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Serum bottles are frequently used for studies of reductive dechlorination by vitamin B(12), but reducing conditions can be maintained only for several days. This time period is inadequate for evaluating the reductive dechlorination of some slow-reacting aromatic compounds. Sealed glass ampoules maintain reducing conditions for many months, but this method has the disadvantage of disallowing subsampling of the reaction mixture. A glass serum tube was modified for these experiments which not only maintained anoxic conditions for several days but also allowed subsamples to be removed during experiments. The modification was a restriction placed in the middle of the tube by heating in a flame, creating two chambers separated by a narrow neck. The lower chamber contained the oxygen-sensitive reaction mixture. The upper chamber, sealed with a septum and screw cap, was purged with purified nitrogen or argon introduced and vented through fused silica capillaries. Reductive dechlorination of chlorophenols by vitamin B(12) reduced with Ti(III) citrate was monitored in all three reactor types. Sealed ampoules maintained reducing conditions for up to 12 months. The two-chambered reactor maintained reducing conditions longer than the serum vials when frequent samples were taken.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12, reduced by titanium (III) citrate to vitamin B12s, catalyzes the reductive dechlorination of chlorophenols. Reductive dechlorination of pentachlorophenol and of all tetrachlorophenol and trichlorophenol isomers was observed. Reaction of various chlorophenols with vitamin B12 favored reductive dechlorination at positions adjacent to another chlorinated carbon, but chlorines ortho to the hydroxyl group of a phenol were particularly resistant to reductive dechlorination, even if they were also ortho to a chlorine. This resulted in a reductive dechlorination pattern favoring removal of para and meta chlorines, which differs substantially from the pattern exhibited by anaerobic microbial consortia.  相似文献   

Microbial reductive dechlorination of PCBs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reductive dechlorination is an advantageous process to microorganisms under anaerobic conditions because it is an electron sink, thereby allowing reoxidation of metabolic intermediates. In some organisms this has been demonstrated to support growth. Many chlorinated compounds have now been shown to be reductively dechlorinated under anaerobic conditions, including many of the congeners in commercial PCB mixtures. Anaerobic microbial communities in sediments dechlorinate Aroclor at rates of 3 µg Cl/g sediment × week. PCB dechlorination occurs at 12° C, a temperature relevant for remediation at temperate sites, and at concentrations of 100 to 1000 ppm. The positions dechlorinated are usually meta > para > ortho. The biphenyl rings, and the mono-ortho- and diorthochlorobiphenyls were not degraded after a one year incubation. Hence subsequent aerobic treatment may be necessary to meet regulatory standards. Reductive dechlorination of Arochlors does reduce their dioxin-like toxicity as measured by bioassay and by analysis of the co-planar congeners. The most important limitation to using PCB dechlorination as a remediation technology is the slower than desired dechlorination rates and no means yet discovered to substantially enhance these rates. Long term enrichments using PCBs as the only electron acceptor resulted in an initial enhancement in dechlorination rate. This rate was sustained but did not increase in serial transfers. Bioremediation of soil contaminated with Aroclor 1254 from a transformer spill was dechlorinated by greater than 50% following mixing of the soil with dechlorinating organisms and river sediment. It is now reasonable to field test reductive dechlorination of PCBs in cases where the PCB concentration is in the range where regulatory standards may be directly achieved by dechlorination, where a subsequent aerobic treatment is feasible, where any co-contaminants do not pose an inhibitory problem, and where anaerobic conditions can be established.This paper was presented at the Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste, April, 1992, Bangkok, Thailand. Published by permission of the Pacific Basin Consortium for Hazardous Waste Research, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI  相似文献   

The polychlorinated biphenyl congener 2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorobiphenyl and hexachlorobenzene were reductively dechlorinated in an aqueous biomimetic model system containing vitamin B12. The products of 2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorobiphenyl dechlorination were 2,3,5,6- and 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl. Hexachlorobenzene dechlorinated to pentachlorobenzene and a mixture of 1,2,4,5- and 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene. The proton from water was shown to be the source of the hydrogen atom used for the replacement of chlorine on the biphenyl ring.  相似文献   

