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The topography of the dolichyl phosphate biosynthetic enzymes within the plane of rat liver microsomes was investigated by the use of two impermeant inhibitors of enzyme activity: trypsin and mercury-dextran. Mercury-dextran was found to inactivate over 50% of the activities of the CTP-dependent dolichol kinase and the long-chain prenyltransferase. Trypsin caused over 90% inactivation of the long-chain prenyltransferase and 60% inactivation of the dolichol kinase. In addition, the CTP-dependent dolichol kinase was inhibited over 90% by CDP applied externally to sealed microsomes. Inactivation of the dolichyl phosphate biosynthetic enzymes by the impermeant probes occurred under conditions where the mannose-6-phosphatase activity was highly latent. It was concluded that the active sites of these two enzymes are located on the external surface of the microsomal membranes and that dolichyl phosphate biosynthesis occurs asymmetrically on the cytoplasmic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Rat liver microsomes were isolated and fractionated into Golgi, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and the purity of these preparations was determined. The dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P) content of whole microsomes and of each of the submicrosomal fractions was estimated using high pressure liquid chromatography. Dol-P accounts for 4 and 40% of the sum of the alcohol, the fatty acyl esters of dolichol, and monophosphate forms present in whole liver and in purified microsomes, respectively. Concentrations equal to 58, 77, and 108 ng of Dol-P/mg of protein were found in Golgi, SER, and RER, respectively. These values represent 3, 36, and 54% of the sum of the alcohol, the fatty acyl esters of dolichol, and monophosphate forms present in each of these same fractions, respectively. Increases in the Dol-P content of rat liver were observed as early as 12 h after turpentine-induced inflammation and increased 2-fold over 36 h. In this system, Dol-P accounts for no more than 50% of the sum of all phosphorylated and pyrophosphorylated dolichol intermediates present. The specific activity for dolichyl phosphate phosphatase was highest by more than a factor of 2 in Golgi membrane. Specific activities obtained for SER and RER were 42 and 11% of those present in Golgi. The major requirement for Dol-P is thought to be for the saccharide and oligosaccharide transferase reactions which are presumed to take place in RER. The discovery of significant quantities of Dol-P in Golgi and SER is consistent with a possible role of Dol-P in the transport of sugars required for glycoprotein synthesis and processing from a cytosolic to luminal orientation.  相似文献   

A series of polyprenols, ranging in length from 15 to 22 isoprene units, has been isolated from soya beans (Glycine max) and purified by high-pressure liquid chromatography. N.m.r., i.r. and mass spectra of the compounds indicated that they are alpha-saturated polyprenols of the dolichol type. The amount present in dry seeds was about 9 mg/100 g, whereas dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P) was present only in trace amounts. Dol-P phosphatase activity was detected in the microsomal fraction of 5-day-old germinating soya-bean cotyledons. The Dol-P phosphatase activity was linear with respect to time and protein concentration and exhibited a broad pH optimum (pH 7-9). Triton X-100 was necessary for significant enzyme activity. Enzyme activity was slightly enhanced by EDTA, whereas dithiothreitol was without effect. An apparent Km of 5 microM was determined for Dol-P. Bivalent metal ions were not required for enzyme activity. A number of phosphorylated compounds tested as enzyme substrates (including a number of nucleoside phosphates, glucose 6-phosphate, sodium beta-glycerophosphate and Na4P2O7) did not compete with [1-3H]Dol-P as substrate. A number of phospholipids were also tested for their ability to act as Dol-P phosphatase substrates. At 1 mM concentration, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid each inhibited enzymic activity. However, at 0.1 mM concentration, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were slightly stimulatory, whereas phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid were still inhibitory. Phosphatidic acid showed competitive inhibition.  相似文献   

