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Light microscope autoradiography was used to study the retrograde transport of labelled material after injection of [3H]serotonin ([3H]5-HT), [3H]5-hydroxytryptophan ([3H]5-HTP) and [14C]5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid ([14C]5-HIAA) into the olfactory bulb (OB) of rat. A perikaryal labelling was clearly visualized in the Raphe Dorsalis (RD) and the Raphe Centralis (RC) 24 h after injection of [3H]5-HT (but not after injection of [3H]5-HTP or [14C]5-HIAA) into the OB of rats without monoamine-oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). In the OB, the labelled cells (mitral, granular, periglomerular and tufted cells) and the varicosities (dispersed in granular, plexiform and glomerular layers) were greater in number and intensity at 8 h than at 24 h after [3H]5-HT (10−3 M) injection. Five hours after injection of [14C]5-HIAA (10−3 M) some mitral, granular and tufted cells were labelled in the cytoplasm, nuclei and dendrites. A few varicosities were also observed. In contrast, after [3H]5-HTP injection no clear labelling was visualized in axonal processes. A net autoradiographic reaction was seen, however, in the capillary walls and some granular cells.

After injection of [3H]5-HT at various concentrations (10−2 M to 10−5 M) into the OB of rats pretreated with MAOI, a selectivity in the pattern of labelling in the injection site and the afferent cell bodies was found at 10−4 M and 10−5 M. At these concentrations, the serotoninergic RD and RC neurons were clearly labelled, but the non-serotoninergic neurons such as those originating in the Locus Coeruleus, prepiriform cortex were devoid of label. In the OB, only varicosities and fiber-like structures were reactive. In the RD cell bodies, the intensity of labelling as well as the number of labelled cells were greater at higher concentrations of injected [3H]5-HT and when rats were pretreated with a MAOI.  相似文献   

Retrograde axonal transport process was investigated in the afferent systems to the rat olfactory bulb, after [3H]noradrenaline ([3H]NA) injection into the olfactory bulb, in order to provide evidence regarding its specificity and the biochemical basis supporting this specificity.

Radioautographs showed that [3H]NA unilaterally injected into the olfactory bulb at a concentration of 10−3 M, resulted in labeling of the structures afferent to the olfactory bulb, mainly on the injected side: locus coeruleus (LC), dorsal and central raphes, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract and piriform cortex. Heavy labeling was observed on the noradrenergic LC cell bodies, whereas the radioautographic reaction was less intense on the other structures. After 10−4 M injection, the labeling intensity of the LC cell bodies was lower while very rare weakly labeled cell bodies persisted in the dorsal raphe, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract and piriform cortex. The LC cell bodies were exclusively labeled when the concentration of [3H]NA injection was 10−5 M. All the other structures were devoid of labeling. It was still possible to detect labeled cell bodies in the LC for a 10−6 M concentration.

Following bilateral injections of [3H]NA (10−3 M) the total radioactivity retrogradely transported to the LC represented about 4 times the total radioactivity measured in the periaqueductal gray substance (as control tissue of the tracer diffusion). Fractional study by ethanol of LC tissue homogenate and liquid scintillation counting of each fraction showed that 60% of the total radioactivity (about 2.5 times the control value) was in the supernatant and 40% (about 20 times the control value) was associated with the precipitate. In the other regions such as the dorsal and central raphes and periaqueductal gray substance, radioactivity was mainly found in the supernatant, except for the dorsal raphe whose precipitate contained a low amount of radioactivity (about 4 times the control value).

Colchicine (an axonal transport inhibitor) bilaterally injected into the medial forebrain bundle and systemic administration of desipramine (a noradrenaline uptake inhibitor) decreased the radioactivity associated with the LC precipitate by 90 and 85% and the LC supernatant radioactivity by 55 and 35%, respectively. These pretreatments did not significantly affect the radioactivity amounts measured in the different fractions of dorsal and central raphes and periaqueductal gray substance. Radioautographic study after colchicine treatment showed a large decrease in the labeling intensity of the LC cell bodies as compared to the non-treated side.

