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In high-risk coronary artery bypass patients; off-pump versus on-pump surgical strategies still remain a matter of debate, regarding which method results in a lower incidence of perioperative mortality and morbidity. We describe our experience in the treatment of high-risk coronary artery patients and compare patients assigned to on-pump and off-pump surgery.


From March 2002 to July 2004, 86 patients with EuroSCOREs > 5 underwent myocardial revascularization with or without cardiopulmonary bypass. Patients were assigned to off-pump surgery (40) or on-pump surgery (46) based on coronary anatomy coupled with the likelihood of achieving complete revascularization.


Those patients undergoing off-pump surgery had significantly poorer left ventricular function than those undergoing on-pump surgery (28.6 ± 5.8% vs. 40.5 ± 7.4%, respectively, p < 0.05) and also had higher Euroscore values (7.26 ± 1.4 vs. 12.1 ± 1.8, respectively, p < 0.05). Differences between the two groups were nonsignificant with regard to number of grafts per patient, mean duration of surgery, anesthesia and operating room time, length of stay intensive care unit (ICU) and rate of postoperative atrial fibrillation


Utilization of off-pump coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) does not confer significant clinical advantages in all high-risk patients. This review suggest that off-pump coronary revascularization may represent an alternative approach for treatment of patients with Euroscore ≥ 10 and left ventricular function ≤ 30%.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the association between mitral stenosis (MS) and increased coagulation activity is well recognized, it is unclear whether enhanced coagulation remains localized in the left atrium or whether this represents a systemic problem. To assess systemic coagulation parameters and changes in platelet aggregation, we measured fibrinogen levels and performed in vitro platelet function tests in plasma obtained from mitral stenotic patients' and from healthy control subjects' peripheral venous blood. METHODS: Sixteen newly diagnosed patients with rheumatic MS (Group P) and 16 healthy subjects (Group N) were enrolled in the study. Platelet-equalized plasma samples were evaluated to determine in vitro platelet function, using adenosine diphosphate (ADP), collagen and epinephrine in an automated aggregometer. In vitro platelet function tests in group N were performed twice, with and without plasma obtained from group P. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to demographic variables. Peripheral venous fibrinogen levels in Group P were not significantly different from those in Group N. Adenosine diphosphate, epinephrine and collagen-induced platelet aggregation ratios were significantly higher in Group P than in Group N. When plasma obtained from Group P was added to Group N subjects' platelets, ADP and collagen-induced, but not epinephrine-induced, aggregation ratios were significantly increased compared to baseline levels in Group N. CONCLUSION: Platelet aggregation is increased in patients with MS, while fibrinogen levels remain similar to controls. We conclude that mitral stenotic patients exhibit increased systemic coagulation activity and that plasma extracted from these patients may contain some transferable factors that activate platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

Suspensions of collagen fibrils of different size were prepared from solutions of radioactive tropocollagen type I by either differential centrifugation or differential incubation at elevated temperature. The fractions were compared with respect to their ability to stimulate human blood platelet aggregation in plasma, their binding to human platelets, and their morphology, as seen in the electron microscope. Although small particles with a sedimentation coefficient as low as 4.5 S bound to platelets, aggregation was not observed in the presence of collagen multimers and protofibrils without visible cross-bands in stained specimens. The onset of platelet-aggregating activity before the appearance of turbidity in collagen solutions incubated at elevated temperature is due to the formation of a few banded fibrils; this early onset and the fibrils do not appear in collagen solutions that have been ulctracentrifuged before incubation.  相似文献   

