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《Journal of morphology》2017,278(10):1380-1399
The tongue of anteaters (Xenarthra, Pilosa, Vermilingua) is a highly specialized for myrmecophagy. Here, we describe the topography and histology of the tongue, and compare it to that of other xenarthrans and other myrmecophagous eutherian mammals. The tongue of Vermilingua is long and slender, with an apical protuberance, which differs between Myrmecophagidae and Cyclopes didactylus . In the former, the rostral region is conical, and in the latter, it is dorsoventrally compressed, as observed in sloths. The tongue of Vermilingua has filiform and circumvallate papillae on the surface; foliate and fungiform papillae are absent. The filiform papillae of Myrmecophaga tridactyla are simple all over the tongue, differing from Tamandua tetradactyla and Cyclopes didactylus , which present composed filiform papillae in the rostral and middle regions. Histologically, the tongue has a peculiar organization of muscular and neurovascular tissues, differing from the usual mammalian pattern. However, the tongue structure is less divergent in Cyclopes . The presence of two circumvallate papillae is common to the three major clades of Xenarthra (Cingulata, Folivora and Vermilingua). In each group, the tongue may reflect functional features related to myrmecophagous (anteaters and some armadillos), omnivorous (remaining armadillos) and folivorous (sloths) feeding habits. The similarities between the tongues of Vermiligua and other non‐xenarthran eutherian myrmecophagous mammals are somewhat general and, under close inspection, superficial, being an example of different lineages achieving the same morphofunctional adaptations through distinct evolutionary pathways.  相似文献   

This article presents an analogy to illustrate the effect of surface roughness on surface wettability. I used a water-filled balloon to represent water droplet, a toothpick to represent surface roughness and Styrofoam as the surface. The analogies presented in this article will help visualize how roughness affects the wettability of the surface and therefore can be used to introduce surface wettability to high school students.  相似文献   

Year 2010 marked the 25th year since we came to know that roughness of a protein surface has fractal symmetry. Ever since the publication of Lewis and Rees' paper, hundreds of works from a spectrum of perspectives have established that fractal dimension (FD) can be considered as a reliable marker that describes roughness of protein surface objectively. In this article, we introduce readers to the fundamentals of fractals and present categorical biophysical and geometrical reasons as to why FD‐based constructs can describe protein surface roughness more accurately. We then review the commonality (and the lack of it) between numerous approaches that have attempted to investigate protein surface with fractal measures, before exploring the patterns in the results that they have produced. Apart from presenting the genealogy of approaches and results, we present an analysis that quantifies the difference in surface roughness in stretches of protein surface containing the active site, before and after binding to ligands, to underline the utility of FD‐based measures further. It has been found that surface stretches containing the active site, in general, undergo a significant increment in its roughness after binding. After presenting the entire repertoire of FD‐based surface roughness studies, we talk about two yet‐unexplored problems where application of FD‐based techniques can help in deciphering underlying patterns of surface interactions. Finally, we list the limitations of FD‐based constructs and put down several precautions that one must take while working with them. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Surface roughness (SR) can affect the hydrodynamic performance of antifouling (AF) coatings and influence the settlement behaviour of fouling larvae, which makes it an important parameter in the evaluation of novel coatings. This paper reviews the causes and consequences of SR in the shipping industry, the methodology used for measuring it, and the importance of measuring and reporting it correctly. SR is a parameter that originates from marine engineering, but has been used extensively by marine scientists to characterise novel coatings and to investigate microtopographies that might inhibit settlement behaviour. One of the integral components of the SR measurement is the use of a cutoff filter. This is a short-pass filter that lets the high wave-number components through and thus separates the waviness from the roughness. Depending on the length of this filter, roughness at different levels of magnification can be investigated. Much of the published work on SR of AF coatings makes no mention of cutoff length, so that the results cannot be compared. It is suggested that an international standard is needed and that if more researchers were aware of the significance of stating cutoff length when reporting SR, more interdisciplinary work between biologists, engineers and material scientists would be possible in this field.  相似文献   

