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《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(2):233-238
The synthesis and secretion of egg-specific protein (ESP) were investigated using the follicle cells isolated from the developing ovary of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The follicle cells were isolated manually from a follicle into a cell layer by thoroughly extruding the oocyte contents through a small hole. Whole follicles and isolated follicle cells were incubated in vitro with [35S]methionine, and ESP and its precursors were immunochemically isolated using antiserum raised to ESP. The isolated follicle cells incorporated label into ESP but the incorporation rate was about one-fifth of that found in whole follicles. About 20% of the total radioactivity of ESPs were recovered from the incubation medium of the isolated follicle cells while only trace activity (<2%) was found in the incubation medium of whole follicles. These results clearly showed that follicle cells synthesize and release ESP to be taken up by the developing oocyte.  相似文献   

Yue MJ  Mo SJ  Song P  Gong YZ 《动物学研究》2011,32(4):386-390
斑马鱼z-otu基因编码的蛋白可能具有DUBs活性,它包含OTU和TUDOR结构域,属于OTU相关蛋白酶家族的成员。该研究将原核表达的融合蛋白(OTU结构域和GST)纯化后免疫新西兰兔,获得多克隆抗体anti-Z-OTU,并利用该抗体对Z-OTU蛋白质在斑马鱼卵子发生和早期胚胎发育过程中的表达进行了分析。根据原位和整体免疫组织化学检测结果并结合以前的研究结论,分析并比较了z-otu基因的mRNA和蛋白质的分布,发现在卵子发生和早期胚胎发育过程中,z-otu基因的mRNA和蛋白质表达模式存在明显差异:mRNA仅在卵子发生早期表达,卵母细胞受精后才重新开始表达,而其蛋白在卵子发生过程中均表达;在卵子发生过程中,mRNA分布于细胞质中,而蛋白质先分布于细胞核中,然后向细胞质迁移,接着又向卵母细胞生发泡(germinal vesicle,GV)集中。推测Z-OTU蛋白类似于其他具有去泛素化酶活性的OTU相关蛋白酶,对于卵母细胞减数分裂过程中生发泡破裂、生发泡迁移及维持胚胎的分裂是必需的。  相似文献   

Complementary (c)DNA coding for an insect yolk protein, the egg-specific protein of the silkworm Bombyx mori was cloned and the nucleotide sequence determined. The sequence covers the entire coding region of 1,677 base pairs with 5′ and 3′ noncoding regions (21 and 115 base pairs, respectively). The deduced amino acid sequence of the egg-specific protein consists of 559 amino acid residues. The NH2-terminal 18 amino acid sequence is enriched in hydrophobic amino acids and assumed to be a signal peptide. A sequence, Asn-X-Thr, a potential N-linked glycosylation site, is found at positions 191 to 193. A serine-rich domain is localized in the region from 63 to 90, in which phosphorylation takes place. Cys His motif in 405 to 415 is analogous to a proposed metal binding sequence. Lys132-Asn133 and Arg228-Asp229 are probably the sites cleaved by the egg-specific protein protease that appears during embryogenesis. The derived amino acid sequence has no appreciable homology to other sequenced proteins.  相似文献   

Hemolin is the most abundant bacteria-induced proteins in Hyalophora cecropia hemolymph. Its structural features, both at the protein and gene level, ascribe this molecule to the immunoglobulin gene superfamily (IgSF) with particular homology to neural cell adhesion molecules. An increasing number of evidence suggest a role in immune recognition and in cell adhesion events. Hemolin is also developmentally regulated as suggested by changes in its concentration during larval and pupal ecdysis (Trenczek, T., 1998. Endogenous defense mechanisms of insects. Zoology 101, 298-315; Lanz-Mendoza, H., Faye, I., 1999. Physiological aspects of the immunoglobulin superfamily in invertebrates. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 23, 359-374). In the present study the expression of hemolin was investigated in oogenesis and in early embryogenesis. Our results reveal that hemolin is expressed in follicles and in epidermal and neural tissues of embryos.  相似文献   