Interaction of dolichol and dolichyl phosphate with phospholipid bilayers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermotropic phase transition of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles reconstituted with dolichol or dolichyl phosphate was investigated as a function of the lipid-to-polyisoprenoid ratio by means of differential scanning calorimetry and fluorescence depolarization of the embedded probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. At the concentrations studied, dolichol and dolichyl phosphate lowered and broadened the transition temperature of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers. Dolichol was found to increase the motional freedom of the bilayer both below and above the transition temperature as determined by fluorescence depolarization. In contrast, low concentrations of dolichyl phosphate decreased the bilayer motional freedom below the transition temperature while high concentrations increased the motional freedom. Above the transition temperature, dolichyl phosphate decreased bilayer 'fluidity' at all concentrations. The data suggest that these polyisoprenoids perturb the bilayer lattice, with the neutral species dolichol increasing membrane 'fluidity', while dolichyl phosphate acts to 'stiffen' the membrane.  相似文献   

Two procedures for quantitative determination of dolichol were studied and these were applied to analyze tissue and subcellular distribution. In the first procedure the dolichols were oxidized with Cr2O3 and reduced with NaB3H4. The radioactivity in the individual dolichols was measured using reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography. In the second procedure, dolichols were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. For determination of dolichyl phosphates the lipid extract was subjected to acid and alkaline hydrolysis, and after hydrolysis with acid phosphatase the distribution was determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Recovery was monitored by the addition of dolichol D15 and D23 phosphate to the homogenate. Rat spleen had the highest dolichol content (114 micrograms/g) followed by lower content in rat liver and brain. The distribution pattern was similar in all organs, with 18 and 19 isoprene residues as dominating components. Human organs contain considerably higher concentrations of dolichol, with the 19 and 20 isoprene residues as the main components. In rat liver, outer mitochondrial and Golgi membranes, lysosomes and plasma membranes contain considerable amounts of dolichol. A drastic increase in dolichol content was observed in rat liver hyperplastic nodules while human liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma showed a marked decrease in dolichol. In the latter case, the distribution pattern was also changed. Of the total amount of dolichol present in the tissues, 2% was phosphorylated in human liver, 10% in human testis and 18% in rat liver. In rat liver mitochondria and in microsomes 4 and 31%, respectively, of the polyprenols were in activated form. The results demonstrated that dolichyl phosphate and dolichol concentrations were regulated by different mechanisms and that the two forms possessed an independent distribution.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes from rat liver were incubated with [3H]mevalonate, and the labeling of polyprenols in the microsomal fraction was followed. After a 1-min incubation the alpha-unsaturated forms of polyprenyl-P2, -P, and polyprenol were mainly labeled and at this time point only 2, 8, and 17%, respectively, of the label was associated with the saturated forms. In the case of the free alcohol 2 h of incubation was required before all the labeling was recovered in the saturated form. After 1 min polyprenols and polyprenyl-P with 20 and 21 isoprene residues demonstrated much higher specific labeling than the shorter compounds, but after 5 min these differences were greatly reduced. In experiments utilizing short incubation times and chasing no evidence has been obtained that the phosphorylated form is a precursor of the free alcohol or vice versa, that the free alcohol is a precursor of the phosphorylated form. In human liver about 1% of the dolichol is present in the alpha-unsaturated form. These experiments suggest that: 1) the alpha-unsaturated form is the precursor of the alpha-saturated free alcohol, 2) dolichol does not necessarily arise directly from dephosphorylation of the phosphorylated form, and 3) the free alcohol is for the most part not phosphorylated under in vivo conditions in rat liver.  相似文献   

Rat liver dolichol and dolichyl-P were labeled by injection of [3H]mevalonate into the portal vein and their rates of synthesis and breakdown determined. In the initial phase the radioactivity appeared in -unsaturated polyprenols. Subsequent saturation required 90 min. The half-lives of dolichols in microsomes were between 80 and 118 h, and shorter dolichols had shorter values of T1/2. The half-lives of dolichols in lysosomes were between 115 and 137 h, while microsomal dolichyl-P exhibited a T1/2 of 32 h. Injected dolichol was recovered in the lysomes of hepatocytes and exhibited a rate of breakdown which was slower than that of the endogenous compound. These results indicate differences in the catabolism of dolichol at different subcellular locations, as well as differences between the catabolism of dolichol and dolichyl-P.  相似文献   

