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Summary A protocol for rapid in vitro propagation using nodal explants obtained from 2-yr-old, field-grown medicinal plants of Plumbago zeylanica L. belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae is described. High frequency bud break and fast development of shoots were induced on Murashige and Skoog's basal medium supplemented with 27.2 μM adenine sulfate +2.46 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Induction of rooting was achieved by transferring the shoots to the same basal medium containing 4.92 μM IBA. Using our protocol from one twig of P. zeylanica (eight responsive nodes per explant shoot) within a period of 5 mo., eight plantlets could be raised. After a hardening period of 4 wk, there was a 90% transplantation success in the field compared to the 60–65% survival of plantlets recorded in the experiments of previous workers. The plantlets derived through in vitro propagation mimic the growth and morphological characteristics of the donor plants.  相似文献   

Summary Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis of Plumbago zeylanica were studied using isolated megasporocytes, megaspores, and embryo sacs labeled with Hoechst 33258 for nuclear and organellar (presumably plastid) DNA. Megasporogenesis conforms to the tetrasporic Plumbago type, producing a coenomegaspore with four megaspore nuclei. Organeller DNA is polarized in the micropylar end of the coenomegaspore and embryo sac, reflecting the site of egg cell formation. The three remaining nuclei are somewhat displaced to the chalazal pole, producing a variable number of accessory cells and a 4N secondary central cell nucleus. Ultimately, the mature embryo sac consists of two to five cells including an egg cell, a central cell, zero to two lateral cells, and zero to one antipodal cell depending on the degeneration of the lateral or chalazal nuclei during megagametogenesis.  相似文献   

Plumbago zeylanica is a unique model for studying flowering plant gametogenesis, heterospermy, and preferential fertilization, yet understanding the control of related molecular mechanisms is impossible without efficient and reproducible regeneration and stable genetic transformation. We found three key factors for enhancing successful regeneration: (1) tissue source of explants, (2) combination and concentration of growth regulators, and (3) culture conditions. The highest frequency of shoot regeneration was achieved using hypocotyl segments cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with BA 2.0 mg/l, NAA 0.75 mg/l, adenine 50 mg/l and 10% (v/v) coconut milk under subdued light at 25±2°C; under these conditions, each hypocotyl segment produced over 30 shoots, arising primarily through direct organogenesis after 3 weeks of culture. Regenerated shoots rooted easily on half-strength basal MS medium and were successfully established in the greenhouse. Using this tissue culture protocol, reporter gene GUS under the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter was introduced into P. zeylanica cells of petiole, cotyledon and hypocotyl with A. tumefaciens strains AGL1 and LBA4404. Transient expression was observed in all recipient tissues. Stable transgenic calli originating from petiole were obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Cell plate formation inChara zeylanica was compared with recent models of cytokinesis in higher plants in order to gain insight into the evolutionary origin of plant cytokinetic processes. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals that while cytokinesis inC. zeylanica bears many features in common with that in higher plants, there are significant differences. Unlike that in higher plants, cytokinesis inC. zeylanica begins with a congregation of smooth membrane tubules that are closely associated with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi membranes. Mitochondria and other organelles excluded by the phragmoplast in higher plants are present as well. Unlike in higher plants, phragmoplast microtubules persist throughout cytokinesis inC. zeylanica, and the cell plate generally forms across the whole cell at once, though development is patchy, due to small regions developing at different rates; the ends of the plate form last. By identifying aspects of cytokinesis that are different inC. zeylanica and plants, our study indicates which cytokinetic features are more likely to be derived, and which are more likely to be ancestral. In addition, we demonstrated that all nodal cells ofC. zeylanica are interconnected via plasmodesmata, lending support to the idea that, whileChara spp. are generally considered to be filamentous organisms, nodal regions may be thought of as meristemlike tissues.Abbreviations HPF high-pressure freezing - KFe potassium ferricyanide - SCF stepwise chemical fixation - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   

