,以苏云金芽孢杆菌Cry1Ac活性毒素对粉纹夜蛾离体细胞连续筛选 80代 ,获得了高抗性细胞。采用DDRT PCR技术比较了该抗性细胞与非选择敏感细胞mRNA的差异 ,经反向RNA斑点印迹杂交确证了 5个片段为两种细胞的显著差异表达序列标签(ESTs)。序列分析结果表明 ,敏感细胞特有的三种ESTs都位于cDNA的非编码区 ,两种ESTs(GenBank注册号 :S1 ,CF32 2 4 1 5 ;S3,CF32 2 4 1 7)与数据库中EST没有显著同源性 ,另一种S2(GenBank注册号 :CF32 2 4 1 6)与已登录的某些昆虫的ESTs具有一定的同源性。从抗性细胞特有的R1 (GenBank注册号 :CF32 2 4 1 3)推导出的氨基酸序列与磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶有 60 %~63%的同源性 ,从抗性细胞特有的R2 (GenBank注册号 :CF32 2 4 1 4)推导出的氨基酸序列与黏蛋白类有约 30 %的同源性。这些差异表达基因可能与抗性的形成相关。  相似文献   

[目的]PxCAD1肽段可显著增强Cry1Ac的杀虫活性,探究其与Cry1Ac混合物对靶标昆虫生物学及体内酶活性的影响对明确其增效机制具有重要意义.[方法]采用叶片浸渍法,以PxCAD1肽段与Cry1Ac毒素的混合蛋白饲喂小菜蛾Plutella xylostella3龄幼虫,观察并统计小菜蛾死亡率、化蛹率和羽化率,并测定小菜蛾幼虫体体内羧酸酯酶、谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶、总蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶的变化趋势.[结果]与对照相比,处理组幼虫的死亡率显著升高,化蛹率减少,羽化率显著降低;3龄幼虫在取食PxCAD1肽段与Cry1Ac毒素混合蛋白24 h和48 h后,羧酸酯酶活性显著升高,72 h显著降低,谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶活性在24 h显著升高,48 h显著降低,72 h则无显著差异,而总蛋白酶活性仅在72 h显著低于对照,类胰蛋白酶活性在各时间点无显著变化.[结论]PxCAD1不仅对Cry1Ac具有显著增效作用,同时对小菜蛾幼虫的生长发育及体内羧酸酯酶、谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶及总蛋白酶的活性产生不利影响.该结果将有助于进一步研究中肠受体蛋白对Cry1Ac的增效机制.  相似文献   

为了监测南疆主要Bt棉区棉铃虫田间种群对Bt棉的抗性频率,分别采集库尔勒、阿克苏、泽普三地的棉铃虫单雌系,以Bt毒蛋白作为人工饲料,采用单雌系F1代法进行棉铃虫田间种群抗性个体检测.本文从库尔勒、阿克苏、泽普三地分别筛选了57个、106个、92个棉铃虫单雌系.三地棉铃虫单雌系幼虫在正常饲料和Cry1Ac饲料上的平均发育...  相似文献   

贺明霞  何康来  王振营  王新颖  李庆 《昆虫学报》2013,56(10):1135-1142
亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) 是危害玉米的重要害虫之一, 转Bt基因抗虫玉米为其防治提供了新的途径。然而, 靶标害虫产生抗性将严重阻碍Bt制剂及转Bt基因抗虫玉米的持续应用。明确害虫对转Bt基因玉米表达的毒素蛋白的抗性演化, 对于制定科学有效的抗性治理策略具有重要的理论和实际意义。本实验通过人工饲料汰选法研究了Bt Cry1Ie毒素胁迫下亚洲玉米螟的抗性发展及汰选14代的种群对其他Bt毒素(Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa)的交互抗性, 并观察了Cry1Ie蛋白胁迫对亚洲玉米螟生物学的影响。结果表明: 随着汰选压不断提高, 亚洲玉米螟种群对Cry1Ie毒素的敏感性逐渐下降。汰选14代后, 种群对Cry1Ie毒素的抗性水平提高了23倍。然而, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa对所获Cry1Ie汰选种群的毒力与对敏感种群的毒力相比没有显著差异, 说明Cry1Ie汰选没有引起亚洲玉米螟对Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa毒素产生交互抗性。同时, 与敏感种群相比, Cry1Ie汰选14代的种群幼虫平均发育历期延长5.7 d, 蛹重减轻13.7%, 单雌产卵量下降40.0%。本研究结果说明, 大面积单一种植转cry1Ie基因抗虫玉米, 可能引起亚洲玉米螟产生抗性; 亚洲玉米螟Cry1Ie抗性种群对Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa没有交互抗性, 含有cry1Ie和cry1Ab, cry1Ac或cry1F双/多基因抗虫玉米, 可作为靶标害虫抗性治理的重要策略。  相似文献   

