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This paper is an electrophysiological study of the directionality of the tuberous electroreceptors of weakly electric fish. We recorded from two classes of tuberous electroreceptors known for pulse gymnotiforms: Burst Duration Coders (BDCs), and Pulse Markers (PMs). Both code for stimulus amplitude, although the dynamic range for BDCs is greater, and both exhibit strong directional preferences. Polar plots of spike number (for BDCs) or spike threshold (for PMs) versus electric field azimuth, are figure-8 shaped with two asymmetrical, elliptical lobes separated by 180°. The best azimuth of these two types of receptors from a given body region correlate with each other and with measures of best azimuth for transepidermal current flow. The shape and asymmetry of the directionality profiles appear to be caused by filter dynamics of the receptors. Pulse Markers are located on the anterior part of the body surface while Burst Duration Coders are located all over. The best directions of receptors in the anterior third of the body vary systematically with location from 0° to 180°. This region is probably critical for determining the direction of local electric fields. Together these receptors provide the CNS with sufficient information to construct a map of horizontal plane electric field directions.Abbreviations BDC Burst Duration Coder - ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe - EOD electric organ discharge - nALL anterior lateral line nerve - PM Pulse Marker  相似文献   

The sensory cues for a less known form of frequency shifting behavior, gradual frequency falls, of electric organ discharges (EODs) in a pulse-type gymnotiform electric fish, Rhamphichthys rostratus, were identified. We found that the gradual frequency fall occurs independently of more commonly observed momentary phase shifting behavior, and is due to perturbation of sensory feedback of the fish's own EODs by EODs of neighboring fish. The following components were identified as essential features in the signal mixture of the fish's own and the neighbor's EOD pulses: (1) the neighbor's pulses must be placed within a few millisecond of the fish's own pulses, (2) the neighbor's pulses, presented singly at low frequencies (0.2–4 Hz), were sufficient, (3) the frequency of individual pulse presentation must be below 4 Hz, (4) amplitude modulation of the sensory feedback of the fish's own pulses induced by such insertions of the neighbor's pulses must contain a high frequency component: sinusoidal amplitude modulation of the fish's own EOD feedback at these low frequencies does not induce gradual frequency falls. Differential stimulation across body surfaces, which is required for the jamming avoidance response (JAR) of wave-type gymnotiform electric fish, was not necessary for this behavior. We propose a cascade of high-pass and low-pass frequency filters within the amplitude processing pathway in the central nervous system as the mechanism of the gradual frequency fall response.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - f frequency of EOD or pacemaker command signal - JAR jamming avoidance response - S 1 stimulus mimicking fish's own EOD - f 1 frequency of S1 - S 2 stimulus mimicking neighbor's EOD - f 2 frequency of S2  相似文献   

研究了菲菊头蝠自由飞行状态下的回声定位信号和下丘神经元的声反应特性。菲菊头蝠在自由飞行时发射的CF/FM型回声定位叫声含2-3个谐波,主频为105.3±1.7kHz,时程为39.5±9.6ms,脉冲间隔为73.9±16.0ms。在所记录到的159个下丘神经元中,E型(Echolocation)神经元为32.7%(52/159),其中CF1型(Constantfrequency)占11.3%(18/159),FM1型(Frequencymodulated)占20.1%(32/159),FM2型占1.3%(2/159);NE型(Nonecholocation)神经元的比例为67.3%(107/159)。这些神经元的最佳频率(Bestfrequency,BF)与记录深度之间存在线性关系(r=0.9471,P<0.01)。E型神经元的深度范围为349-1855(1027.5±351.6)μm,阈值范围为6-74(43.1±14.5)dBSPL,潜伏期范围为10.0-26.0(14.6±3.8)ms。NE型神经元的分别为93.0-1745.0(733.3±290.3)μm、2-70(36.5±23.8)dBSPL、5.0-23.0(13.5±3.7)ms。记录到的53个IC神经元的调谐曲线(Frequencytuningcurve,FTC)均为开放型,51个为单峰型,2个为双峰型。单峰型神经元中大部分为狭窄型(Q10dB>5),占70.6%(36/51),E型神经元全部为狭窄型,Q10dB为10.4±7.1(5.5-31.6),其中CF1型为18.3±11.2(5.5-31.6),FM1型为8.7±4.7(5.5-24.3),FM2型为6.9±0.3(6.7-7.1);NE型神经元既有宽阔型也有狭窄型,Q10dB为6.6±5.1(1.6-25.6)。两个双峰型FTC主、副峰分别偏向高、低频区,高频边对应的是E型神经元。  相似文献   