A previously unrecognized large pool of Abeta was discovered in freshly drawn plasma of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and non-demented control subjects. This Abeta pool was revealed after acid denaturation and chromatographic separation of plasma proteins followed by Abeta quantitation in the 4.5 kDa fractions by europium immunoassay. The mean values of Abeta42 in the AD and control individuals amounted to 236 ng/ml and 38 ng/ml, respectively. These Abeta values are on the average far higher than previously measured. Surprisingly, the circulating Abeta42 is about 16 times more abundant than Abeta40 in the AD population. Addition of Abeta to freshly drawn plasma demonstrated the rapid disappearance of Abeta epitopes, as detected by immunochemical techniques, suggesting either proteolytic degradation or Abeta sequestration. Incubation of Abeta with purified plasma proteins and lipoproteins rapidly decreases detectable levels of free Abeta suggesting epitope masking as the likely mechanism. The free and protein-bound Abetab in the circulation may represent a potential source for deposition in the cerebrovasculature and brain parenchyma of AD.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is associated with the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease. We have previously shown that human Abeta has the ability to reduce Fe(III) and Cu(II) and produce hydrogen peroxide coupled with these metals, which is correlated with toxicity against primary neuronal cells. Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 expression is linked to the progression and severity of pathology in AD. COX is a heme-containing enzyme that produces prostaglandins, and the enzyme also possesses peroxidase activity. Here we investigated the possibility of direct interaction between human Abeta and COX-2 being mediated by the peroxidase activity. Human Abeta formed dimers when it was reacted with COX-2 and hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, the peptide formed a cross-linked complex directly with COX-2. Such cross-linking was not observed with rat Abeta, and the sole tyrosine residue specific for human Abeta might therefore be the site of cross-linking. Similar complexes of Abeta and COX-2 were detected in post-mortem brain samples in greater amounts in AD tissue than in age-matched controls. COX-2-mediated cross-linking may inhibit Abeta catabolism and possibly generate toxic intracellular forms of oligomeric Abeta.  相似文献   

No significant change in plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides, phospholipids, very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), lipase activity and TC/HDL-C ratio could be observed in both normotensive and hypertensive individuals after cod liver oil supplementation. Measure of platelet aggregation rates did not also show any significant change after cod liver oil ingestion in both normotensive and hypertensive individuals. The results suggest that supplementation of normal diets with 600 mg cod liver oil per day for 50 days neither affects plasma lipids, lipoproteins and lipase activity nor affects platelet aggregation in both normotensive and hypertensive individuals.  相似文献   

Cancer procoagulant (CP) and tissue factor (TF; only in complex with Factor VIIa (FVIIa)) can activate FX to FXa. Controversy still exists whether or not CP is an entity different from TF, or whether CP activity is due to contamination of CP preparations with TF/FVIIa complex. We therefore looked for proteins in CP preparations that were detected by anti-TF antibodies and then sequenced these proteins. One- and two-dimensional gels of CP and TF were used to identify proteins immunoreactive to monoclonal anti-CP and anti-TF antibodies (Mabs). Those proteins in the CP preparation recognized by anti-TF antibodies were sequenced. Angiotensinogen precursor, alpha-1-antitrypsin precursor, and vitamin D-binding protein were identified along with one so far unidentified sequence; however, no TF-sequences were identified. Also, no proteins with the correct molecular weight for TF were identified using anti-TF antibodies. It seems possible that CP preparations contain proteins that have some epitopes similar to the epitopes recognized in TF by anti-TF Mab. However, these proteins do neither have the molecular weight nor the amino acid sequence of TF.  相似文献   

Our previous research has shown that the Ca2+-dependent protease within platelets is activated when platelets aggregate, resulting in the production of three polypeptides (Mr = 200,000, 100,000, and 91,000). We have now shown that these three polypeptides arise from the hydrolysis of actin-binding protein. An antibody against actin-binding protein raised in rabbits was shown to be specific for actin-binding protein on immunoblots of total platelet proteins. This antibody reacted with additional polypeptides of Mr = 200,000, 100,000, and 91,000 on immunoblots of the proteins of thrombin-activated platelets. Actin-binding protein was purified from fresh, human platelet concentrate and hydrolyzed with platelet-derived Ca2+-dependent protease; hydrolysis resulted in the appearance of three polypeptides with molecular weights and isoelectric points identical to those of the three polypeptides generated within intact, aggregating platelets. Production of these polypeptides was inhibited by leupeptin and by the chelation of Ca2+. Hydrolysis of actin-binding protein was observed at micromolar Ca2+ concentrations, demonstrating that the level of Ca2+ in aggregated platelets is sufficient to account for the hydrolysis of actin-binding protein by the Ca2+-dependent protease. P235 was also purified and tested for its susceptibility to the protease. It was hydrolyzed by the Ca2+-dependent protease, and two polypeptides (Mr = 200,000 and 46,000) were produced. Antibodies against P235 raised in rabbits reacted only with P235 on immunoblots of total platelet proteins. These antibodies also reacted with polypeptides of Mr = 200,000 and 46,000 on immunoblots of thrombin-activated platelets. These data show that both actin-binding protein and P235 are cleaved during thrombin-induced platelet aggregation and suggest that the activation of the Ca2+-dependent protease may permit reorganization of the platelet cytoskeleton in aggregating platelets.  相似文献   

