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Lee KW  Briggs JM 《Proteins》2004,54(4):693-704
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) strictly discriminate their cognate amino acids. Some aaRSs accomplish this via proofreading and editing mechanisms. Mursinna and coworkers recently reported that substituting a highly conserved threonine (T252) with an alanine within the editing domain of Escherichia coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) caused LeuRS to cleave its cognate aminoacylated leucine from tRNA(Leu) (Mursinna et al., Biochemistry 2001;40:5376-5381). To achieve atomic level insight into the role of T252 in LeuRS and the editing reaction of aaRSs, a series of molecular modeling studies including homology modeling and automated docking simulations were carried out. A 3D structure of E. coli LeuRS was constructed via homology modeling using the X-ray structure of Thermus thermophilus LeuRS as a template because the E. coli LeuRS structure is not available from X-ray or NMR studies. However, both the X-ray T. thermophilus and homology-modeled E. coli structures were used in our studies. Amino acid binding sites in the proposed editing domain, which is also called the connective polypeptide 1 (CP1) domain, were investigated by automated docking studies. The root mean square deviation (RMSD) for backbone atoms between the X-ray and homology-modeled structures was 1.18 A overall and 0.60 A for the editing (CP1) domain. Automated docking studies of a leucine ligand into the editing domain were performed for both structures: homology structure of E. coli LeuRS and X-ray structure of T. thermophilus LeuRS for comparison. The results of the docking studies suggested that there are two possible amino acid binding sites in the CP1 domain for both proteins. The first site lies near a threonine-rich region that includes the highly conserved T252 residue, which is important for amino acid discrimination. The second site is located in a flexible loop region surrounded by residues E292, A293, M295, A296, and M298. The important T252 residue is at the bottom of the first binding pocket.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases are enzymes that specifically attach amino acids to cognate tRNAs for use in the ribosomal stage of translation. For many aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, the required level of amino acid specificity is achieved either by specific hydrolysis of misactivated aminoacyl-adenylate intermediate (pre-transfer editing) or by hydrolysis of the mischarged aminoacyl-tRNA (post-transfer editing). To investigate the mechanism of post-transfer editing of alanine by prolyl-tRNA synthetase from the pathogenic bacteria Enterococcus faecalis, we used molecular modeling, molecular dynamic simulations, quantum mechanical (QM) calculations, site-directed mutagenesis of the enzyme, and tRNA modification. The results support a new tRNA-assisted mechanism of hydrolysis of misacylated Ala-tRNAPro. The most important functional element of this catalytic mechanism is the 2′-OH group of the terminal adenosine 76 of Ala-tRNAPro, which forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond with the carbonyl group of the alanine residue, strongly facilitating hydrolysis. Hydrolysis was shown by QM methods to proceed via a general acid-base catalysis mechanism involving two functionally distinct water molecules. The transition state of the reaction was identified. Amino acid residues of the editing active site participate in the coordination of substrate and both attacking and assisting water molecules, performing the proton transfer to the 3′-O atom of A76.  相似文献   

姚鹏  王恩多 《生命科学》2008,20(4):667-672
氨基酰.tRNA合成酶(aaRS)催化tRNA的氨基酰化反应,为生物体内蛋白质合成提供原料。许多aaRS为保持蛋白质翻译的精确性,在进化的选择压力下产生了编校功能。近年来,人们越来越多关注aaRS编校功能同人类健康之间的关系。在过去的几年中,对于aaRS编校功能缺陷在细胞内的生理效应,与疾病发生的关系和以编校活性位点作为药靶设计、开发新型抗生素的研究中取得了重要的进展。  相似文献   

Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (AsnRS) is a member of the class-II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, and is responsible for catalyzing the specific aminoacylation of tRNA(Asn) with asparagine. Here, the crystal structure of AsnRS from Pyrococcus horikoshii, complexed with asparaginyl-adenylate (Asn-AMP), was determined at 1.45 A resolution, and those of free AsnRS and AsnRS complexed with an Asn-AMP analog (Asn-SA) were solved at 1.98 and 1.80 A resolutions, respectively. All of the crystal structures have many solvent molecules, which form a network of hydrogen-bonding interactions that surrounds the entire AsnRS molecule. In the AsnRS/Asn-AMP complex (or the AsnRS/Asn-SA), one side of the bound Asn-AMP (or Asn-SA) is completely covered by the solvent molecules, which complement the binding site. In particular, two of these water molecules were found to interact directly with the asparagine amide and carbonyl groups, respectively, and to contribute to the formation of a pocket highly complementary to the asparagine side-chain. Thus, these two water molecules appear to play a key role in the strict recognition of asparagine and the discrimination against aspartic acid by the AsnRS. This water-assisted asparagine recognition by the AsnRS strikingly contrasts with the fact that the aspartic acid recognition by the closely related aspartyl-tRNA synthetase is achieved exclusively through extensive interactions with protein amino acid residues. Furthermore, based on a docking model of AsnRS and tRNA, a single arginine residue (Arg83) in the AsnRS was postulated to be involved in the recognition of the third position of the tRNA(Asn) anticodon (U36). We performed a mutational analysis of this particular arginine residue, and confirmed its significance in the tRNA recognition.  相似文献   

Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS) has been studied extensively by mutational and structural analyses to elucidate its catalytic mechanism. TyrRS has the HIGH and KMSKS motifs that catalyze the amino acid activation with ATP. In the present study, the crystal structures of the Escherichia coli TyrRS catalytic domain, in complexes with l-tyrosine and a l-tyrosyladenylate analogue, Tyr-AMS, were solved at 2.0A and 2.7A resolution, respectively. In the Tyr-AMS-bound structure, the 2'-OH group and adenine ring of the Tyr-AMS are strictly recognized by hydrogen bonds. This manner of hydrogen-bond recognition is conserved among the class I synthetases. Moreover, a comparison between the two structures revealed that the KMSKS loop is rearranged in response to adenine moiety binding and hydrogen-bond formation, and the KMSKS loop adopts the more compact ("semi-open") form, rather than the flexible, open form. The HIGH motif initially recognizes the gamma-phosphate, and then the alpha and gamma-phosphates of ATP, with a slight rearrangement of the residues. The other residues around the substrate also accommodate the Tyr-AMS. This induced-fit form presents a novel "snapshot" of the amino acid activation step in the aminoacylation reaction by TyrRS. The present structures and the T.thermophilus TyrRS ATP-free and bound structures revealed that the extensive induced-fit conformational changes of the KMSKS loop and the local conformational changes within the substrate binding site form the basis for driving the amino acid activation step: the KMSKS loop adopts the open form, transiently shifts to the semi-open conformation according to the adenosyl moiety binding, and finally assumes the rigid ATP-bound, closed form. After the amino acid activation, the KMSKS loop adopts the semi-open form again to accept the CCA end of tRNA for the aminoacyl transfer reaction.  相似文献   

An analogue of isoleucyl-adenylate (Ile-AMS) potently inhibits the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetases (IleRSs) from the three primary kingdoms, whereas the antibiotic mupirocin inhibits only the eubacterial and archaeal IleRSs, but not the eukaryotic enzymes, and therefore is clinically used against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. We determined the crystal structures of the IleRS from the thermophilic eubacterium, Thermus thermophilus, in complexes with Ile-AMS and mupirocin at 3.0- and 2.5-A resolutions, respectively. A structural comparison of the IleRS.Ile-AMS complex with the adenylate complexes of other aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases revealed the common recognition mode of aminoacyl-adenylate by the class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The Ile-AMS and mupirocin, which have significantly different chemical structures, are recognized by many of the same amino acid residues of the IleRS, suggesting that the antibiotic inhibits the enzymatic activity by blocking the binding site of the high energy intermediate, Ile-AMP. In contrast, the two amino acid residues that concomitantly recognize Ile-AMS and mupirocin are different between the eubacterial/archaeal IleRSs and the eukaryotic IleRSs. Mutagenic analyses revealed that the replacement of the two residues significantly changed the sensitivity to mupirocin.  相似文献   

