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Peronosporomycete (oomycete) communities inhabiting the rhizospheres of three plant species were characterized and compared to determine whether communities obtained by direct soil DNA extractions (soil communities) differ from those obtained using baiting techniques (bait communities). Using two sets of Peronosporomycete-specific primers, a portion of the 5′ region of the large subunit (28S) rRNA gene was amplified from DNA extracted either directly from rhizosphere soil or from hempseed baits floated for 48 h over rhizosphere soil. Amplicons were cloned, sequenced, and then subjected to phylogenetic and diversity analyses. Both soil and bait communities arising from DNA amplified with a Peronosporomycetidae-biased primer set (Oom1) were dominated by Pythium species. In contrast, communities arising from DNA amplified with a Saprolegniomycetidae-biased primer set (Sap2) were dominated by Aphanomyces species. Neighbor-joining analyses revealed the presence of additional taxa that could not be identified with known Peronosporomycete species represented in GenBank. Sequence diversity and mean sequence divergence ( ) within bait communities were lower than the diversity within soil communities. Furthermore, the composition of Peronosporomycete communities differed among the three fields sampled and between bait and soil communities based on Fst and parsimony tests. The results of our study represent a significant advance in the study of Peronosporomycetes in terrestrial habitats. Our work has shown the utility of culture-independent approaches using 28S rRNA genes to assess the diversity of Peronosporomycete communities in association with plants. It also reveals the presence of potentially new species of Peronosporomycetes in soils and plant rhizospheres.  相似文献   



Although discrepancy in the specific traits and ecological characteristics of Bemisia tabaci between species are partially attributed to the B. tabaci-associated bacteria, the factors that affect the diversity of B. tabaci-associated bacteria are not well-understood. We used the metagenomic approach to characterize the B. tabaci-associated bacterial community because the approach is an effective tool to identify the bacteria.

Methodology and Results

To investigate the effects of the host plant and a virus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), on the bacterial communities of B. tabaci sibling species B and Q, we analyzed the bacterial communities associated with whitefly B and Q collected from healthy cotton, healthy tomato, and TYLCV-infected tomato. The analysis used miseq-based sequencing of a variable region of the bacterial 16S rDNA gene. For the bacteria associated with B. tabaci, we found that the influence of the host plant species was greater than that of the whitefly cryptic species. With further analysis of host plants infected with the TYLCV, the virus had no significant effects on the B. tabaci-associated bacterial community.


The effects of different plant hosts and TYLCV-infection on the diversity of B. tabaci-associated bacterial communities were successfully analyzed in this study. To explain why B. tabaci sibling species with different host ranges differ in performance, the analysis of the bacterial community may be essential to the explanation.  相似文献   

The biogenic silica extracted from samples of 28 alpine plantspecies belonging to 23 genera and nine families collected inthe Swiss Alps (Valais) accounted for between 0.01 and 5.9%of the dry biomass of leaves and wood. Silica content, and plantcontribution to the soil biogenic silica pool, varied widelyamong taxa. Plant net productivity and biogenic silica productionfrom this study and from the literature have been used to predictthe input made by different subalpine and alpine plant communitiesto soil-borne phytolith assemblages, and their contributionto the silicon biocycle. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Silicon, productivity, phytoliths, subalpine, alpine, grasslands, heaths, forests, Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Coniferae  相似文献   

Sooty mould fungi are ubiquitous, abundant consumers of insect-honeydew that have been little-studied. They form a complex of unrelated fungi that coexist and compete for honeydew, which is a chemically complex resource. In this study, we used scanning electron microscopy in combination with T-RFLP community profiling and ITS-based tag-pyrosequencing to extensively describe the sooty mould community associated with the honeydews of two ecologically important New Zealand coelostomidiid scale insects, Coelostomidia wairoensis and Ultracoelostoma brittini. We tested the influence of host plant on the community composition of associated sooty moulds, and undertook limited analyses to examine the influence of scale insect species and geographic location. We report here a previously unknown degree of fungal diversity present in this complex, with pyrosequencing detecting on average 243 operational taxonomic units across the different sooty mould samples. In contrast, T-RFLP detected only a total of 24 different “species” (unique peaks). Nevertheless, both techniques identified similar patterns of diversity suggesting that either method is appropriate for community profiling. The composition of the microbial community associated with individual scale insect species varied although the differences may in part reflect variation in host preference and site. Scanning electron microscopy visualised an intertwined mass of fungal hyphae and fruiting bodies in near-intact physical condition, but was unable to distinguish between the different fungal communities on a morphological level, highlighting the need for molecular research. The substantial diversity revealed for the first time by pyrosequencing and our inability to identify two-thirds of the diversity to further than the fungal division highlights the significant gap in our knowledge of these fungal groups. This study provides a first extensive look at the community diversity of the fungal community closely associated with the keystone insect-honeydew systems of New Zealand’s native forests and suggests there is much to learn about sooty mould communities.  相似文献   