Current research efforts to improve immunoassay-biosensor functionality have centered on detection through the optimal design of microfluidic chambers, electrical circuitry, optical sensing elements, and so on. To date, little attention has been paid to the immunoassay-biosensor membrane surface on which interactions between antibodies and antigens must occur. For this reason, the objective of the present study was to manipulate the nanometer surface roughness of a model immunoassay-biosensor membrane to determine its role on sensitivity and specificity. It was hypothesized that surface roughness characteristics similar to those used by the body's own immune system with B-lymphocyte cell membranes would promote antigen-antibody interactions and minimize non-specific binding. To test this hypothesis, polystyrene 96-well plate surfaces were modified to possess similar topographies as those of B-lymphocyte cell membranes. This was accomplished by immobilizing Protein A conjugated gold particles and Protein A conjugated polystyrene particles ranging in sizes from 40 to 860 nm to the bottom of polystyrene wells. Atomic force microscopy results provided evidence of well-dispersed immunoassay-biosensor surfaces for all particles tested with high degrees of biologically inspired nanometer roughness. Testing the functionality of these immunosurfaces using antigenic fluorescent microspheres showed that specific antigen capture increased with greater nanometer surface roughness while nonspecific antigen capture did not correlate with surface roughness. In this manner, results from this study suggest that large degrees of biologically inspired nanometer surface roughness not only increases the amount of immobilized antibodies onto the immunosurface membrane, but it also enhances the functionality of those antibodies for optimal antigen capture, criteria critical for improving immunoassay-biosensor sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

The morphology and histomorphology of the tongue and the histochemistry of the lingual glands of eight specimens from four species of Ligurian Sea odontocetes (Stenella coeruleoalba, Tursiops truncatus, Grampus griseus, and Ziphius cavirostris) were studied. The shape of tongues and the appearance of their dorsal surfaces differed between species. The lingual glands differed in size, distribution, and histochemistry by species. In S. coeruleoalba and G. griseus, a strong alcianophilic mucous material was detected in the lingual glands, while neutral and acidic mucous substances were observed in the most proximal secretory acini. In G. griseus, small simple alveolar apocrine glands were also found, and the duct of the serous lingual glands in Z. cavirostris is of apocrine type. Numerous mechanoreceptors were observed. Only the tongue of the young specimens showed marginal papillae: their histomorphological composition is consistent with the hypothesis that they create a tight seal between the tongue and the roof of the cavity in order to create suction. This comparative study suggests that differences in tongue morphology and in the morphology and histochemistry of lingual glands might be related to feeding habits.  相似文献   