A method is described which permits the preparation of descrete classes of oocytes of different sizes from all stages of oogenesis in Xenopus laevis. This technique is used in the determination of the content of microtubule protein in oocytes during the course of oogenesis. These experiments show that microtubule protein is present in oocytes of all sizes assayed and that the amount is simply related to the volume of the oocyte. In the largest oocytes microtubule protein constitutes 1% of the soluble protein and this amount does not change on maturation and fertilization. These results show that the changes occurring in the oocyte on maturation which allow the cytoplasm to support microtubule polymerization occur as a result of a modification of the pre-existing microtubule protein, not from protein synthesis de novo. These experiments also indicate that the synthesis of microtubule protein either form 'masked' mRNA or from newly synthesized mRNA plays an insignificant role in microtubule protein synthesis at maturation, ovulation and immediately post-fertilization.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1980,10(2):199-208
Vitellin was purified from the eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori by a simple method which included a specific precipitation at pH 6 under low ionic concentration and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The final preparation was highly homogeneous as judged by gel electrophoresis, electron microscopy and ultracentrifugation.Vitellin was defined as glycolipoprotein with a sedimentation coefficient (S20, W) of 13.5S and a molecular weight of 440,000. The molecule was almost spherical in shape with a diameter of 13 nm. The molecule contained 3% mannose and 7.5% total lipids which comprised triacylglycerol, diacylglycerol, cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The amino acid composition displayed a high content of glutamic and aspartic acids and a low content of methionine. The molecule was composed of two non-identical subunits with molecular weights of 180,000 and 42,000, and the native molecule was assumed to be a tetramer composed of two molecules of each of these subunits. Separation of the two subunits was achieved, and mannose was covalently associated only with the heavier subunit.The rabbit anti-egg vitellin antibody cross-reacted with the haemolymph vitellogenin but not with other haemolymph proteins, nor with the vitellogenin from Locusta migratoria. The antibody also reacted with the haemolymph vitellogenin of the silkworm, Philosamia cynthia.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(3):293-300
The post-translational processing of egg-specific protein (ESP) in developing ovarian follicles of the silkworm, Bombyx mori was analyzed using in vivo and in vitro labeling systems with some radioactive precursors. The labeling with[35S]methionine revealed that ESP is first synthesized as 69 kDa peptide (69K-ESP) which is then converted to 72 kDa peptide (72K-ESP) until 2 h. Some of 72K-ESP molecules were converted to 64 kDa peptide (64K-ESP) after 10h-labeling. [14C]Mannose was incorporated into 69K-ESP and 72K-ESP. In the presence of tunicamycin, labeling with [35S]methionine brought about a new 67 kDa peptide (67K-ESP) by reducing the incorporation into 69K- and 72K-ESP. [32P]Ortho-phosphate was incorporated into only 72K-ESP by a 2 h-pulse labeling. Treatment of 72K-ESP with alkaline phosphatase converted it to 69K-ESP. These results along with the available information led to the conclusion that the primary translation product is sequentially processed to 67K-ESP by signal peptide cleavage, to 69K-ESP by glycosylation, and finally to 72K-ESP by phosphorylation as the actual product in the peptide synthesis. The limited conversion of 72K-ESP to 64K-ESP is proposed to be a post-endocytotic event.  相似文献   