Summary The fate of plastid and mitochondrial nucleoids (pt and mt nucleoids) ofTriticum aestivum was followed during the reproductive organ formation using fluorescence microscopy after staining with 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). This investigation showed a drastic morphological change of pt nucleoids during the differentiation of reproductive organs from the shoot apex. Dot-shaped pt nucleoids grew into ring-shaped ones, which divided into small pieces in the monocellular pollen grain, as observed in this plant's earlier stage of leaf development. During the development of mature pollen grain from monocellular pollen grain, pt and/or mt nucleoids disappeared through the division of the male generative cell ofT. aestivum. Cytologically, this observation is direct evidence of the maternal inheritance of higher plants. Thus far, cytological evidence of this phenomenon has been found mostly by morphological criteria using electron microscopy, which admits some ambiguity. In the plants exemplified byLilium longiflorum, pt and/or mt nucleoids disappeared after the first pollen grain mitosis, which precededT. aestivum. In the plants exemplified byTrifolium repens, pt and/or mt nucleoids existed in the generative cells of the mature pollen grain.The significance of these observations was discussed in relation to the interaction between nuclear and organelle genomes during plant development.Abbreviations DAPI 4'6 diamidino-2-phenylindole - Mt DNA Mitochondrial DNA - Mt nucleoid Mitochondrial nucleoid - Pt DNA Plastid DNA - Pt nucleoid Plastid nucleoid On leave from Department of Biology, Nagoya University, Furocho, Chikusaku, Nagoya 464, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Ornithogalum virens is a bicellular pollen species. In mature pollen, the generative nucleus is at advanced prophase. Mitosis of the generative cell is resumed just after pollen rehydration and prometaphase occurs within 10 min of germination. Prometaphase is manifested by nuclear envelope breakdown and the appearance of spindle microtubules in the nucleoplasm region. At this stage the number of cytoplasmic microtubules located in the generative cell periphery appears to decrease. Endoplasmic reticulum-like cisternae originating from the nuclear envelope tend to be spaced around the chromosomes, outside the area of the forming mitotic spindle. Some also begin to penetrate the spindle area. The results are discussed in terms of the generative cell cycle in bicellular pollen.  相似文献   

