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The type A gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA(A)) receptor is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter-gated ion channel. Previously, we identified a membrane-proximal beta-rich (MPBR) domain in fragment C166-L296 of GABA(A) receptor alpha(1) subunit, forming nativelike pentamers. In the present study, another structural domain, the amino-terminal domain, was shown to exist in the fragment Q28-E165. The secondary structures of both fragments were beta-rich as measured using FTIR spectroscopy and estimated from the CD spectra to be 42% and 51% beta-strand for Q28-E165 and C166-L296, respectively. The CD spectrum of the combined fragment Q28-L296 was additive of the spectra of the two fragments. In addition, denaturation curves of both fragments were characteristic of cooperative transitions, supporting their domainlike nature. C166-L296 required 6.5 M of guanidine chloride for total denaturation, therefore it is extraordinarily stable, more so than Q28-E165. Moreover, effects of detergent on the molecular masses of Q28-E165 and C166-L296, as monitored using laser-scattering spectroscopy, indicated that intermolecular interactions were much more significant in C166-L296 than in Q28-E165. Effects of pH on their molecular masses suggested that ionic forces were involved in these interactions. Together the results show that the two adjacent fragments form independent folding units, MPBR and amino-terminal domains, different in secondary structure content, denaturation profile, and polymerization status, and suggest that the former may play a more important role in receptor assembly and that the extraordinary stability may underlie its intrinsic tendency to form oligomers. More significantly, the present study has provided direct evidence for the long-postulated multidomain nature of this family of receptors.  相似文献   

Structural investigation of GABAA receptors has been limited by difficulties imposed by its trans-membrane-complex nature. In the present study, the topology of a membrane-proximal beta-rich (MPB) domain in the C139-L269 segment of the receptor alpha1 subunit was probed by mapping the benzodiazepine (BZ)-binding and epitopic sites, as well as fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analysis. Ala-scanning and semiconservative substitutions within this segment revealed the contribution of the phenyl rings of Y160 and Y210, the hydroxy group of S186 and the positive charge on R187 to BZ-binding. FRET with the bound BZ ligand indicated the proximity of Y160, S186, R187, and S206 to the BZ-binding site. On the other hand, epitope-mapping using the monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the MPB domain established a clustering of T172, R173, E174, Q196, and T197. Based on the lack of FRET between Trp substitutionally placed at R173 or V198 and bound BZ, this epitope-mapped cluster is located on a separate end of the folded protein from the BZ-binding site. Mutations of the five conserved Cys and Trp residues in the MPB domain gave rise to synergistic and rescuing effects on protein secondary structures and unfolding stability that point to a CCWCW-pentad, reminiscent to the CWC-triad "pin" of immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains, important for the structural maintenance. These findings, together with secondary structure and fold predictions suggest an anti-parallel beta-strand topology with resemblance to Ig-like fold, having the BZ-binding and the epitopic residues being clustered at two different ends of the fold.  相似文献   

L-655,708 is a ligand for the benzodiazepine site of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor that exhibits a 100-fold higher affinity for alpha5-containing receptors compared with alpha1-containing receptors. Molecular biology approaches have been used to determine which residues in the alpha5 subunit are responsible for this selectivity. Two amino acids have been identified, alpha5Thr208 and alpha5Ile215, each of which individually confer approximately 10-fold binding selectivity for the ligand and which together account for the 100-fold higher affinity of this ligand at alpha5-containing receptors. L-655,708 is a partial inverse agonist at the GABA(A) receptor which exhibited no functional selectivity between alpha1- and alpha5-containing receptors and showed no change in efficacy at receptors containing alpha1 subunits where amino acids at both of the sites had been altered to their alpha5 counterparts (alpha1Ser205-Thr,Val212-Ile). In addition to determining the binding selectivity of L-655,708, these amino acid residues also influence the binding affinities of a number of other benzodiazepine (BZ) site ligands. They are thus important elements of the BZ site of the GABA(A) receptor, and further delineate a region just N-terminal to the first transmembrane domain of the receptor alpha subunit that contributes to this binding site.  相似文献   