Summary For analysing spatial distribution of maternal proteins in an amphibian egg, monoclonal antibodies specific to certain regions were raised. One monoclonal antibody was found (MoAB Xa5B6) which reacted specifically with the animal hemisphere of the mature Xenopus laevis egg. The maternal protein that reacted with the MoAb Xa5B6 was shown to be distributed asymmetrically along the dorso-ventral axis in the upper region of the equatorial zone of the fertilized egg. At late blastula stage, the antigen protein could be observed clearly in both the marginal zone and animal cap. It was localized predominantly in mesodermal and ectodermal cells of late neurula embryos. The Xa5B6 antigen accumulated during oogenesis. The distribution pattern of maternal protein was remarkably different in the developmental stages of the oocyte. The pattern in the mature oocyte was completely different from that of the immature egg in which the antigen was located in the radial striations of the oocyte cytoplasm. After maturation, the distribution pattern changed drastically to an animal-vegetal polarization and the striation labellings were no longer observed. By Western blot examination, it was confirmed that the amounts of antigen protein were constant during early embryogenesis and the mesoectoderm contained a greater amount of antigens than the endoderm at late blastula. The antibody detected two bands of approximately 70 × 103 and 30 × 103 Mr by Western blot analysis. The latter molecule may possibly be a degrading moiety of the former. The results were discussed in relation to establishment of animal-vegetal (A/V) and dorso-ventral (D/V) polarization at the molecular level. Offprint requests to: A.S. Suzuki  相似文献   

The family of 30 kDa lipoproteins (LP1–5) is abundant in silkworm pupa fat body (FB) and hemolymph. One of its members, the 29 kDa protein decreased in concentration from peripheral (PP) FB tissue but was sustained in perivisceral (PV) FB tissue at the time of apoptosis. This study investigated the correlation of the 30 kDa proteins with FB apoptosis. Two protein fractions were purified, a 29 and a 30/31 kDa protein fraction, and they were used to test for activity against actinomycin D‐induced apoptosis in the FB tissues. Concentrations as little as 50 μg/mL of the 29 kDa protein fraction efficiently inhibited apoptosis. Less antiapoptotic activity was detected for the higher MW fraction; DNA fragmentation was observed in FB tissue treated with 50 μg/mL of the 30/31 kDa fraction. The viability of the cells in the 29 kDa protein‐supplemented culture was 40% higher than in the 31 kDa protein‐supplemented culture. However, the 30 kDa lipoproteins were not able to prevent scheduled FB degeneration during silkworm metamorphosis. Thus, it is hypothesized that the antiapoptotic 29 kDa protein needs to be proteolytically degraded by a regulatory mechanism to allow programmed cell death of FB tissue.  相似文献   

During Hydra oogenesis, an aggregate of germ cells differentiates into one oocyte and thousands of nurse cells. Nurse cells display a number of features typical of apoptotic cells and are phagocytosed by the growing oocyte. Yet, these cells remain unchanged in morphology and number until hatching of the polyp, which can occur up to 12 months later. Treatments with caspase inhibitors can block oocyte development during an early phase of oogenesis, but not after nurse cell phagocytosis has taken place, indicating that initiation of nurse cell apoptosis is essential for oocyte development. The genomic DNA of the phagocytosed nurse cells in the oocyte and embryo shows large-scale fragmentation into 8- to 15-kb pieces, but there is virtually none of the internucleosomal degradation typically seen in apoptotic cells. The arrested nurse cells exhibit high levels of peroxidase activity and are prevented from entering the lysosomal pathway. After hatching of the polyp, apoptosis is resumed and the nurse cells are degraded within 3 days. During this final stage, nurse cells become TUNEL-positive and enter secondary lysosomes in a strongly degraded state. Our results suggest that nurse cell apoptosis consists of caspase-dependent and caspase-independent phases. The independent phase can be arrested at an advanced stage for several months, only to resume after the primary polyp hatches.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of a nuclear antigen ofPleurodeles waltl oocytes, recognized by the monoclonal antibody B24/1, has been studied during oogenesis and early embryonic development. In stage I oocytes the antigen was localized in the nucleoplasm and on two atypical structures of lampbrush chromosomes, the spheres (S) and the mass (M). The immunostaining increased as the oocyte developed. In stage VI oocytes, the nucleoplasm and spheres showed intense staining. At this stage, the nucleoplasm often contained free spheres which were also labelled. The staining of M diminished during oogenesis, as did its size. Immunoblots of nuclear proteins of oocytes at different stages confirmed that there was an accumulation of this protein during oogenesis. During embryonic development, the nuclei of all the cells of blastula and gastrula were labelled by this antibody: there was no embryonic regionalization. Starting from the neurula stage, the staining progressively disappeared from the nuclei of ectodermal and mesodermal cells. In the tailbud stage, only the endodermal cell nuclei showed faint staining. Immunoblots of proteins from embryos of different stages showed that the quantity of this protein was constant until the young gastrula stage and then decreased progressively; in the young tailbud stage, this protein was practically absent. B24/1 is the first described protein of the sphere. This protein is accumulated in the oocyte nucleus and behaves like a maternal polypeptide, shifting early in the nuclei during embryonic development. Thus, B24/1 probably has a function required from the early developmental stages, perhaps in relation with small nuclear ribonucleoproteins.  相似文献   


