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The sucker was studied in young and mature fish by light microscopy, histochemistry, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray probe microanalysis, dissection, staining preparations of whole skeletons, and watching the animals in aquaria. The fleshy lips are supported by highly flexible, chondroid tissues, the structure and histochemistry of which differ substantially from those of cartilage. They allow the sucker to evert when the fish attaches to a stone or aquarium wall and are connected to the maxillae, premaxillae and dentaries. Lining the inside of the lips are two horny rasps, each with several regular rows of small hooks. The scraping blades of these hooks are keratinized and point towards the mouth. They increase the coefficient of friction for adhesion and enable the fish to feed on encrusting algae. Between the posterior rasp and the -anterior margin of the mandible are two invaginations of the lower lip that extend the sucker chamber beneath large hollows in the dentaries. The anterior margin itself contacts the outer surface of the maxillary oral valve when the mouth is closed, and isolates the sucker chamber from the rest of the buccal and pharyngeal cavities. Contrary to previous views, it is thought that a true vacuum is produced, and that attached fish spend long periods without taking water in through the mouth. The attachments of the principal jaw muscles are described and their role in sucker action discussed. There are similarities with the jaw mechanism of catostomids.  相似文献   

A prominent transverse groove is present on the snout of the adult sucking loach, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri . It is absent in juveniles. The groove is formed by fibrous thickenings of the dermis that create skin folds at its anterior and posterior margins. It accommodates movement of the joint between the maxillae and the neurocranium. The anterior fibrous thickening also provides anchorage for fibrous strands that partition dermal mucochondroid in the upper lip of the oral sucker into distinct segments. This structure forms a buffer that protects the delicate premaxillary bones when fish probe the substrate for food.  相似文献   

独龙江流域冬季鱼类多样性及其分布特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年10—11月,对独龙江的鱼类资源进行了调查,根据不同的海拔及生境在整个独龙江流域共计设置了26个采样点,采集鱼类标本883号。对各采集点渔获物的统计分析的结果显示:(1)独龙江干流、支流的鱼类生物量、物种多样性,随海拔的上升呈下降趋势;(2)干流的Shannon-Wiener指数、物种均匀性指数均高于支流;(3)除了独龙裂腹鱼、大鳍异齿在整个独龙江流域均有分布外,其余5种鱼类的分布与海拔因子的变化有明显的关系。  相似文献   

Karyotype and genetic variation of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) from Mt. Pelister in southern Macedonia has been studied. Whereas all autosomes in the chromosomal set (2 na, = 28, the only present metacentrics being af, bc, jl, and tu) were of the standard type as well as the sex chromosomes X and Y2 in males, the Y1 chromosome was a small metacentric. This chromosomal feature is unique among the common shrew populations studied cytogenetically so far. Three out of 33 loci analysed (Sdh, 6Pgd, Mdh-1) were discriminant between the Mt. Pelister population and Sorex araneus from Slovenia and two loci (Est-3, Ada) were partially discriminant. A relatively high value of Nei's genetic distance (D = 0.137) confirms unique character of the Pelister population.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of nine Japanese ants in three subfamilies (Ponerinae, Formicinae, and Myrmicinae) were successfully analysed by the improved squash technique. Three ponerine species had 2n=7 and n=4 (Ponera scabra), 2n=22 (Brachyponera sinensis), and 2n=28 and n=14 (Cryptopone sauteri). Four formicine species had 2n=18 and n=9 (Camponotus sp. and C. tokioensis), 2n=26 and n=13 (Camponotus japonicus), and 2n=30 and n=15 (Lasius niger). Two myrmicine species had 2n=18 and n=9 (Leptothorax congruus), and 2n=37, 38, 39, and n=17, 18, 19, 20 (Pheidole nodus). It was found that the variation of chromosome number observed in P. nodus was caused by Robertsonian type polymorphism.  相似文献   