Summary The secondary and tertiary structural features of botulinum neurotoxin (NT) serotype A, a dichain protein (Mr 145 000), and its two subunits, the heavy (H) and light (L) chains (Mr 97 000 and 53 000, respectively) were examined using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectorscopy. Nearly 70% of the amino acid residues in each of the three polypeptide preparations were found in ordered structure (sum of helix, sheet and turns). Also, the helix, sheet, turns and random coil contents of the dichain NT were nearly equal to the weighted mean of each of these secondary structure parameters of the L and H chains; e.g., sum of helix of L chain (22%) and H chain (18.7%), as weighted mean, 19.8% was similar to that of NT (20%). These agreements suggested that the secondary structures of the subunits of the dichain NT do not significantly change when they are separated as isolated L and H chains. Fluorescence emission maximum of L chain, 4 nm less (blue shift) than that of H chain, suggested relatively more hydrophobic environment of fluorescent tryptophan residue(s) of L chain. Tryptophan fluorescence quantum yields of L chain, H chain and the NT, 0.072, 0.174 and 0.197, respectively, suggested that a) an alteration in the micro-environment of the tryptophan residues was possibly caused by interactions of L and H chain subunits of the NT and b) quantum yields for L and H chains were altered when they are together as subunits of the NT. Possible implications of structural features of the L and H chains, their interactions and the molecular mechanism of action of botulinum NT are assessed.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) interacts with a cell surface receptor on responsive neurons to initiate a series of cellular events leading to neuronal survival and/or differentiation. The first step in this process is the binding of NGF to a low affinity and/or a high affinity receptor. In the present report, we have studied the conformation and stability of recombinant receptor extracellular domain (RED) from the human low affinity receptor and the structural basis of its interaction with NGF. Circular dichroism (CD) studies indicate that the RED is primarily random coil in nature with little regular secondary structure. Thermal stability studies have shown that this irregular conformation is a specific structure that can undergo a reversible two-state thermal denaturation with a concomitant fluorescent and CD change. During heating at 100 degrees C for 15 min, the structure of RED is sufficiently unfolded for a reducing agent, dithiothreitol, to inactivate the receptor toward NGF binding and cross-linking. The complex formation between the RED and NGF has been examined by differential CD measurements, and we have shown that a small, reproducible change in conformation occurs in RED or NGF upon interaction. These results are interpreted in terms of the initiation of NGF cell surface binding and possible modes of signal transduction.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of the alpha-subunit of tryptophan synthase was proposed using a combination of experimental data and computational methods. The vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectrum was used to assign the protein to the alpha/beta-class of supersecondary structures. The two-domain structure of the alpha-subunit (Miles et al.: Biochemistry 21:2586, 1982; Beasty and Matthews: Biochemistry 24:3547, 1985) eliminated consideration of a barrel structure and focused attention on a beta-sheet structure. An algorithm (Cohen et al.: Biochemistry 22:4894, 1983) was used to generate a secondary structure prediction that was consistent with the sequence data of the alpha-subunit from five species. Three potential secondary structures were then packed into tertiary structures using other algorithms. The assumption of nearest neighbors from second-site revertant data eliminated 97% of the possible tertiary structures; consideration of conserved hydrophobic packing regions on the beta-sheet eliminated all but one structure. The native structure is predicted to have a parallel beta-sheet flanked on both sides by alpha-helices, and is consistent with the available data on chemical cross-linking, chemical modification, and limited proteolysis. In addition, an active site region containing appropriate residues could be identified as well as an interface for beta 2-subunit association. The ability of experimental data to facilitate the prediction of protein structure is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to determine the effect of chemical modification of the -amino groups on the secondary structure of ovalbumin, we prepared six acetylated (17, 36, 54, 70, 82, and 98%) and four succinylated derivatives (25, 50, 72, and 97%) of the protein. Native ovalbumin and the acylated derivatives were homogeneous as revealed by the electrophoretic pattern. The UV-absorption and fluorescence spectra changed progressively with the extent of modification. However, circular dichroic (CD) studies indicated that acylation of 15 of the 20 lysine residues had little effect on the secondary structure of ovalbumin. Acylation of the remaining five lysine residues resulted in a fairly severe change in the secondary structure. The -helical content decreased from about 31% in the native state to 16.5% in the 97% succinylated ovalbumin and to 21.5% in the 98% acetylated derivative. A comparison of these data with the spectral and hydrodynamic data of Qasim and Salahuddin (1978) suggested that the secondary structure of ovalbumin is more resistant to acylation than is the tertiary structure and, thus, the tertiary and the secondary structures are, to some extent, mutually independent. Raising thepH to 11.2 did not alter the secondary structure of ovalbumin and increasing the ionic strength by more than 20-fold did not reverse the loss of helical structure in 97% succinylated protein. These two observations suggest that the change in secondary structure upon maximal acylation may not only involve electrostatic effects, but also certain other factors, such as steric hindrance due to the entering bulky groups.  相似文献   

