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Summary In the corpora cardiaca of the insect Leucophaea the administration of serotonin elicits ultrastructural features indicative of the extrusion of neurosecretory material by exocytosis. The response to the stimulus and the process of extrusion seem to occur at considerable speed. Nearly all of the 30 test animals, fixed at various intervals starting as early as 3 min after the injection of the drug, show granules captured at the moment of leaving the axon as well as fully exteriorized secretory material. The fact that many of these granules are much smaller than the typical neurosecretory type speaks for intracellular fragmentation of the latter prior to the discharge of this cellular product. After 25 min or more the extruded electron dense structures show signs of breakdown. The apparent speed of these phenomena accounts for the dearth of omega-type configurations observed in unstimulated specimens of this species. The possible relationship between the membrane phenomena involved in exocytosis and the transient protrusions of bounding membranes of neurosecretory granules described in earlier papers remains to be clarified.Supported by N.S.F. research grant BMS 74-12456  相似文献   

Summary The presence and differential distribution of substances antigenically related to known vertebrate neuropeptides demonstrated within the corpus cardiacum of the insect Leucophaea are as follows: Of ten mammalian antisera tested, six yielded substantial immunoreactive deposits resembling oxytocin, somatostatin, Substance P, met-enkephalin, bombesin, and neurotensin, respectively. In the remaining four, the reaction was moderate (vasopressin, -endorphin) or marginal (LH-RF, calcitonin). With regard to their regional distribution, these biochemically distinct reaction products seem to fall into two groups: (1) Materials resembling oxytocin, vasopressin, met-enkephalin, -endorphin (and presumably also neurotensin and LH-RF) predominate in the central release area of the organ and are considered to be of extrinsic (cerebral) origin. (2) Substances localized primarily in areas rich in intrinsic glandular cells of the corpus cardiacum, and revealed by antisera raised against somatostatin, Substance P, and bombesin, are judged to be synthesized and stored within this organ. In peptidergic fibers entering the adjacent corpora allata, thus far Substance P-, -endorphin-, and LH-RF-like immunoreactivities have been demonstrated. Some of these new neuropeptides may be contained in classical neurosecretory neurons, formerly identified by less specific methods, others must be assigned to additional peptidergic neurons heretofore unknown.Supported by NSF grant BMS 74-12456 (B.S.). The excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Sarah Wurzelmann is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary The structural differences between active and inactive corpora allata, visible under the light microscope, become more pronounced under the electron microscope. Aside from differences in cellular and nuclear diameters, and nuclearcytoplasmic ratios, there are qualitative characteristics in ultrastructural organization.The cytoplasm of active corpus allatum cells contains numerous sinuous mitochondria, distinct Golgi elements, ergastoplasmic units with a tendency to form whorls, agranular cytomembranes, and free ribosomes. Pleomorphic inclusion bodies resembling lysosomes are more or less numerous. The plump, ovoid nuclei frequently show two prominent nucleoli whose components may form a meshwork harboring chromatin.The marked reduction in the amount of cytoplasm occurring during the organ's return to inactivity is accompanied by a decrease in the number, and a change in the appearance, of some cytoplasmic organelles. The mitochondria tend to be smaller, and the ergastoplasm is reduced to scattered wisps of ribosome-studded membranes. Nuclei of inactive cells have smaller diameters than those of active ones.In all stages of activity, cell boundaries are clearly visible. As a result, the corpus allatum cell can now be characterized as a discrete unit of epithelioid character and rather complex shape. The plasma membrane may become folded when the cellular content shrinks to the inactive level. Aside from changing outlines, all corpus allatum cells have long, gradually thinning processes. These penetrate deeply into the parenchyma where they interlock with those of other cells; many processes eventually seem to reach the surface of the gland where the secretory products are released into the hemolymph. These have to pass through an acellular connective tissue layer that shares tinctorial and ultrastructural properties with those of a boundary (or basement) membrane.This stromal element forms a sheath and branching processes that extend into and permeate the parenchyma. It seems to represent a system of channels, not only for the release of secretory and other cellular products, but for the entry of nutrients and perhaps chemical messenger substances.Neurosecretory material can be observed in the form of structurally distinctive elements, i.e., as electron-opaque granular inclusions within axon terminals that become contiguous with corpus allatum cells.No definite statement can be made on the basis of the present study about the nature of the corpus allatum hormone or hormones, except that the ultrastructural criteria indicative of proteinaceous secretion, such as the appearance of secretory granules in spatial relation with Golgi elements, seem to be missing in the corpora allata of Leucophaea.Supported by Research Grants A-3984 and B-2145 from the U.S.P.H.S.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of the occurrence, at the light microscopic level, of alkaline and acid phosphatases, the pigment epithelium covering the posterior surface of the iris in the albino rabbit can be divided into two zones not previously described, viz. a central zone close to the pupil, approximately corresponding to the area occupied by the iridic sphincter muscle, and a peripheral zone extending to the ciliary body. The central zone which is in intimate relation with the lens was found to have a high content of both phosphatases. At the fine structural level it exhibits a marked pinocytotic activity in the epithelium at the interdigitations between adjacent cells. Electron microscopy revealed that acid phosphatase is localized to the walls of the pinocytotic vesicles. Alkaline phosphatase is in evidence at the surface membrane folds and at microvillous processes between the epithelial cells and the adjoining muscle cells. Unlike the distribution of the acid phosphatase, that of the alkaline phosphatase does not differ fundamentally in the two zones at the fine structural level.In a series of dehydrogenases studied, staining with a view to succinic-, isocitric- and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases revealed an evenly distributed content of enzyme throughout the epithelium. As to the lactic- and -hydroxybutyric dehydrogenases, contents seem to be lower in the pupillary than in the peripheral zone.  相似文献   

