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The fibers of the anterior belly digastric muscle of mice, fed a granulated diet for various periods, have been studied histochemically and morphometrically. The diameters of the anterior belly digastric fibers in normal mice fed only a granulated diet were smaller than those in mice fed a solid diet. Differences in the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity of muscle fibers between op/op and normal mice gradually appeared in the anterior belly digastric muscle and, by the age of 90 days, under-development of muscle fibers was observed in the mild-belly region of the anterior belly digastric muscle of op/op mice fed a granulated diet. These results indicate mechanical stress in mastication plays an important role in the development of the anterior belly digastric muscle structures.  相似文献   

Unlike all other primates, the digastric muscle of the orangutan lacks an anterior belly; the posterior belly, while present, inserts directly onto the mandible. To understand the functional consequences of this morphologic novelty, the EMG activity patterns of the digastric muscle and other potential mandibular depressors were studied in a gibbon and an orangutan. The results suggest a significant degree of functional differentiation between the two digastric bellies. In the gibbon, the recruitment pattern of the posterior digastric during mastication is typically biphasic. It is an important mandibular depressor, active in this role during mastication and wide opening. It also acts with the anterior suprahyoid muscles to move the hyoid prior to jaw opening during mastication. The recruitment patterns of the anterior digastric suggest that it is functionally allied to the geniohyoid and mylohyoid. For example, although it transmits the force of the posterior digastric during mandibular depression, it functions independent of the posterior digastric during swallowing. Of the muscles studied, the posterior digastric was the only muscle to exhibit major differences in recruitment pattern between the two species. The posterior digastric retains its function as a mandibular depressor in orangutans, but is never recruited biphasically, and is not active prior to opening. The unique anatomy of the digastric muscle in orangutans results in decoupling of the mechanisms for hyoid movement and mandibular depression, and during unilateral activity it potentially contributes to substantial transverse movements of the mandible. Hypotheses to explain the loss of the anterior digastric should incorporate these functional conclusions. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The general form and adaptation of the digastric muscle in carnivores are reviewed and discussed. The digastric muscle differs from the general plan in certain aquatic carnivores and felids. In the pertinent aquatic species the muscle is enlarged. The observations suggest that the enlargement is an adaptation for rapidly opening the jaws against the resistance of water. In felids, the insertion of the muscle is much farther forward than in most other carnivores. The observations suggest that the development of short jaws in felids necessitated a compensatory anterior relocation of the digastric insertion in order to preserve the ability to achieve a large gape.  相似文献   

Membrane potential at rest (MP), action potential (AP), critical level of depolarization (CLD) and latent period (LP) of different muscle fibers were studied in two bellies of digastric muscle. Even and chaotic distribution of different muscle fibers was observed in the anterior and posterior belly, respectively. It is believed that electrophysiological data correspond to the results of histological analysis of muscle fibers in digastric muscle.  相似文献   

Excitability parameters of m. digastricus muscle fibers were investigated in anesthetized (40 mg/kg of nembutal) rats 3-5 days after denervation. The number of fibers with high polarization level was increased as was the number of fibers with low and medium level in both bellies of m. digastricus. The differences in the level of polarization recorded in the muscle fibers of the abdominoposterior m. digastricus disappeared after denervation. It is suggested that denervation syndrome in m. digastricus deprived of spindle receptors was similar to that observed in other skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

In healthy human subjects, electromyographic activities (EMG) were obtained from various tongue muscles. Main actions such as protrusion, retraction, and changing of the shape of the tongue can be correlated with the EMG activity of the respective muscles. Amongst all tongue muscles the paired genioglossus (protruder) is of greatest importance since it prevents a relapse of the tongue with occlusion of the airways and the attendant risk of suffocation. To counteract the relapse of the tongue, the tonic activity of the genioglossus is markedly increased in the supine position; this activity is further increased with cervical flexion. In addition, the genioglossi are activated during respiration, particularly during the inspiratory phase. These activity patterns reflect the important role the genioglossus plays in the mechanics of maintaining an open air passage to the lungs.  相似文献   