In order to gain information on the metabolism of dolichol, the rates of excretion of dolichol and doJichyl phosphate were determined in rats maintained on a dolichol-free diet for l0 days . Analysis of fecal samples collected every 49 h yielded mean output values of 9.0±1,4 and 20.7±3,0 g/rat/day of dolichot and dolichy] phosphate, respectively. Urinary output rates were 0.56±0.12 and 0.50±0.2g g/rat/ day of dolichol and dolichyt phosphate, respectively. Thus, excretion is one fate of endogenously synthesized dolichoI compounds in the rat.  相似文献   

A procedure for the quantitative extraction of both dolichol and dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P) in plant tissue (soybean embryos) into diethyl ether from an alkaline saponification mixture is described. A complete and quantitative separation of total dolichol and total Dol-P is then obtained based on their respective solubilities in diethyl ether and water. After separation dolichol and Dol-P can both be analyzed and quantitated directly by reverse-phase HPLC on C18 columns without additional purification. The two major homologs of dolichol and Dol-P are those with 17 and 18 isoprene units. The total dolichol and total Dol-P contents of dry embryos were 96.3 +/- 0.8 and 5.3 +/- 0.1 micrograms/g, respectively. The post-HPLC recoveries for dolichol and Dol-P were 101 +/- 2 and 84 +/- 3% respectively, using [1-14C]dolichol and Dol-P containing 20 isoprene units as recovery standards. Dol-P estimations could be carried out on material equivalent to as little as 65 mg embryo tissue.  相似文献   

The amounts of dolichol and dolichyl fatty acyl esters and their composition in various parts of soybean seedlings were determined during germination and development. The dolichol content of cotyledons decreased during germination. Dolichyl fatty acyl esters were identified in cotyledons and the amount was estimated by high performance liquid chromatography. The relative amounts of short-chain dolichols of 15, 16, and 17 isoprene units increased during development of the seedlings. The homologue distribution of free dolichol was different from that of dolichyl fatty acyl esters. The relative amounts of dolichols with 16, 17, and 18 isoprene units were greater in free dolichol than in dolichyl fatty acyl esters. The percentages of long-chain saturated fatty acids in dolichyl fatty acyl esters, specifically 21:0, 22:0, 23:0, 24:0, and 25:0, increased during development. These fatty acids represented more than 40% of the fatty acids in dolichyl fatty acyl esters in stems. These results suggest that dolichyl fatty acyl esters are not a storage form of dolichol. The large accumulation of dolichol and dolichyl fatty acyl esters in the leaves, where photosynthesis takes place, suggests some other function.  相似文献   

The exogenous addition of dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P), an active form of dolichol (Dol) that carries oligosaccharide chains for protein-N-glycosylation, significantly enhanced colony formation of mouse bone marrow hematopoietic progenitors (CFU-e, BFU-e, and CFU-gm) was stimulated by erythropoietin (Epo) and colony-stimulating factor (CSF), but Dol enhanced colony formation of CFU-e only. The effects of Dol or Dol-P on these hematopoietic progenitors were fully dependent on stimulation by Epo or CSF. Other mevalonate-metabolites, such as cholesterol, coenzyme Q10, and isopentenyladenine, had no effect on hematopoietic progenitors. These studies suggest that exogenous Dol-P enhances the frequency of differentiation of hematopoietic progenitors stimulated by Epo or CSF, and there may be a diversity in cellular response of these progenitors to Dol.  相似文献   

The dolichol concentrations in rat and trout liver were found respectively to be 50-59 and 16-21 micrograms/g using three experimental methods: densitometric scanning of thin-layer plates, colorimetric assay and HPLC analysis. By HPLC of benzoylated dolichols, the distribution of the dolichols according to the number of their isoprene residues, was determined in rat and trout liver. The major component was dolichol -18 in rat and dolichol -19 in trout liver. Dolichyl phosphate concentrations were found to be 6-7 micrograms/g of rat liver and 8-9 micrograms/g of trout liver by densitometric scanning of thin-layer plates.  相似文献   