采用双向电泳技术和肽质量指纹图谱技术分析了Bt Cry1Ac毒素筛选的粉纹夜蛾Trichoplusia ni抗性BTI-Tn-5B1-4细胞与同源敏感细胞的蛋白质组的差。用Melanie ViewerⅡ软件在抗性细胞的双向电泳图谱上检测到的平均蛋白质点数为707±25个(n=3),在敏感细胞的双向电泳图谱上检测到的平均蛋白质点数为637±19个(n=3),其中分辨率高、重复性良好的显著差异点有10余个。对其中的一个敏感细胞特有的显著差异斑点进行了肽质量指纹图谱分析,经数据库 查询表明该蛋白质与胞质外周蛋白具有同源性。  相似文献   

Plutella xylostella strain resistant (PXR) to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin was not killed at even more than 1000 μg Cry1Ac/g diet but killed by Cry1Ab at 0.5 μg/g diet. In contrast, susceptible strain (PXS) was killed by Cry1Ac at 1 μg/g diet. Cy3-labeld Cry1A(s) binding to brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) prepared from both strains were analyzed with direct binding assay. The Kd value of Cry1Aa to both BBMV was almost identical: 213.2 and 205.8 nM, and 263.5 and 265.0 nM for Cry1Ac. The highest Kd values were in Cry1Ab which showed most effective insecticidal activity in PXS and PXR, 2126 and 2463 nM, respectively. These results clearly showed that the BBMV from PXR and PXS could equally bind to Cry1Ac. The binding between BBMV and Cy3-labeled Cry1Ac was inhibited only by anti-175 kDa cadherin-like protein (CadLP) and -252 kDa protein antisera, but not by anti-120 kDa aminopeptidase. This supports that resistance in PXR resulted from the abortion of pore formation after the binding of Cry1Ac to the BBMV. And furthermore, the importance of 175K CadLP and P252 proteins in those bindings was suggested. We briefly discuss possible mechanisms of the resistance.  相似文献   

Bt toxins ingested by insect pests can bind to midgut receptors and cause death, although several steps in this process remain unclear. Multiple Bt toxin receptors have been identified in Lepidoptera, including a cadherin-like protein (CaLP), which is central to several models explaining Bt toxins’ mode of action. Mutations in the Plutella xylostella ATP-dependent binding cassette transporter C2 (Px-abcc2), rather than CaLP, are genetically linked with Bt Cry1Ac resistance. Here we expressed Px-abcc2 in Drosophila and performed larval bioassays to determine whether this protein acts as an effective Bt receptor. Cry1Ac had no effect on larvae expressing Px-abcc2 in salivary glands, yet larvae expressing Px-abcc2 in the midgut were highly susceptible to both Cry1Ac protoxin and trypsin activated toxin. Furthermore, the CaLP orthologue has been lost from the Drosophila genome, making this a useful system for investigating the role of CaLP peptides from Manduca sexta (CR12-MPED), which are known to act as Bt synergists in larval feeding assays. Drosophila larvae expressing Px-ABCC2 in the midgut were fed LD50 concentrations of Cry1Ac toxin or protoxin, plus purified CR12-MPED cloned from M. sexta or P. xylostella. The M. sexta CR12-MPED protein acted synergistically with Cry1Ac protoxin and activated toxin significantly more effectively than the P. xylostella peptide. This work demonstrates ABCC2 is the major functional Cry1Ac receptor for P. xylostella and the importance of CaLP proteins in Bt mode of action may vary between different lepidopteran species.  相似文献   

Bt毒蛋白Cry1Ac在人造土壤中对赤子爱胜蚓毒理及生化影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Bt毒素能通过转基因作物的花粉、根和残株进入土壤.为评估转基因作物对土壤动物的影响,本文模拟转基因棉的Bt毒素进入土壤的发生程度,用含不同浓度Bt毒蛋白Cry1Ac的人造土壤处理蚯蚓,测定蚯蚓存活率、重量变化及体内总蛋白含量和过氧化氢酶(CAT)、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)、谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)和纤维素酶活性.结果表明,Bt毒蛋白对蚯蚓的生物量和生理水平影响均不明显,不存在急毒性和亚致死毒性影响,对蚯蚓比较安全.  相似文献   