The editing domain of valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) is known to deacylate, or edit, misformed Thr-tRNA(Val) (post-transfer editing). Here, we determined the 1.7-Angstroms resolution crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus ValRS editing domain. A comparison of the structure with the previously reported tRNA complex structure revealed conformational changes of the editing domain upon accommodation of the terminal A76; the "GTG loop" moves to expand the pocket, and the side chain of Phe-264 on the GTG loop rotates to interact with the A76 adenine ring. If these conformational changes did not occur, then C75 and A76 of the tRNA would clash with Phe-264. To elucidate the mechanism of the threonine side-chain recognition, we determined the crystal structure of the editing domain bound with [N-(L-threonyl)-sulfamoyl]adenosine at 1.7-Angstroms resolution. The gamma-OH of the threonyl moiety is recognized by the Lys-270, Thr-272, and Asp-279 side chains, which may reject the cognate valyl moiety. Accordingly, ValRS mutants with an Ala substitution for Lys-270 or Asp-279 synthesized significant amounts of Thr-tRNA(Val). The misproduced Thr-tRNA(Val) was hydrolyzed efficiently by the wild-type ValRS, but this post-transfer editing activity was drastically impaired by the Ala substitutions for Lys-270 and Asp-279 and was also decreased by those for Arg-216, Phe-264, and Thr-272. These results indicate that the threonyl moiety and A76 of Thr-tRNA(Val) are recognized by the Lys-270, Thr-272, and Asp-279 side chains and by the Phe-264 side chain, respectively, of the ValRS editing domain.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are an ancient class of enzymes responsible for the matching of amino acids with anticodon sequences of tRNAs. Eukaryotic tRNA synthetases are often larger than their bacterial counterparts, and several mammalian enzymes use the additional domains to facilitate assembly into a multi-synthetase complex. Human cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (CysRS) does not associate with the multi-synthetase complex, yet contains a eukaryotic-specific C-terminal extension that follows the tRNA anticodon-binding domain. Here we show by mutational and kinetic analysis that the C-terminal extension of human CysRS is used to selectively improve recognition and binding of the anticodon sequence, such that the specificity of anticodon recognition by human CysRS is higher than that of its bacterial counterparts. However, the improved anticodon recognition is achieved at the expense of a significantly slower rate in the aminoacylation reaction, suggesting a previously unrecognized kinetic quality control mechanism. This kinetic quality control reflects an evolutionary adaptation of some tRNA synthetases to improve the anticodon specificity of tRNA aminoacylation from bacteria to humans, possibly to accommodate concomitant changes in codon usage.  相似文献   

The editing domains of the closely homologous leucyl, isoleucyl, and valyl-tRNA synthetases (LeuRS, IleRS, and ValRS, respectively) contribute to accurate aminoacylation, by hydrolyzing misformed non-cognate aminoacyl-tRNAs. The editing domain is inserted at the same point of the sequence in IleRS, ValRS, and the archaeal/eukaryal LeuRS, but at a distinct point in the bacterial LeuRS. Here, we showed that LeuRS from the archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii has editing activity against the nearly cognate isoleucine. The conserved Asp332 in the editing domain is crucial for this activity. A deletion mutant lacking the C-terminal region has only negligible aminoacylation activity, but retains the full activity of adenylate synthesis and editing. We determined the crystal structure of this editing-active, truncated form of P.horikoshii LeuRS at 2.1 A resolution. The structure revealed that it has a novel editing domain orientation. The editing domain of P.horikoshii LeuRS is rotated by approximately 180 degrees (rotational state II), with the two-beta-stranded linker untwisted by a half-turn, as compared to those in IleRS and ValRS (rotational state I). This editing domain rotational state in the archaeal LeuRS is similar to that in the bacterial LeuRS. However, because of the insertion point difference, the orientation of the editing domain relative to the enzyme core in the archaeal LeuRS differs completely from that in the bacterial LeuRS. An insertion region specific to the archaeal/eukaryal LeuRS editing domains interacts with the enzyme core and stabilizes the unique orientation. Thus, we established that there are three types of editing domain orientations relative to the enzyme core, depending on the combination of the editing domain insertion point (i or ii) and the rotational state (I or II): [i, I] for IleRS and ValRS, [ii, II] for the bacterial LeuRS, and now [i, II] for the archaeal/eukaryal LeuRS.  相似文献   