The structure of human interleukin 4 (IL-4) was predicted utilizing a series of experimental and theoretical techniques. Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy indicated that IL-4 belonged to the all alpha-helix class of protein structures. Secondary structure prediction, site-directed mutagenesis, and CD spectroscopy suggested a predominantly alpha-helical structure, consistent with a four-helix bundle structural motif. A human/mouse IL-4 chimera was constructed to qualitatively evaluate alternative secondary structure predictions. The four predicted helices were assembled into tertiary structures using established algorithms. The mapping of three disulfide bridges in IL-4 provided additional constraints on possible tertiary structures. Using accessible surface contact area as a criterion, the most suitable structures were right handed all antiparallel four-helix bundles with two overhand loop connections. Successful loop closure and incorporation of the three disulfide constraints were possible while maintaining the expected shape, solvent accessibility, and steric interactions between loops and helices. Lastly, energy minimization was used to regularize the chain.  相似文献   

S G Melberg  W C Johnson 《Proteins》1990,8(3):280-286
Vacuum UV circular dichroism spectra measured down to 178 nm for hexameric 2-zinc human insulin, zinc-free human insulin, and the two engineered and biologically active monomeric mutants, [B/S9D] and [B/S9D,T27E] human insulin, show significant differences. The secondary structure analysis of the 2-zinc human insulin (T6) in neutral solution was determined: 57% helix, 1% beta-strand, 18% turn, and 24% random coil. This is very close to the corresponding crystal structure showing that the solution and solid structures are similar. The secondary structure of the monomer shows a 10-15% increase in antiparallel beta-structure and a corresponding reduction in random coil structure. These structural changes are consistent with an independent analysis of the corresponding difference spectra. The advantage of secondary structure analyses of difference spectra is that the contribution of odd spectral features stemming mainly from side chain chromophores is minimized and the sensitivity of the analyses improved. Analysis of the CD spectra of T6 2-zinc, zinc-free human insulin and monomeric mutant insulin by singular value decomposition indicates that the secondary structure changes following the dissociation of hexamers into dimers and monomers are two-state processes.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxin 6 (Prdx6) is a bifunctional protein with glutathione peroxidase and phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activities, and it alone among mammalian peroxiredoxins can hydrolyze phospholipids. After identifying a potential catalytic triad (S32, H26, D140) from the crystal structure, site-specific mutations were used to evaluate the role of these residues in protein structure and function. The S32A mutation increased Prdx6 alpha-helical content, whereas secondary structure was unchanged by mutation to H26A and D140A. Lipid binding by wild-type Prdx6 to negatively charged unilamellar liposomes showed an apparent rate constant of 11.2 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) and a dissociation constant of 0.36 microM. Both binding and PLA(2) activity were abolished in S32A and H26A; in D140A, activity was abolished but binding was unaffected. Overoxidation of the peroxidatic C47 had no effect on lipid binding or PLA(2) activity. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer from endogenous tryptophanyls to lipid probes showed binding of the phospholipid polar head in close proximity to S32. Thus, H26 is a site for interfacial binding to the liposomal surface, S32 has a key role in maintaining Prdx6 structure and for phospholipid substrate binding, and D140 is involved in catalysis. This putative catalytic triad plays an essential role for interactions of Prdx6 with phospholipid substrate to optimize the protein-substrate complex for hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The effects of spectral magnitude on the calculated secondary structures derived from circular dichroism (CD) spectra were examined for a number of the most commonly used algorithms and reference databases. Proteins with different secondary structures, ranging from mostly helical to mostly beta-sheet, but which were not components of existing reference databases, were used as test systems. These proteins had known crystal structures, so it was possible to ascertain the effects of magnitude on both the accuracy of determining the secondary structure and the goodness-of-fit of the calculated structures to the experimental data. It was found that most algorithms are highly sensitive to spectral magnitude, and that the goodness-of-fit parameter may be a useful tool in assessing the correct scaling of the data. This means that parameters that affect magnitude, including calibration of the instrument, the spectral cell pathlength, and the protein concentration, must be accurately determined to obtain correct secondary structural analyses of proteins from CD data using empirical methods.  相似文献   

