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We performed several checks on the underlying assumptions and procedures of the thymidine technique applied to stream bed sediments. Bacterial production rates were not altered when sediments were mixed to form a slurry. Incubation temperature did affect production rates. Controls fixed and washed with formaldehyde had lower backgrounds than trichloroacetic acid controls. DNA extraction by base hydrolysis was incomplete and variable at 25 degrees C, but hydrolysis at 120 degrees C extracted 100% of the DNA, of which 84% was recovered upon precipitation. Production rates increased as thymidine concentrations were increased over 3 orders of magnitude (30 nM to 53 muM thymidine). However, over narrower concentration ranges, thymidine incorporation into DNA was independent of thymidine concentration. Elevated exogenous thymidine concentrations did not eliminate de novo synthesis. Transport of thymidine into bacterial cells occurred at least 5 to 20 times faster than incorporation of label into DNA. We found good agreement between production rates of bacterial cultures based upon increases in cell numbers and estimates based upon thymidine incorporation and amount of DNA per cell. Those comparisons emphasized the importance of isotopic dilution measurements and validated the use of the reciprocal plot technique for estimating isotopic dilution. Nevertheless, the thymidine technique cannot be considered a routine assay and the inability to measure the cellular DNA content in benthic communities restricts the accuracy of the method in those habitats.  相似文献   

The effects of 3,5-dichlorophenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and potassium dichromate on natural bacterial assemblages were examined by means of [H]thymidine incorporation into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material. Results from a large number of coastal marine and freshwater samples suggest the following. (i) The effects of the three toxicants included reductions in the bacterial cell number as well as changes in rates of [H]thymidine incorporation and in [H]thymidine incorporation per cell. The concentrations that inhibited [H]thymidine incorporation by 50% ranged from 3 to 11 mg liter for 3,5-dichlorophenol, 6 to 10 mg liter for 2,4-dinitrophenol, and 21 to 123 mg liter for potassium dichromate, with a tendency to higher values in bacterial assemblages from more eutrophic environments. (ii) The effects of 3,5-dichlorophenol and potassium dichromate determined by [H]leucine incorporation into bacterial protein were similar or larger than those obtained from [H]thymidine incorporation. (iii) Two to four hours of exposure to the toxicants was necessary before stable maximum effects were found in [H]thymidine incorporation. (iv) Storage of natural environmental samples should be avoided, since tests with water stored for 1 to 3 days sometimes produced results different from results obtained from in situ tests. (v) The effects of 3,5-dichlorophenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and potassium dichromate on natural bacterial assemblages were relatively constant during periods with different growth rates in the assemblages, during various periods of the year, and between samples from freshwater and marine localities. With some precautions, [H]thymidine incorporation can be used as a quick and sensitive method for determining the effects of toxicants on aquatic bacterial assemblages from natural environmental samples.  相似文献   

Thymidine incorporation into DNA is widely used to estimate rates of bacterial growth and secondary production in aquatic systems. The procedure requires the use of several conversion factors and assumptions to convert rates of thymidine uptake to rates of carbon production. Perhaps the most controversial of the conversion factors is that which converts rates of incorporation to the rate of cell production. During a year-long study in Lake Arlington, Texas, we empirically determined conversion factors from bacterial growth in filtered (1.0 m porosity) and diluted (1:9) lake water. Bacterial growth rate constants determined from changes in cell abundance were compared to growth rate constants estimated from empirically derived (both instantaneous and annually averaged), theoretical, and modeled conversion factors. Single value conversion factors (i.e., theoretical, or average of 19 empirically determined conversion factors) did not yield estimates of bacterial growth rate constants that compared favorably to growth estimates from changes in bacterial abundance. Conversion factors, determined from a regression model based on empirically determined conversion factors, gave annual growth estimates that were similar to those obtained from changes in cell abundance. Offprint requests to: T.H. Chrzanowski.  相似文献   