Sensory neurons encode natural stimuli by changes in firing rate or by generating specific firing patterns, such as bursts. Many neural computations rely on the fact that neurons can be tuned to specific stimulus frequencies. It is thus important to understand the mechanisms underlying frequency tuning. In the electrosensory system of the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, the primary processing of behaviourally relevant sensory signals occurs in pyramidal neurons of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These cells encode low frequency prey stimuli with bursts of spikes and high frequency communication signals with single spikes. We describe here how bursting in pyramidal neurons can be regulated by intrinsic conductances in a cell subtype specific fashion across the sensory maps found within the ELL, thereby regulating their frequency tuning. Further, the neuromodulatory regulation of such conductances within individual cells and the consequences to frequency tuning are highlighted. Such alterations in the tuning of the pyramidal neurons may allow weakly electric fish to preferentially select for certain stimuli under various behaviourally relevant circumstances.  相似文献   

Simultaneous tone-tone masking in conjunction with the envelope-following response (EFR) recording was used to obtain tuning curves in dolphins (Turslops truncatus). The EFR was evoked by amplitude-modulated probes of various frequencies. A modulation rate of 600 Hz was found to fit the requirement to have a narrow spectrum and evoke EFR of large amplitude. Tuning curves were obtained within the frequency range from 11.2 to 110 kHz. The Q10 values of the obtained tuning curves varied from 12–14 at the 11.2 kHz center frequency to 17–20 at the 64–90 kHz frequencies.Abbreviations ABR auditory brainstem response - EFR envelope following response - ERB equivalent rectangular bandwidth  相似文献   

The effect of deafferentation on glycogen metabolism was studied in the sensory cells of mormyrid Knollenorgan electroreceptors. Glycogen was visualized in the sensory cells after fixation in a solution containing potassium ferricyanide and osmium tetroxide. The density variations of glycogen were evaluated by a morphometric method. Sectioning of the afferent nerve results in a cessation of the spontaneous receptor cells activity after 48 h and the glycogen content of these cells increases three fold in the first 5 days after nerve transection. From day 5 on, the glycogen concentration diminishes progressively until day 13. After the sensory cells had become completely deformed, the quantification of glycogen particles was no longer possible and the degeneration of the sensory cells was complete within 20 days after nerve section. These results show that (1) the afferent nerve fibre is indispensable for the anatomo-functional maintenance of the sensory cells and (2) the nerve has only an indirect influence on glycogen variations within the sensory cells.  相似文献   

The metabolism of glycogen was studied in sensory cells of the mormyrid fish, Gnathonemus petersii. Knollenorgans, specific cutaneous electroreceptor organs of the lateral line system, have a spontancous electrical activity and their resting discharge in the absence of stimulation is about 0.04 kHz. Various types of stimulation can produce an increase in frequency; the highest frequency (1.30 kHz) is obtained by moving the Knollenorgan above water level. Glycogen was visualized in ultrathin sections after fixation in a solution of potassium ferricyanide and osmium tetroxide. The density of glycogen particles was determined morphometrically in sensory cells before stimulation, after high-frequency activity, and after reimmersion in water. An increase in the electrical activity of the Knollenorgan resulted in a decrease of the glycogen content of sensory cells. The glycogen store was replenished to about 85% of control within 40 min after stimulation and subsequent reimmersion. The results demonstrate that glycogen in the sensory cells of the Knollenorgan represents an energy source which can be catabolized during high electrical activity and replenished during rest.  相似文献   

