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Male Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) sometimes interact with neighboring territory owners by song‐type matching or repertoire matching. In some Song Sparrow populations, levels of song sharing are high and most neighbors can interact by matching, but levels of song sharing are much lower in other populations, limiting the degree to which males can match their neighbors. One explanation for variation in sharing levels is that the importance of song‐type and repertoire matching, and therefore the extent of song sharing, varies geographically in North America, being greater in western populations than eastern populations. However, to date, two studies of eastern populations have provided conflicting evidence concerning levels of song sharing by Song Sparrows. Thus, we measured sharing of whole songs and introductory phrases of songs between males with adjacent territories in another population of Song Sparrows in the eastern United States (North Carolina), near the eastern and southern limits of the species’ breeding range. Males (N = 17) in our study shared an average of only 8.7% of their song types with neighbors, and more than half of neighbor pairs shared no whole songs. Sharing of introductory phrases was more common (mean = 22.8%). The level of whole song sharing in our study is the second lowest yet reported for any Song Sparrow population, supporting the hypothesis that sharing is generally lower in eastern than in western populations.  相似文献   

Heterozygosity–fitness correlations use molecular measures of heterozygosity as proxy estimates of individual inbreeding coefficients (f) to examine relationships between inbreeding and fitness traits. Heterozygosity–fitness correlations partly depend on the assumption that individual heterozygosity and f are strongly and negatively correlated. Although theory predicts that this relationship will be strongest when mean f and variance in f are high, few studies of heterozygosity–fitness correlations include estimates of f based on pedigrees, which allow for more thorough examinations of the relationship between f, heterozygosity and fitness in nature. We examined relationships between pedigree‐based estimates of f, multilocus heterozygosity (MLH) and the probability of survival to hatch in song sparrow nestmates. f and MLH were weakly, but significantly negatively correlated. Inbreeding coefficient predicted the probability of survival to hatch. In contrast, MLH did not predict the probability of survival to hatch nor did it account for residual variation in survival to hatch after statistically controlling for the effects of f. These results are consistent with the expectation that heterozygosity–f correlations will be weak when mean and variance in f are low. Our results also provide empirical support for recent simulation studies, which show that variation in MLH among siblings with equal f can be large and may obscure MLH–fitness relationships.  相似文献   

We examined barriers to gene flow in a hybrid zone of two subspecies of the song sparrow (Melospiza melodia). We focused on how mating signals and mate choice changed along an environmental gradient and gathered data on the morphology, genetics, ecology, and behavior across the zone. Melospiza m. heermanni of the Pacific slope of California and M. m. fallax of the Sonoran Desert, each distinct in plumage, meet across a steep environmental gradient in southeastern California. Although both subspecies occur in riparian habitat, their occupied habitat differs structurally, the former subspecies occurring in areas with denser understory and greater vertical heterogeneity. Song elements varied concomitantly, as predicted by the acoustic adaptation hypothesis, with heermanni having lower-pitched, more widely spaced elements. Females of both subspecies responded more strongly to homotypic than heterotypic song, and addition of subspecific plumage cues increased response if song was homotypic but not if heterotypic. Females thus assess multiple male traits, weighing song more heavily. Males of both subspecies showed significantly greater agonistic response to homotypic song. Microsatellite variation is correlated significantly with plumage variation across the zone and suggests limited gene flow between the taxa. The association of song and plumage with the environment and in turn with assortative mating suggests a means by which reproductive isolation may evolve or be maintained in hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in microsatellite allele frequencies and morphology were compared for five subspecies of Melospiza melodia (song sparrow; M. m. samuelis, M. m. maxillaris, M. m. pusillula, M. m. gouldii, and M. m. heermanni) in 14 populations in the San Francisco Bay region to (a) assess divergence based on these estimates and (b) test the hypothesis that drift is responsible for morphological and genetic divergence. Morphological differentiation between subspecies was high despite low differentiation at microsatellite loci, indicating high gene flow and large effective population sizes. Low concordance of morphological and genetic estimates of divergence suggests that selection or phenotypic plasticity in morphology has caused morphological differentiation among the subspecies.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that bird song learning is influenced by social factors, but so far has been unable to isolate the particular social variables central to the learning process. Here we test the hypothesis that eavesdropping on singing interactions of adults is a key social event in song learning by birds. In a field experiment, we compared the response of juvenile male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to simulated adult counter-singing versus simulated solo singing. We used radio telemetry to follow the movements of each focal bird and assess his response to each playback trial. Juveniles approached the playback speakers when exposed to simulated interactive singing of two song sparrows, but not when exposed to simulated solo singing of a single song sparrow, which in fact they treated similar to heterospecific singing. Although the young birds approached simulated counter-singing, neither did they approach closely, nor did they vocalize themselves, suggesting that the primary function of approach was to permit eavesdropping on these singing interactions. These results indicate that during the prime song-learning phase, juvenile song sparrows are attracted to singing interactions between adults but not to singing by a single bird and suggest that singing interactions may be particularly powerful song-tutoring events.  相似文献   

We surveyed mtDNA restriction-site variation in song sparrows taken from across their continental range. Despite marked geographic variation in size and plumage color, mtDNA variation was not geographically structured. Subspecies were not identifiable by mtDNA analysis. We suggest that postglaciation dispersal scattered mtDNA haplotypes across the continent, explaining the lack of mtDNA geographic patterns. Evolution of size and plumage coloration has probably proceeded faster than mtDNA evolution, leading to the well-structured continental pattern of morphological variation. We suggest that the nonordered geographic distribution of haplotypes reflects the recency of population establishment following completion of range expansion. Dispersal distance was estimated from the mtDNA data at 6.1 km per generation, an order of magnitude greater than that (0.3 km) estimated from demographic data. Island samples were not especially different from continental ones. Rooting the haplotype cladogram with a putative primitive haplotype identified Newfoundland and the Queen Charlotte Islands as potential sites of recent refugia. We question whether study of geographic variation in song sparrows leads to insights concerning speciation.  相似文献   