Alcoholic extract of Plumbago zeylanica (root) was tested against multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of bacteria (Salmonella paratyphi, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae and a R-plasmid-harbouring standard strain, E.coli x+). The extract exhibited strong antibacterial activity against all test bacteria irrespective of their antibiotic resistance behaviour. Phytochemical analysis of crude extract revealed the presence of flavonoids, saponins and naphthoquinone. A comparative evaluation of R-plasmid elimination from E. coli x+ (pUK 651) by the plant extract, DNA intercalating dyes (acridine orange and ethidium bromide) and a DNA gyrase antagonizing drug (pefloxacin) were made. All these agents could cure R-plasmid effectively at their respective sub-MIC concentrations. Maximum plasmid curing was observed by pefloxacin (88%), followed by ethidium bromide (36%), acridine orange (14%) and alcoholic extract of P. zeylanica (14%). Curing of plasmid pUK651 from E. coli x+ was confirmed by determining the loss of resistance markers in the cured derivative culture. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Generative and sperm cells were examined at four stages of development from generative cell formation to sperm cell maturation using serial transmission electron microscopy. The generative cell and vegetative nucleus are associated in a male germ unit association during pollen maturation and tube elongation, except for generative cell mitosis. At late stages of prophase, this association loosens; the generative cell separates from the vegetative nucleus at metaphase. Slender, unbranched, or occasionally branched projections may be found at one or both ends of the generative cell, or they may be single, blunt, and short. Slender projections are rare during anaphase and telophase. The vegetative nucleus moves back into apposition with one sperm cell at the end of mitosis. During the re-establishment of the association, the vegetative nucleus first touches the end of the leading sperm cell and then moves next to the middle of the sperm nucleus. As the sperm cells enter interphase, a conventional association is re-established between one cell and the vegetative nucleus through one or more long and slender cytoplasmic extensions; these associations are maintained throughout later passage in the pollen tube. During maturation, a significant increase occurs in the surface area of the sperm cells (particularly in the sperm cell in association with the vegetative nucleus), and a lesser increase in nuclear volume and surface area. Other sperm cell parameters, including those of heritable organelles, remain unchanged during sperm cell maturation.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the generative cell (GC) wall complex in germinating pear (Pyrus communis L.) pollen was studied with the aim of identifying features that may shed light on the mechanism of uptake of substances by the GC from its host, the vegetative cell (VC). The techniques of rapid freeze-fixation and freeze-substitution, serial sectioning, and conventional and intermediate-voltage transmission electron microscopy were employed. The wall complex consisted of two plasma membranes (PMs), one derived from the GC and the other from the VC. A nonfibrillar wall material occurred in the space between the two PMs. Plasmodesmata could not be identified in this wall complex. However, in localized areas the wall complex formed processes that protruded into the VC cytoplasm. In other areas, the wall complex showed certain cup-shaped invaginations. Certain double membrane bound multivesicular bodies occurred in the GC cytoplasm; their morphological characteristics indicated that they may have been derived from the GC wall complex. The data indicate that in pear the GC surface is amplified by wall processes, presumably to perform a role analogous to transfer cells.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional organization of microtubules in generative cells during their development in pollen grains of Hippeastrum vittatum and the dynamic changes that occur were studied by collecting large quantities of fixed and isolated generative cells for immunofluorescence microscopy. The framework configuration and the arrangement pattern of the microtubule organization was investigated. The microtubule framework changed in shape from being spherical at an early stage to being long spindle-shaped at maturity: various transitional forms were observed: ellipsoidal, pear-shaped and short spindle-shaped. The microtubule arrangement making up this framework changed correspondingly from the original network, which was random in distribution, to axially oriented long bundles via an intermediate pattern composed of a mixture of networks with long bundles. However, cells with the same framework configuration might be heterogeneous in microtubule arrangements.  相似文献   

Video microscopy and conventional or Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy after DAPI staining and anti-α-tubulin labelling were used to study the asymmetrical division of the generative cell (GC) inGagea lutea. Pollen was cultured for up to 8 hr in a medium containing 10% poly (ethylene glycol), 3.0% to 3.8% sucrose, 0.03% casein acid hydrolysate, 15 mM 2-(N-morpholinoethane)-sulphonic acid-KOH buffer (pH 5.9) and salts. In the pollen grain, the GC had a spherical or ovoid shape and contained a fine network of intermingled microtubules. As the GC entered into the pollen tube, it assumed a cylindrical shape with a length often exceeding 250 μm. A cage of microtubules then developed around the nucleus. The presence of dense and thick microtubular bundles in front of the generative nucleus within the GC coincided with the translocation of the nucleus to the leading end of the GC. No pre-prophase band was ever detected, but a distinct prophase spindle of microtubules was formed. In some GCs a tubulin-rich dot became visible at each pole of the spindle. After nuclear envelope breakdown, the bundles of microtubules spread between the chromosomes and became oriented into parallel arrays. The spindle became shorter at metaphase, and there was no tubulin labelling at the site of the metaphase plate. At anaphase, the microtubular apparatus lost its spindle-shape and a bridge of prominent bundles of microtubules connected the two daughter nuclei. At telophase, the site of the cell plate remained unstained by the anti-α-tubulin antibody, but a distinct phragmoplast of microtubules was formed more closely to the leading nucleus, resulting in the formation of unequal sperm cells (SCs). The leading SC was up to 2.5 times smaller than the following SC and it contained a smaller or equal number of nucleoli.  相似文献   