Therefore, we suggest that low concentrations (10−5 M) of [3H]NA injected in the olfactory bulb determine specific conditions of noradrenergic pathway labeling. This specific labeling after migration could be supported by the radioactive ethanol precipitate which would appear to contain [3H]NA- and/or 3H-derivatives-binding protein. Such a 3H-macromolecular complex, which could represent the specific carrier, may well undergo retrograde transport from the nerve terminals towards the cell bodies.  相似文献   

Biochemical and autoradiographic methods were used to investigate the retrograde transport of labeled material after injection of [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE) in the olfactory bulb (OB) of rat. Mechanical obstruction of the ventricular recess prevented intraventricular diffusion. At different time intervals following bilateral [3H]NE injections, total radioactivity was measured in the OB, locus caeruleus (LC), raphe dorsalis and periaqueductal gray. Preferential accumulation occurred in the LC, and an approximate rate of retrograde transport of 1–6 mm/h could be calculated. Previous administration of 6-hydroxydopamine in the OB reduced this accumulation by 60%. Sixteen hours after [3H]NE injection, the radioactivity in LC was equally distributed between an ethanol-soluble and -insoluble fraction. A small proportion of the soluble material was recovered as [3H]NE and/or [3H]normetanephrine. Following unilateral injections of [3H]NE, light microscopic autoradiograms demonstrated nerve cell body labeling mainly in the ipsilateral LC and of greater intensity after 16 than 4 and 8 h. These data lead to the conclusion that the movement of radioactive material was indeed representative of retrograde axonal transport rather than of other mechanisms such as diffusion. The observation of a preferential labeling of noradrenergic perikarya in LC supports the hypothesis of a process mediated by specific binding and/or uptake of [3H]NE into noradrenergic axon terminals.  相似文献   

Chen CS  Yao YC  Lin SC  Lee YP  Wang YF  Wang JR  Liu CC  Lei HY  Yu CK 《Journal of virology》2007,81(17):8996-9003
Inoculation of enterovirus 71 (EV71) by the oral (p.o.), intramuscular (i.m.), or intracranial route resulted in brain infection, flaccid paralysis, pulmonary dysfunction, and death of 7-day-old mice. The lag time of disease progression indicated that neuroinvasion from the inoculation sites was a prerequisite for the development of the clinical signs. Although EV71 p.o. inoculation led to a persistent viremia and a transient increase in blood-brain barrier permeability at the early stage of the infection, only low levels of virus, which led to neither severe infection nor clinical illness, could be detected in the brain, suggesting that hematogenous transport might not represent a major transmission route. In the spinal cord, following both p.o. and hind limb i.m. inoculation, the virus first appeared and increased rapidly in the lower segments, especially at the anterior horn areas, and then spread to the upper segments and brain in the presence of viremia. A reverse pattern, with the virus being first detected in the upper segment, was observed when the virus was i.m. inoculated in the forelimb. Colchicine, a fast axonal transport inhibitor, but not sciatic nerve transection reduced EV71 neuroinvasion in a dose-dependent manner, indicating a neuronal transmission of the virus.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding how alkali metal ions are transported in the olfactory nerve following their intranasal administration. In this study, we show that an alkali metal ion, thallium is transported in the olfactory nerve fibers to the olfactory bulb in mice. The olfactory nerve fibers of mice were transected on both sides of the body under anesthesia. A double tracer solution (thallium-201, (201)Tl; manganese-54, (54)Mn) was administered into the nasal cavity the following day. Radioactivity in the olfactory bulb and nasal turbinate was analyzed with gamma spectrometry. Auto radiographic images were obtained from coronal slices of frozen heads of mice administered with (201)Tl or (54)Mn. The transection of the olfactory nerve fibers was confirmed with a neuronal tracer. The transport of intranasal administered (201)Tl/(54)Mn to the olfactory bulb was significantly reduced by the transection of olfactory nerve fibers. The olfactory nerve transection also significantly inhibited the accumulation of fluoro-ruby in the olfactory bulb. Findings indicate that thallium is transported by the olfactory nerve fibers to the olfactory bulb in mice. The assessment of thallium transport following head injury may provide a new diagnostic method for the evaluation of olfactory nerve injury.  相似文献   