We describe two new, closely related species of toothed Brachyhypopomus (Hypopomidae: Gymnotiformes: Teleostei) from the central Amazon basin and create a new subgenus for them. Odontohypopomus, new subgenus of Brachyhypopomus, is diagnosed by (1) small teeth present on premaxillae; (2) medialmost two branchiostegal rays thin with blades oriented more vertically than remaining three rays; (3) background color in life (and to lesser extent in preservation) distinctly yellowish with head and sides peppered with small, widely spaced, very dark brown stellate chromatophores that greatly contrast with light background coloration; (4) a dark blotch or bar of subcutaneous pigment below the eye; (5) electric organ discharge waveform of very long duration (head-positive phase approx. 2 milliseconds or longer, head-negative phase shorter or absent) and slow pulse repetition rate (3–16 Hz). The type species of the new subgenus, Brachyhypopomus (Odontohypopomus) walteri sp. n., is diagnosed by the following additional character states: (1) subcutaneous dark pigment at base of orbit particularly prominent, (2) body semi-translucent and nearly bright yellow background coloration in life, (3) a biphasic electric organ discharge (EOD) waveform of very long duration (between 3.5 and 4 milliseconds at 25° C) with head-positive first phase significantly longer than second head-negative phase in both sexes. Brachyhypopomus (Odontohypopomus) bennetti sp. n. is diagnosed by two character states in addition to those used to diagnose the subgenus Odontohypopomus: (1) a deep electric organ, visible as large semi-transparent area, occupying approximately 14–17% body depth directly posterior to the abdominal cavity in combination with a short, but deep, caudal filament, and (2) a monophasic, head-positive EOD waveform, approximately 2.1 milliseconds in duration in both sexes. These are the only described rhamphichthyoid gymnotiforms with oral teeth, and Brachyhypopomus bennetti is the first Brachyhypopomus reported to have a monophasic (head-positive) EOD waveform. Unlike biphasic species, the waveform of its EOD is largely unaffected by tail damage from predators. Such injuries are common among specimens in our collections. This species’ preference for floating meadow habitat along the major channels of the Amazon River basin may put it at particularly high risk of predation and “tail grazing.”  相似文献   

Single-unit recordings were made from areas in the midbrain (torus semicircularis) of the oyster toadfish. We evaluated frequency tuning and directional responses using whole-body oscillation to simulate auditory stimulation by particle motion along axes in the horizontal and mid-sagittal planes. We also tested for bimodality in responses to auditory and hydrodynamic stimuli. One recording location in each animal was marked by a neurobiotin injection to confirm the recording site. Recordings were made in nucleus centralis, nucleus ventrolateralis, and the deep cell layer. Most units were frequency-selective with best frequencies between 50 and 141 Hz. Suppression of activity was apparent in 10% of the cells. Bimodality was common, including inhibition and suppression of background activity by auditory or hydrodynamic stimulation. The majority of the cells were directionally selective with directional response patterns that were sharpened compared with those of primary saccular afferents. The best directional axes were arrayed widely in spherical space, covering most azimuths and elevations. This representation is adequate for the computation of the motional axis of an auditory stimulus for sound source localization.Abbreviations BF best frequency - DCL deep cell layer - DON descending octaval nucleus - DRP directional response pattern - FFT fast Fourier transform - LL lateral lemniscus - NC nucleus centralis - NVL nucleus ventrolateralis - PVC periventricular cells - R coefficient of synchronization - TS torus semicircularis - Z Rayleigh statistic  相似文献   

Understanding how electrosensory images are generated and perceived in actively electrolocating fish requires the study of the characteristics of fish bodies as electric sources. This paper presents a model ofGymnotus carapo based on measurements of the electromotive force generated by the electric organ and the impedance of the passive tissues. A good agreement between simulated and experimentally recorded transcutaneous currents was obtained. Passive structures participate in the transformation of the electromotive force pattern into transcutaneous current profiles. These spatial filtering properties of the fish's body were investigated using the model. The shape of the transcutaneous current profiles depends on tissue resistance and on the geometry and size of the fish. Skin impedance was mainly resistive. The effect of skin resistance on the spatial filtering properties of the fish's body was theoretically analyzed.The model results show that generators in the abdominal and central regions produce most of the currents through the head. This suggests that the electric organ discharge (EOD), generated in the abdominal and central regions is critical for active electrolocation. In addition, the well-synchronized EOD components generated all along the fish produce large potentials in the far field. These components are probably involved in long-distance electrocommunication.Preliminary results of this work were published as a symposium abstract.  相似文献   