We report here that aggregated beta-amyloid (Abeta) 1-42 promotes tau aggregation in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. When Abeta-mediated aggregated tau was used as a substrate for tau protein kinase II (TPK II), an 8-fold increase in the rate of TPK II-mediated tau phosphorylation was observed. The extent of TPK II-dependent tau phosphorylation increased as a function of time and Abeta 1-42 concentration, and hyperphosphorylated tau was found to be decorated with an Alzheimer's disease-related phosphoepitope (P-Thr-231). In HEK 293 cells co-expressing CT-100 amyloid precursor protein and tau, the release of Abeta 1-42 from these cells was impaired. Taken together, these in vitro results suggest that Abeta 1-42 promotes both tau aggregation and hyperphosphorylation.  相似文献   

A subline of the rat hepatoma (H-35) cells has been identified which responds to hepatocyte-stimulating factors (HSFs) of human squamous carcinoma cells by increased synthesis of all major rat acute phase plasma proteins. The regulation occurs at the level of mRNA. Two HSFs (HSF-I and HSF-II) have been purified from conditioned medium of the squamous carcinoma cells. HSF-I is a protein with an Mr = 18,000 and pI 5.5, and HSF-II is a glycoprotein with an Mr = 34,000 and a broad, neutral to basic charge. In H-35 cells, HSF-I predominantly stimulates the synthesis of complement C3 and haptoglobin and acts synergistically with dexamethasone to stimulate alpha 1-acid glycoprotein. HSF-II stimulates cysteine protease inhibitor, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, alpha 1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen, and hemopexin, and acts synergistically with dexamethasone to stimulate alpha 2-macroglobulin. Each HSF is between 10 and 100 times less effective in regulating proteins of the other set. Human tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 increase complement C3, haptoglobin, and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, as does HSF-I, but are unable to modulate any of the other acute phase proteins. The monokines differ from HSF-I is their low activity in HepG2 cells and rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of retinoic acid (RA) to inhibit the growth of two spontaneous murine melanoma cell lines (B16-F1 and S91-C2) and to augment both sialyltransferase activity and the sialylation of an Mr 160,000 cell-surface glycoprotein. The present study examined the effects of RA on an ultraviolet irradiation-induced murine melanoma cell line K-1735P. Like the two spontaneous melanomas, the uv-induced melanoma exhibited susceptibility to the growth-inhibitory action of RA. Both the anchorage-dependent and the anchorage-independent growths of the K-1735P cells were suppressed by RA, with IC50 values of 5 X 10(-9) and 3 X 10(-12) M, respectively. Sialyltransferase activity in both S91-C2 and K-1735P cells treated with 10(-6) or 10(-5) M RA increased two- and three-fold, respectively, as compared with untreated cells. In contrast, cell-surface sialo- and galactoglycoproteins, revealed by labeling with periodate and tritiated borohydrate or with neuraminidase, galactose oxidase, and tritiated borohydrate, respectively, varied between the S91-C2 and the K-1735P cells, and each cell line's modulation by RA was also distinct. These findings suggest that although RA can increase the activity of sialyltransferase in different melanoma cells, this increased activity may, in turn, result in an increased sialylation of distinct cell-surface glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been demonstrated that the CD40 receptor is constitutively expressed on cultured microglia at low levels. Ligation of CD40 by CD40 ligand on these cells results in microglial activation, as measured by TNF-alpha production and neuronal injury. However, the intracellular events mediating this effect have yet to be investigated. We report that ligation of microglial CD40 triggers activation of p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). This effect is evident 30 min posttreatment, and progressively declines thereafter (from 30 to 240 min). Phosphorylated p38 MAPK is not observed in response to ligation of microglial CD40 across the time course examined. Inhibition of the upstream activator of p44/42 MAPK, mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-related kinase kinase 1/2, with PD98059, decreases phosphorylation of p44/42 MAPK and significantly reduces TNF-alpha release following ligation of microglial CD40. Furthermore, cotreatment of microglial cells with CD40 ligand and TGF-beta1 or IL-10, or both, inhibits CD40-mediated activation of p44/42 MAPK and production of TNF-alpha in a statistically interactive manner. Taken together, these data show that ligation of microglial CD40 triggers TNF-alpha release through the p44/42 MAPK pathway, an effect that can be opposed by TGF-beta1 and IL-10.  相似文献   