The effect of dolichols, polyprenols, dolichol esterified with fatty acids, and dolichyl phosphate on the structure and fluidity of model membranes was studied using 31P NMR, small-angle x-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. These studies suggest that dolichol and dolichol derivatives destabilize unsaturated phosphatidylethanolamine containing bilayer structures and promote hexagonal II phase formation; high concentrations of dolichol induce lipid structures characterized by "isotropic" 31P NMR and particulate fracture faces; dolichol, contrary to cholesterol, has no effect on the thermotropic behavior of membranes consisting of phosphatidylcholine, while dolichyl-P incorporation abolishes the transition from the gel to liquid crystalline phase in 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; both dolichol and dolichyl-P increase the fatty acid fluidity in phosphatidylethanolamine mixtures; the effect of dolichol on bilayer structure and fluidity is more pronounced with increasing number of isoprene residues; dolichol esters are only soluble to a limited extent in the bilayer and segregates into domains at low concentrations; the results are consistent with a localization of dolichyl-P in which the phosphate group is oriented to the water interphase. The induction of hexagonal II phase by dolichyl-P may elicit the transmembrane movement of glycosylated lipid intermediate.  相似文献   

Hyperplastic liver nodules were induced in rats by administration of an initiator (diethylnitrosamine or 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene) and/or a promoter (phenobarbital) by the method reported by Tatematsu et al. (1983, Carcinogenesis 4, 381-386). The dolichol content in the liver and liver microsomes of the rats treated with the initiator were approx. 1.5-times higher than that of the control and rats treated with only the promoter. However, the composition of dolichols was not changed. The time course of the dolichyl phosphate concentration in the rat liver treated with both initiator and promoter showed a pattern different from that in the control liver, the initiator-treated liver or the promoter-treated liver. The main component of dolichyl phosphate in liver treated with both the initiator and promoter changed from that with 18 isoprene units to that with 19. It is suggested that the changes in liver dolichols and dolichyl phosphates may be related to the formation of hyperplastic liver nodules.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution of dolichol phosphate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The in vivo and in vitro synthesis and turnover of dolichol and dolichyl phosphate have been studied over the course of early development in sea urchin embryos. Synthesis of dolichol and dolichyl phosphate was studied in vivo and in vitro using [3H]acetate and [14C] isopentenylpyrophosphate, respectively, as precursors. Both the in vivo and in vitro results indicate that the principal labeled end product of de novo synthesis is the free alcohol, and that this alcohol is subsequently phosphorylated to produce dolichyl phosphate. The presence of 30 microM compactin inhibits the de novo synthesis of dolichol from [3H]acetate by greater than 90%, but has no effect on the incorporation of 32Pi into dolichyl phosphate for more than 6 h, thus suggesting that during this time interval the major source of dolichyl phosphate is preformed dolichol. The rate of turnover of the [3H]acetate-labeled polyisoprenoid backbone of dolichyl phosphate is very slow (t1/2 = 40-70 h). In contrast, the rate of loss of the [32P]phosphate headgroup is more rapid (t1/2 = 5.7-7.7 h) and increases over the course of development. Finally, dolichyl phosphate phosphatase activity has been measured in vitro. The activity of this enzyme, which can be distinguished from phosphatidic acid phosphatase, was found to increase as a function of development, in qualitative agreement with the increased turnover of 32P from dolichyl phosphate observed in vivo. These results suggest that the phosphate moiety of dolichyl phosphate is in a dynamic state, and that dolichol kinase and dolichyl phosphate phosphatase play key roles in regulating the cellular level of dolichyl phosphate.  相似文献   

