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本文介绍河南新密李家沟遗址发现的石制品, 并进行简要讨论。该遗址包含了从旧石器时代晚期一直到新石器时代多个文化阶段的遗存。石器工业在不同文化阶段表现出不同的特点。除了旧石器晚期较早阶段的石片石器组合和旧石器时代晚期之末的细石器组合之外, 还在新石器早期文化乃至裴李岗文化阶段的文化遗存中发现数量较多的打制石器。其中最值得关注的是与典型细石器共存的磨刃石锛与陶片。通过对石制品的初步观察可知, 打制石器并不只存在于旧石器时代, 而是延续到新石器早期甚至可能裴李岗文化时期, 打制石器仍然在继续使用。这种情况说明, 李家沟以及中原地区旧、新石器时代的石器工具的变化过渡是一种逐渐变化的过程。  相似文献   

老鸦洞遗址是贵州省毕节市七星关区一处旧石器时代晚期遗址,该遗址上世纪80年代被发现并发掘,出土大量石制品及动物碎骨。由于种种原因,这批出土材料始终未被系统研究,老鸦洞遗址仅在有限的文献内被简单描述。为进一步研究该遗址,明确遗址文化及年代性质,我们对1985年试掘出土以及1983、1984年采集的部分的石制品进行了类型学及技术学分析,并以此为基础对遗址及所属人群进行了讨论。老鸦洞存在的石器技术属于我国境内典型的旧石器时代晚期小石片石器传统类型,以本地丰富的燧石和石灰岩为主要原料制作生产生活工具,石片形制规整,小型工具如刮削器、端刮器、尖状器等制作精美,在长达三万年的时间跨度中,石器技术无重大改变。这种对本地石料的采集方式,以及以洞穴为主要居住地点,长期在有限空间内活动的特征,表达了云贵高原古人类特有的低流动性生存模式,为探讨云贵高原更新世末期古人类的生存行为及扩散辐射提供了良好证据。  相似文献   

在青磁窑旧石器遗址中发现了石制品近1000件,哺乳动物化石8种。遗址的地质时代为中更新世晚期,文化上属旧石器时代早期的后一阶段。这是大同市首次发现的旧石器时代早期文化遗址。  相似文献   

陈君  王頠  李大伟  廖卫 《人类学学报》2017,36(4):527-536
对广西田东中山遗址洞外岩厦出土动物骨骼遗存的研究表明,该批动物遗存至少代表39个属种。中山遗址原始居民以此地作为居住地,会到远处进行狩猎,其生业模式以狩猎为主;对骨骼的利用尚处在初级阶段,未发现精细的加工方式。动物骨骼遗存均来自野生动物,原始居民未开始饲养家畜。当时的中山遗址地处以林缘灌丛、低山森林景观为主的山间盆地中,不远处有成片的草地,并分布着一定面积的水域。这些信息对探讨中国华南地区旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代早期人类的生存行为、生境状况及演化特征等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对广西田东中山遗址洞外岩厦出土动物骨骼遗存的研究表明,该批动物遗存至少代表39个属种。中山遗址原始居民以此地作为居住地,会到远处进行狩猎,其生业模式以狩猎为主;对骨骼的利用尚处在初级阶段,未发现精细的加工方式。动物骨骼遗存均来自野生动物,原始居民未开始饲养家畜。当时的中山遗址地处以林缘灌丛、低山森林景观为主的山间盆地中,不远处有成片的草地,并分布着一定面积的水域。这些信息对探讨中国华南地区旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代早期人类的生存行为、生境状况及演化特征等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

黄河上游拉乙亥中石器时代遗址发掘报告   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用动物骨骼,测得拉乙亥遗址的C~(14)年代为距今6745±85年,接近中原地区的新石器时代遗址的时代。但是,在出土的文化遗物中,未发现陶器和磨光石器等新石器时代的典型标志,而且遗址埋藏于较高阶地的堆积物中,发现的大量打制石器与华北旧石器时代晚期的石制品非常相似。这个遗址的发现为研究西北地区的文化发展史提出了新的问题。  相似文献   