A direct comparison of [H]thymidine incorporation with DNA synthesis was made by using an exponentially growing estuarine bacterial isolate and the naturally occurring bacterial populations in a eutrophic subtropical estuary and in oligotrophic offshore waters. Simultaneous measurements of [H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, fluorometrically determined DNA content, and direct counts were made over time. DNA synthesis estimated from thymidine incorporation values was compared with fluorometrically determined changes in DNA content. Even after isotope dilution, nonspecific macromolecular labeling, and efficiency of DNA recovery were accounted for, [H]thymidine incorporation consistently underestimated DNA synthesized by six- to eightfold. These results indicate that although the relationship of [H]thymidine incorporation to DNA synthesis appears consistent, there are significant sources of thymine bases incorporated into DNA which cannot be accounted for by standard [H]thymidine incorporation and isotope dilution assays.  相似文献   

The conversion factor for the calculation of bacterial production from rates of [H]thymidine incorporation was examined with diluted batch cultures of freshwater bacteria. Natural bacterial assemblages were grown in aged, normal, and enriched media at 10 to 20 degrees C. The generation time during 101 growth cycles covered a range from 4 to >200 h. The average conversion factor was 2.15 x 10 cells mol of thymidine incorporated into the trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitate (standard error = 0.29 x 10; n = 54), when the generation time exceeded 20 h. At generation times of <20 h, the average conversion factor was 11.8 x 10 cells mol of thymidine incorporated into TCA precipitate (standard error = 1.72 x 10; n = 47). The amount of radioactivity in purified DNA increased with decreasing generation time and increasing conversion factor (calculated from the TCA precipitate), corresponding to a decrease in the percentage in protein. The conversion factors calculated from purified DNA or from the TCA precipitate gave the same variability. Conversion factors did not change significantly with the medium, but were significantly higher at 20 degrees C than at 15 and 10 degrees C. A detailed examination of the [H]thymidine concentrations that were needed to achieve maximum labeling in DNA was carried out 6 times during a complete growth cycle. During periods with low generation times and high conversion factors, 15 nM [H]thymidine was enough for the maximum labeling of the TCA precipitate. This suggests that incorporation of [H]thymidine into DNA is probably limited by uptake during periods with generation times of <20 h and that freshwater bacterioplankton cell production sometimes is underestimated when a conversion factor of 2.15 x 10 cells mol of thymidine incorporated is used.  相似文献   

The effect of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) on [methyl-H] thymidine incorporation by bacterioplankton populations in subtropical freshwater, estuarine, and oceanic environments was examined. In estuarine waters, intracellular isotope dilution was inhibited by FdUrd, which enabled us to estimate both intracellular and extracellular isotope dilution. In 2 of 10 cases, extracellular isotope dilution was significant. At low concentrations of [methyl-H]thymidine or [6-H]thymidine, FdUrd completely inhibited incorporation of radioactivity into protein and RNA. At high concentrations of [H]thymidine, however, FdUrd had little effect on labeling patterns. The dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors amethopterin and trimethoprim had no effect on macromolecular labeling patterns. These results suggest that thymidylate synthase is not involved in nonspecific labeling and that FdUrd inhibits nonspecific labeling by blocking some other enzyme involved in thymidine catabolism. In oligotrophic oceanic and freshwater samples, FdUrd did not inhibit intracellular isotope dilution or [H]thymidine labeling of protein and RNA, but caused some inhibition of [H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. The ability of FdUrd to inhibit nonspecific macromolecular labeling during [H]thymidine incorporation was significantly correlated (r = 0.84) with total thymidine incorporation (in picomoles per liter per hour). The results are discussed in terms of applications of FdUrd to routine bacterial production measurements and the general assumptions of [H]thymidine incorporation.  相似文献   