Effects of monensin were examined on the intracellular processing of the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor (GABAA/BZDR) in neuron cultures derived from embryonic chicken brain, using 3H-flunitrazepam as the probe for the benzodiazepine modulator site on the receptor. Incubation of cultures with 0.1 or 1 microM monensin for 3 h blocked the binding of 3H-flunitrazepam by about 18%. Loss of ligand binding was due to a reduction in the number of binding sites, with no significant changes in receptor affinity. The general cellular protein synthesis and glycosylation in the cells were inhibited by 26% and 56%, respectively, in the presence of 1 microM monensin, as detected by assaying the incorporation of 3H-leucine and 3H-galactose. In contrast, an increase was observed for mannose incorporation by the cultures in the presence of the drug. Moreover, the results from in situ trypsinization of the cultures following monensin treatment showed that monensin did not alter the distribution of intracellular and surface receptors. The data suggest that monensin induces the down-regulation of GABAA/BZDR by generating abnormal glycosylation of the receptor and interrupting its transport within the Golgi apparatus, as well as from the Golgi apparatus to the intracellular pool and cell membrane. The galactosylation of receptor proteins may be important for the maturation of the receptor.  相似文献   

High molecular weight kininogen is a cofactor of the surface-dependent phase of the blood-clotting cascade. Unique sequence-binding sites are exposed on the surface of this glycoprotein which complex prekallikrein or factor XI with high affinity and specificity (Tait and Fujikawa, 1987). A sequence comprising 31-residues (residues 565–595 of the mature kininogen molecule) retains full binding activity for prekallikrein but the sequence 569–595 (27 residues) shows only 25% of this binding affinity (Vogelet al., 1990). Thus, the key structural features required for protein recognition reside in the 31-residue sequence but these features are likely compromised (or absent) in the 27-residue sequence. To determine the conformation of the prekallikrein-binding domain, peptides comprising the 31- and 27-residue sequences were prepared by solid-phase methods and their structures determined by circular dichroism, fluorescence polarization, and 2D-NMR techniques. Fluorescence emission spectra, polarization, and anisotropy measurements of the single Trp residue present in both peptides show that the 31-residue peptide contains an ordered microenvironment at its amino terminus, which is not present in the 27-residue peptide. This structural ordering is characterized by movement of the Trp residue into a more polar environment. Further, the 31-residue peptide possesses a higher limit anisotropy, longer rotational relaxation time, and shows a higher polarization value even at elevated temperatures. Circular dichroic spectra of both peptides in the far UV region are essentially identical and indicate that both peptides contain predominantly -turn elements, but also contain some -helix, -sheet, and random coil character. The structural elements of both peptides are unchanged in urea solution, but the negative ellipticity absorption band in the near UV region assignable to Trp is eliminated in acid solution upon protonation of the neighboring -Asp-Asp-Asp- triplet. In the two peptides, the spin system of each amino acid has been assigned through 2D-1H scalar coupling correlated experiments; pure absorption NOESY experiments were used to determine through-space connectivities. The results are entirely consistent with the previous experiments in that both peptides contain predominantly -turn elements and the amino terminus of the 31-residue peptide is highly ordered in comparison with the 27-mer; in fact, this region is likely to be helical in nature. In addition to the turn and sheet elements, the 31-mer shows long-range connectivities which are not present in the 27-mer. Hence, the 31-mer likely folds in solution forming a unique domain. By inference, the N-terminal segment of the 31-residue peptide contributes in large part to its fourfold increase in affinity for prekallikrein.  相似文献   

Single-stranded guanine-rich (G-rich) DNA can fold into a four-stranded G-quadruplex structure and such structures are implicated in important biological processes and therapeutic applications. So far, bioinformatic analysis has identified up to several hundred thousand of putative quadruplex sequences in the genome of human and other animal. Given such a large number of sequences, a fast assay would be desired to experimentally verify the structure of these sequences. Here we describe a method that identifies the quadruplex structure by a single-stranded DNA binding protein from a thermoautotrophic archaeon. This protein binds single-stranded DNA in the unfolded, but not in the folded form. Upon binding to DNA, its fluorescence can be quenched by up to 70%. Formation of quadruplex greatly reduces fluorescence quenching in a K+-dependent manner. This structure-dependent quenching provides simple and fast detection of quadruplex in DNA at low concentration without DNA labelling.  相似文献   

