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The study objectives aimed to investigate the maturation-inducing steroid (MIS) in marine protandrous black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli. The characteristics of oocyte maturation were also described. Females were injected with two successive doses of LHRH analog (LHRH-A, 10 and 50 microg/kg of fish). The ovarian tissue was obtained at 6-h intervals for in vitro oocyte maturation. Both 17,20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) and 17,20 beta,21-trihydorxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20 beta-S) were the most effective steroids to induce in vitro maturation (e.g. germinal vesicle breakdown, GVBD) in oocytes cultured for either 24 h or 1 min. 20 beta-S had a better potency than DHP in inducing oocyte maturation. 17-hydroxyprogesterone, 11-deoxycortisol, and 20 beta-21-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one also significantly induced oocyte maturation at high concentrations. The process of oocyte maturation (after the injection of LHRH analog) was founded to be divided into four stages: hormone-insensitive stage (insensitive to gonadotropin and MIS); MIS-insensitive (respond to gonadotropin, but not MIS); MIS-sensitive (respond to MIS); and spontaneous stage (GVBD in the hormone-free condition), respectively. Cycloheximide blocked GVBD at the MIS-insensitive stage, control (hormone-free), and hormone-induced GVBD at the MIS-sensitive stage in a dose-dependent effect.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase (EC is an important membrane-bound enzyme. In this paper, kinetic studies on Na+/K+-ATPase were carried out under mimetic physiological conditions. By using microcalorimeter, a thermokinetic method was employed for the first time. Compared with other methods, it provided accurate measurements of not only thermodynamic data (deltarHm) but also the kinetic data (Km and Vmax). At 310.15K and pH 7.4, the molar reaction enthalpy (deltarHm) was measured as -40.514 +/- 0.9kJmol(-1). The Michaelis constant (Km) was determined to be 0.479 +/- 0.020 mM and consistent with literature data. The reliability of the thermokinetic method was further confirmed by colorimetric studies. Furthermore, a simple and reliable kinetic procedure was presented for ascertaining the true substrate for Na+/K+-ATPase and determining the effect of free ATP. Results showed that the MgATP complex was the real substrate with a Km value of about 0.5mM and free ATP was a competitive inhibitor with a Ki value of 0.253 mM.  相似文献   

When 4 mg of testosterone (T) per kg food was given to 1-year-old protandrous male black porgy Acanthopagrus schlegeli for 7 months, gonadosomatic index was significantly higher than when the dose was 0.5 mg kg−1 food. Both doses of T prolonged the spawning season, and increased the number of spermiating fish and milt volume. Sperm concentrations were similar in spermiating black porgy from the treated and control groups. Low levels of oestradiol-17β were observed during the experimental period while elevated levels of plasma T were observed only in March in both control and T-treated groups. Significantly higher levels of plasma 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) were observed in the 0.5- and 4.0-mg T-treated groups during the spawning season as compared to the control group. The present data suggest that both 0.5- and 4·0-mg T doses stimulate testicular weight, increase numbers of spermiating males and milt volume without affecting the sperm concentrations. Plasma 11-KT concentrations were elevated during T treatment and closely correlated with testicular development and spermiation.  相似文献   