Objective: This study explored potential factors in elderly requiring care that cause dryness of the dorsum of the tongue despite moisture retention in the sublingual mucosa. Materials and methods: Subjects were 224 elderly (mean age: 83.6 ± 7.4 years) living in a nursing home and requiring individual care. Measurement of moisture of the dorsum of the tongue and sublingual mucosa was performed using a wetness tester (L‐SALIVO) with a measurement time of 10 s. Results: A significant difference in drying only of the dorsum of the tongue was noted depending on the degree of incapacity, level of consciousness, eating (oral ingestion or tube‐feeding), and conversation. Multiple logistic regression identified the degree of incapacity in terms of eating (oral ingestion or tube‐feeding) as a significant factor for dryness. The odds ratio for the degree of incapacity was 3.2 while that for eating was 11.226. Conclusion: Dry mouth of the dorsum of the tongue in elderly requiring care was associated with the degree of incapacity, tube feeding, and level of conversation.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the relation between the degree of tongue‐coating and oral function. Background: Tongue‐coating is a moss‐like deposit which forms over the tongue surface, and includes micro‐organisms, food residues, and abrasive epithelia. It is considered that motor function of the tongue and lips and saliva secretion decrease in the aged and have some effect on the accumulation of tongue‐coating. Although saliva secretion has been reported as a factor amongst these oral functions in contributing to tongue‐coating, the correlation with the motor function of oral structures is unknown. Subjects and methods: The factors that contribute to the accumulation of tongue‐coating were examined in 48 subjects of advanced age (mean age 80.8 ± 7.8 years) with no severe levels of periodontal disease. Changes in the degree of tongue‐coating were also examined after oral functional training in these subjects. The frequency of oral cleaning, status of oral hygiene, motor function of the tongue, and masticatory performance were examined as potential factors associated with the degree of coating. Results: The results showed that tongue pressure and the frequency of oral diadochokinesis measured by pronouncing the single syllable ‘ka’ as an indicator were statistically significantly correlated with the degree of tongue‐coating. Several factors in oral function improved with training, and also the degree of tongue‐coating decreased in 27 subjects. Conclusion: These results suggest a correlation between the degree of tongue‐coating and a reduction in lingual motor function and, in addition, possible improvement in level of coating by functional training of the tongue.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00669.x The influence of steam cleaning procedures on the surface roughness of commonly used type III dental stone for the fabrication of removable dentures Objective: This study investigated the possible detrimental effects of steam treatment on the surface of type III dental stone, which is a common laboratory material used for the construction of removable dentures. Material and Methods: Forty dental stone specimens were prepared and divided into four groups (A, B, C and D), and group A was used as the control group. The other groups were treated with steam from a standard distance for varying durations (30, 60 and 120 s). Results: The duration of steam cleaning significantly increased Ra values (F = 63.150, p = 0.000). Similarly, the duration of steam application was directly correlated with the weight changes (F = 17.721, p = 0.000). A significant amount of dental stone can be removed from the surface while treating with steam. Conclusion: These studies demonstrated that expanded periods of steam cleaning cause weight loss and abrade the surface of type III dental stones; therefore, these devices should be used with caution during denture fabrication procedures.  相似文献   

The calculation of absolute binding affinities for protein‐inhibitor complexes remains as one of the main challenges in computational structure‐based ligand design. The present work explored the calculations of surface fractal dimension (as a measure of surface roughness) and the relationship with experimental binding free energies of Plasmepsin II complexes. Plasmepsin II is an attractive target for novel therapeutic compounds to treat malaria. However, the structural flexibility of this enzyme is a drawback when searching for specific inhibitors. Concerning that, we performed separate explicitly solvated molecular dynamics simulations using the available high‐resolution crystal structures of different Plasmepsin II complexes. Molecular dynamics simulations allowed a better approximation to systems dynamics and, therefore, a more reliable estimation of surface roughness. This constitutes a novel approximation in order to obtain more realistic values of fractal dimension, because previous works considered only x‐ray structures. Binding site fractal dimension was calculated considering the ensemble of structures generated at different simulation times. A linear relationship between binding site fractal dimension and experimental binding free energies of the complexes was observed within 20 ns. Previous studies of the subject did not uncover this relationship. Regression model, coined FD model, was built to estimate binding free energies from binding site fractal dimension values. Leave‐one‐out cross‐validation showed that our model reproduced accurately the absolute binding free energies for our training set (R2 = 0.76; <|error|> =0.55 kcal/mol; SDerror = 0.19 kcal/mol). The fact that such a simple model may be applied raises some questions that are addressed in the article.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the change of surface roughness and the development of the film during the film coating process using laser profilometer roughness measurements, SEM imaging, and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. Surface roughness and texture changes developing during the process of film coating tablets were studied by noncontact laser profilometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An EDX analysis was used to monitor the magnesium stearate and titanium dioxide of the tablets. The tablet cores were film coated with aqueous hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, and the film coating was performed using an instrumented pilot-scale side-vented drum coater. The SEM images of the film-coated tablets showed that within the first 30 minutes, the surface of the tablet cores was completely covered with a thin film. The magnesium signal that was monitored by SEM-EDX disappeared after ∼15 to 30 minutes, indicating that the tablet surface was homogeneously covered with film coating. The surface roughness started to increase from the beginning of the coating process, and the increase in the roughness broke off after 30 minutes of spraying. The results clearly showed that the surface roughness of the tablets increased until the film coating covered the whole surface area of the tablets, corresponding to a coating time period of 15 to 30 minutes (from the beginning of the spraying phase). Thereafter, the film only became thicker. The methods used in this study were applicable in the visualization of the changes caused by the film coating on the tablet surfaces.  相似文献   