In restoring species, reasons for introducing limited numbers of individuals at different locations include costs of introduction and maintenance, limited founder supply, and risk “bet hedging.” However, populations initiated from few founders may experience increased genetic drift, inbreeding, and diversity loss. We examined the genetic diversity of an isolated stand of more than 5,000 American chestnut trees relative to that of the 9 surviving stand founders (out of 10 total) planted in the 1880s. We used minisatellite DNA probes to reveal 84 genetic markers (circa 24 loci) among the nine founders, and their genetic diversity was compared with three separate plots of descendant trees, as well as with two natural stands. The descendants were circa 7.3% more heterozygous than the founders (mean estimated H= 0.556 vs. 0.518, respectively; p < 0.0001). Genetic differentiation was not pronounced (FST < 0.031), and no markers, including those at low frequency among the founders, were lost in the descendants. The founders and natural transects were not significantly different in H or similarity (mean proportion of bands shared). Special planting or mating protocols for establishment of a vigorous American chestnut population from a low number of founders may not be required to avoid strong effects of genetic drift and inbreeding. These results demonstrate that loss of genetic diversity following reintroduction of a limited number of founders is not always inevitable, such as this case where the species is highly outcrossing, expression of heterozygous advantage may occur, the original founders remain as gene contributors over generations, and the establishing population expands constantly and rapidly.  相似文献   

A population’s neutral genetic variation is a composite of its size, degree of isolation and demographic history. Bottlenecks and founder events increase genetic drift, leading to the loss of genetic variation and increased genetic differentiation among populations. Gene flow has the opposite effects. Thus, gene flow can override the genetic patterns caused by founder events. Using 37 microsatellite loci, we investigated the effects of serial bottlenecks on genetic variation and differentiation among 42 Alpine ibex populations in Switzerland with known re‐introduction histories. We detected a strong footprint of re‐introduction events on contemporary genetic structure, with re‐introduction history explaining a substantial part of the genetic differentiation among populations. As a result of the translocation of a considerable number of individuals from the sole formerly surviving population in northern Italy, most of the genetic variation of the ancestral population is now present in the combined re‐introduced Swiss populations. However, re‐introductions split up the genetic variation among populations, such that each contemporary Swiss population showed lower genetic variation than the ancestral population. As expected, serial bottlenecks had different effects on the expected heterozygosity (He) and standardized number of alleles (sNa). While loss of sNa was higher in the first bottlenecks than in subsequent ones, He declined to a similar degree with each bottleneck. Thus, genetic drift was detected with each bottleneck, even when no loss of sNa was observed. Overall, more than a hundred years after the beginning of this successful re‐introduction programme, re‐introduction history was the main determinant of today’s genetic structure.  相似文献   

Populations of Steller sea lions, northern fur seals, and northern sea otters declined substantially during recent decades in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region, yet the population status of harbor seals has not been assessed adequately. We determined that counts obtained during skiff‐based surveys conducted in 1977–1982 represent the earliest estimate of harbor seal abundance throughout the Aleutian Islands. By comparing counts from 106 islands surveyed in 1977–1982 (8,601 seals) with counts from the same islands during a 1999 aerial survey (2,859 seals), we observed a 67% decline over the ~20‐yr period. Regionally, the largest decline of 86% was in the western Aleutians (n= 7 islands), followed by 66% in the central Aleutians (n= 64 islands), and 45% in the eastern Aleutians (n= 35 islands). Harbor seal counts decreased at the majority of islands in each region, the number of islands with >100 seals decreased ~70%, and the number of islands with no seals counted increased ~80%, indicating that harbor seal abundance throughout the Aleutian Islands was substantially lower in the late 1990s than in the 1970s and 1980s.  相似文献   

Holland BS  Cowie RH 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(12):2422-2435
We used 276 cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI, 645 bp) and a subset of 84 16S large ribosomal subunit (16S, 451 bp) sequences to evaluate geographic patterns of genetic variation in 24 populations of the endemic Hawaiian land snail Succinea caduca spanning its range on six islands. Haplotype networks, gene tree topologies, pairwise molecular divergence and F ST matrices suggest substantial geographic genetic structuring and complex dispersal patterns. Low nucleotide diversity and low pairwise molecular divergence values within populations coupled with higher between population values suggest multiple founder events. High overall haplotype diversity suggests diversification involving rare interpopulation dispersal, fragmentation by historical lava flows and variation in habitat structure. Within-island rather than between-island population comparisons accounted for the majority of molecular variance. Although 98% of 153 COI haplotypes were private by population, a Mantel test showed no evidence for isolation by distance. Mismatch distributions and population partitioning patterns suggest that genetic fragmentation has been driven by punctuated, passive dispersal of groups of closely related haplotypes that subsequently expanded and persisted in isolation for long periods (average > 2 million years ago), and that Pleistocene island connections may have been important in enhancing gene flow. Historical availability of mesic coastal habitat, together with effective dispersal may explain the long-term persistence and unusual multi-island distribution of this species, contrasting with the single-island endemism of much of the Hawaiian biota.  相似文献   

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