Production and specific growth rates of attached and free-living bacteria were estimated in an oligotrophic marine system, La Salvaje Beach, Vizcaya, Spain, and in a freshwater system having a higher nutrient concentration, Butron River, Vizcaya, Spain. Production was calculated from [methyl-H]thymidine incorporation by estimating specific conversion factors (cells or micrograms of C produced per mole of thymidine incorporated) for attached and free-living bacteria, respectively, in each system. Conversion factors were not statistically different between attached and free-living bacteria: 6.812 x 10 and 8.678 x 10 mug of C mol for free-living and attached bacteria in the freshwater system, and 1.276 x 10 and 1.354 x 10 mug of C mol for free-living and attached bacteria in the marine system. Therefore, use of a unique conversion factor for the mixed bacterial population is well founded. However, conversion factors were higher in the freshwater system than in the marine system. This could be due to the different trophic conditions of the two systems. Free-living bacteria contributed the most to production in the two systems (85% in the marine system and 67% in the freshwater system) because of their greater contribution to total biomass. Specific growth rates calculated from production data and biomass data were similar for attached and free-living bacteria.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [H]thymidine by axenic cultures of anaerobic bacteria was investigated as a means to measure growth. The three fermentative strains and one of the methanogenic strains tested incorporated [H]thymidine, whereas the sulfate-reducing bacterium and two of the methanogenic bacteria were unable to incorporate [H]thymidine during growth. It is concluded that the [H]thymidine incorporation method underestimates bacterial growth in anaerobic environments.  相似文献   

Thymidine (TdR) incorporation into DNA as a measure of bacterial production in environmental samples relies on assumptions about what organisms incorporate exogenous thymidine, extent of dilution of labelled thymidine by internal and external pools, and analytical methods for recovery and purification of bacterial DNA. We have examined these assumptions with regard to the feasibility of using [3H]TdR incorporation in the water column and sediments of a blackwater river. The extent of dilution of added [3H]TdR may be determined with isotope dilution plots (Moriarty and Pollard, 1981 and 1982) and these indicate a wide range of degree of participation of added [3H]TdR. Previously described methods for extracting DNA from sediment bacteria may lead to underestimates and we described a more efficient recovery scheme.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of several growth factors on DNA synthesis and function of FRTL-5 rat thyroid cells by simultaneous measurement of [3H]thymidine incorporation and [125I]iodide uptake. Endothelial cell growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor I stimulated thymidine incorporation in a dose-dependent manner without the parallel increase of [125I]iodide uptake. These growth factors had an additive effect with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) on thymidine incorporation, but they inhibited TSH-stimulated iodide uptake. Bombesin stimulated thymidine incorporation and inhibited TSH-stimulated iodide uptake; epidermal growth factor and gastrin-releasing peptide 10 had neither effect. None of the growth factors studied affected iodide uptake in the absence of TSH. Of the growth factors tested, endothelial cell growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, insulin-like growth factor bombesin, and platelet-derived growth factor all share similar differential effects on FRTL-5 cells: stimulation of DNA synthesis, potentiation of the effects of TSH on DNA synthesis, and attenuation of the effects of TSH on cell function. The data suggest that these growth factors may play important roles in regulation of thyroid function.  相似文献   

Cellular uptake of [3H]thymidine [( 3H]TdR) and incorporation into DNA of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells were studied in relation to the cell cycle by measuring the activity in the acid-soluble and insoluble parts of the cell material. Cells were synchronized at various stages of the cell cycle using centrifugal elutriation. The degree of synchrony of the various cell fractions was measured by flow-cytofluorometric DNA analysis. From the cellular uptake, the TdR triphosphate (dTTP) concentration of a mean cell in an unseparated cell population was calculated to be 20 X 10(-18) mol/cell. The pool activity of G1 cells was unmeasurable but rose to maximum values at the border of the G1-S phase. It decreased again during G2. The [3H]TdR incorporation into DNA was low during early S phase, reached a maximum value at two-thirds of the S phase and decreased again during late S phase. These changes in DNA synthesis were not due to changes in the dTTP pool being a limiting factor. During maximum DNA synthesis, 10% X min-1 of the dTTP pool was utilized, at which time the pool size also decreased by about 30%. Changes in pool size during the cell cycle have to be taken into account when the results of incorporation of radioactive TdR into DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

