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In situ implantation of a quail wing bud into a chick embryo at 4 days of incubation (E4) regularly results in the normal development of the implant followed by its acute rejection starting within two weeks post-hatching. If the epithelial thymic rudiments of the quail donor are implanted into the branchial arch area of the chick recipient after partial removal of its own thymic primordia, a chimeric thymus develops in the chick host and this induces tolerance to the quail wing by the chick recipient. The species identity of cells in chimeric thymuses was mapped using Feulgen-Rossenbeck' staining and immunolabelling with monoclonal antibodies directed against quail or chick B-L antigens. Certain lobes contained only chick cells both at the stromal and hemopoietic cell levels. Others had a quail epithelial stroma containing host hemopoietically derived cells. Only chimeras in which at least one third of the thymic lobes were chimeric showed permanent tolerance to the grafted wing. Since the two species exhibit distinct developmental rates, we decided to study the kinetics of thymic involution after birth. Although the changes in thymus weight and histological structure are fundamentally similar in quail and chick, those in the quail start about 7-8 weeks earlier. In the chimeric thymuses, the lobes whose epithelial cells were quail involuted at the rate of control quail showing no influence of the hemopoietic thymic compartment in this process. Tolerance induced by the thymic epithelium during embryogenesis and in early postnatal life was maintained after a profound involution of the quail thymic graft had occurred.  相似文献   

Homeobox gene XlHbox 1 is expressed in a mesodermal gradient in vertebrate forelimbs with maximal expression anteriorly and proximally and may encode positional values. In chick wing buds, anterior cells can be reprogrammed to form posterior structures by grafts of polarizing region tissue and by beads soaked in retinoic acid (RA), which is a good candidate for an endogenous morphogen. Applications of RA anteriorly or at the bud apex, treatments which produce duplicated digits or truncations respectively, substantially increase the extent of mesodermal XlHbox 1 expression. Polarizing region grafts that also produce additional digits lead to a moderate increase. The effects of RA application and the behaviour of transplanted tissue show that only anterior cells are competent to express XlHbox 1 and that expression is cell autonomous. Ectodermal expression in wing buds is enhanced by RA but not by polarizing region grafts and ectoderm/mesoderm recombinations show that the mesoderm is irreversibly affected. The changes in mesodermal expression do not fit the predictions of the simple model that XlHbox 1 encodes anterior positional values but are correlated with a series of novel malformations of the shoulder girdle which, in normal wing buds, is derived from cells expressing XlHbox 1.  相似文献   

The origin of prospective M cells, which are median neuroepithelial cells that become wedge-shaped during bending of the neural plate and eventually form the midline floor of the neural tube, was determined by constructing quail/chick chimeras and using the quail nucleolar marker to identify quail donor cells in chick host blastoderms. Two possible sites of prospective M-cell origin in the epiblast were examined: a single, midline rudiment located just rostral to Hensen's node and paired rudiments flanking the cranial part of the primitive streak. Our results suggest that M cells arise exclusively from the midline, prenodal rudiment. From this rudiment, M cells extend caudally throughout the entire length of the neuroepithelium. This new information on the origin of prospective M cells will aid in the analysis of their role in neurulation.  相似文献   

A homeobox gene, HB9, has been isolated from the tarsometatarsal skin of 13-day-old chick embryos using a degenerate RT-PCR-based screening method. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that, during development of chick embryonic skin, the HB9 gene was expressed in epidermal basal cells of the placodes, but not in those of interplacodes, and in the dermal cells under the placodes at 9 days before addition of an intermediate layer by proliferation of the basal cells in the placodes. With the onset of epidermal stratification, the direction of the basal cell mitosis changed, with the axis becoming vertical to the epidermal surface. Placodes and interplacodes form outer and inner scales, respectively, after they have elongated distally (Tanaka S, Kato Y (1983b) J Exp Zool 225: 271–283). During scale ridge elongation at 12–15 days, HB9 was strongly expressed in the epidermis of the outer scale face, where the cell proliferation is more active than in the epidermis of the inner scale face; hence, stratification of the outer scale face is more prominent than that of the inner scale face. After 16 days, when mitotic activity in the epidermal basal cells decreases and the thickness of the epidermis is maintained at a constant level, the HB9 expression decreases with the onset of epidermal keratinization. These results suggest that HB9 may be involved in the proliferation of the epidermal basal cells that accompanies epidermal stratification.  相似文献   