Imino 15N and 1H resonances of Escherichia coli tRNAlIle were observed in the absence and presence of E coli isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. Upon complex formation of tRNAlIle with isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, some imino 15N-1H resonances disappeared, and some others were significantly broadened and/or shifted in the 1H chemical shift, while the others were observed at the same 15H-1H chemical shifts. It was indicated that the binding of tRNAlIle with IleRS affect the following four regions: the anticodon stem, the junction of the acceptor and T stems, the middle of the D stem, and the region where the tertiary base pair connects the T, D, and extra loops. This result is consistent with those of chemical footprinting and site-directed mutagenesis studies. Taken together, these three independent results reveal the recognition mechanism of tRNAlIle by IleRS: IleRS recognizes all the identity determinants distributed throughout the tRNAlIle molecule, which induces changes in the secondary and tertiary structures of tRNAlIle.  相似文献   

Siderophores are conditionally essential metabolites used by microbes for environmental iron sequestration. Most Streptomyces strains produce hydroxamate-based desferrioxamine (DFO) siderophores composed of repeating units of N1-hydroxy-cadaverine (or N1-hydroxy-putrescine) and succinate. The DFO biosynthetic operon, desABCD, is highly conserved in Streptomyces; however, expression of desABCD alone does not account for the vast structural diversity within this natural product class. Here, we report the in vitro reconstitution and biochemical characterization of four DesD orthologs from Streptomyces strains that produce unique DFO siderophores. Under in vitro conditions, all four DesD orthologs displayed similar saturation steady-state kinetics (Vmax = 0.9–2.5 μM⋅min−1) and produced the macrocyclic trimer DFOE as the favored product, suggesting a conserved role for DesD in the biosynthesis of DFO siderophores. We further synthesized a structural mimic of N1-hydroxy-N1-succinyl-cadaverine (HSC)-acyl-adenylate, the HSC-acyl sulfamoyl adenosine analog (HSC-AMS), and obtained crystal structures of DesD in the ATP-bound, AMP/PPi-bound, and HSC-AMS/Pi-bound forms. We found HSC-AMS inhibited DesD orthologs (IC50 values = 48–53 μM) leading to accumulation of linear trimeric DFOG and di-HSC at the expense of macrocyclic DFOE. Addition of exogenous PPi enhanced DesD inhibition by HSC-AMS, presumably via stabilization of the DesD–HSC-AMS complex, similar to the proposed mode of adenylate stabilization where PPi remains buried in the active site. In conclusion, our data suggest that acyl-AMS derivatives may have utility as chemical probes and bisubstrate inhibitors to reveal valuable mechanistic and structural insight for this unique family of adenylating enzymes.  相似文献   

Pyrrolysine (Pyl) is co-translationally inserted into a subset of proteins in the Methanosarcinaceae and in Desulfitobacterium hafniense programmed by an in-frame UAG stop codon. Suppression of this UAG codon is mediated by the Pyl amber suppressor tRNA, tRNA(Pyl), which is aminoacylated with Pyl by pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase (PylRS). We compared the behavior of several archaeal and bacterial PylRS enzymes towards tRNA(Pyl). Equilibrium binding analysis revealed that archaeal PylRS proteins bind tRNA(Pyl) with higher affinity (K(D)=0.1-1.0 microM) than D. hafniense PylRS (K(D)=5.3-6.9 microM). In aminoacylation the archaeal PylRS enzymes did not distinguish between archaeal and bacterial tRNA(Pyl) species, while the bacterial PylRS displays a clear preference for the homologous cognate tRNA. We also show that the amino-terminal extension present in archaeal PylRSs is dispensable for in vitro activity, but required for PylRS function in vivo.  相似文献   

The aminoacylation of tRNA catalysed by valyl-tRNA synthetase (EC and isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (EC fromMycobacterium smegmatis is dependent on the presence of divalent metal ions. Polyamines alone, in the absence of metal ions, do not bring about aminoacylation. In the presence of suboptimal concentrations of Mg2+, polyamines significantly stimulate the reaction. Of the cations tested, only Mn2+, Co2+ and Ca2+ can partially substitute for Mg2+ in aminoacylation, and spermine stimulates aminoacylation in the presence of these cations also. At neutral pH, spermine deacylates nonenzymatically aminoacyl tRNA. AMP and pyrophosphate-dependent enzymatic deacylation of aminoacyl-tRNA (reverse reaction) is also stimulated by spermine. The inhibitory effect of high concentration of KC1 on aminoacylation is counteracted, by spermine. The low level of activity between pH 8.5–9.0 at 1.2 mM Mg2+ is restored to normal level on the addition of spermine. The inhibitory effect of high pH on aminoacylation in the presence of low concentration of Mg2+ is also prevntedvby spemine.  相似文献   