Soil fungal communities involved in the biodegradation of polyester polyurethane (PU) were investigated. PU coupons were buried in two sandy loam soils with different levels of organic carbon: one was acidic (pH 5.5), and the other was more neutral (pH 6.7). After 5 months of burial, the fungal communities on the surface of the PU were compared with the native soil communities using culture-based and molecular techniques. Putative PU-degrading fungi were common in both soils, as <45% of the fungal colonies cleared the colloidal PU dispersion Impranil on solid medium. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis showed that fungal communities on the PU were less diverse than in the soil, and only a few species in the PU communities were detectable in the soil, indicating that only a small subset of the soil fungal communities colonized the PU. Soil type influenced the composition of the PU fungal communities. Geomyces pannorum and a Phoma sp. were the dominant species recovered by culturing from the PU buried in the acidic and neutral soils, respectively. Both fungi degraded Impranil and represented >80% of cultivable colonies from each plastic. However, PU was highly susceptible to degradation in both soils, losing up to 95% of its tensile strength. Therefore, different fungi are associated with PU degradation in different soils but the physical process is independent of soil type.  相似文献   

Braun  V.  Buchner  O.  Neuner  G. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(4):587-595
The species specific response of photosystem 2 (PS2) efficiency and its thermotolerance to diurnal and seasonal alterations in leaf temperature, irradiance, and water relations were investigated under alpine field conditions (1 950 m) and in response to an in situ long-term heat treatment (+3 K). Three plant species were compared using the naturally occurring microstratification of alpine environments, i.e. under contrasting leaf temperatures but under similar macroclimatic conditions. Thermotolerance of PS2 showed a high variability in all three species of up to 9.6 K. Diumal changes (increases or even decreases) in PS2 thermotolerance occurred frequently with a maximum increase of +4.8 K in Loiseleuria procumbens. Increasing leaf temperatures and photosynthetic photon flux density influenced thermotolerance adjustments. Under long-term heating (+3 K) of L. procumbens canopies with infra-red lamps, the maxima of the critical (Tc) and the lethal (Tp) temperature of PS2 increased by at least 1 K. Thermotolerance of the leaf tissue (LT50) increased significantly by +0.6 K. The effects of slight water stress on thermotolerance of PS2 were species specific. High temperature thresholds for photoinhibition were significantly different between species and increased by 9 K from the species in the coldest microhabitat to the species in the warmest. Experimental heating of L. procumbens canopies by +3 K caused a significant (p>0.01) upward shift of the high temperature threshold for photoinhibition by +3 K. Each species appeared to be very well adapted to the thermal conditions of its microhabitat as under the most frequently experienced daytime leaf temperatures no photoinhibition occurred. The observed fine scale thermal adjustment of PS2 in response to increased leaf temperatures shows the potential to optimise photosynthesis under varying environmental conditions as long as the upper thermal limits are not exceeded.  相似文献   

Structure of fungal communities is known to be influenced by host plants and environmental conditions. However, in most cases, the dynamics of these variation patterns are poorly understood. In this work, we compared richness, diversity, and composition between assemblages of endophytic and rhizospheric fungi associated to roots of two plants with different lifestyles: the halophyte Inula crithmoides and the non-halophyte I. viscosa (syn. Dittrichia viscosa L.), along a spatially short salinity gradient. Roots and rhizospheric soil from these plants were collected at three points between a salt marsh and a sand dune, and fungi were isolated and characterized by ITS rDNA sequencing. Isolates were classified in a total of 90 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), belonging to 17 fungal orders within Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. Species composition of endophytic and soil communities significantly differed across samples. Endophyte communities of I. crithmoides and I. viscosa were only similar in the intermediate zone between the salt marsh and the dune, and while the latter displayed a single, generalist association of endophytes, I. crithmoides harbored different assemblages along the gradient, adapted to the specific soil conditions. In the lower salt marsh, root assemblages were strongly dominated by a single dark septate sterile fungus, also prevalent in other neighboring salt marshes. Interestingly, although its occurrence was positively correlated to soil salinity, in vitro assays revealed a strong inhibition of its growth by salts. Our results suggest that host lifestyle and soil characteristics have a strong effect on endophytic fungi and that environmental stress may entail tight plant-fungus relationships for adaptation to unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