Using quail/chick chimeras, we have previously shown that different embryonic territories are vascularized through two distinct mecanisms, angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. Angiogenesis occurs in tissues of somatopleural origin, vasculogenesis occurs in territories of splanchnopleural origin. The aim of this work was to establish if these modes of vascularization were conserved in the mammalian embryo. Since in vivo manipulations with mammalian embryos are difficult to perform, we used a quail/mouse chimera approach. Mouse limb buds of somatopleural origin, and visceral organ rudiments of splanchnopleural origin, were grafted into the coelomic cavity of 2.5 day-old quail embryos. After four to seven days, the hosts were killed and the origin of the endothelial cells in the mouse tissues was determined by double staining with the quail endothelial and hematopoietic cell-specific marker, QH1 and mouse-specific VEGFR2 and VEGFR3 probes. Our findings show that the great majority of vessels which developed in the mouse limbs was QH1+, indicating that these tissues were vascularized by angiogenesis. Conversely, visceral organs were vascularized through the vasculogenesis process by mouse endothelial cells which differentiated in situ. These results demonstrate for the first time that in the mouse embryo, as previously shown in avian species, the tissues from somatopleural origin are vascularized by angiogenesis, while rudiments of a splanchnopleural origin are vascularized by vasculogenesis, both at vascular and lymphatic levels.  相似文献   

Barx2 is a member of the Bar class of homeobox genes and has been shown to regulate specific cell adhesion molecules, L1, Ng-CAM, N-CAM, and cadherin 6. By Northern blotting and in situ hybridization, we show that Barx2 is expressed throughout the gut and is located in epithelial cells of the proliferative and differentiative regions of the stomach, esophagus, and intestine. Barx2 was expressed in muscle cells of the muscularis externa and also showed a graded pattern of expression in intestinal enterocytes, decreasing in a crypt-to-villous direction. We speculate that Barx2 may regulate cell adhesion molecules in epithelial cells of the gut.  相似文献   

Cultures of neuroretina (NR) cells from 7-day chick and quail embryos were infected with ts NY-68, a thermosensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) which transformed NR cells at 36 degrees C. The following differentiation markers for neurones were studied: tetanus toxin-binding sites at the cell surfaces, presence of synapses, and the specific activity of the enzymes choline acetyltransferase (CAT) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Appearance of synapses and expression of CAT were similar in control and transformed cultures. Tetanus toxin-binding cells were observed in transformed primary cultures and also in quail NR subcultures. GAD-specific activity was markedly stimulated in chick and quail primary cultures transformed by ts NY-68 and further increased in subcultures of ts NY-68-transformed quail NR cells. Stimulation of GAD activity is controlled by the transforming (src) gene of RSV since it was not observed in cultures infected with RAV-1, a leukosis virus which lacks the src gene. These data show that infection of chick and quail NR cultures with RSV results in the transformation of cells with neuronal markers.  相似文献   

The homeobox gene Not is highly conserved in Xenopus, chicken and zebrafish with an apparent role in notochord formation, which inspired the name of this distinct subfamily. Interestingly, Not genes are also well conserved in animals without notochord such as sea urchins, Drosophila or even Hydra, but appear to be highly derived in mammals. A search for homeobox genes in the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, one of the simplest organisms available today, revealed only two homeobox genes: a Not homologue and the previously described gene Trox-2, which is most similar to the Gsx subfamily of the Hox/ParaHox cluster genes. Not has a unique expression profile in Trichoplax. It is highly expressed in folds of intact animals and in the wounds of regenerating animals. The dynamic expression pattern of Trichoplax Not is discussed in comparison with the invariable expression pattern of Trox-2 and the putative secreted protein Secp1. The high sequence conservation of Not from Trichoplax to lower vertebrates, but not to mammals, represents a rare example of an apparent gene decay in the lineage leading to humans.  相似文献   

Homeobox genes play a key role in specifying the segmented body plan of Drosophila, and recent work suggests that at least several homeobox genes may play a regulatory role during vertebrate limb morphogenesis. We have used degenerate oligonucleotide primers from highly conserved domains in the homeobox motif to amplify homeobox gene segments from chick embryo limb bud cDNAs using the polymerase chain reaction. Expression of a large number of homeobox genes (at least 17) is detected using this approach. One of these genes contains a novel homeobox loosely related to the Drosophila Abdominal B class, and was further analyzed by determining its complete coding sequence and evaluating its expression during embryogenesis by in situ hybridization. Based on sequence and expression patterns, we have designated this gene as Ghox 4.7 and believe that it is the chick homologue of the murine Hox 4.7 gene (formerly Hox 5.6). Ghox 4.7 is expressed primarily in limb buds during development and shows a striking spatial restriction to the posterior zone of the limb bud, suggesting a role in specifying anterior-posterior pattern formation. In chick, this gene also displays differences in expression between wing and leg buds, raising the possibility that it may participate in specifying limb-type identity.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent studies on the expression of the homeobox gene, Hox 2.1, during mouse embryogenesis, using the technique of in situ hybridization. Differential hybridization of radiolabelled antisense versus sense strand RNA is first clearly detected in sections of 8.5 day post coitum (p.c.) early somite embryos. At 12.5 days p.c., higher levels of Hox 2.1 expression are seen in the spinal cord, extending into the base of the hind brain. Hybridization of antisense Hox 2.1 RNA is also seen in the spinal ganglia, in the nodose ganglia of the Xth cranial nerve (which contains derivatives of the neural crest arising from the posterior hind brain), and in the myenteric plexus. Mesodermal cells of certain visceral organs also express Hox 2.1 RNA, in particular the mesoderm of the lung, stomach and meso- and meta-nephric kidney. Comparison of the spatial domains of expression of mouse homeobox genes reveals a pattern consistent with the idea that they play a role in anteroposterior positional specification during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