A sensitive and highly automated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column-switching method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of the active metabolite III and its prodrug II, both derivatives of the oral platelet inhibitor Ro 48-3657 (I), in plasma and urine of man and dog. Plasma samples were deproteinated with perchloric acid (0.5 M), while urine samples could be processed directly after dilution with phosphate buffer. The prepared samples were injected onto a pre-column of a HPLC column switching system. Polar plasma or urine components were removed by flushing the precolumn with phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 3.5). Retained compounds (including II and III) were backflushed onto the analytical column, separated by gradient elution and detected by means of UV detection at 240 nm. The limit of quantification for both compounds was 1 ng/ml (500 μl of plasma) and 25 ng/ml (50 μl of urine) for plasma and urine, respectively. The practicability of the new method was demonstrated by the analysis of about 6000 plasma and 1300 urine samples from various toxicokinetic studies in dogs and phase 1 studies in man.  相似文献   

Jin F  Liu H  Li P  Yu HG  Wang Y 《PLoS genetics》2012,8(2):e1002492
The attachment of sister kinetochores by microtubules emanating from opposite spindle poles establishes chromosome bipolar attachment, which generates tension on chromosomes and is essential for sister-chromatid segregation. Syntelic attachment occurs when both sister kinetochores are attached by microtubules from the same spindle pole and this attachment is unable to generate tension on chromosomes, but a reliable method to induce syntelic attachments is not available in budding yeast. The spindle checkpoint can sense the lack of tension on chromosomes as well as detached kinetochores to prevent anaphase onset. In budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, tension checkpoint proteins Aurora/Ipl1 kinase and centromere-localized Sgo1 are required to sense the absence of tension but are dispensable for the checkpoint response to detached kinetochores. We have found that the loss of function of a motor protein complex Cik1/Kar3 in budding yeast leads to syntelic attachments. Inactivation of either the spindle or tension checkpoint enables premature anaphase entry in cells with dysfunctional Cik1/Kar3, resulting in co-segregation of sister chromatids. Moreover, the abolished Kar3-kinetochore interaction in cik1 mutants suggests that the Cik1/Kar3 complex mediates chromosome movement along microtubules, which could facilitate bipolar attachment. Therefore, we can induce syntelic attachments in budding yeast by inactivating the Cik1/Kar3 complex, and this approach will be very useful to study the checkpoint response to syntelic attachments.  相似文献   