朝阳洞遗址是天津市首个发掘的旧石器时代洞穴遗址。该遗址在2015年旧石器专项调查中发现。2019年7-9月,天津市文化遗产保护中心联合吉林大学考古学院对其进行发掘。该遗址由1号地点和2号地点组成,1号地点出土了陶器、石制品和动物化石,2号地点仅出土了石制品。本文只研究2号地点出土的石制品,包括石片和石器。从石片特征判断,2号地点剥片技术为直接锤击法。石器的类型简单,只有刮削器和凹缺器两类,均以石片为毛坯。通过地质地层对比以及石器工业面貌,推测其年代应为旧石器时代晚期。朝阳洞遗址的发现不仅为构建天津地区旧石器时代的年代序列增添了新材料,而且对揭示该地区的早期人类行为具有重要意义。  相似文献   

广东省东兴各族自治县发现旧石器今年七、八月间,广东省文化局与湛江专署文教局合办的文物博物馆干部训练班,在广东东兴各族自治县境内发现了二处旧石器时代晚期的文化遗址。这二处遗址,相距约8里,都位于“珍珠港”的附近;堆积物分上下两层,上层为新石器时代,下层为晚期的旧石器时代。在下层的堆积里,找到了约百余件用石核打制而成的石器。其中的一件,和早先  相似文献   

本文根据最近发掘所获资料,对万寿岩山船帆洞旧石器时代晚期遗址洞穴的形成过程、洞内地层划分以及与洞外沉积物关系等问题进行初步探讨。提出:船帆洞洞穴的发育明显与区域性断裂及岩体的剪切节理有关;洞内经历数次堆积和冲刷;依岩性、地层关系和哺乳动物化石组合,洞内堆积物可分为Ⅰ(中更新世晚期)、Ⅱ(晚更新世早期)、Ⅲ(晚更新世晚期)和Ⅳ(全新世)4个地层单元。  相似文献   

佛洞地遗址位于云南省临沧市耿马傣族佤族自治县勐简乡勐简村大军赛村民小组燕子洞,坐落于一处东南开口的二叠纪灰岩穿洞,南临南汀河。2016~2017年,临沧市文物管理所在公路考古调勘期间发现该遗址;为进一步认识滇西地区旧石器时代晚期文化,2017~2018年对该遗址开展考古发掘工作。发掘区域位于洞内第四台面到第五台面间,共发掘20 m2,出土了包括石制品、动植物化石等在内的大量遗物。初步地层年代学分析显示,遗址时代为距今18400~14000年,共包含3期连续文化,文化遗物以石制品为主,总数达到9735件。佛洞地遗址作为一处热带-亚热带生境下的史前遗址,为我们构建旧石器时代晚期滇西地区文化序列、探讨特定自然生态背景下史前人类的文化适应提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

李强  葛琴雅  潘晓轩  王宇  朱旭东  郭宏  潘皎 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1371-1378
古代岩画和壁画是人类文明发展历史进程的重要记录,具有极高的历史价值、艺术价值及科学价值,但他们无时无刻不受到环境因素引起的物理、化学及生物的劣化作用。近年,有关微生物对古代岩/壁画的危害逐渐受到关注。阐述了世界一些著名的岩/壁画文物的微生物的研究进展,如法国拉斯科洞穴岩画(Lascaux Cave)、西班牙阿尔塔米拉洞穴岩画(Altamira Cave)、敦煌石窟壁画、嘉峪关魏晋墓壁画以及我国东北地区公元5世纪的墓葬壁画等。通过对以上所述岩画和壁画微生物群落的分析比较,发现主要的细菌群落是变形菌门和放线菌门,放线菌门以假诺卡氏菌为主。真菌群落主要以虫生真菌为主。进一步分析了岩画和壁画微生物病害的共性和区别,揭示了洞穴、墓室等特殊环境下的微生物群落特点,为防治古代岩/壁画微生物病害提供了以下借鉴。  相似文献   

贵州以更新世洞穴遗址发育在我国古人类学和旧石器时代考古学领域占有重要地位。本文对近年来贵州中部和西南部洞穴遗址的调查发现进行报道。新发现的9处洞穴遗址均分布在珠江水系的盘江流域,文化遗物主要为石制品。黔中遗址的石制品原料主要为燧石和硅质灰岩,而黔西南石制品原料多以河流成因的石英岩砾石居多;剥片技术主要为锤击法;黔中石制品的个体较小,而黔西南石制品的个体相对较大;石器组合以刮削器占多数。区域对比显示这些遗址的年代大致在距今3万年后的更新世末期至全新世初期。本次调查丰富了更新世末期古人类在贵州的活动信息,其中惠水清水苑大洞、长顺马路大洞和安龙路边大洞具有较大的工作前景。  相似文献   