SHOX is a homeobox-containing gene, highly conserved among species as diverse as fish, chicken and humans. SHOX gene mutations have been shown to cause idiopathic short stature and skeletal malformations frequently observed in human patients with Turner, Leri-Weill and Langer syndromes. We cloned the chicken orthologue of SHOX, studied its expression pattern and compared this with expression of the highly related Shox2. Shox is expressed in central regions of early chick limb buds and proximal two thirds of later limbs, whereas Shox2 is expressed more posteriorly in the proximal third of the limb bud. Shox expression is inhibited distally by signals from the apical ectodermal ridge, both Fgfs and Bmps, and proximally by retinoic acid signaling. We tested Shox functions by overexpression in embryos and micromass cultures. Shox-infected chick limbs had normal proximo-distal patterning but the length of skeletal elements was consistently increased. Primary chick limb bud cell cultures infected with Shox showed an initial increase in cartilage nodules but these did not enlarge. These results fit well with the proposed role of Shox in cartilage and bone differentiation and suggest chick embryos as a useful model to study further the role of Shox in limb development.  相似文献   

The homeobox gene goosecoid is one of the first genes expressed in the organizer region of vertebrates and specifies future dorsal regions along the anterior/posterior axis of the embryo. Goosecoid (gsc) expression marks the posterior end of the anterior/posterior axis and might be a good marker to visualise early events in embryonic axis formation and differentiation processes in the epiblast at the onset of gastrulation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate gsc expression in porcine embryos. For this the homeobox containing region of the porcine gsc was isolated using RT-PCR. The sequence of the PCR product appeared to be highly homologous to the sequence in the mouse, human, and chicken. We concluded that the isolated region represents part of the porcine gsc messenger. Relative levels of gsc expression were estimated in porcine embryos from day 9 to day 12 of pregnancy. Gsc was expressed in embryos of all ages and localisation on one side of the embryoblast was demonstrated with in situ hybridisation on whole- mount embryos at day 10 of pregnancy. In embryos collected at day 13 of pregnancy gsc expression was localised anterior to the primitive streak. The correlation between embryo size and level of gsc expression was low. Levels and pattern of expression varied within and between litters collected at similar days of pregnancy. It is concluded that gsc expression can be used as an early marker of differentiation and to describe embryo diversity in the pig.  相似文献   

We performed in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis of HB9 homeobox gene mRNA and protein, respectively, during chick feather development. HB9 mRNA was highly expressed in epidermal basal cells and dermal cells of the placodes and feather buds, but not in those of the interplacodes and interbud regions. HB9 protein was predominantly expressed in dermal cells of the symmetric short buds and decreased after the asymmetric bud stage when the feather bud had become elongated along the anterior-posterior (A-P) and proximal-distal (P-D) axis. These results suggest that HB9 gene is regulated in a spatiotemporal manner during feather development, and may be involved in early feather bud morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Quail-chick chimeras have been used extensively in the field of developmental biology. To detect quail cells more easily and to detect cellular processes of quail cells in quail-chick chimeras, we generated four monoclonal antibodies (MAb) specific to some quail tissues. MAb QCR1 recognizes blood vessels, blood cells, and cartilage cells, MAb QB1 recognizes quail blood vessels and blood cells, and MAb QB2 recognizes quail blood vessels, blood cells, and mesenchymal tissues. These antibodies bound to those tissues in 3-9-day quail embryos and did not bind to any tissues of 3-9-day chick embryos. MAb QSC1 is specific to the ventral half of spinal cord and thymus in 9-day quail embryo. No tissue in 9-day chick embryo reacted with this MAb. This antibody binds transiently to a small number of brain vesicle cells in developing chick embryo as well as in quail embryo. A preliminary application of two of these MAb, QCR1 and QSC1, on quail-chick chimeras of neural tube and somites is reported here.  相似文献   

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