目的 研究双峰驼舌的形态结构和舌粘膜的组织学结构.方法 肉眼观察舌的形态结构,用直尺和游标卡尺测量各个参数;光镜下,观察舌粘膜的组织学结构.结果 双峰驼的舌由舌尖、舌体和舌根3部分组成;舌背粘膜厚而粗糙,舌腹粘膜薄而光滑;舌乳头包括丝状乳头、菌状乳头、轮廓乳头、锥状乳头和豆状乳头.舌表面角质化程度高,舌尖有明显的正中沟和横向的皱褶.菌状乳头味蕾不很发达,丝状乳头粗而长;舌根宽而厚,锥状和豆状等机械乳头相当发达,轮廓乳头较大;舌肌的横纹肌发达,味腺只见于舌根部.结论 双峰驼舌的形态学特点和组织学结构与其生长的荒漠、半荒漠环境及摄食多刺而粗糙植物的习性相适应.  相似文献   

Stone and rock substrates provide important habitat for many types of stream-dwelling invertebrates. Measures of the invertebrate communities inhabiting rock substrates are often an important component of ecological, monitoring and disturbance studies in streams. A major obstacle to researchers examining rock-inhabiting invertebrates is the time and effort expended on currently used methods of determining rock surface area to derive invertebrate densities on these substrates. In an attempt to more efficiently determine invertebrate densities from rock substrates in streams, we tested a direct method of calculating rock surface area from rock weight or displacement volume. This method allows very quick determinations of rock surface area in the field. Surface area estimates made using this technique were highly correlated to those from a widely used and more time-consuming method. Measurements made using this new method should theoretically give better surface area estimates than any other commonly used technique.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence of oral bacteria on the dorsum of the tongue. In addition, the relationship between the number of teeth and the microflora present on the coating of the tongue in a population of 85‐year‐old people was assessed. Subjects and methods: Two hundred and five individuals (89 males, 116 females) from the same geographical area who were 85 years of age were examined. Five periodontopathic bacteria (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and Treponema denticola) and one cariogenic bacterium (Streptococcus mutans) were analysed using a polymerase chain reaction assay of tongue samples from the population. Results: Periodontal bacteria‐positive individuals have more teeth than that of periodontal bacteria‐negative people. Between the periodontal bacteria‐positive and ‐negative individuals, there were significant differences in the mean number of teeth for P. gingivalis (p < 0.0001), T. denticola (p < 0.001), F. nucleatum (p = 0.002), and T. forsythia (p = 0.005), while there were no significant differences for A. actinomycetemcomitans (p = 0.998) or S. mutans (p = 0.147). Conclusions: A wide range of species, including anaerobes, was detected in 85‐year‐old subjects. It was found that the detection of periodontal bacteria on the tongue coating increased with the number of teeth. There was a positive relationship between the tooth number and periodontopathic bacteria, except for A. actinomycetemcomitans.These results suggest that tongue care is essential for preventing oral disease and needs to be part of any oral care programme in elderly people.  相似文献   