Information theoretical approaches to sensory processing in electric fish have focused on the encoding of amplitude modulations in a single sensory pathway in the South American gymnotiforms. To assess the generality of these studies, we investigated the encoding of amplitude and phase modulations in the distantly related African fish Gymnarchus. In both the amplitude- and time-coding pathways, primary afferents accurately estimated the time course of random modulations whereas hindbrain neurons extracted information about specific stimulus features. Despite exhibiting a clear preference for encoding amplitude or phase, afferents and hindbrain neurons could encode significant amounts of modulation of their nonpreferred attribute. Although no increase in feature extraction performance occurred where the two pathways converge in the midbrain, neurons there were increasingly sensitive to simultaneous modulation of both attributes. A shift from accurate stimulus estimation in the periphery to increasingly sparse representations of specific features appears to be a general strategy in electrosensory processing.  相似文献   

Extensive sequence data and structural sampling of expressed proteins from different species lead to the idea that entire molecules or specific domain folds belong to large superfamilies of proteins. A subset of G protein-coupled receptors, one of the largest families involved in cellular signaling, rod and cone opsins are involved in phototransduction in photoreceptor cells. Here, the evolutionary analysis of opsin sequences and structures predicts key residues involved in the transmission of the signal from the binding site of the chromophore to the cytoplasmic surface and residues that are involved in the spectral tuning of opsins to short wavelengths of light.  相似文献   

Several authors have concluded that thermal electromagnetic noise will be of sufficient magnitude to overwhelm electric and/or magnetic fields induced by environmentally generated, power frequency electric and magnetic fields in the membranes of living cells located in the bodies of humans. Yet, there are research reports that indicate that living cells may respond to power frequency electric and/or magnetic field levels well below the limits set by these thermal noise arguments. The purpose of this study is to suggest that published thermal arguments may not make a full accounting of all membrane force fields of thermal origin, and that when such an accounting is made, the net thermal noise fields may be smaller in the power frequency range than previously thought. If this analysis is correct, there may be no thermal noise barrier that precludes the possibility of cellular membranes of human cells responding to environmental levels of power frequency electric or magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish acquire information about their surroundings by detecting and interpreting the spatial and temporal patterns of electric potential across their skin, caused by perturbations in a self-generated, oscillating electric field. Computational and experimental studies have focused on understanding the electric images due to simple, passive objects. The present study considers electric images of a conspecific fish. It is known that the electric fields of two fish interact to produce beats with spatially varying profiles of amplitude and phase. Such patterns have been shown to be critical for electrosensory-mediated behaviours, such as the jamming avoidance response, but they have yet to be well described. We have created a biophysically realistic model of a wave-type weakly electric fish by using a genetic algorithm to calibrate the parameters to the electric field of a real fish. We use the model to study a pair of fish and compute the electric images of one fish onto the other at three representative phases within a beat cycle. Analysis of the images reveals rostral/caudal and ipsilateral/contralateral patterns of amplitude and phase that have implications for localization of conspecifics (both position and orientation) and communication between conspecifics. We then show how the common stimulation paradigm used to mimic a conspecific during in vivo electrophysiological experiments, based on a transverse arrangement of two electrodes, can be improved in order to more accurately reflect the important qualitative features of naturalistic inputs, as revealed by our model.  相似文献   