The uptake of macromolecules by nerve terminals which is followed by retrograde axonal transport seems to occur by two different mechanisms, a specific and a nonspecific one. The nonspecific uptake depends on the presence of macromolecules (e.g., horseradish peroxidase) in the vicinity of the nerve terminals at very high concentrations and is enhanced by neuronal activity. In contrast, the specific uptake and subsequent retrograde axonal transport becomes apparent at much lower concentrations of the appropriate macromolecules, depends on the affinity of these ligands for specific binding sites on the surface of the neuronal membrane, and is independent of neuronal activity. The fact that lectins and some bacterial toxins bind to specific membrane glycoproteins or glycolipids allows conclusions to be drawn regarding qualitative and even quantitative aspects of the composition of the plasma membrane of the nerve terminals. 125I-labelled nerve growth factor (NGF), tetanus toxin, cholera toxin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), ricin II, phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and concanavalin A (ConA) were injected into the anterior eye chamber of rats where they were taken up by adrenergic nerve terminals and transported retrogradely to the superior cervical ganglion. The saturation of the uptake-transport found for NGF, WGA, choleragenoid and an atoxic binding-fragment of tetanus toxin indicates that limited numbers of binding sites, which showed also different affinites, are present for each ligand on the membrane of the nerve terminals. Competition experiments showed that the binding sites for the ligands investigated are largely independent. Two different classes of binding sites (high affinity-low capacity and intermediate affinity-intermediate capacity) seem to be involved in the saturable retrograde axonal transport of NGF. In contrast, WGA seems to have only a single class of binding-uptake sites with high capacity and relatively low affinity. Strong evidence for positive cooperativity was obtained for the uptake and subsequent transport of the tetanus toxin fragment.  相似文献   

The authors wish to note that the values in Table I are incorrectas they were not divided by the 25x magnification factor usedin measurement.  相似文献   

Kindling of the olfactory bulb using a novel fast protocol (within 24 h) was studied in rats. In target brain regions, the effects of kindling were measured on the concentration of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) by dot-blot and on the concentrations of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and the 25 kDa synaptosomal associated protein of the D3 immunoprecipitate (D3(SNAP-25)) by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Bilateral increases in the levels of GFAP, indicating activation of astrocytes, were detected in primary olfactory cortical projection areas, including the piriform cortex, and also in the basolateral amygdala and dentate gyrus, suggesting that these regions may be functionally altered during the kindling process. In the piriform cortex and dentate gyrus increased NCAM/D3(SNAP-25) ratios found ipsilaterally at seven days after kindling probably reflect an elevated rate of synaptic remodelling. At this time, however, an overall pattern of ipsilateral decreases in the synaptic marker proteins NCAM and D3(SNAP-25) indicated that this remodelling occurred on a background of synaptic degeneration. These results confirm previous studies showing that kindling is associated with synaptic remodelling and neuronal degeneration in the hippocampal formation and extends the area of plasticity to include the piriform cortex which is believed to be central to the kindling process.  相似文献   

Adult rats which had one naris closed when 1 –6 days oldwere trained using operant conditioning to detect differentconcentrations of amyl acetate and discriminate between ethylacetate and linalyl acetate. After removal of the olfactorybulb ipsilateral to the open naris, animals were able to detectand discriminate odors, although, relative to pre-operativeperformance, they were less accurate in initial trials of thelowest amyl acetate concentration and on the two-odor discriminationtask. In five additional rats histological analysis demonstrateda marked reduction in the size of the bulb ipsilateral to theclosed naris. The control olfactory bulb was removed and theipsilateral nasal fossa was syringed with horseradish peroxidase(HRP) in one animal. Examination of the contralateral olfactorybulb demonstrated anterograde axonal transport of HRP from sensoryaxons to olfactory bulb glomeruli. These data demonstrate thatneonatal naris closure does not completely deprive the ipsilateralolfactory receptors of vapor stimulation, that several monthsafter naris closure the ipsilateral olfactory receptor neuronsare functional and that vapors entering one nasal fossa canstimulate receptors in the contralateral fossa. The channelfor this intra-nasal communication is probably the nasopharyngealcanal (‘septal window’).  相似文献   