The N-nitrosamines N-nitrosodimethylamine (DMN), N'-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and 4-(N-methyl-N-nitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) were injected intraperitoneally 24 h before sacrifice in F344 rats and C57BL mice in doses of 297 mumoles/kg b.w. and 148 mumoles/kg b.w., respectively. 2 h before sacrifice, the animals were given an intraperitoneal injection of [3H]thymidine. The results showed that the examined N-nitrosamines inhibited the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA in a few tissues of the rats and the mice. The results indicated that the N-nitrosamines exerted a tissue-specific inhibition of the [3H]thymidine incorporation in the tissues reported to be involved in the biotransformation of these substances. The observed inhibitory effects on the incorporation of [3H]thymidine by DMN, NNN and NNK were also correlated to a considerable extent to the reported sites of carcinogenicity. The present study indicates that measurements of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA in various tissues of experimental animals is a useful short-term bioassay to evaluate the potential tissue-specific carcinogenicity of the N-nitrosamines. The method may also be useful as a complement to other short-term in vivo tests in the screening of potential genotoxicity of several other chemicals.  相似文献   

[3H]Thymidine has been extensively used as a selective precursor to DNA in studies on the kinetics of cell proliferation. We have become interested in measuring early inhibition of the DNA synthesis in various organs of intact animals for detecting genotoxic properties of chemicals. Such experiments should, for convenience and to achieve a large capacity, be performed in the simplest way possible. The present paper deals with some practical aspects on the use of [3H]thymidine in vivo. [6-3H]Thymidine was injected intraperitoneally in mice and the uptake of radioactivity was evaluated by using whole-body autoradiography and liquid scintillation spectrometry. Autoradiograms of sections washed with trichloroacetic acid and methanol were compared with those subjected only to freeze-drying. Liquid scintillation counting was performed of total, non-volatile, acid-insoluble and DNA-associated radioactivities. A rapid increase of the [3H]thymidine incorporation was seen during the first hour after the injection. Further prolongation of the survival time did not result in any significant increase of the incorporated radioactivity. Moreover, there were only slight differences between the autoradiograms from extracted and non-extracted sections. Radioactivities associated with DNA closely correlated to those representing acid-insoluble material, indicating that acid-insoluble radioactivity provides a good estimate of the [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA.  相似文献   

Ding KH  Zhong Q  Xie D  Xu J  Bollag RJ  Bollag WB  Isales CM 《Peptides》2005,26(5):853-862
We have previously reported that the intact PTH molecule (1-84) stimulates proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). To define the bioactive portion of the PTH molecule we utilized amino, mid and carboxy-terminal PTH fragments. Carboxy- but not amino-terminal fragments were equivalent to the intact PTH molecule in stimulating [3H]thymidine incorporation in HUVEC. Carboxy- but not amino-terminal PTH fragments increased intracellular calcium. Blocking the rise in intracellular calcium with calcium chelators abolished PTHs proliferative effect on HUVEC. In contrast to PTH 1-84, the carboxy-terminal fragment effect on [3H]thymidine incorporation was blocked by KN-93 an inhibitor of CaM kinase II. Taken together, these data suggest that the carboxy-terminal PTH is (or contains) the bioactive fragment responsible for the changes in intracellular calcium and thymidine incorporation in HUVEC stimulated with the intact PTH molecule.  相似文献   

The chronogram of hyperglycaemia in alloxan-induced diabetic DBA/2 mice (living under conditions standardized for light-synchronized periodicity and fed ad libitum) presented an ultradian rhythm (during spring) different from the circadian blood glucose chronogram of normal control mice. Simultaneously, the [3H]thymidine ([3H]TdR) incorporation chronogram of diabetic mouse splenocytes, stimulated or unstimulated with Concanavalin-A (Con-A), was changed and unbalanced, compared to that of normal control mice. Previous experiments showed that the [3H]TdR incorporation chronogram of stimulated or non-stimulated splenocytes of normal DBA/2 mice presented seasonal variations. They were characterized generally by an ultradian rhythm. Yet, during spring, they exhibited a circadian rhythm because one phase was advanced and superimposed on the other, the latter being typically unvarying. It seems probable that the unbalanced rhythm of [3H]TdR incorporated in diabetic mouse splenocytes, stimulated or not, was responsible for a dysfunction of that population in diabetes.  相似文献   