Vision represents an excellent model for studying adaptation, given the genotype‐to‐phenotype map that has been characterized in a number of taxa. Fish possess a diverse range of visual sensitivities and adaptations to underwater light, making them an excellent group to study visual system evolution. In particular, some speciose but understudied lineages can provide a unique opportunity to better understand aspects of visual system evolution such as opsin gene duplication and neofunctionalization. In this study, we showcase the visual system evolution of neotropical Characiformes and the spectral tuning mechanisms they exhibit to modulate their visual sensitivities. Such mechanisms include gene duplications and losses, gene conversion, opsin amino acid sequence and expression variation, and A1/A2‐chromophore shifts. The Characiforms we studied utilize three cone opsin classes (SWS2, RH2, LWS) and a rod opsin (RH1). However, the characiform's entire opsin gene repertoire is a product of dynamic evolution by opsin gene loss (SWS1, RH2) and duplication (LWS, RH1). The LWS‐ and RH1‐duplicates originated from a teleost specific whole‐genome duplication as well as characiform‐specific duplication events. Both LWS‐opsins exhibit gene conversion and, through substitutions in key tuning sites, one of the LWS‐paralogues has acquired spectral sensitivity to green light. These sequence changes suggest reversion and parallel evolution of key tuning sites. Furthermore, characiforms' colour vision is based on the expression of both LWS‐paralogues and SWS2. Finally, we found interspecific and intraspecific variation in A1/A2‐chromophores proportions, correlating with the light environment. These multiple mechanisms may be a result of the diverse visual environments where Characiformes have evolved.  相似文献   

The physiology and morphology of auditory interneurons of a fly, the parasitoid Therobia leonidei, are described for the first time. 1. The hearing threshold has been determined with summed recordings of the neck connective. Females are most sensitive in a frequency range from 16 to 40 kHz (thresholds: around 45 dB SPL). This broad hearing range matches with the peak frequencies of the song spectra of host bushcricket species. Male flies are 10–20 dB less sensitive than females. 2. The sensory cells of the prosternal tympanal organ of T. leonidei project into the thoracico-abdominal ganglion complex with arborizations in all three thoracic neuromeres. 3. Three types of ascending auditory interneurons were identified by their morphology and response properties. These have arborizations in all three thoracic neuromeres and terminate soma-contralaterally in the brain. At least three other neuron types were also identified according to response properties alone. The neurons show similar spectral tuning but different sensitivities.  相似文献   

Electric fish communicate with electric organ (EO) discharges (EODs) that are sexually dimorphic, hormone-sensitive, and often individually distinct. The cells of the EO (electrocytes) of the weakly electric fish Sternopygus possess delayed rectifying K+ currents that systematically vary in their activation and deactivation kinetics, and this precise variation in K+ current kinetics helps shape sex and individual differences in the EOD. Because members of the Kv1 subfamily produce delayed rectifier currents, we cloned a number of genes in the Kv1 subfamily from the EO of Sternopygus. Using our sequences and those from genome databases, we found that in teleost fish Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 exist as duplicate pairs (Kv1.1a&b, Kv1.2a&b) whereas Kv1.3 does not. Using real-time quantitative RT-PCR, we found that Kv1.1a and Kv1.2a, but not Kv1.2b, expression in the EO is higher in high EOD frequency females (which have fast EO K+ currents) than in low EOD frequency males (which have slow EO K+ currents). Systemic treatment with dihydrotestosterone decreased Kv1.1a and Kv1.2a, but not Kv1.2b, expression in the EO, whereas treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increased Kv1.2a but not Kv1.1a or Kv1.2b expression in the EO. Thus, systematic variation in the ratios of Kv1 channels expressed in the EO is correlated with individual differences in and sexual dimorphism of a communication signal.  相似文献   

The burst pattern of electrical activity recorded from pancreatic B-cells in response to 11 mM glucose shows a large islet to islet variability. The relationship between burst frequency and glucose sensing (the threshold for electrical activity and the graded increase in electrical response to glucose, i.e. active phase %) has not been investigated within the same islet. In this work, we show that low HCO3 (5 mM) Hepes buffered solutions reversibly reduce the frequency of bursts compared to control (25 mM) HCO3 buffered solutions in the same islet. There was no change in the threshold or active phase (%). Using the mathematical model of Sherman et al. 1988, we explored mechanisms for a change in frequency independent of a change in active phase (%). Increased exchangeable calcium pool size and increased cell to cell coupling were the two theoretical treatments which could reproduce the experimental data. We conclude that burst frequency can be modulated independent of the active phase and that alteration of a calcium pool size best fits the experimental data. Offprint requests to: P. B. Carroll  相似文献   

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