1. Leucomyosuppressin (LMS) inhibited neurally evoked contractions of the hindgut of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. The threshold for this inhibition of LMS was in the range of 1 × 10−10 M.2. LMS caused a sharp reduction in both l-glutamate and proctolin induced contractions. Dose-response profiles of the effect of LMS (held constant at 10−8M) on variable amounts of proctolin showed an inhibitory effect at 10−9 M proctolin and below, but at 5 × 10−9 M proctolin and above, LMS caused no inhibition.3. Potassium (158 mM) depolarized hindguts treated with LMS (10−8 M) showed a marked reduction (76% ± 2.1) in the proctolin (10−8 M) response.4. When calcium depleted preparations were returned to normal calcium levels (2 mM) in the presence of proctolin (10 −8 M) a contraction occurred that was 45% ± 4 of the maximum in normal saline solution. However, LMS (10−8 M) reduced this response to only 28% ± 2 of the maximum.5. Proctolin (10−8 M) induced contractions in the presence of the manganous ions (2mM) fell to 63% ± 4 of the maximum but on the addition of LMS (10−8M), such responses fell to only 16% ± 5 of the maximum.6. These results offer evidence for a non-synaptic site of action for LMS and a perturbation of key calcium dependent events in the excitation-contraction coupling sequence of visceral muscle by this peptide.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical tests with eight monoclonal antibodies against either bovine or human insulin and seven polyclonal antibodies against bovine insulin were carried out to determine the presence of insulin-like neuropeptides in the brain and affiliated neuroendocrine structures of the insect Leucophaea maderae. Reaction products identified in the brain, subesophageal ganglion, and corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum complex indicate the presence of materials resembling mammalian insulins in its antigenic properties. The immunostaining observed with monoclonal antibodies appears to indicate the occurrence of an insulin-related peptide that shows sequential similarities with parts of both the A- and B-chains of mammalian insulin molecules. These suppositions are supported by the results of dot-blot and two-site time-resolved immunofluorometric assay (TR-IFMA) screenings of fractions of Leucophaea tissue extracts obtained by chromatography. The polyclonal antibodies yielded reaction products in some of the same areas and in additional parts of the neuroendocrine system not visualized by the monoclonal antibodies. Immunoreaction was observed in the following areas: the pars intercerebralis of the protocerebrum, the nervi corporis cardiaci I transporting insulin-like material to the corpus cardiacum, the dorsolateral protocerebral area and the optic lobes, the deutocerebrum, the tritocerebrum, and the subesophageal ganglion. In addition, smaller cell bodies with immunoreactive deposits occur at the border between proto- and deutocerebrum, and in the central area of the protocerebrum. The distribution of reactive material in the corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum complex after use of both groups of antibodies was the same. The fact that polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies yielded reaction products in different cells of the brain suggests either that the two groups of antibodies recognize different epitopes of the same molecule, or that they reveal two different types of immunoreactive molecules related to mammalian insulins. Together with the biochemical data reported by Nagasawa and coworkers (PNAS 83, 1986) the present immunocytochemical analysis has established a closer relationship between mammalian and insect insulins than was previously known.Supported in part by NIH grant NS 2344-02 (B.S.) and SNF grant 11-5082 and 11-7705 (G.N.H.)  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(1):107-112
The isolated hindgut preparation of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae has provided an effective bioassay tool for the isolation of certain structural types of insect myotropic peptides. Initially, the preparation was used to monitor excitatory and inhibitory activities of numerous HPLC fractions in a study that resulted in the structural characterization of 12 Leucophaea neuropeptides. Subsequently, the preparation was used as the bioassay for the isolation and structural characterization of myotropic neuropeptides of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, and the locust, Locusta migratoria. Five novel myotropic peptides from the cricket were structurally characterized, and 32 separate myotropic compounds were isolated from nervous tissue of the locust. At present, 8 of the locust peptides have been structurally characterized. Isolation studies using this bioassay have been responsible for the discovery of 25 unique neuropeptides, 4 new peptide families, and the initial demonstration of the natural analog phenomenon in insects.  相似文献   