The polychlorinated biphenyl congener 2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorobiphenyl and hexachlorobenzene were reductively dechlorinated in an aqueous biomimetic model system containing vitamin B12. The products of 2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorobiphenyl dechlorination were 2,3,5,6- and 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl. Hexachlorobenzene dechlorinated to pentachlorobenzene and a mixture of 1,2,4,5- and 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene. The proton from water was shown to be the source of the hydrogen atom used for the replacement of chlorine on the biphenyl ring.  相似文献   

Anaerobically digested municipal sewage sludge which had been acclimated to monochlorophenol degradation for more than 2 years was shown to degrade pentachlorophenol (PCP). Di-, tri-, and tetrachlorophenols accumulated when PCP was added to the individual acclimated sludges. When the 2-chlorophenol- (2-CP), 3-CP-, and 4-CP-acclimated sludges were mixed in equal volumes, PCP was completely dechlorinated. The same results were obtained in sludge acclimated to the three monochlorophenol isomers simultaneously. With repeated PCP additions, 3,4,5,-trichlorophenol, 3,5-dichlorophenol, and 3-CP accumulated in less than stoichiometric amounts. All chlorinated compounds disappeared after PCP additions were stopped. All chlorinated compounds disappeared after PCP additions were stopped. Incubations with [14C]PCP resulted in 66% of the added 14C being mineralized to 14CO2 and 14CH4. Technical-grade PCP was found to be degraded initially at a rate very similar to that of reagent-grade PCP, but after repeated additions, the technical PCP was degraded more slowly. Pentabromophenol was also rapidly degraded by the mixture of acclimated sludges. These results clearly show the complete reductive dechlorination of PCP by the combined activities of three chlorophenol-degrading populations.  相似文献   

Anaerobically digested municipal sewage sludge which had been acclimated to monochlorophenol degradation for more than 2 years was shown to degrade pentachlorophenol (PCP). Di-, tri-, and tetrachlorophenols accumulated when PCP was added to the individual acclimated sludges. When the 2-chlorophenol- (2-CP), 3-CP-, and 4-CP-acclimated sludges were mixed in equal volumes, PCP was completely dechlorinated. The same results were obtained in sludge acclimated to the three monochlorophenol isomers simultaneously. With repeated PCP additions, 3,4,5,-trichlorophenol, 3,5-dichlorophenol, and 3-CP accumulated in less than stoichiometric amounts. All chlorinated compounds disappeared after PCP additions were stopped. All chlorinated compounds disappeared after PCP additions were stopped. Incubations with [14C]PCP resulted in 66% of the added 14C being mineralized to 14CO2 and 14CH4. Technical-grade PCP was found to be degraded initially at a rate very similar to that of reagent-grade PCP, but after repeated additions, the technical PCP was degraded more slowly. Pentabromophenol was also rapidly degraded by the mixture of acclimated sludges. These results clearly show the complete reductive dechlorination of PCP by the combined activities of three chlorophenol-degrading populations.  相似文献   

The betaine-stimulated differential synthesis of vitamin B(12), i.e., the increase in B(12) per increase in dry cell weight, by Pseudomonas denitrificans was inhibited by rifampin and chloramphenicol but not by benzylpenicillin and carbenicillin at concentrations of antibiotic that inhibit growth. The level of the first enzyme of corrin (and porphyrin) biosynthesis, delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase, was decreased to a much greater degree by rifampin and chloramphenicol than by the penicillins. These data support the concept that betaine stimulation of B(12) synthesis is a result of its stimulation of synthesis of delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase, a labile and presumably rate-limiting enzyme of corrin formation requiring continuous induction. In further support of this hypothesis, it was found that chloramphenicol immediately interfered with both vitamin B(12) and delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase formation, no matter when it was added to the system.  相似文献   