As part of an effort to discover whether bacteria might propagate within airborne particles, we studied the incorporation of thymidine into the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction of airborne cells of Serratia marcescens to seek evidence of the possible formation of new DNA. Two aerosols, one of S. marcescens and another of [3H]thymidine ([3H]dT) suspended in growth medium were caused to aggregate in air just prior to directing the aerosols into rotating-drum aerosol storage chambers. The age of the S. marcescens culture and other conditions for maximizing ([3H]dT) uptake were selected on the basis of prior in vitro trials. With 10-h cultures and addition of 2-deoxyadenosine to the [3H]dT, we showed that [3H]dT is incorporated into the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction of cells recovered 6 h after aerosols were stored under the conditions of high humidity and 30 degrees C. Tests conducted in the same manner with Formalin-killed S. marcescens ruled out the possibility of adsorptive carry-over of [3H]dT. As much as 20 times more activity was found in the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction of live cells than of dead cells.  相似文献   

As part of an effort to discover whether bacteria might propagate within airborne particles, we studied the incorporation of thymidine into the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction of airborne cells of Serratia marcescens to seek evidence of the possible formation of new DNA. Two aerosols, one of S. marcescens and another of [3H]thymidine ([3H]dT) suspended in growth medium were caused to aggregate in air just prior to directing the aerosols into rotating-drum aerosol storage chambers. The age of the S. marcescens culture and other conditions for maximizing ([3H]dT) uptake were selected on the basis of prior in vitro trials. With 10-h cultures and addition of 2-deoxyadenosine to the [3H]dT, we showed that [3H]dT is incorporated into the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction of cells recovered 6 h after aerosols were stored under the conditions of high humidity and 30 degrees C. Tests conducted in the same manner with Formalin-killed S. marcescens ruled out the possibility of adsorptive carry-over of [3H]dT. As much as 20 times more activity was found in the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction of live cells than of dead cells.  相似文献   

To assess the roles of FSH and LH on follicular growth, after various experimental manipulations, hamster follicles were sorted into 10 stages and incubated for 4 h with [3H]thymidine. Stages 1-4 correspond to follicles with 1-4 layers of granulosa cells, respectively; Stage 5 = 5 or 6 layers of granulosa cells plus theca; Stage 6 = 7-8 layers of granulosa cells plus theca; Stage 7 = early formation of the antrum; Stages 8-10 = small, intermediate and large antral follicles, respectively. Phenobarbitone sodium injected at 13:00 h on pro-oestrus blocked the normal rise of blood FSH and LH concentrations at 15:00 h and prevented the increase of [3H]thymidine incorporation into follicles of Stages 1-9. The optimal treatment to reverse the effects of phenobarbitone was 1 microgram FSH and 2 micrograms LH injected i.p. at 13:00 h which restored DNA replication to follicles of Stages 2-10: FSH acted primarily on Stages 2-5 and LH on Stages 5-10. Injection of phenobarbitone at 13:00 h on prooestrus followed by 2.5 micrograms FSH at 22:00 h restored DNA synthesis by the next morning to follicles at Stages 1-8. In hamsters hypophysectomized at 09:00 h on the day of oestrus (Day 1), injection on Day 4 of 2.5 micrograms FSH restored DNA synthesis 6 h later to Stage 2-6 follicles. Unilateral ovariectomy on Day 3 resulted 6 h later in an acute rise in FSH and LH and change of follicles from Stage 4 to Stage 5 but, paradoxically, there was decreased synthesis of DNA in follicles of Stages 5-10.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The incorporation of [3H]TdR into DNA by KB cells cooled to 4 °C falls rapidly to about 1–2% of that of controls held at 37 °C. The amounts of four enzymes involved in TdR metabolism: TdR kinase, thymidylate kinase, cytoplasmic DNA polymerase, and nuclear DNA polymerase, never fall below 50% of those in the control cells even after 12 h at 4 °C. The activities of these enzymes were measured in vitro at different temperatures and it was found that whereas the two kinases retained appreciable activity at low temperature, the DNA polymerase activities were severely inhibited. Cultures of cells rewarmed to 37 °C after 12 h at 4 °C immediately re-started incorporation of labelled TdR into DNA, showing that sufficient enzyme activity for normal functioning had been preserved during the cold period.  相似文献   

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