80 spontaneous abortions (40 at 6-12 weeks and 40 at 13-32 weeks of pregnancy) and 50 induced abortions (49 at 6-12 weeks and 1 at 18 weeks) were karyotyped. Among spontaneous abortions of the first trimester were found 14 different types of chromosome anomalies. The chromosome complex 48,XY, D+, F+, has not yet been described in the literature and belongs to the eempty embryonic sac 1.0:1.5 cm with a weakly developed trophoblast. Among late-term spontaneous abortions no chromosome anomalies were found. An aberrant karyotype of a 7-8 week induced abortion was revealed as 46, XX/47, XXX (5% of the nuclei with double sex chromatin and 47% with single sex chromatin). Normal karyotypes were distributed according to sex chromosome complex as follows: spontaneous abortions of 6-12 weeks, 18(XY), 8(XX); spontaneous abortions 13-32 weeks, 19(XY), 21(XX); induced abortions, 16(XY), 32(XX). The data revealed a random character in the series of investigations. The absence of the XO monosomies was noted.  相似文献   

Roslik GV  Kriukov AP 《Genetika》2001,37(7):962-973
Karyotypes were studied in the hooded and carrion crows, their naturally occurred hybrids, the jungle crow, the azure-winged magpie (2n = 80 in all aforementioned birds), and the magpie (2n = 82). Corvine birds of Primorskii Krai were karyotyped for the first time. In addition to the similarity in the diploid chromosome sets, corvine birds were shown to have a similar structure of karyotype: in all studied birds, 14 macrochromosomes (Mchs) classified into three groups according to their size were detected. By karyotype structure, birds belonging to the same genus are similar. Some intergeneric differences are due to a change in the position of centromeres of the largest and sex chromosomes. Karyotypes of interspecific hybrids of crows are remarkable for the presence of heteromorphic (t/st) chromosome pair 2 in some individuals, which apparently does not affect their fecundity. Using differential C-banding, the sex chromosome W in female magpies was identified. In addition, heteromorphism was detected in C-bands of homologs of Mch pair 4 in the hooded crow. In the jungle crow, the azure-winged magpie, and the magpie, bright QH-bands and numerous G-bands were detected on Mchs and on some microchromosomes only. Active Ag-NOR-bands were detected on one macrochromosome pair in the magpie. In all, the karyotype structure of corvine birds is comparable to the basic structural scheme of the karyotype in the order Passeriformes, which confirms the concept of conservatism of the avian karyotype.  相似文献   

The paper gives the chromosome numbers for 38 species of the Mongolian Flora. Some of the counts appear to be the first findings for the species. They are:Allium anisopodium 2n = 16, Caltha membranacea 2n = 32, Carex macroura 2n = 50, Carex redowskiana 2n = 26, Gastrolychnis brachypetala 2n = 72, Iris biglumis 2n = 40, Iris flavissima 2n = 28 andVicia multicaulis 2n = 24.  相似文献   

The karyotype of the dolly vardenSalvelinus malma from Alaska was analysed. A pair of huge acrocentrics, which could have resulted from either tandem fusion or centric fusion followed by pericentric inversion, was observed. Ag-NORs were observed at the terminal regions of the second largest chromosome pair, and individual size-differences in Ag-NORs and in chromosomes with Ag-bands were found. From a comparison of the karyotypes of the dolly varden from Alaska and Hokkaido (Japan), karyotype differentiation by pericentric inversion and translocation was discussed.  相似文献   