The fruit fly Drosophila is a classic model organism to study adaptation as well as the relationship between genetic variation and phenotypes. Although associated bacterial communities might be important for many aspects of Drosophila biology, knowledge about their diversity, composition, and factors shaping them is limited. We used 454-based sequencing of a variable region of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene to characterize the bacterial communities associated with wild and laboratory Drosophila isolates. In order to specifically investigate effects of food source and host species on bacterial communities, we analyzed samples from wild Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans collected from a variety of natural substrates, as well as from adults and larvae of nine laboratory-reared Drosophila species. We find no evidence for host species effects in lab-reared flies; instead, lab of origin and stochastic effects, which could influence studies of Drosophila phenotypes, are pronounced. In contrast, the natural Drosophila–associated microbiota appears to be predominantly shaped by food substrate with an additional but smaller effect of host species identity. We identify a core member of this natural microbiota that belongs to the genus Gluconobacter and is common to all wild-caught flies in this study, but absent from the laboratory. This makes it a strong candidate for being part of what could be a natural D. melanogaster and D. simulans core microbiome. Furthermore, we were able to identify candidate pathogens in natural fly isolates.  相似文献   

An important source of new nitrogen in salt marsh ecosystems is microbial diazotrophy (nitrogen fixation). The diazotroph assemblages associated with the rhizospheres (sediment directly affected by the roots) of salt marsh plants are highly diverse, somewhat stable, and consist mainly of novel organisms. In Crab Haul Creek Basin, North Inlet, SC, the distribution of plant types into discrete zones is dictated by relatively minor differences in marsh elevation and it was hypothesized that the biotic and abiotic properties of the plant zones would also dictate the composition of the rhizosphere diazotroph assemblages. Over a period of 1 year, rhizosphere sediments were collected from monotypic stands of the black needlerush, Juncus roemerianus, the common pickleweed, Salicornia virginica, the short and tall growth forms of the smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora, and a mixed zone of co-occurring S. virginica and short form, S. alterniflora. DNA was extracted, purified and nifH sequences PCR amplified for denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis to determine the composition of the diazotroph assemblages. The diazotroph assemblages were strongly influenced by season, abiotic environmental parameters and plant host. Sediment chemistry and nitrogen fixation activity were also significantly influenced by seasonal changes. DGGE bands that significantly affected seasonal and zone specific clustering were identified and most of these sequences were from novel diazotrophs, unaffiliated with any previously described organisms. At least one third of the recovered nifH sequences were from a diverse assemblage of Chlorobia, and γ-, α-, β- and δ-Proteobacteria. Diazotrophs that occurred throughout the growing season and among all zones (frequently detected) were also mostly novel. These significant sequences indicated that diazotrophs driving the structure of the assemblages were diverse, versatile, and some were ubiquitous while others were seasonally responsive. Several ubiquitous sequences were closely related to sequences of actively N2 fixing diazotrophs previously recovered from this system. These sequences from ubiquitous and versatile organisms likely indicate the diazotrophs in these rhizosphere assemblages that significantly contribute to ecosystem function.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine rhizosphere fungal community development in apple replant soil and a new planting soil in Beijing through a potted experiment with the apomictic triploid Pingyitiancha rootstock using the Illumina Miseq method. Steam sterilization significantly enhanced seedling growth in replant soil, while root segment addition did not enhance replant disease symptoms. The bulk soil of the replant site (ReSoil) and the new soil of the planting site (NewSoil) were sampled prior to nursery planting, and rhizosphere soils were r Qinping esampled after one growing season as RePlant and NewPlant, respectively. Approximately 48.3, 47.9, 59.8 and 68.8% of the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were classified as Ascomycota and Basidiomycota in the community of ReSoil, New Soil, RePlant and NewPlant, respectively. Shannon indices suggested that planting apple nurseries increased the fungal diversity of rhizosphere soil in both soils. Apple replant disorder (ARD) was highly associated with an unbalanced microbial ecosystem with more saprophytic and pathogenic fungi, but less species known to produce antimicrobial metabolites, while Rhizopus, Pyrenochaeta and Eurotium were identified as the key factors in ARD.  相似文献   