The organization of the microtubule (Mt) cytoskeleton during mitosis and cytokinesis of the generative cell (GC) in Ornithogalum virens L. (bicellular pollen type, chromosome number, n = 3) from prophase to telophase/sperm formation was investigated by localization of -tubulin immunofluorescence using a conventional fluorescence microscope and a confocal laser scanning microscope. Chromosomes were visualized with DNA-binding fluorochrome dyes (ethidium bromide and 46-diamino-2-phenyl-indole). The GC of O. virens is characterized by G2/M transition within the pollen grain and not in the pollen tube as occurs in the majority of species with bicellular pollen. It was found that prophase in the GC starts before anthesis and prometaphase takes place after 10 min of pollen germination. The prophase Mts are organized into three prominent bundles, located near the generative nucleus. The number of these Mt bundles is the same as the number of GC chromosomes, a relation which has not previously been considered in other species. The most evident feature in the prophase/ prometaphase transition of O. virens GC is a direct rapid rearrangement of Mt bundles into a network which appears to interact with kinetochores and form a typical prometaphase Mt organization. The metaphase chromosomes are arranged into a conventional equatorial plate, and not in tandem as is thought to be characteristic of GC metaphase. The metaphase spindle consists of kinetochore fibres and a few interzonal fibres which form dispersed poles. Anaphase is characterized by a significant elongation of the mitotic spindle concomitant with the extension of the distance between the opposite poles. At anaphase the diffuse poles converge. Cytokinesis is realized by cell plate formation in the equatorial plane of the GC. The phragmoplast Mts between two future sperm nuclei appear after Mts of the mitotic spindle have disappeared.Abbreviations DAPI 46-diamino-2-phenyl-indole - GC generative cell - GN generative nucleus - Mt microtubule This research was made possible in part due to TEMPUS Programme and Global Network for Cell and Molecular Biology UNESCO grants to Magorzata Bana. The experimental part of the work was done in Siena University. M. Banas is very grateful to Prof. Mauro Cresti and his group for scientific interest, offering the excellent laboratory facilities, and kind reception.  相似文献   

N. Sato  O. Misumi  Y. Shinada  M. Sasaki  M. Yoine 《Protoplasma》1997,200(3-4):163-173
Summary Localization and protein composition of plastid nucleoids was analyzed in light-grown pea seedlings at various stages of leaf development. In young plastids of unopened leaf buds, nucleoids were abundant and localized in the periphery of plastids, whereas, in mature leaves, chloroplasts contained nucleoids within narrow spaces restricted by thylakoids or grana. The migration of nucleoids into the interior of plastids preceded the formation of grana, and hence, the maturation of the photosynthetic apparatus. The protein composition of nucleoids was considerably different in young plastids and mature chloroplasts. Polypeptides with a molecular mass of 70–100 kDa predominated in the nucleoids of young plastids, whereas polypeptides with molecular mass of 20–30 kDa were abundant in the nucleoids of mature chloroplasts. Immuno-blot analysis with antibodies against the nucleoids of young plastids identified various polypeptides that were significantly more abundant in the nucleoids of young plastids than in the nucleoids of mature chloroplasts. These results demonstrate that plastid nucleoids are subject to dynamic changes in both localization and composition during the normal development of chloroplasts in the light.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol - DiOC6 3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the unequal distribution of plastids in the developing microspores of Impatiens walleriana and Impatiens glandulifera which leads to the exclusion of plastids from the generative cell. During the development from young microspore to the onset of mitosis a change in the organization of the cytoplasm and distribution of organelles is gradually established. This includes the formation of vacuoles at the poles of the elongate-shaped microspores, the movement of the nucleus to a position near the microspore wall in the central part of the cell, and the accumulation of the plastids to a position near the wall at the opposite side of the cell. In Impatiens walleriana, the accumulated plastids are separated from each other by ER cisterns, and some mitochondria are also accumulated. In both Impatiens species, the portion of the microspore in which the generative cell will be formed is completely devoid of plastids at the time mitosis starts.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescence microscopy was used to visualize microtubules (Mts) and chromatin in an effort to further clarify the relationship between the generative cell (GC) and vegetative nucleus (VN) in pollen tubes of tobacco. Prominent Mt bundles are present in one or more GC extensions that can be finger-like or lamellar in form. While the VN is positioned distal to the GC in most cases, it can also straddle the cell or lie proximal to it. In all cases, however, extensions embrace, penetrate or clasp the VN. GC Mts are reorganized during the formation of the mitotic apparatus, and cell extensions are fully or partially withdrawn. By telophase in many pollen tubes, the VN shifts to a more proximal position and appears to adhere to the region of the GC containing the phragmoplast. Application of oryzalin leads to the disorganization of Mts, changes in cell shape, including the loss or alteration of cell extensions, and separation of the GC and VN in some cases. However, the position and polarity of the VN is maintained in most pollen tubes. The results indicate that GC Mts and cell extensions play a role in the association with the VN. However, the relationship appears to be controlled by other factors as well. Attention should now be directed at potential interactions involving the VN envelope, vegetative plasma membrane, GC plasma membrane and extracellular matrix.Abbreviations GC Generative cell - MGU male germ unit - Mt microtubule - VN vegetative nucleus  相似文献   