The authors hypothesized that distraction at a rate of 3 mm/day, compared with mandibular distraction at a rate of 1 mm/day, would produce a maladaptive response in adjacent muscles of mastication. The authors further hypothesized that the maladaptive response would manifest at the single fiber level by means of increased sarcomeric heterogeneity, decreased maximum force output, and increased susceptibility to stretch-induced injury. In an ovine model, distraction osteogenesis of the right hemimandible was performed at either 1 mm/day for 21 days (n = 2) or 3 mm/day for 7 days (n = 2) to achieve a total distraction distance of 21 mm. The left hemimandibles served as controls. After a consolidation period of 2 days, the anterior digastric muscles were harvested; in six randomly selected single fibers from each muscle, maximum calcium-activated force (Po) was measured at optimal sarcomere length. The amount of damage to the sarcomeres in each fiber was assessed microscopically. To test susceptibility to contraction-induced injury, each fiber was given an activated stretch of 20 percent. Compared with control fibers and fibers distracted at 1 mm/day, maximum tetanic force (Po) was significantly lower in fibers distracted at 3 mm/day. Compared with control fibers, specific Po (Po/cross-sectional area) was lower in fibers distracted at 3 mm/day. The number of sarcomeres appearing damaged in fibers distracted at 3 mm/day was significantly higher than in control fibers or in fibers distracted at 1 mm/day. A greater deficit in Po was observed after a single activated stretch in fibers distracted at 3 mm/day than in control fibers or in fibers distracted at 1 mm/day. The authors conclude that distraction of the anterior digastric muscle in sheep at 3 mm/day produces a maladaptive response in the muscle fibers but a rate of 1 mm/day is tolerated by the muscle fibers. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that distraction of skeletal muscle at high rates results in increased heterogeneity of sarcomere lengths and that this increase in heterogeneity is the most likely potential mechanism resulting in whole muscle force deficits and in increased susceptibility to stretch-induced injury in distracted muscles.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify any differences in peak muscle activation (EMGPEAK) or average rectified variable muscle activation (EMGARV) during supinated grip, pronated grip, neutral grip and rope pull-up exercises. Nineteen strength trained males (24.9 ± 5 y; 1.78 ± 0.74 m; 81.3 ± 11.3 kg; 22.7 ± 2.5 kg m−2) volunteered to participate in the study. Surface electromyography (EMG) was collected from eight shoulder-arm-forearm complex muscles. All muscle activation was expressed as a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC). Over a full repetition, the pronated grip resulted in significantly greater EMGPEAK (60.1 ± 22.5 vs. 37.1 ± 13.1%MVIC; P = 0.004; Effect Size [ES; Cohen’s d] = 1.19) and EMGARV (48.0 ± 21.2 vs. 27.4 ± 10.7%MVIC; P = 0.001; ES = 1.29) of the middle trapezius when compared to the neutral grip pull-up. The concentric phases of each pull-up variation resulted in significantly greater EMGARV of the brachioradialis, biceps brachii, and pectoralis major in comparison to the eccentric phases (P = <0.01). Results indicate that EMGPEAK and EMGARV of the shoulder-arm-forearm complex during complete repetitions of pull-up variants are similar despite varying hand orientations; however, differences exist between concentric and eccentric phases of each pull-up.  相似文献   

In 11 patients, all women, 21-55 years of age, with unilateral work-related myalgia of the trapezius muscle, the right and left trapezius muscles were examined simultaneously for electromyogram (EMG) signs of localized muscle fatigue. All patients were tested with 0-kg hand load for 5 min, holding the arms straight at 90 degrees of elevation in the scapular plane. Only 4 of the patients tolerated exposure to higher load levels. They were tested with 1 kg hand load for 3 min and 2 kg hand load for 2 min, with a period of rest of 30 min between the trials. The EMG mean power frequency (MPF) and root mean square (rms) were calculated. Data were normalized with the initial value as a reference and regression analyses were performed. On both sides a decrease of MPF and an increase of rms were found with increasing time and load, i.e. classical EMG signs of localized muscle fatigue. Compared with the nonaffected side smaller changes were found on the affected side, possibly due to pain inhibition, impaired microcirculation and biochemical changes along the muscle fibres. At 0-kg hand load we found no change of MPF on either side despite subjective feelings of fatigue and pain. We interpreted these findings as an indication of reduced capacity of the affected trapezius muscle to sustain static load with early development of pain-associated local fatigue.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken to measure directly the changing length of a jaw muscle during feeding in four intact, unanesthetized New Zealand White rabbits. Metal markers were implanted to define the anterior and posterior ends of the single belly of the digastric muscle and fluroscopic images were recorded on videotape while the animals fed on pelleted chow and carrot. Graphs of muscle length versus incisor separation were obtained by making measurements of single frames of the videotape record. The graphs revealed that when pelleted chow was being chewed the length of the diagastric muscle changed by no more than 9% of its greatest length; during the latter part of the closing stroke it changed very little. Incising and chewing carrot caused the digastric muscle to change in length continuously throughout the chewing cycle; incising carrot resulted in a 13% change in the length of the digastric muscle. The velocity of shortening is slightly less than one muscle length per second.  相似文献   