The fungal population dynamics in soil and in the rhizospheres of two maize cultivars grown in tropical soils were studied by a cultivation-independent analysis of directly extracted DNA to provide baseline data. Soil and rhizosphere samples were taken from six plots 20, 40, and 90 days after planting in two consecutive years. A 1.65-kb fragment of the 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) amplified from the total community DNA was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and by cloning and sequencing. A rhizosphere effect was observed for fungal populations at all stages of plant development. In addition, pronounced changes in the composition of fungal communities during plant growth development were found by DGGE. Similar types of fingerprints were observed in two consecutive growth periods. No major differences were detected in the fungal patterns of the two cultivars. Direct cloning of 18S rDNA fragments amplified from soil or rhizosphere DNA resulted in 75 clones matching 12 dominant DGGE bands. The clones were characterized by their HinfI restriction patterns, and 39 different clones representing each group of restriction patterns were sequenced. The cloning and sequencing approach provided information on the phylogeny of dominant amplifiable fungal populations and allowed us to determine a number of fungal phylotypes that contribute to each of the dominant DGGE bands. Based on the sequence similarity of the 18S rDNA fragment with existing fungal isolates in the database, it was shown that the rhizospheres of young maize plants seemed to select the Ascomycetes order Pleosporales, while different members of the Ascomycetes and basidiomycetic yeast were detected in the rhizospheres of senescent maize plants.  相似文献   

To understand how microbial communities and functional genes respond to arsenic contamination in the rhizosphere of Pteris vittata, five soil samples with different arsenic contamination levels were collected from the rhizosphere of P. vittata and nonrhizosphere areas and investigated by Biolog, geochemical, and functional gene microarray (GeoChip 3.0) analyses. Biolog analysis revealed that the uncontaminated soil harbored the greatest diversity of sole-carbon utilization abilities and that arsenic contamination decreased the metabolic diversity, while rhizosphere soils had higher metabolic diversities than did the nonrhizosphere soils. GeoChip 3.0 analysis showed low proportions of overlapping genes across the five soil samples (16.52% to 45.75%). The uncontaminated soil had a higher heterogeneity and more unique genes (48.09%) than did the arsenic-contaminated soils. Arsenic resistance, sulfur reduction, phosphorus utilization, and denitrification genes were remarkably distinct between P. vittata rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils, which provides evidence for a strong linkage among the level of arsenic contamination, the rhizosphere, and the functional gene distribution. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that arsenic is the main driver in reducing the soil functional gene diversity; however, organic matter and phosphorus also have significant effects on the soil microbial community structure. The results implied that rhizobacteria play an important role during soil arsenic uptake and hyperaccumulation processes of P. vittata.Arsenic (As) is an abundant and widespread trace metalloid element present in virtually all environmental media and is well known to be carcinogenic even at low levels (24). Arsenic contaminations in soil and groundwater have been reported in many parts of the world (2, 29, 34). Recently, in parts of Asia, including China, chronic drinking of arsenic-contaminated groundwater has caused endemic arsenicosis, which has become a major threat to public health (36). Soil arsenic contamination also affects the physiology, growth, and grain quality of crops. For example, high arsenic concentrations were found in rice seeds from Chenzhou, Hunan province, which exceeded the maximal permissible limit of 0.5 mg/kg (dry weight) (21). Hence, remediation of arsenic-contaminated soil and water is one of the major challenges in environmental science and public health. Low-cost, efficient, and environmentally friendly remediation technologies to remove arsenic from contaminated soil and water are urgently needed.Phytoremediation, the use of plants to restore contaminated soil, has attracted great attention recently. A pivotal step toward the phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated soils is the discovery of the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. (Chinese brake fern), which possesses high arsenic tolerance and produces a large biomass. This plant species holds great promise for the phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated soils. It was shown previously that the leaflets of P. vittata were able to accumulate about 100-fold of arsenic from soils (22). Plant arsenic uptake depends mainly on the arsenic source and bioavailability (25). P. vittata remediates arsenic contamination mainly by taking up arsenate [As(V)] via phosphate transport systems, whereas arsenite [As(III)] is very slowly taken up by P. vittata, at 1/10 of the rate of that for arsenate in the absence of phosphate (41). However, the uptake mechanisms still remain largely unknown.Microorganisms play a crucial role in arsenic geochemical cycling through microbial transformation processes, including reduction, oxidation, and methylation (2, 11, 31, 33, 40). Although the impacts of microbial metabolisms were previously reported to be associated with arsenic cycling of soil and water (7, 29), little is known about how rhizobacterial communities of P. vittata respond to arsenic. Recently, we found that inoculating arsenic resistance bacteria increased the arsenic accumulation efficiency of P. vittata by 13 to 110% (46). Therefore, rhizobacteria may play an important role during arsenic uptake and accumulation processes by P. vittata. Thus, it is important to elucidate the microbially diverse populations and functional genes associated with arsenic mobility and transport in the P. vittata rhizosphere. However, to fully understand the ecology of such complex rhizosphere-contaminated soils, it is necessary to analyze different microbial populations simultaneously.Our hypothesis is that the arsenic-hyperaccumulating ability of P. vittata is due to the interactions among plants, rhizobacteria, and arsenic. A study of microbial communities present in the plant rhizosphere is important to illustrate the mechanisms of arsenic hyperaccumulation in P. vittata. Thus, the objectives of this research were to understand how microbial metabolic diversities, communities, and functional genes/relative abundances were affected by soil arsenic contamination and the P. vittata rhizosphere environment. To determine the soil microbial metabolic diversity, the Biolog system (Biolog, Carlsbad, CA) was used to analyze the sole-carbon-source-utilizing capabilities of the soil microbial communities. For functional gene analysis, a high-density, sensitive, oligonucleotide-based microarray (GeoChip 3.0) was used. GeoChip-based technologies have revealed the structure, metabolic activity, and dynamics of microbial communities from complex environments, such as soil, sediments, and groundwater (10, 38, 39, 45, 48). Our results provide evidence that changes of microbial community structure, functional gene distribution, and microbial metabolic diversity are associated with the soil arsenic level and the rhizosphere effect of P. vittata and suggest that plant phytoremediation is an interactive process among plants, microorganisms, and soil contaminants.  相似文献   