Karyological information on Iberian Ophrys species is very limited. This paper provides the haploid and diploid chromosome numbers of 11 taxa of sect. Pseudophrys and sect. Ophrys , both of which are well represented in the Iberian Peninsula, and two taxa from Tunisia. The first data on chromosome numbers for O. vasconica (2 n  = 72, 74), O. ficalhoana (2 n  = 36), O. picta (2 n  = 36), O. sphegifera ( n  = 18, 2 n  = 36, 38) and O. passionis (2 n  = 36) are also presented, confirming the stability of the chromosome number in Ophrys . In addition, populations of the group O. omegaifera ( O. dyris and O. vasconica ), together with tetraploidy, pentaploidy and the existence of aneuploid phenomena, are reported for the first time in Iberia. The basic diploid number is always 2 n  = 36. The karyotypes of several species were analysed. Evolutionary trends in Ophrys chromosomes are discussed. Taxonomic and phytogeographical details are provided on several species or groups of species from Iberia.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003 , 142 , 395−406.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for 29 populations of 19 Vernonieae taxa collected mainly in the northeastern region of Brazil. Among them, data for five genera (Blanchetia, Rolandra, Pithecoseris, Stilpnopappus and Vanillosmopsis) are here reported for the first time, and the first chromosome counts are presented for 12 species. Chromosome numbers are quite diverse among and sometimes within genera, especially in the controversial and large subtribe Vernoniinae. The numbers varied from 2n = 18 to 2n = ~72. The main karyoevolutionary mechanism seems to be dysploidy, while polyploidy is probably associated with ancient hybridization processes generating most paleotetraploid genera. All studied species presented semi-reticulated interphase nuclei and proximal-early condensing behavior in prophase to prometaphase. In one species (Vernonia condensata with 2n = 40) fluorochrome staining with CMA/DAPI revealed five chromosome pairs bearing subterminal CMA+/DAPI? heterochromatin, probably NOR-associated, revealing the existence of low amounts of satellite DNA. The role of these features in the evolution of the tribe is discussed, revealing some interesting aspects for understanding of the Vernonieae karyoevolution, especially regarding neotropical members.  相似文献   

Microhylid frogs are a group of largely unresolved phylogeny, and diverse data sets are needed to improve the evolutionary understanding of these amphibians. We here report karyological data for 22 species of this family, belonging to the Malagasy genera Anodonthyla, Cophyla, Platypelis, Plethodontohyla, Rhombophryne, and Stumpffia (Cophylinae); Scaphiophryne and Paradoxophyla (Scaphiophryninae); and Dyscophus (Dyscophinae); and the Asian genera Calluella and Ramanella (Microhylinae). All species studied have 2n=26 chromosomes, most of which are metacentric or submetacentric. Chromosome morphology, banding pattern, and position of the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) provide relevant characters for the understanding of the phylogeny and systematics of these frogs. The species of the Cophylinae are characterized by a subtelocentric or telocentric fourth chromosome pair (submetacentric only in Anodonthyla), which can be seen as a synapomorphy for this subfamily. Shifts in NOR position within the Cophylinae are frequent and agree with recent mitochondrial DNA data, corroborating the non-monophyly of the genus Plethodontohyla. Changes of NOR position and chromosome morphology (i.e., occurrence of subtelocentric and telocentric elements) were also common in this subfamily, possibly being related to their faster mitochondrial substitution rate and high species diversity. The ninth chromosome pair of the examined specimens of Dyscophus guineti, all juveniles, is heteromorphic. In this pair, one of the two chromosomes is longer due to the addition of two heterochromatic segments, raising the possibility that one chromosome of this pair may be a sex chromosome.  相似文献   

Karyological analysis of the genus Canna (Cannaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Somatic chromosome numbers and karyological features in 22 taxa of the genus Canna (Cannaceae) were investigated and are presented here for the first time. The chromosome numbers were primarily reported for C. bangii, C. indica var. sanctae-rosae and C. tulianensis. A triploid somatic chromosome number of 2n = 27 was found only in C. discolor, while the remaining taxa were diploids with 2n = 18. Chromosome numbers are considered to be remarkably stable within the Cannaceae. Canna shows a symmetric karyotype that consists mostly of median chromosomes, but with some subterminal or submedian chromosomes, and a karyotype homogenous in variation in chromosome length. The karyotype of some taxa of Canna, furthermore, is characterized by median chromosomes with a secondary constriction in the centromeric region. Cytotaxonomical characteristics of the family Cannaceae and the related groups in the Zingiberales are discussed.  相似文献   

对横断山区两种菊科植物圆齿狗娃花和细叶亚菊进行了染色体数目报道和核型研究,其中圆齿狗娃花为首次报道,2n=18=2x=18m(2SAT);而细叶亚菊的为新的染色体数目,2n=72=8x=56m+16sm,与之前报道的36不同。研究结果发现菊科植物这两个属在横断山及其它地区同时存在二倍体与多倍体。  相似文献   

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