Homing behaviour in the New Zealand long‐tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus), a temperate insectivorous species, was investigated at Grand Canyon Cave, central North Island. A pilot study of nine adult male bats was conducted to determine whether use of the cave was regular enough for a homing study. Eight bats returned to the cave over the 3‐week monitoring period, six on the night following release. Nine additional bats carrying radio transmitters were then released at three sites (three at each site) c. 5, 10 and 20 km due east of the cave; sites estimated to be located within, on the border of, and outside the population's known familiar area respectively. All but one of these nine bats were subsequently detected at the cave. Results suggest that adult long‐tailed bats are able to return home following displacement both inside and outside their familiar area. Implications of these findings for translocations of bats and the possession of a potential long‐distance navigation system by this species are discussed.  相似文献   

Caves are commonly the home of diverse microbial biotas, the sites of active mineral precipitation, and/or receptacles for the deposition of sediment. Mineral precipitation is commonly considered to be abiogenic despite the fact that microbes are present in caves, especially in the twilight zone. Detailed analysis of cave substrates from a geological perspective shows that microbes can mediate constructive (microbe calcification, trapping and binding, mediation of crystal growth) and destructive (substrate etching and breakdown) processes. Potentially these processes can significantly influence the formation and preservation of any cave deposit. Preservation of microbes is possible if mineralization takes place while the microbe is alive or shortly after its demise. If not, all record of the microbe will be lost to decay. Even if the microbes are preserved, it may be difficult to determine if they played an active or passive role in the formation of the deposits in which they are entombed. For old cave deposits, such an assessment must rely on spatial relationships and comparison of textures with those known to form as a result of microbial activity. Nevertheless, available evidence indicates that microbes can play a major role in the formation and modification of cave deposits. Equally, however, it is apparent that the full scope and impact of microbial activity on cave deposits has yet to be realized. Recognition of microbial activity in old CaCO 3 cave deposits relies on (1) documentation and recognition of mineralized microbes, (2) recognition of stromatolitic structures that formed through microbial activity, and/or (3) the identification of fabrics/textures that are known to be indicative of microbial activity. All of these criteria fundamentally rely on the interpretation of fabrics preserved in the cave deposits. Virtually all of these interpretations are open to debate.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean monk seal gives birth almost exclusively in coastal caves. Given its critical conservation status, the identification and protection of such sites is important for the survival of the species. From 1990 to 2004 we collected data on physical and environmental variables and monitored pupping events in thirty-four coastal caves in Greece. We modeled the probability of cave occupancy as a function of the properties of each cave. Model selection and model averaging enabled us to rank the variables that influenced use of potential pupping sites. Environmental variables related to cave seclusion, substrate, and degree of protection from wind and wave action were the most important among them. The relative importance and directions of these relationships confirm the long-standing assumption that Mediterranean monk seals require sheltered pupping sites, far from sources of human disturbance and thus are progressively limited to isolated parts of the country's coastline. We used cross-validation to examine the predictive ability of our analysis and quantified the sensitivity of our predictions to the degree of extrapolation. We conclude that, although more data are required, the model is capable of predicting occupancy for caves close to the middle of the environmental space examined in this study.  相似文献   

Papionin monkeys are widespread, relatively common members of Plio‐Pleistocene faunal assemblages across Africa. For these reasons, papionin taxa have been used as biochronological indicators by which to infer the ages of the South African karst cave deposits. A recent morphometric study of South African fossil papionin muzzle shape concluded that its variation attests to a substantial and greater time depth for these sites than is generally estimated. This inference is significant, because accurate dating of the South African cave sites is critical to our knowledge of hominin evolution and mammalian biogeographic history. We here report the results of a comparative analysis of extant papionin monkeys by which variability of the South African fossil papionins may be assessed. The muzzles of 106 specimens representing six extant papionin genera were digitized and interlandmark distances were calculated. Results demonstrate that the overall amount of morphological variation present within the fossil assemblage fits comfortably within the range exhibited by the extant sample. We also performed a statistical experiment to assess the limitations imposed by small sample sizes, such as typically encountered in the fossil record. Results suggest that 15 specimens are sufficient to accurately represent the population mean for a given phenotype, but small sample sizes are insufficient to permit the accurate estimation of the population standard deviation, variance, and range. The suggestion that the muzzle morphology of fossil papionins attests to a considerable and previously unrecognized temporal depth of the South African karst cave sites is unwarranted. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