The delivery of cytoskeletal proteins to the axon occurs by slow axonal transport. We examined how the rate of slow transport was altered after axonal injury. When retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons regenerated through peripheral nerve grafts, an increase in the rate of slow transport occurred during regrowth of the injured axons. We compared these results to axonal injury in the optic nerve where no substantial regrowth occurs and found a completely different response. Slow transport was decreased approximately tenfold in rate in the proximal segment of crushed optic nerves. This decreased rate of slow transport was not induced immediately, but occurred about 1 week after injury. To explore whether a decrease in the rate of slow transport was induced when the regeneration of peripheral nerves was physically blocked, we examined slow transport in motor neurons after the sciatic nerve was transected and ligated. In this case, no change in the rate of the comigrating tubulin and neurofilament (NF) radioactive peaks were observed. We discuss how the changes in the rate of slow transport may reflect different neuronal responses to injury and speculate about the possible molecular changes in the expression of tubulin which may contribute to the observed changes. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter (SERT) is an integral membrane protein responsible for the clearance of serotonin from the synaptic cleft following the release of the neurotransmitter. SERT plays a prominent role in the regulation of serotoninergic neurotransmission and is a molecular target for multiple antidepressants as well as substances of abuse. Here we show that SERT associates with lipid rafts in both heterologous expression systems and rat brain and that the inclusion of the transporter into lipid microdomains is critical for serotonin uptake activity. SERT is present in a subpopulation of lipid rafts, which is soluble in Triton X-100 but insoluble in other non-ionic detergents such as Brij 58. Disaggregation of lipid rafts upon depletion of cellular cholesterol results in a decrease of serotonin transport capacity (V(max)), due to the reduction of turnover number of serotonin transport. Our data suggest that the association of SERT with lipid rafts may represent a mechanism for regulating the transporter activity and, consequently, serotoninergic signaling in the central nervous system, through the modulation of the cholesterol content in the cell membrane. Furthermore, SERT-containing rafts are detected in both intracellular and cell surface fractions, suggesting that raft association may be important for trafficking and targeting of SERT.  相似文献   

[35S]Taurine injected intravitreally into rabbits was transported axonally to the optic nerve terminals. Considerably more [35S]taurine was transported in young rabbits than in mature rabbits. The time course of taurine transport did not parallel that of proteins labeled with [3H]proline in the same system. The concentration of taurine in all components of the visual system, except retina, was greater in young animals than in mature animals, and was especially high in optic nerve. The possible functions of the high concentrations of taurine and the greater amount of axonally transported taurine in developing mammalian CNS are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of serotonin (5-HT) positive fibers in the olfactory bulb of the rat, cat and monkey was studied using the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical method and highly specific antibodies to 5-HT. In general, 5-HT fibers were present throughout all layers in the olfactory bulb of these species except for the olfactory nerve layer and different as well as restricted laminar patterns of 5-HT distribution were observed. There were also species-related differences in the pattern of 5-HT distribution, in each layer. The most notable species difference was apparent in the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb. In case of the rat and cat, a very dense plexus of 5-HT fibers was observed to be diffuse in the glomerulus, while in the monkey, the distribution of 5-HT fibers was scanty and partial, as was seen in the accessory olfactory bulb of the rat.This work was supported by grant (No. 56440022) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

In the olfactory system, both the temporal spike structure and spatial distribution of neuronal activity are important for processing odor information. In this paper, a biophysically-detailed, spiking neuronal model is used to simulate the activity of olfactory bulb. It is shown that by varying some key parameters such as maximal conductances of Ks and Nap the spike train of single neuron can exhibit various firing patterns. Synchronization in coupled neurons is also investigated as the coupling strength varying in the situation of two neurons and network. It is illustrated that the coupled neurons can exhibit different types of pattern when the coupling strength varies. These results may be instructive to understand information transmission in olfactory system.  相似文献   

The distribution of the proteins migrating with the slow components a (SCa) and b (SCb) of axonal transport were studied in cross-sections of axons with electron microscope autoradiography. Radiolabeled amino acids were injected into the hypoglossal nucleus of rabbits and after 15 d, the animals were killed. Hypoglossal nerves were processed either for SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis fluorography to identify and locate the two components of slow transport, or for quantitative electron microscope autoradiography. Proteins transported in SCa were found to be uniformly distributed within the cross-section of the axon. Labeled SCb proteins were also found throughout the axonal cross-section, but the subaxolemmal region of the axon contained 2.5 times more SCb radioactivity than any comparable area in the remainder of the axon.  相似文献   

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