The insecticidal toxin gene of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is the most commonly used to develop insect‐resistant living modified organisms (LMOs). Insecticidal proteins produced in transgenic plants are released into the soil from the roots. In this study, possible effects of crystal 1Ac (Cry1Ac) protein on the soil microbial community in Korea were studied. To purify the insoluble Cry1Ac protein expressing Escherichia coli cells, we performed repeated sonication and PBS washing of the insoluble part and Cry1Ac protein was isolated in soluble form from the insoluble form using 100 mM Na2CO3 buffer (pH 9.6) without affinity bead. Also, size‐exclusion chromatography (SEC) was performed to increase the purity of the isolated Cry1Ac protein. The final protein product was identified as Cry1Ac protein through MALDI‐TOF. Insecticidal activity of Cry1Ac protein was demonstrated through the death of Plutella xylostella treated with Cry1Ac protein. Purely isolated Cry1Ac protein showed the same insecticidal activity as Cry1Ac expressed in LM crops. To investigate the change of soil microbial distribution using maize field soils treated with Cry1Ac protein, we isolated high quality metagenomic DNAs from buffer‐ and Cry1Ac protein‐treated soil groups, and analyzed the distribution of soil microorganisms through next‐generation sequencing (NGS) analysis. NGS results showed a similar microbial distribution in both buffer‐ and Cry1Ac protein‐treated samples. These results suggest a useful risk assessment method for domestic targeted insect and soil microorganisms using the Cry1Ac protein.  相似文献   

Abstract:  To monitor the resistance of field populations of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella in China to the insecticidal protein Cry1Ac, Cry1Ba and commercial formulation Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk), six representative populations of the diamondback moth were collected from Shanghai, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces of China where crucifer crop plants are intensively planted. Bioassay results showed that the populations of the diamondback moth from different locations exhibited different levels of resistance, compared with a susceptible laboratory population. The Guangdong field population was 56.15- and 21.90-fold resistant to Cry1Ac and Btk, respectively. Shanghai, Hunan, Shandong and Zhejiang populations were 37.85-, 17.24-, 10.24- and 9.41-fold resistant to Cry1Ac, respectively, but were not resistant to Btk. The Hubei population did not show resistance to Cry1Ac and Btk. Almost all tested populations were susceptible to Cry1Ba, but the Guangdong population showed some tolerance to Cry1Ba with a LC50 of 0.69  μ g/ml which was 6.17-fold higher than that of the susceptible population. The results suggested that the complex resistance patterns of field populations of P. xylostella need to be considered for expression of Bt toxin genes in genetically-engineered crop plants and commercial formulations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Changes in the frequency of Cry1Ac resistance genes and shifts in tolerance of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera , to the Cry1Ac toxin were assessed using bioassays of F1 and F2 offspring of isofemale lines from Anci County of Hebei Province (a multiple-crop system including corn, soybean, peanut, and Bt cotton) and Xiajin County of Shandong Province (an intensive Bt cotton planting area) in Northern China during 2002–2005.
2. A conservative analysis of the overall results indicated that there was a small increase in the frequency of major, non-recessive resistance genes over time.
3. The relative average development ratings [RADR – growth rate of a line on a Bt diet in proportion to the growth rate on a non-Bt (NBT) diet] of the bollworm larvae in F1 tests increased significantly from year to year, indicating a gradual trend towards higher tolerance to Cry1Ac in the field populations.
4. There were also significant positive correlations between RADR of the lines in the F1 generation and the RADR of their F2 offspring, indicating that the tolerance was genetically based.
5. Quantitative genetic simulation analysis showed that resistance of H . armigera to Bt cotton in Xiajin could evolve to a high level in 11–15 years if no effective resistance management measures are carried out.  相似文献   

Bt毒素诱导下小菜蛾实时定量PCR 内参基因的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
符伟  谢文  张卓  吴青君  王少丽  张友军 《昆虫学报》2012,55(12):1406-1412
【目的】筛选出Bt毒素诱导后的小菜蛾Plutella xylostella (L.)的实时定量PCR最适内参基因。【方法】选取核糖体18S rRNA (18S rRNA)、 肌动蛋白(ACTB)、 延伸因子(EF1)、3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)、 核糖体蛋白L32 (RPL32)、 核糖体蛋白S13 (RPS13)、 核糖体蛋白S20 (RPS20)和β-微管蛋白(TUB)基因作为候选内参基因, 以geNorm、 Normfinder和BestKeeper软件分析这8个基因在Bt毒素诱导后的小菜蛾不同品系中肠组织中的表达稳定性。并应用筛选出来的内参基因分析小菜蛾氨肽酶2(aminopeptidase N2, APN2)基因的表达水平。【结果】geNorm软件以RPS13和EF1为最稳定内参基因, NormFinder和BestKeeper软件均以RPS13和RPL32为最稳定基因。使用3种不同内参基因分析Bt毒素诱导后的小菜蛾Bt抗性和敏感品系中ANP2表达水平时, 新的内参基因EF1和传统内参基因RPL32表现了良好的稳定性, 二者作为标准化因子, ANP2表达量结果基本一致, 而使用18S rRNA作为内参基因, 却导致部分表达量分析结果有所误差。【结论】筛选出PRS13,RPL32和EF1可以作为小菜蛾某些试验条件下的内参基因, 对小菜蛾基因表达研究奠定了一定基础, 也对其他昆虫内参基因的筛选具有参考价值。  相似文献   

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