A single Na+/K+-ATPase pumps three Na+ outwards and two K+ inwards by alternately exposing ion-binding sites to opposite sides of the membrane in a conformational sequence coupled to pump autophosphorylation from ATP and auto-dephosphorylation. The larger flow of Na+ than K+ generates outward current across the cell membrane. Less well understood is the ability of Na+/K+ pumps to generate an inward current of protons. Originally noted in pumps deprived of external K+ and Na+ ions, as inward current at negative membrane potentials that becomes amplified when external pH is lowered, this proton current is generally viewed as an artifact of those unnatural conditions. We demonstrate here that this inward current also flows at physiological K+ and Na+ concentrations. We show that protons exploit ready reversibility of conformational changes associated with extracellular Na+ release from phosphorylated Na+/K+ pumps. Reversal of a subset of these transitions allows an extracellular proton to bind an acidic side chain and to be subsequently released to the cytoplasm. This back-step of phosphorylated Na+/K+ pumps that enables proton import is not required for completion of the 3 Na+/2 K+ transport cycle. However, the back-step occurs readily during Na+/K+ transport when external K+ ion binding and occlusion are delayed, and it occurs more frequently when lowered extracellular pH raises the probability of protonation of the externally accessible carboxylate side chain. The proton route passes through the Na+-selective binding site III and is distinct from the principal pathway traversed by the majority of transported Na+ and K+ ions that passes through binding site II. The inferred occurrence of Na+/K+ exchange and H+ import during the same conformational cycle of a single molecule identifies the Na+/K+ pump as a hybrid transporter. Whether Na+/K+ pump–mediated proton inflow may have any physiological or pathophysiological significance remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatogenesis and of the spermatozoon of Acanthopagrus schlegeli (Sparidae) are described. The testis is of the unrestricted type. Germ cells are surrounded by cyst cells. Spermiogenesis involves conspicuous modifications such as intracellular movements (diplosome and mitochondria migration, nuclear rotation, and depression) and structural changes (chromatin condensation, shape of mitochondria, and loss of cytoplasm). The mature spermatozoon has a spherical nucleus with a deep, axial nuclear fossa, and an unusual notch, shaped like a bow tie. The short midpiece contains four spherical mitochondria and encircles the basal body of the flagellum. It is concluded that the A. schlegeli spermatozoon is of a primitive type, but that it is characterized by a unique feature which may provide a useful systematic character. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper describes the general biology of the testes, milt and spermatozoa of the black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli and reports some preliminary results in which the techniques for cryopreservation of spermatozoa were investigated. During the spawning season from December to February, the gonadosomatic index ranged from 2.0 to 3.5. The milt had an average pH value of 7.4 and osmotic pressure of 385 mOsm/kg. The head of the spermatozoon was apple-shaped and averaged at 1.6 microns in diameter. The best quality of milt was obtained only in the early spawning season. Good motility of spermatozoa could be maintained for up to 10 days in vials hanging in a water bath at 4 degrees C. For cryopreservation, an extender containing 5% glucose mixed with glycerol, serving as the cryoprotective agent (CPA), at a 4:1 ratio was used and the black porgy milt was diluted with the extender at a 1:1 ratio. After an equilibration period no longer than 10 minutes, straws containing this mixture were submerged in isopropanol at -10 degrees C and then frozen at a rate of 2 degrees C/min until the temperature reached -80 degrees C or were held in liquid nitrogen (LN) vapor (-90 to -100 degrees C) for 10 to 20 minutes. A total 720 of 0.5 ml straws were stored in LN at -196 degrees C for long term preservation. Between 50 and 90% of the post-thawed sperm were motile. After being cryopreserved for 1, 7, 7 and 342 days, sperm showed fertilities of 99.0, 93.2, 91.9 and 91.5% respectively.  相似文献   

Isozymes of the Na+/K+-ATPase   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  

A method is described for studying the coupling ratio of the Na+/K+ pump, i.e., the ratio of pump-mediated fluxes of Na+ and K+, in a reconstituted system. The method is based on the comparison of the pump-generated current with the rate of K+ transport. Na+/K+-ATPase from kidney is incorporated into the membrane of artificial lipid vesicles; ATPase molecules with outward-oriented ATP-binding site are activated by addition of ATP to the medium. Using oxonol VI as a potential-sensitive dye for measuring transmembrane voltage, the pump current is determined from the change of voltage with time t. In a second set of experiments, the membrane is made selectively K+-permeable by addition of valinomycin, so that the membrane voltage U is equal to the Nernst potential of K+. Under this condition, dU/dt reflects the change of intravesicular K+ concentration and thus the flux of K+. Values of the Na+/K+ coupling ratio determined in this way are close to 1.5 in the experimental range (10-75 mM) of extravesicular (cytoplasmic) Na+ concentrations.  相似文献   

The formation of a vertebrate skeletal muscle fiber involves a series of sequential and interdependent events that occurs during embryogenesis. One of these events is myoblast fusion which has been widely studied, yet not completely understood. It was previously shown that during myoblast fusion there is an increase in the expression of Na+/K+-ATPase. This fact prompted us to search for a role of the enzyme during chick in vitro skeletal myogenesis. Chick myogenic cells were treated with the Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain in four different concentrations (0.01-10 μM) and analyzed. Our results show that 0.01, 0.1 and 1 μM ouabain did not induce changes in cell viability, whereas 10 μM induced a 45% decrease. We also observed a reduction in the number and thickness of multinucleated myotubes and a decrease in the number of myoblasts after 10 μM ouabain treatment. We tested the involvement of MEK-ERK and p38 signaling pathways in the ouabain-induced effects during myogenesis, since both pathways have been associated with Na+/K+-ATPase. The MEK-ERK inhibitor U0126 alone did not alter cell viability and did not change ouabain effect. The p38 inhibitor SB202190 alone or together with 10 μM ouabain did not alter cell viability. Our results show that the 10 μM ouabain effects in myofiber formation do not involve the MEK-ERK or the p38 signaling pathways, and therefore are probably related to the pump activity function of the Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Two K+ ATP channel blockers, 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD) and glyburide, are often used to study cross-talk between Na+/K+-ATPase and these channels. The aim of this work was to characterize the effects of these blockers on purified Na+/K+-ATPase as an aid to appropriate use of these drugs in studies on this cross-talk. In contrast to known dual effects (activating and inhibitory) of other fatty acids on Na+/K+-ATPase, 5-HD only inhibited the enzyme at concentrations exceeding those that block mitochondrial K+ ATP channels. 5-HD did not affect the ouabain sensitivity of Na+/K+-ATPase. Glyburide had both activating and inhibitory effects on Na+/K+-ATPase at concentrations used to block plasma membrane K+ ATP channels. The findings justify the use of 5-HD as specific mitochondrial channel blocker in studies on the relation of this channel to Na+/K+-ATPase, but question the use of glyburide as a specific blocker of plasma membrane K+ ATP channels, when the relation of this channel to Na+/K+-ATPase is being studied.  相似文献   