Earlier we have shown by in vitro reconstitution experiments that the pigment composition of the chlorophyll alb-binding light-harvesting complex of the green alga Chlorella fusca could be altered in a relatively broad range (Meyer and Wilhelm 1993). In this study we used these reconstituted complexes of different pigment loading to analyze the excitonic interactions between the pigment molecules and the secondary structure by means of circular dichroism spectra in the visible and the far UV spectral regions, respectively. We found that, in contrast to the expectations, the pigment composition and pigment content hardly affected the circular dichroism spectra in the visible spectral region. Reconstituted complexes, independent of their pigment composition, exhibited the most characteristic circular dichroism bands of the native light-harvesting complex, even if one polypeptide bound only 3 chlorophyll a, 3 chlorophyll b and 1–2 xanthophyll molecules. Full restoration of the protein secondary structure, however, could not be achieved. The -helix content depended significantly on the pigment composition as well as on the pigment-protein ratio of the reconstituted complexes. Further binding of pigments resulted in restoration of the minor excitonic circular dichroism bands, the amplitudes of which depended on the pigment content of the reconstituted complexes. These data suggest that in the reconstitution of light-harvesting complexes a central cluster of pigment molecules plays an important role. Further binding of pigments to the peripheral binding sites appeared also to stabilize the protein secondary structure of the reconstituted complexes.Abbreviations CD- circular dichroism - LHC- chlorophyll a/b light-harvesting complex(es) - LHC II- light-harvesting complex(es) of Photosystem II of higher plants - LHCP- light-harvesting Chl a/b-binding protein(s) - PP- polypeptide(s)  相似文献   

Calbindin-D(28K) is a biologically important protein required for normal neural function and for the transport of calcium in epithelial cells of the intestine and kidney. We have used fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy to characterize the effects of calcium binding on the structure and stability of calbindin. Ca(2+) titration monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy reveals the presence of two classes of calcium-binding sites with association constants approximately 10(7.5) and approximately 10(8.9)M(-1). CD spectra in the far-UV spectral range show minor changes upon Ca(2+) titration, implying that the secondary structure of calbindin-D(28K) is not greatly affected. On the basis of the CD spectra in the near-UV spectral range, we conclude that the tertiary structure is more sensitive to Ca(2+) addition. The most significant change occurs between pCa 7.0 and pCa 8.0. The variations in the protein thermostability are correlated with those in the near-UV CD spectra. The enthalpy changes upon heat denaturation of calbindin in the apo-state are characteristic of proteins containing several weakly interacting domains with similar thermodynamical properties. Thus, calcium binding by calbindin-D(28K) largely affects the local structure around the aromatic residues and the thermal stability of the protein; the changes in the secondary structure are insignificant.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin (NT) serotypes A, B and E differ in microstructure and biological activities. The three NTs were examined for secondary structure parameters (-helix, -sheet, -turn and random coil content) on the basis of circular dichroism; degree of exposed Tyr residues (second derivative spectroscopy) and state of the Trp residues (fluorescence and fluorescence quantuin yield). The proteins are high in -pleated sheet content (41–44%) and low in -helical content (21–28%). About 30–36% of the amino acids are in random coils. The -sheet contents in the NTs are similar irrespective of their structural forms (i.e. single or dichain forms) or level of toxicity. About 84%, 58% and 61% of Tyr residues of types A, B, and ENT, respectively, were exposed to the solvent (pH 7.2 phosphate buffer). Although the fluorescence emission maximum of Trp residues of type B NT was most blue shifted (331 nm compared to 334 for types A and E NT, and 346 nm for free tryptophan) the fluorescence quantum yields of types A and B were similar and higher than type E. In general the NTs have similar secondary (low -helix and high -sheets) and tertiary (exposed tyrosine residues and tryptophan fluorescence quantum yield) structures. Within this generalized picture there are significant differences which might be related to the differences in their biological activities.  相似文献   

Type E botulinum neurotoxin is produced byClostridium botulinum along with a neurotoxin binding protein which helps protect the neurotoxin from adversepH, temperature, and proteolytic conditions. The neurotoxin binding protein has been purified as a 118-kDa protein. Secondary structure content of the neurotoxin binding protein as revealed by far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy was 19% -helix, 50%-sheets, 28% random coils, and 3%-turns. This compared to 22% -helix, 44%-sheets, 34% random coils, and no-turns of the type E botulinum neurotoxin. The complex of the two proteins revealed 25%-helix, 45%-sheets, 27% random coils, and 3%-turns, suggesting a significant alteration at least in the-helical folding of the two proteins upon their interaction. Tyrosine topography is altered considerably (28%) when the neurotoxin and its binding protein are separated, indicating strong interaction between the two proteins. Gel filtration results suggested that type E neurotoxin binding protein clearly complexes with type E neurotoxin. The interaction is favored at lowpH as indicated by an initial binding rate of 8.4 min–1 atpH 5.7 compared to 4.0 min–1 atpH 7.5 as determined using a fiber optic-based biosensor. The neurotoxin and its binding protein apparently are of equivalent antigenicity, as both reacted equally on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to polyclonal antibodies raised against the toxoid of their complex.  相似文献   

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