Summary Cytoskeletal organization and chromosome behavior were studied inTradescantia generative cells prior to and during sperm formation using in vitro grown pollen tubes and fluorescence staining methods. Before pollen germination, the crescent-shaped generative cell contains a reticulate microtubule (Mt) system. The cell elongates dramatically after germination, and its Mts assume a helical to longitudinal arrangement. Chromosome condensation is evident approximately 3hr after germination. Kinetochores appear as dark interruptions in the Mt array, and thus seem to attach directly to interphase fibers. No metaphase plate typical of other cells is observed with either DAPI or anti-tubulin staining. Instead, the chromosomes adopt a twisted or braided arrangement, with kinetochores distributed along the length of the cell and kinetochore fibers linked to each other and to surrounding fibers. Anaphase is characterized by a staggered, overlapping separation of chromosomes and by elongation of Mt branches connecting opposing kinetochore fibers. Cytokinesis appears to utilize a furrowing process; a phragmoplast or cell plate was never seen. As a result of these events, the sperm directly inherit their cytoskeleton from generative cell Mts involved in division. No actin fibers are observed at any stage using rhodamine-phalloidin staining. The results are discussed in terms of other reports on sperm formation, possible mitotic and cytokinetic mechanisms, and past distinctions between Mt arrays in higher plant somatic cells.Abbreviations CD cytochalasin D - DAPI 46-diamidino-2-phenyl-indole - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - K-fiber kinetochore fiber - Mf microfilament - Mt microtubule - PPB preprophase Mt band - RP rhodamine phalloidin  相似文献   

Summary The formation and nature of the generative cell wall and the detachment mode of the generative cell from the intine in Polystachia pubescens were observed by LM and TEM. Vesicles evenly positioned within the phragmoplast fuse to form a cell plate that divides the microspore into the generative and vegetative cell. This cell plate consists of callose. Before the generative cell leaves the intine, however, the callose is completely resorbed and is not replaced by any other substance. The generative cell becomes detached from the intine by moving towards the centre of the pollen grain. A constriction formed thereby gives the generative cell a bulb-like appearance and leads ultimately to the generative cell being pinched off. Plasma-filled vesicles originating from the generative cell remain between the intine and the plasma membrane of the vegetative cell.  相似文献   