This study focused on understanding the termite traveling behavior. Artificial tunnels with different curvatures and base surface roughness were constructed. Each tunnel was 50 mm in length, with widths of W (W = 2, 3, or 4 mm). The distance between the two ends of the tunnel was D (D = 20, 30, 40, or 50 mm). A higher value of D means a lower curvature. The roughness, R (R = 60, 120, 240 and ∞), was generated by uniformly sanding the substrate with a sanding machine. A higher R value means a finer base surface. The symbol ∞ represents a smooth surface. Time (τ) taken by a termite to pass through the tunnel was measured. τ was longer in tunnels with a smooth surface compared with the tunnels with a rough surface. When W = 2, there was no effect of the roughness on speed. This is because the narrow tunnel width diluted the effects of the smoothness of the surface. When W = 3, τ was statistically shorter for R = 240, than for R = 60 and 120. This suggests that an appropriate surface roughness could positively contribute to the traveling speed.  相似文献   

Objective: The morbidity and mortality of the dependent elderly that result from aspiration pneumonia have been recognised as a major geriatric health problem. The tongue has an extremely large surface area and due to its papillary structure can retain considerable quantities of food, and thus can support and harbour a large bacterial population. The purpose of this study was to gain more information on the microflora of the tongue surface and to assess the existence of oral infectious pathogens potentially causing respiratory disease in nursing home residents. Subjects and methods: The tongue bacterial flora of 69 nursing home residents were examined to identify microorganisms by the culture method. Results: Thirteen species of microorganisms were detected from the tongue in this study. In 41 of 69 subjects (59%), potential respiratory pathogens, had colonised the tongue surface. Conclusion: The results of the present study revealed that bacteria that commonly cause respiratory infection colonised the tongue of nursing home residents, suggesting that it may function as a reservoir of potential respiratory pathogens to facilitate colonisation on the oropharynx.  相似文献   

El‐Bakry, A.M. 2010. Study by transmission and scanning electron microscopy of the morphogenesis of three types of lingual papillae in the albino rat (Rattus rattus).—Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 267–278 Tongues were removed from albino rat foetus on days 12 (E12) and 16 (E16) of gestation and from newborns (P0) and from juvenile rats on days 7 (P7), 14 (P14) and 21 (P21) postnatally for investigation by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Significant changes appeared during the morphogenesis of the papillae. At E12, two rows of rudiments of fungiform papillae were extended bilaterally on the anterior half of the tongue. At E16, the rudiments of fungiform papillae were regularly arranged in a lattice‐like pattern. A rudiment of circumvallate papillae could be recognized. No rudiment of filiform papillae was visible. No evidence of keratinization was recognizable. At P0, rudiments of filiform papillae were visible but had a more rounded appearance, with keratinization. The fungiform and circumvallate papillae were large and their outlines were somewhat irregular as that found in the adult rat. At P7, the filiform papillae were large and slender. The fungiform papillae became large and the shape of circumvallate papillae was almost similar to that observed in the adult. At P14 and P21, the shape and structure of the three types of papillae were irregular as those found in the adult. In conclusion, the rudiments of the fungiform and circumvallate papillae were visible earlier than those of the filiform papillae. The morphogenesis of filiform papillae advanced in a parallel manner with the keratinization of the lingual epithelium, in the period from just before birth to a few weeks after birth.  相似文献   

Some of the critical properties for a successful orthopedic or dental implant material are its biocompatibility and bioactivity. Pure titanium (Ti) and zirconium (Zr) are widely accepted as biocompatible metals, due to their non-toxicity. While the bioactivity of Ti and some Ti alloys has been extensively investigated, there is still insufficient data for Zr and titanium-zirconium (TiZr) alloys. In the present study, the bioactivity, that is, the apatite forming ability on the alkali and heat treated surfaces of Ti, Zr, and TiZr alloy in simulated body fluid (SBF), was studied. In particular, the effect of the surface roughness characteristics on the bioactivity was evaluated for the first time. The results indicate that the pretreated Ti, Zr and TiZr alloy could form apatite coating on their surfaces. It should be noted that the surface roughness also critically affected the bioactivity of these pretreated metallic samples. A surface morphology with an average roughness of approximately 0.6 microm led to the fastest apatite formation on the metal surfaces. This apatite layer on the metal surface is expected to bond to the surrounding bones directly after implantation.  相似文献   

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