山西和顺当城旧石器时代洞穴遗址群初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴志清  孙炳亮 《人类学学报》1989,8(1):38-48,,T001,
山西和顺当城旧石器时代洞穴遗址群出土了三千余件石制品,23种哺乳动物化石,两块人类顶骨。根据动物化石及^14C同位素年代测定;时代为晚更新世或旧石器时代晚期,该遗址群的发现,对于研究华北地区古人类及各旧石器文化间的关系,提供了新材料。  相似文献   

Until recently the recovery of plant remains in Croatia was rare, resulting in few studies addressing the nature of Neolithic crop cultivation. This paper presents new archaeobotanical data from eleven Neolithic settlements in coastal and continental Croatia. Within continental Croatia, three sites dating to the Star?evo culture (early/middle Neolithic; ca. 6000–5300 cal bc) and six to the Sopot culture (late Neolithic; ca. 5300–4000 cal bc) are examined along with two Hvar culture sites (late Neolithic; ca. 4800–4000 cal bc) located along the coast. Different settlement types are included in the study: open air sites, tells and cave sites. From the data collected the most common crops identified were einkorn, emmer, barley, lentil, pea and flax, as well as the fruits Cornus mas (Cornelian cherry) and Physalis alkekengi (Chinese lantern), which were particularly dominant in the Sopot culture settlements. By examining formation processes, sieved crop processing products and by-products were identified at six of the sites, suggesting that cereals were processed on a day-to-day basis at the household level. In contrast, the remains from the late Neolithic coastal cave site of Turska Pe? suggest two distinct formation processes. At the eastern side of the cave the plant remains suggest that episodes of dung burning occurred, possibly to clear the cave of excess waste during seasonal habitation of the cave by herders and livestock. Towards the back of the cave, cereal remains and higher charcoal densities may suggest an area used for food preparation or cooking.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA studies have revolutionized the study of extinct species and populations, providing insights on phylogeny, phylogeography, admixture and demographic history. However, inferences on behaviour and sociality have been far less frequent. Here, we investigate the complete mitochondrial genomes of extinct Late Pleistocene cave bears and middle Holocene brown bears that each inhabited multiple geographically proximate caves in northern Spain. In cave bears, we find that, although most caves were occupied simultaneously, each cave almost exclusively contains a unique lineage of closely related haplotypes. This remarkable pattern suggests extreme fidelity to their birth site in cave bears, best described as homing behaviour, and that cave bears formed stable maternal social groups at least for hibernation. In contrast, brown bears do not show any strong association of mitochondrial lineage and cave, suggesting that these two closely related species differed in aspects of their behaviour and sociality. This difference is likely to have contributed to cave bear extinction, which occurred at a time in which competition for caves between bears and humans was likely intense and the ability to rapidly colonize new hibernation sites would have been crucial for the survival of a species so dependent on caves for hibernation as cave bears. Our study demonstrates the potential of ancient DNA to uncover patterns of behaviour and sociality in ancient species and populations, even those that went extinct many tens of thousands of years ago.  相似文献   

Until recently, cave bears were believed to have only inhabited Europe. However, recent morphological evidence suggests that cave bears' geographic range extended as far east as Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberia. These Asian cave bears were morphologically distinct from European cave bears. However, how they related to European lineages remains unclear, stressing the need to assess the phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationship between Asian cave bears and their European relatives. In this work, we address this issue using a 227 base-pair fragment of the mitochondrial control region obtained from nine fossil bone samples from eight sites from the Urals, Caucasus, Altai Mountains, Ukraine and Yana River region in Eastern Siberia. Results of the phylogenetic analyses indicate that (i) the cave bear from the Yana River is most closely related to cave bears from the Caucasus region; (ii) the Caucasus/Yana group of bears is genetically very distinct from both European cave bears and brown bears, suggesting that these bears could represent an independent species; and (iii) the Western European cave bear lineage reached at least temporarily to the Altai Mountains, 7000 km east of their known centre of distribution. These results suggest that the diversity of cave bears was greater than previously believed, and that they could survive in a much wider range of ecological conditions than previously assumed. They also agree with recent studies on other extinct and extant species, such as wolves, hyenas and steppe bison, which have also revealed higher genetic and ecological diversity in Pleistocene populations than previously known.  相似文献   

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