Bovine thyroid microsomes are able to phosphorylate exogenous [1-3H]dolichol as well as endogenous dolichol. The properties and specificity of the dolichol kinase activity have been studied by following the phosphorylation of [1-3H]dolichol to [1-3H]DMP as well as the formation of [32P]DMP from endogenous dolichol and [gamma-32P]CTP. The dolichol kinase activity was not linear with respect to time and exhibited a neutral pH-optimum. Product formation was directly proportional to microsomal protein concentration up to 2.5 mg protein/incubation. The enzyme was found to depend on divalent cations for activity: Mg2+-ions being much more effective than Ca2+- and Mn2+-ions. In accordance, EDTA was strongly inhibitory. The enzyme exhibited specificity for CTP as phosphoryl donor and was found to be inhibited by the reaction product CDP. The apparent Km-value for exogenous dolichol amounted to 4 microM. Those for CTP were estimated to be 3.88 and 10.75 mM with exogenous [1-3H]dolichol depending on the source of CTP. With endogenous dolichol Km-values for CTP of 27.8 and 6.1 microM were calculated in respectively the absence and presence of 5 mM VO4(3-). Triton X-100 (0.15%) was necessary in the [1-3H]dolichol kinase assay (only 3% of enzymatic activity in the absence of detergent), while with [gamma-32P]CTP dolichol kinase detergent was only of minor influence (30% stimulation at 0.02% Triton X-100). The levels of the enzymatic activity could be doubled by the inclusion of 18-21 mM NaF [( 1-3H]dolichol kinase) as phosphatase inhibitor: VO4(3-) had practically no effect. In contrast with [gamma-32P]CTP dolichol kinase, the enzymatic activity could be enhanced 4-fold by addition of 5 mM VO4(3-) while F- resulted into no appreciable effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The reaction of GDP[14C]-mannose with dolichol phosphate (Dol-P) in hepatic microsomes is characterized by an initial brief period of relatively rapid Dol-P-[14C]-mannose synthesis. The time course of this 1--3 min period of rapid synthesis follows approximate first order kinetics. However, the rate of reaction does not decrease to zero as predicted by the kinetics of the initial period of synthesis, but continues instead at a slow, steadily decreasing, rate. Examination of the time course of Dol-P-mannose synthesis for different concentrations of GDP[14C]-mannose revealed that the extrapolated final level of Dol-P-mannose synthesized is increased when the concentration of GDPmannose is raised. These data, plus those derived from studies of the reverse reaction, suggest that the non-linear time course for the synthesis of Dol-P-mannose is due in part to the reaction approaching equilibrium between the forward and reverse reactions. The effects of Mn++ on the time course of the forward and reverse reaction are complex and suggest that the Mn++ complexes of both GDPmannose and GDP are poorer substrates for the enzyme than the free nucleotides. Perturbations of the lipid environment of the microsomal membrane by treatment with phospholipase A, detergent, sonication, or alkaline pH lead to a decrease in the final level of Dol-P-mannose synthesized, but do not affect the time required for half maximal labeling. When the reverse reaction was investigated in phospholipase A-treated microsomes, the final extent of the reaction was also reduced. These data suggest that perturbation of the membrane lipid environment decreases in some undefined way the availability of Dol-P and Dol-P-mannose to enzyme.  相似文献   

Dolichyl D-[14C]mannosyl phosphate formed in calf pancreas microsomes was compared to dolichyl alpha-D-[14C]mannopyranosyl phosphate, a chemical synthesis of which is described. Jack bean alpha-mannosidase, which converted citronellyl alpha-D-mannopyranosyl phosphate, but not its beta anomer, to citronellyl phosphate and D-mannose, was effective in releasing D-[14C]mannose from dolichyl alpha-D-[14C]manopyranosyl phosphate in the presence of detergent. In contrast, alpha-mannosidase did not cause any significant release from the pancreatic dolichyl D-[14C]mannosyl phosphate. Alkali treatment (0.1 M NaOH in propanol at 65 and 90 degrees) degraded both dolichyl D-[14C]mannosyl phosphates with the formation of water-soluble 14C-labeled products. The pattern of 14C-labeled breakdown products formed from the synthetic dolichyl alpha-D-[14C]mannopyranosyl phosphate differed from that obtained from the pancreatic dolichyl D-[14C]mannosyl phosphate. Dolichyl alpha-D-[14C]mannopyranosyl phosphate yielded several 14C-labeled products, including a trace of D-[14C]mannosyl phosphate, and an acidic fraction which appeared to result from degradation of D-[14C]mannose. The pancreatic dolichyl D-[14C]mannosyl phosphate gave various products, depending on the temperature of the reaction: at 90 degrees, 20 to 30% of the radioactivity was found in D-[14C]mannosyl phosphate and the rest in acidic breakdown products; at 65 degrees, about two-thirds of the radioactivity was recovered in a compound which behaved as D-MANNOSE 2-PHOSPHATE, A Product characteristic of a beta-linked D-mannosyl residue. It is concluded that the pancreatic compound is dolichyl beta-D-[14C]mannosyl phosphate.  相似文献   

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