Adult and nymphal antennae of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, contain nine or more different morphological types of sense organs. There is no outwardly apparent sexual dimorphism in adult antennae. Nymphs are dificient in gross numbers of sensilla. Sense organs are classified morphologically by their similarity to known types of sensila and are assigned functions on this basis and preliminary electrophysiological data: Sensilla chaetica (A), thick-walled mechanoreceptive hairs in groups on the antennal base; S. chaetica (B), thick-walled setae which are tactile and probably chemoreceptive, occurring in the antennal base and flagellum; S. trichodea (A), thin-walled chemoreceptive hairs of the flagellum; S. trichodea (B), minute hairs on the scape and pedicel; S. basiconica, thin-walled chemoreceptive pegs, and S. coeloconica (?pit-pegs”?) of the flagellum; S. campaniformia and scolopidia, mechanoreceptors in the base and flagellum; plus Johnston's organ and/or connective chrodotonal organs in the pedicel. Calculations based on absolute counts of sensilla and their known innervation yield an estimate of about 3.3 × 104 sensilla and 105 cells per antenna.  相似文献   

Summary A method has been developed by which the surface of cover slips can be conditioned for rapid outgrowth of the epidermis of cockroach legs. The method permits in vitro observation of wound-healing processes. The conditioning is brought about by materials given off by the hemocytes, possibly materials from the granules of plasmatocytes which are extruded during the flattening of the cells. Coating of the glass surface with other proteins (including cockroach hemolymph serum) and carbohydrates was completely ineffective. Dedicated to my teacher, Dr. Gerhard Krause, from whom I received the decisive stimulation to start tissue culture work, on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The work has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Bo 453)  相似文献   

A neuropeptide, Cam-HrTH-I, has been isolated from the corpus cardiacum of the Indian stick insect Carausius morosus. The peptide causes hyperlipaemia in Locusta migratoria and hypertrehalosaemia in Periplaneta americana and is related to the previously isolated Cam-HrTH-II (pGlu-Leu-Thr-Phe-Thr-Pro-Asn-Trp-Gly-Thr-NH2) by substitution, apparently by a hexose, on the Trp residue. This appears to be the first example of such substitution on a Trp residue.  相似文献   

Summary The amounts of adipokinetic and diuretic hormone in the separate storage and glandular lobes of the locust corpora cardiaca during the imaginal moult and up to the onset of sexual maturation have been measured. The levels of the hormones are high prior to the imaginal moult, fall at emergence and increase during the somatic growth period. The effects of surgical interference with the neuroendocrine system upon the hormonal content of the corpora cardiaca have been investigated. Cautery of the brain neurosecretory cells or allatectomy in mature locusts has no effect on the content of adipokinetic hormone. Diuretic hormone is absent from the storage lobes of locusts deprived of their cerebral neurosecretory cells but normal levels are present in the corpora cardiaca of allatectomised animals. Severance of the nervus corporis cardiacum I and II reduces the level of diuretic hormone in the storage lobes of the corpora cardiaca but is without effect on the levels of adipokinetic hormone in the glandular lobes. This work is supported by grants from the Science Research Council and the Royal Society.  相似文献   

The colon of L. maderae consists of a single columnar epithelium covered with a cuticle and of a musculo-connective sheath. The apical plasma membranes form a system of leaflets with numerous mitochondria inserted in association with microfilaments. Lateral plasma membranes are linked together by junctional complexes consisting of a zonula adherens and a long convoluted septate junction of the pleated type. In the basal region of the cell, numerous membrane infolds and scattered scalariform junctions with associated mitochondria are present. These cell specializations are typical of arthropod transporting organs, being distinctive features of ion and fluid transporting epithelia. The isolated colon exhibited a transepithelial electrical potential difference (PD) of about 100 mV, lumen side positive with respect to the haemolymph side. The PD was almost abolished by metabolic inhibitors, it was reduced by acetazolamide and SITS, and it was unaffected by ouabain. These effects suggest that HCO3- and Cl- are involved in the genesis of the PD, whereas Na+ is not directly responsible of the PD. Measurements of Na+ and Cl- fluxes across the colon wall confirm that Na+ moves following the PD across the tissue, while Cl- movement occurs against an electrochemical potential difference. The electrical profile of the epithelial cells is of the well type and it suggests that the primary or secondary active step for Cl- transport across the epithelium should be located at the mucosal border of the cell.  相似文献   


Azadirachtin shortens the period length of the locomotor activity rhythm in the circadian rhythm of Leucophaea maderae and induces splitting of this rhythm in two components in about 40% of the animals. The phase relationship between the two components is 180°. Both shortening of period and splitting are more pronounced in animals possessing longer periods before the injection of azadirachtin.  相似文献   

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