Translational activity in the oocyte and early embryo of Manduca sexta may be regulated by a number of mechanisms including availability of ribosomal subunits, the protein complement of the maternal mRNP, and the presence of a functional 5′ cap structure on the maternal mRNA. We present preliminary experiments concerning the role of intracellular pH in the activation of protein synthesis and the nature of the cortical cytoskeleton of the mature oocyte and its possible role in immobilizing maternal mRNA.  相似文献   

The amounts of the various forms of DNA polymerase (alpha 1, alpha 2, beta, and gamma) have been determined in oocytes, eggs, and embryos of the frog, Xenopus laevis. During oogenesis the relative proportions and absolute levels of all forms changed dramatically. In stage I (early) oocytes, DNA polymerase-gamma, the "mitochondrial" polymerase, was the predominant form. During oocyte growth, DNA polymerase-alpha 1 and -alpha 2 increased by more than 100-fold, DNA polymerase-beta by 15-fold, and DNA polymerase-gamma by only 8-fold. During oocyte maturation and ovulation, the levels of all forms of DNA polymerase roughly doubled. The mature stage VI oocyte contained 5 orders of magnitude more DNA polymerase activity than is found in an individual somatic cell. DNA polymerase-alpha 1 and -alpha 2, the "replicative" polymerases, were the predominant forms in mature oocytes and ovulated unfertilized eggs. During fertilization, the relative proportions and absolute levels of the four forms remained constant. During subsequent stages of embryogenesis, the total amounts of DNA polymerase-alpha 1 and -alpha 2 declined slightly from cleavage through gastrulation, the stages of most rapid chromosomal DNA replication. The rapid increase in cell number during early embryogenesis establishes the same levels of DNA polymerase/cell as are present in adult somatic cells. After neurulation, the absolute levels of DNA polymerase-alpha 1 and -alpha 2 increased in proportion to increases in cell number. The absolute levels of DNA polymerase-beta remained constant, and the levels of DNA polymerase-gamma increased 2-fold throughout embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Vitellin was purified from eggs of the silkworm,Bombyx mori, by a new method in which vitellin was extracted from isolated yolk granules. The purified vitellin had a molecular weight of 540,000. An antibody against purified vitellin was prepared in rabbits. It reacted with the hemolymph vitellogenin as well as with purified vitellin, but not with other proteins in the hemolymph or in the extract from yolk granules. The anti-vitellin IgG was used to immunocytochemically locate vitellin in theBombyx non-diapause egg during early developmental stages. In the egg, just after oviposition, vitellin was located in internal yolk granules and in small yolk granules of the periplasm. During the early developmental stages studied, vitellin was not metabolized uniformly throughout the egg. The vitellin of the internal yolk granules located at the posterior-dorsal part and of the small peripheral yolk granules was utilized in 16 h and 2 days, respectively, after oviposition. A thin, very vitellin-poor layer was located between the periplasm and the vitellin-rich interior in the newly laid egg. it was always in close contact with the periphery where blastoderm and germ-band cells developed.  相似文献   

The protein and lipid composition of a vitellin isolated from eggs of Sparus aurata were characterized by SDS PAGE, N-terminal sequence analysis and lipid analysis by thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography. The lipoprotein complex contains proteins with apparent molecular weights of 69, 59, 23, 21 and 12 kDa and were characterized as vitellinogenin fragments by N-terminal sequencing. Lipid extraction and analysis indicate an association of cholesterol and phospholipids with the protein subunits. The phospholipids contain fatty acids with 14, 16 and 18 carbon atoms as determined by GC/MS.  相似文献   