Parasitoid fitness depends on the ability of females to locate a host. In some species of Ichneumonoidea, female parasitoids detect potential hosts through vibratory cues emanating from them or through vibrational sounding produced by antennal tapping on the substrate. In this study, we (1) describe host location behaviors in Grotea gayi Spinola (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Labena sp. on nests of Manuelia postica Spinola (Hymenoptera: Apidae), (2) compare nest dimensions between parasitized and unparasitized nests, (3) correlate the length of M. postica nests with the number of immature individuals developing, and (4) establish the relative proportion of parasitized nests along the breeding period of M. postica. Based on our results, we propose that these parasitoids use vibrational sounding as a host location mechanism and that they are able to assess host nest dimensions and choose those which may provide them with a higher fitness. Finally, we discuss an ancestral host?Cparasitoid relationship between Manuelia and ichneumonid species.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities associated with tree canopies have been shown to be specific to their plant hosts, suggesting that plant species-specific traits may drive the selection of microbial species that comprise their microbiomes. To further examine the degree to which the plant taxa drive the assemblage of bacterial communities in specific plant microenvironments, we evaluated bacterial community structures associated with the phyllosphere, dermosphere, and rhizosphere of seven tree species representing three orders, four families and four genera of plants from a pristine Dense Ombrophilous Atlantic forest in Brazil, using a combination of PCR-DGGE of 16S rRNA genes and clone library sequencing. Results indicated that each plant species selected for distinct bacterial communities in the phyllosphere, dermosphere, and rhizosphere, and that the bacterial community structures are significantly related to the plant taxa, at the species, family, and order levels. Further characterization of the bacterial communities of the phyllosphere and dermosphere of the tree species showed that they were inhabited predominantly by species of Gammaproteobacteria, mostly related to Pseudomonas. In contrast, the rhizosphere bacterial communities showed greater species richness and evenness, and higher frequencies of Alphaproteobacteria and Acidobacteria Gp1. With individual tree species each selecting for their specific microbiomes, these findings greatly increase our estimates of the bacterial species richness in tropical forests and provoke questions concerning the ecological functions of the microbial communities that exist on different plant parts.  相似文献   

Diplodia seriata, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium aleophilum are the three main species associated with grapevine decline in Spain. AFLP markers were developed to discriminate Spanish populations of these species. The markers were used to genotype isolates of D. seriata, P. chlamydospora and P. aleophilum. AFLP markers were valuable in performing population genetic studies as genetic variability (Kx) ranged from 0.07 in the P. chlamydospora population to 0.28 in the D. seriata population. Species‐specific markers obtained using only two AFLP combinations clearly discriminate D. seriata, P. chlamydospora and P. aleophilum and are a useful tool in simultaneous identification tests.  相似文献   