The N-terminal segment of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump (PMCA) is one of the most variable regions among the four isoforms of the enzyme and its functional importance is unknown. In the present work, the N-terminal segment of the highly active C-terminally truncated h4 mutant, h4(ct120) was modified either by substituting residues 18-43 by residues 43-75 or by replacing residues 1-75 by the homologous region from isoform h1 (residues 1-79). Immunoblot analysis of microsomal membranes from transfected COS-1 cells showed that the two N-terminally mutated proteins were correctly expressed at a level similar to that of h4(ct120). Measurements of the Ca2+ uptake by microsomal vesicles from transfected COS-1 cells indicated that mutant (18-43-->43-75)h4(ct120) had only negligible Ca2+ transport activity while the chimeric (n1-79)h1h4(ct120) enzyme was fully capable of functioning as a calcium pump.Like h4(ct120), the chimeric mutant was not stimulated further by calmodulin, and was inhibited to a similar degree by the C28R2 peptide corresponding to the calmodulin binding autoinhibitory region of the pump. Moreover, the apparent affinity for Ca2+ and the ATP dependence of the chimeric enzyme were similar to those of the h4(ct120) pump suggesting that the variability of sequence between the N-terminal segment of PMCA isoforms h1 and h4 involves amino acid substitutions that do not substantially change the behavior of the h4 enzyme. Altogether, these results demonstrate that for activity the h4 Ca pump requires a specific amino acid sequence at its N-terminus, and the essential elements for a fully active enzyme can be provided by the N-terminal segment of isoform h1 despite the variability.  相似文献   

We have shown that a child with Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS) type VII has a G to A transition at the first nucleotide of intron 6 in one of her COL1A2 alleles. Half of the cDNA clones prepared from the proband's pro alpha 2(I) mRNA lacked exon 6. The type I procollagen secreted by the proband's dermal fibroblasts in culture was purified, and collagen fibrils were generated in vitro by cleavage of the procollagen with the procollagen N- and C-proteinases. Incubation of the procollagen with N-proteinase resulted in a 1:1 mixture of pCcollagen and uncleaved procollagen. Incubation of this mixture with C-proteinase generated collagen and abnormal pNcollagen (pNcollagen-ex6) that readily copolymerized into fibrils. By electron microscopy these fibrils resembled the hieroglyphic fibrils seen in the N-proteinase-deficient skin of dermatosparactic animals and humans and were distinct from the near circular cross-section fibrils seen in the tissues of individuals with EDS type VII. Further incubation of the hieroglyphic fibrils with N-proteinase resulted in partial cleavage of the pNcollagen-ex6 in which the abnormal pN alpha 2(I) chains remained intact. These fibrils were not hieroglyphic but were near circular in cross-section. Fibrils formed from collagen and pNcollagen-ex6 that had been partially cleaved with elevated amounts of N-proteinase prior to fibril formation were also near circular in cross-section. The results are consistent with a model of collagen fibril formation in which the intact N-propeptides are located exclusively at the surface of the hieroglyphic fibrils. Partial cleavage of the pNcollagen-ex6 by N-proteinase allows the N-propeptides to be incorporated within the body of the fibrils. The model provides an explanation for the morphology and molecular composition of collagen fibrils in the tissues of patients with EDS type VII.  相似文献   

Reduced frequencies of myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cell (DC) subsets (mDCs and pDCs, respectively) have been observed in the peripheral blood of HIV-1-infected individuals throughout the course of disease. Accumulation of DCs in lymph nodes (LNs) may partly account for the decreased numbers observed in blood, but increased DC death may also be a contributing factor. We used multiparameter flow cytometry to evaluate pro- and antiapoptotic markers in blood mDCs and pDCs from untreated HIV-1-infected donors, from a subset of infected donors before and after receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), and from uninfected control donors. Blood mDCs, but not pDCs, from untreated HIV-1-infected donors expressed lower levels of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 than DCs from uninfected donors. A subset of HIV-1-infected donors had elevated frequencies of proapoptotic caspase-3(+) blood mDCs, and positive correlations were observed between caspase-3(+) mDC frequencies and plasma viral load and CD8(+) T-cell activation levels. Caspase-3(+) mDC frequencies, but not mDC Bcl-2 expression, were reduced with viral suppression on ART. Apoptosis markers on DCs in blood and LN samples from a cohort of untreated, HIV-1-infected donors with chronic disease were also evaluated. LN mDCs displayed higher levels of Bcl-2 and lower caspase-3(+) frequencies than did matched blood mDCs. Conversely, LN pDCs expressed lower Bcl-2 levels than their blood counterparts. In summary, blood mDCs from untreated HIV-1-infected subjects displayed a proapoptotic profile that was partially reversed with viral suppression, suggesting that DC death may be a factor contributing to blood DC depletion in the setting of chronic, untreated HIV disease.  相似文献   

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