Summary Protein synthesis in egg follicles and blastoderm embryos ofDrosophila melanogaster has been studied by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Up to 400 polypeptide spots have been resolved on autoradiographs. Stage 10 follicles (for stages see King, 1970) were labelled in vitro for 10 to 60 min with35S-methionine and cut with tungsten needles into an anterior fragment containing the nurse cells and a posterior fragment containing the oocyte and follicle cells. The nurse cells were found to synthesize a complex pattern of proteins. At least two proteins were detected only in nurse cells but not in the oocyte even after a one hour labelling period. Nurse cells isolated from stages 9, 10 and 12 follicles were shown to synthesize stage specific patterns of proteins. Several proteins are synthesized in posterior fragments of stage 10 follicles but not in anterior fragments. These proteins are only found in follicle cells. No oocyte specific proteins have been detected. Striking differences between the protein patterns of anterior and posterior fragments persist until the nurse cells degenerate. In mature stage 14 follicles, labelled in vivo, no significant differences in the protein patterns of isolated anterior and posterior fragments could be detected; this may be due to technical limitations. At the blastoderm stage localized synthesis of specific proteins becomes detectable again. When blastoderm embryos, labelled in vivo, are cut with tungsten needles and the cells are isolated from anterior and posterior halves, differences become apparent. The pole cells located at the posterior pole are highly active in protein synthesis and contribute several specific proteins which are found exclusively in the posterior region of the embryo. In this study synthesis of specific proteins could only be demonstrated at those developmental stages which are characterized by the presence of different cell types within the egg chamber, while no differences were detected when stage 14 follicles were cut and anterior and posterior fragments analyzed separately. The differences in the pattern of protein synthesis by pole cells and blastoderm cells indicate that even the earliest stages of determination are reflected by marked changes at the biochemical level.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase activity was discovered in the growing mouse oocyte and in the preimplantation embryo. Changes in the enzyme activity during the growth and maturation of the egg and during the development of the embryo up to the blastocyst stage were determined. Close similarity of the protein to the brain-type isoenzyme of creatine kinase was established immunochemically. The kinetic parameters of the brain-type isoenzyme (M. R. Iyengar, C. E. Fluellen, and C. W. L. Iyengar, 1982, J. Muscle Cell Motil. 3, 231–246) and the pattern of development-associated changes in activity suggest a possible role for creatine kinase in maintaining the reported high ATP/ADP ratio (L. Ginsberg and N. Hillman, 1975, J. Reprod. Fertil. 43, 83–90), which is essential for the biosynthetic activities of the embryo.  相似文献   

An imidazole compound (KK-42), a potent inhibitor of ecdysone synthesis, was applied to the female pharate adult of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, to control ecdysteroid accumulation in developing ovaries and mature eggs. KK-42 applied on day 2 or later completely suppressed an increase in ecdysteroid content in developing ovaries. The inhibitory action of KK-42 was restricted to vitellogenic follicles, i.e., those in which active ecdysteroid synthesis is occurring. Ecdysteroid content in the mature eggs of moths remained at the level accumulated in ovaries before KK-42 application. Thus, KK-42 was shown to be a novel agent to suppress the ecdysteroid accumulation in eggs. Eggs containing different amounts of ecdysteroids showed different levels of embryonic development. About 80% of the eggs which contained less than 10 ng free ecdysteroids/g eggs were not fertilized. More than 80% of the eggs containing less than 40 ng/g eggs of free ecdysteroids initiated embryogenesis but failed to hatch. Larvae hatched from almost all eggs which accumulated free ecdysteroids of more than 150 ng/g. Thus, maternal ecdysteroids appear to be required at different titers for fertilization, embryogenesis, and hatching of the silkworm larvae. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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