In the 2.7-A resolution crystal structure of methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) in complex with tRNA(Met) and a methionyl-adenylate analog, the tRNA anticodon loop is distorted to form a triple-base stack comprising C34, A35 and A38. A tryptophan residue stacks on C34 to extend the triple-base stack. In addition, C34 forms Watson-Crick-type hydrogen bonds with Arg357. This structure resolves the longstanding question of how MetRS specifically recognizes tRNA(Met).  相似文献   

Glutamyl-tRNA synthetases (GluRSs) are divided into two distinct types, with regard to the presence or absence of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS) in the genetic translation systems. In the original 19-synthetase systems lacking GlnRS, the 'non-discriminating' GluRS glutamylates both tRNAGlu and tRNAGln. In contrast, in the evolved 20-synthetase systems with GlnRS, the 'discriminating' GluRS aminoacylates only tRNAGlu. Here we report the 2.4 A resolution crystal structure of a 'discriminating' GluRS.tRNAGlu complex from Thermus thermophilus. The GluRS recognizes the tRNAGlu anticodon bases via two alpha-helical domains, maintaining the base stacking. We show that the discrimination between the Glu and Gln anticodons (34YUC36 and 34YUG36, respectively) is achieved by a single arginine residue (Arg 358). The mutation of Arg 358 to Gln resulted in a GluRS that does not discriminate between the Glu and Gln anticodons. This change mimics the reverse course of GluRS evolution from anticodon 'non-dicsriminating' to 'discriminating'.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, a group of enzymes catalyzing aminoacyl-tRNA formation, may possess inherent editing activity to clear mistakes arising through the selection of non-cognate amino acid. It is generally assumed that both editing substrates, non-cognate aminoacyl-adenylate and misacylated tRNA, are hydrolyzed at the same editing domain, distant from the active site. Here, we present the first example of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (seryl-tRNA synthetase) that naturally lacks an editing domain, but possesses a hydrolytic activity toward non-cognate aminoacyl-adenylates. Our data reveal that tRNA-independent pre-transfer editing may proceed within the enzyme active site without shuttling the non-cognate aminoacyl-adenylate intermediate to the remote editing site.  相似文献   

To ensure fidelity of translation, several aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) possess editing capability to hydrolyse mis-aminoacylated tRNAs. In this report, based on our previously-modelled structure of leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) complexed with valyl-tRNALeu, further structural modelling has been performed along with molecular dynamics simulations. This enabled the identification of the nucleophile, which is different from that suggested by the crystal structure of the LeuRS • Nva2AA complex. Our results revealed that the 3′ hydroxyl group of A76 acts as a “gate” to regulate the accessibility of the nucleophile; thus, the opening of the gate leads to the productive complex for the reaction.  相似文献   

Aromatic amino acids are protein building blocks and precursors to a number of plant natural products, such as the structural polymer lignin and a variety of medicinally relevant compounds. Plants make tyrosine and phenylalanine by a different pathway from many microbes; this pathway requires prephenate aminotransferase (PAT) as the key enzyme. Prephenate aminotransferase produces arogenate, the unique and immediate precursor for both tyrosine and phenylalanine in plants, and also has aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) activity. The molecular mechanisms governing the substrate specificity and activation or inhibition of PAT are currently unknown. Here we present the X‐ray crystal structures of the wild‐type and various mutants of PAT from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPAT). Steady‐state kinetic and ligand‐binding analyses identified key residues, such as Glu108, that are involved in both keto acid and amino acid substrate specificities and probably contributed to the evolution of PAT activity among class Ib AAT enzymes. Structures of AtPAT mutants co‐crystallized with either α‐ketoglutarate or pyridoxamine 5′‐phosphate and glutamate further define the molecular mechanisms underlying recognition of keto acid and amino acid substrates. Furthermore, cysteine was identified as an inhibitor of PAT from A. thaliana and Antirrhinum majus plants as well as the bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, uncovering a potential new effector of PAT.  相似文献   

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