Steroids, intracellular sodium levels, and Na+/K+-ATPase regulation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In outer medullary kidney tubules, both specific mineralocorticoid, and specific glucocorticoid Na+/K+-ATPase activation in vitro were inhibitable by amiloride, an inhibitor of a number of Na+-transporting mechanisms (Bentley, P.J. (1968) J. Physiol. (Lond.) 195, 317-330; Kinsella, J. L., and Aronson, P. S. (1980) Am. J. Physiol. 238, F461-F469). In addition, dexamethasone raised, whereas amiloride reduced, intracellular Na+ levels. These observations are consistent with the possibility that the steroidal responses are mediated by changes in intracellular Na+ ion activity. However, when intracellular Na+ levels were increased by the incubation of tubule segments in medium containing ouabain (10(-4) M), no Na+/K+-ATPase activation was observed, over incubation periods of up to 6 h. As mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid effects are maximal within 2 h (Rayson, B.M., and Lowther, S.O. (1984) Am. J. Physiol. 246, F656-F662), these results suggest that the Na+ ion per se does not mediate the steroidal effects observed, directly. Incubation of tubule segments in medium containing 10(-4) M ouabain, at 37 degrees C, for longer periods (18 h), however, did indeed increase Na+/K+-ATPase activity, markedly. Thus, a potential homeostatic mechanism was demonstrable, where a chronic increase in intracellular Na+ level, measured after 2-4 h of treatment, resulted in an increase in Na+/K+-ATPase activity, such that the intracellular Na+ level was restored after 18-20 h of incubation to one not significantly different from the control value. This mechanism, however, appears to be clearly distinguishable from that which mediates steroidal Na+/K+-ATPase activation.  相似文献   

We used suspensions of partially purified Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase from pig kidney to compare the effects of Rb(+), as a K(+) congener, on the time course and on the equilibrium values of eosin fluorescence and of Rb(+) occlusion. Both sets of data were collected under identical conditions in the same enzyme preparations. The incubation media lacked ATP so that all changes led to an equilibrium distribution between enzyme conformers with and without bound eosin and with and without bound or occluded Rb(+). Results showed that as Rb(+) concentration was increased, the equilibrium value of fluorescence decreased and occlusion increased along rectangular hyperbolas with similar half-maximal values. The time courses of attainment of equilibrium showed an initial phase which was so quick as to fall below the time resolution of our rapid-mixing apparatus. This phase was followed by the sum of at least two exponential functions of time. In the case of fluorescence the fast exponential term accounted for a larger fraction of the time course than in the case of occlusion. Comparison between experimental and simulated results suggests that fluorescence changes express a process that is coupled to Rb(+) occlusion but that is completed before occlusion reaches equilibrium.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase functions as both an ion pump and a signal transducer. Cardiac glycosides partially inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase, causing activation of multiple interrelated growth pathways via the Na+/K+-ATPase/c-Src/epidermal growth factor receptor complex. Such pathways include Ras/MEK/ERK and Ral/RalGDS cascades, which can lead to cardiac hypertrophy. In search of novel Ral-GTPase binding proteins, we used RalB as the bait to screen a human testes cDNA expression library using the yeast 2-hybrid system. The results demonstrated that 1 of the RalB interacting clones represented the C-terminal region of the beta1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase. Further analysis using the yeast 2-hybrid system and full-length beta1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase confirmed the interaction with RalA and RalB. In vitro binding and pull-down assays demonstrated that the beta1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase interacts directly with RalA and RalB. Ral-GTP pull-down assays demonstrated that short-term ouabain treatment of A7r5 cells, a rat aorta smooth muscle cell line, caused activation of Ral GTPase. Maximal activation was observed 10 min after ouabain treatment. Ouabain-mediated Ral activation was inhibited upon the stimulation of Na+/K+-ATPase activity by Ang II. We propose that Ral GTPase is involved in the signal transducing function of Na+/K+-ATPase and provides a possible molecular mechanism connecting Ral to cardiac hypertrophy during diseased conditions.  相似文献   

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