Crown Architecture and Species Coexistence in Plant Communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationships between crown architecture and species coexistencewere studied using the diffusion model and the canopy photosynthesismodel for multi-species plant communities. The present paperdeals with two species having different crown shapes [conic-canopyplant (CCP) and spheroidal-canopy plant (SCP)], for variousinitial mean sizes at the establishment stage and physiologicalparameter values (photosynthetic rate, etc.). Recruitment processeswere not incorporated into the model, and thus simulations weremade for the effects on the pattern of species coexistence ofeither sapling competition starting from different sapling banksor competition in single-cohort stands with little continualestablishment of species until a stand-replacement disturbance.The following predictions were derived: (1) SCPs can establishlater/slowly in the lower canopy layer even if they are overtoppedby a CCP which established first/rapidly; (2) if SCPs establishedfirst/rapidly and occupy the upper canopy layer, a CCP can rarelyestablish later/slowly in the lower canopy layer; (3) smallest-sizedCCPs can persist well in the lowermost canopy layer overtoppedby a SCP, suggesting a waiting strategy of CCP's saplings inthe understorey of a crowded stand; (4) even if CCPs establishedfirst/rapidly and occupy the upper canopy layer, an SCP canestablish later/slowly in the lower canopy layer. Therefore,the species diversity of SCPs which established first/rapidlyand occupy the upper canopy layer limits the number of CCP specieswhich can establish later/slowly. In contrast, the species diversityof CCPs which established first/rapidly and occupy the uppercanopy layer does not affect the number of SCP species whichcan establish later/slowly. The combination of initial sizesof a CCP and an SCP at the establishment stage (i.e. establishmenttiming) affects the segregation of vertical positions in thecanopy between the two species with different crown shape, andnot only species-specific physiological traits but also crownarchitecture greatly affects the coexistence pattern betweenspecies with different crown architectures. The theoreticalpredictions obtained here can explain coexistence patterns foundin single-cohort conifer-hardwood boreal and sub-boreal forests,pointing to the significance of crown architecture for speciescoexistence. Diffusion equation model; canopy photosynthesis model; conifer-hardwood boreal/sub-boreal forest; sapling establishment; vertical foliage profile  相似文献   

Plant and soil types are usually considered as the two main drivers of the rhizosphere microbial communities. The aim of this work was to study the effect of both N availability and plant genotype on the plant associated rhizosphere microbial communities, in relation to the nutritional strategies of the plant-microbe interactions, for six contrasted Medicago truncatula genotypes. The plants were provided with two different nutrient solutions varying in their nitrate concentrations (0 mM and 10 mM). First, the influence of both nitrogen availability and Medicago truncatula genotype on the genetic structure of the soil bacterial and fungal communities was determined by DNA fingerprint using Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA). Secondly, the different nutritional strategies of the plant-microbe interactions were evaluated using an ecophysiological framework. We observed that nitrogen availability affected rhizosphere bacterial communities only in presence of the plant. Furthermore, we showed that the influence of nitrogen availability on rhizosphere bacterial communities was dependent on the different genotypes of Medicago truncatula. Finally, the nutritional strategies of the plant varied greatly in response to a modification of nitrogen availability. A new conceptual framework was thus developed to study plant-microbe interactions. This framework led to the identification of three contrasted structural and functional adaptive responses of plant-microbe interactions to nitrogen availability.  相似文献   

采用国际冻原计划(ITEX)模拟增温对植物影响的研究方法,将开项式生长室(OTC)按不同直径设置5个增温梯度,并按其直径从小到大的顺序依次标记为A、B、C、D、E 5个处理,研究了增温效应对青藏高原高寒草甸3种植物生理生化特性的影响。研究表明:(1) A~E 5个增温处理使OTC内部气温依次比对照升高了2.68 ℃、1.57 ℃、1.20 ℃、1.07 ℃ 和0.69 ℃,土壤温度依次比对照升高了1.74 ℃、1.06 ℃、0.80 ℃、0.60 ℃和0.30 ℃。(2)增温对3种植物的叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量、SOD活性、谷胱甘肽等生理生化特性产生了一系列的影响,3种植物对增温效应的响应也不尽相同。(3)增温对青藏高原3种植物生理生化特性的影响明显且复杂,适度增温0.69 ℃~1.07 ℃(D、E处理)对3种植物生理生化特性在总体上表现为正效应。  相似文献   

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