Summary Mature pollen of Phoenix dactylifera was freeze-fractured in germination medium. The surface of the generative cell was highly convoluted. Microtubules were not in close contact with the indentations. The vegetative cell membrane was appressed to the generative cell. Ordered ridges appeared in both fracture faces of the vegetative cell inner plasma membrane at the indentations. No ordered ridges were observed in the fracture faces of the generative cell. The nuclear envelopes of the vegetative and generative cells differed, with the generative cell having fewer and larger nuclear pores irregularly dispersed among porefree areas. These differences in plasma membrane and in nuclear envelope correlate with the subsequent differentiation of the two cells.Acknowledgements. We thank J.I. Stillman for technical assistance with the thin section preparations. This research was supported in part by NSF grant DCB-8607765 to W.W.T.  相似文献   

Summary The permeability of pollen grains, pollen tubes and generative cells of Helleborus foetidus and Galanthus nivalis has been investigated using four probes spanning a wide range of molecular weights: 4,6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI; mol.wt. 350). Evans blue (mol.wt. 960), FITC-dextran (average mol.wt. 19400) and FITC-albumin (average mol.wt. 67000). DAPI penetrated into the vegetative cells of desiccated and hydrated pollen, and also entered growing pollen tubes. In contrast, the generative cells of hydrated pollen and of pollen tubes were highly resistant to penetration, as they were when isolated in osmotically balancing medium. Evans blue failed to enter intact generative cells under any of the conditions tested. The dye ultimately entered the vegetative cells of some pollen grains, but these were non-germinable. Growing pollen tubes invariably resisted penetration. Neither of the high molecular weight conjugates entered germinable pollen grains or intact pollen tubes. The results suggest that it is highly unlikely that DNA fragments of high molecular weight can enter viable pollen, pollen tubes or generative cells under any normal conditions.  相似文献   

Quantitative cell and organelle dynamics of the male gamete-producing lineage of Plumbago zeylanica were examined using serial transmission electron microscopic reconstruction at five stages of development from generative cell inception to sperm cell maturity. The founder population of generative cell organelles includes an average of 3.88 plastids, 54.9 mitochondria, and 3.7 vacuoles. During development the volume of the pollen grain increases from 6,200 μm3 in early microspores to 115,000 μm3 at anthesis, cell volume of the male germ lineage decreases more than 67% from 362.3 μm3 to 118.4 μm3. By the time the generative cell separates from the intine, plastid numbers increase by >600%, mitochondria by 250%, and vesicles by 43 times. A cellular projection elongates toward and establishes an association with the vegetative nucleus; this leading edge contains plastids and numerous mitochondria. When the generative cell completes its separation from the intine, organellar polarity is reversed and plastids migrate to the opposite pole of the cell. Cytoplasmic microtubules are common in association with cellular organelles. Plastids accumulate at the distal end of the cell as a linked mass, apparently adhered by lateral electron dense regions. Before division of the highly polarized generative cell, plastids decrease in number by 16%, whereas mitochondria increase by ∼90% and vacuoles increase by ∼140% from the prior stage. After mitosis, the resultant sperm cells differ in size and organelle content. The sperm cell associated with the vegetative nucleus (Svn) contains 62.7% of the cytoplasm volume, 87% of the mitochondria, 280.4 vesicles (79% of those in the generative cell), and 0.6% of the plastids. At maturity, the Svn mitochondria increase by 31% and the cell contains an average of 0.4 plastids, 158.9 vesicles, and 0.36 microbodies. The mature unassociated sperm (Sua) contains 39.8 mitochondria (up 3.3%), 24.3 plastids (down 31%), 91.1 vesicles (up 54.9%), and 3.18 microbodies. The small number of organelles initially in the generative cell, followed by their rapid multiplication in a shrinking cytoplasm suggests a highly competitive cytoplasmic environment that would tend to eliminate residual organellar heterogeneity. Cell and cytoplasmic volumes vary as a consequence of fluctuations in the number and size of large vesicles or vacuoles, as well as loss of cytoplasmic volume by (1) formation of “false cells” involving amitotic cytokinesis, (2) “pinching off” of cytoplasm, and (3) dehydration of pollen contents prior to anthesis.  相似文献   

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