Humans show a remarkable ability to discriminate others' gaze direction, even though a given direction can be conveyed by many physically dissimilar configurations of different eye positions and head views. For example, eye contact can be signaled by a rightward glance in a left-turned head or by direct gaze in a front-facing head. Such acute gaze discrimination implies considerable perceptual invariance. Previous human research found that superior temporal sulcus (STS) responds preferentially to gaze shifts [1], but the underlying representation that supports such general responsiveness remains poorly understood. Using multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) of human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data, we tested whether STS contains a higher-order, head view-invariant code for gaze direction. The results revealed a finely graded gaze direction code in right anterior STS that was invariant to head view and physical image features. Further analyses revealed similar gaze effects in left anterior STS and precuneus. Our results suggest that anterior STS codes the direction of another's attention regardless of how this information is conveyed and demonstrate how high-level face areas carry out fine-grained, perceptually relevant discrimination through invariance to other face features.  相似文献   

The electromyographic study of the subclavius muscle (SM) was performed in 31 different movements, in 12 subjects (10 male and 2 female) aged from 17 to 28 years. The action potentials were obtained with an electromyograph Teca TE 4. Our findings suggest that the SM acts mainly on the stability of the sternoclavicular joint; with more or less intensity according to the degree of the clavicular interaction with the movements of the peripheral parts of the superior limb. The SM seems to act as a substitute for the ligaments of the sternoclavicular joint.  相似文献   

Charge movements in skeletal muscle.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In twitch muscle, an action potential propagating along the surface can lead to mechanical contraction of the entire cross section of the fibre. The processes involve a depolarization of the membranes of the transverse tubular system which, in turn, causes a release of calcium from its intracellular storage location, the sarcoplasmic reticulum. It seems that a change in potential across the first structure can trigger the release from the second, adjacent structure. If the time and voltage dependent ionic currents are blocked, small movements of charge can be detected when a fibre is depolarized from a normal resting potential to a potential at which contraction is activated. These charge movements, which do not behave as currents passing through ionic channels, may be part of a trigger mechanism.  相似文献   

When falling from an inverted position, EMG activities of tail muscles (the m. extensor caudae lateralis, m. abductor caudae externus, m. flexor caudae longus) and tail movements were recorded in 7 long-tailed adult cats. After being released from an elevated position, cat rotates the tail in a reverse direction to rotation of other parts of the cat's body then lands on four legs. Rotation of the tail was started by EMG activities of the tail muscles on one side. Both synchronized and alternating groups of discharge occur between its left and right side, while extensor and flexor movements and displacements of its tail appear in the air. After transection of ventral roots from the coccygeal spinal segments innervating tail muscles, cats often fail to land on four legs. These facts suggest that that tail movements control body balance in the air when falling from an inverted position.  相似文献   

Digastric muscle (DGM) is a powerful jaw-opening muscle that participates in chewing, swallowing, breathing, and speech. For better understanding of its contractile properties, five pairs of adult human DGMs were obtained from autopsies and processed with immunocytochemistry and/or immunoblotting. Monoclonal antibodies against alpha-cardiac, slow tonic, neonatal, and embryonic myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms were employed to determine whether the DGM fibers contain these MHC isoforms, which have previously been demonstrated in restricted specialized craniocervical skeletal muscles but have not been reported in normal adult human trunk and limb muscles. The results showed expression of all these MHC isoforms in adult human DGMs. About half of the fibers reacted positively to the antibody specific for the alpha-cardiac MHC isoform in DGMs, and the number of these fibers decreased with age. Slow tonic MHC isoform containing fibers accounted for 19% of the total fiber population. Both the alpha-cardiac and slow tonic MHC isoforms were found to coexist mainly with the slow twitch MHC isoform in a fiber. A few DGM fibers expressed the embryonic or neonatal MHC isoform. The findings suggest that human DGM fibers may be specialized to facilitate performance of complex motor behaviors in the upper airway and digestive tract.  相似文献   

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