C (2) to C (4) chloroalkanes have been used for a wide range of industrial applications. Consequently, numerous leaks to the environment have occurred. It is generally observed that the lower chlorinated members of the group, containing 1-3 chlorine atoms, accumulate in environments where reductive conditions prevail. Their half-lives under these conditions often exceed several decades. To date, successes in rapid and complete in situ reductive dechlorination have only been obtained with tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE), but not with chloroalkanes. Since the key-player PCE- and TCE-dechlorinating bacteria involved have been studied, these organisms could be used as very efficient tools for low-cost in situ bioremediation. Except for one 1,2-dichloroethane-dehalorespiring bacterium with limited application possibilities and a recent isolate which partly dechlorinates some polychloroethanes, all bacterial reductive conversions of C (2) to C (4) chloroalkanes are based on slow, mostly incomplete and poorly controllable cometabolic dechlorinations. Furthermore, metals such as Fe(0) cannot dechlorinate most lower-chlorinated C (2) to C (4) alkanes. Hence, pump and treat, or aerobic degradation are the applied technologies, although they are expensive and time-intensive. However, energetic consideration of chloroalkane dechlorination suggests that metabolizing anaerobes may exist. Isolation and characterization of these organisms is warranted in order to develop cost-efficient, controlled, fast and complete in situ remediation technologies.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation uses the natural ability of plants to degrade contaminants in groundwater. A field demonstration designed to remediate aerobic shallow ground‐water contaminated with trichloroethene began in April 1996 with the planting of cottonwood trees, a short‐rotation woody crop, over an approximately 0.2‐ha area at the Naval Air Station, Fort Worth, Texas. The project was developed to demonstrate capture of contaminated groundwater and degradation of contaminants by phreatophytes. Analyses from samples of groundwater collected from July 1997 to June 1998 indicate that tree roots have the potential to create anaerobic conditions in the groundwater that will facilitate degradation of trichloroethene by microbially mediated reductive dechlorination. Organic matter from root exudates and decay of tree roots probably stimulate microbial activity, consuming dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen concentrations, which varied across the site, were smallest near a mature cottonwood tree (about 20 years of age and 60 meters southwest of the cottonwood plantings) where degradation products of trichloroethene were measured. Oxidation  相似文献   

An anaerobic mixed bacterial culture was enriched forbacteria dechlorinating 1,2,3- and1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) to dichlorobenzenes byexclusive use of non-fermentable substrates and theapplication of vancomycin. Growth and dechlorinationoccurred in a purely synthetic medium with formate orhydrogen, acetate, and TCB. Neither acetogenesis normethanogenesis was detected in the culture. Repeatedsubculturing maintaining high dechlorinatingactivities was also achieved when only hydrogen andTCB were supplied. This indicated that reductivedechlorination of TCB was the primary energyconservating process. The number of dechlorinatingbacteria was strictly limited by the amount of TCBsupplied in the medium. In addition, thedechlorinating activity could be maintained only inthe presence of TCB. A most probable number analysisshowed that the dechlorinating species amounted to atleast 6 105 cells per ml at a total cell numberof about 2 106 cells per ml. Vitamin B12significantly stimulated the dechlorinating activity.  相似文献   

Abstract: The physiological meaning of reductive dechlorination reactions catalyzed by anaerobic bacteria can be explained as a co-metabolic activity or as a novel type of respiration. Co-metabolic activities have been found mainly with alkyl halides. They are non-specific reactions catalyzed by various enzyme systems of facultative as well as obligate anaerobic bacteria. In contrast, the reductive dechlorinations involved in metabolic respiration processes are very specific reactions. Only a limited number of alkyl and aryl chlorinated compounds is presently known to function as a terminal electron acceptor in a few, recently isolated bacteria. Metabolic dechlorination rates are in general several orders of magnitude higher than co-metabolic ones. Both reaction types are suitable for the anaerobic treatment of waste streams.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,4-tetraCDD) under anaerobic sulfate-reducing, methanogenic, and iron-reducing conditions was examined with anaerobic enrichment cultures established with sediment from an estuarine intertidal strait in the New York/New Jersey harbor. In addition, the effect of prior enrichment on 2-bromophenol or a mixture of 2-, 3-, and 4-bromophenol on dioxin dechlorination was examined. All enrichments were spiked with 1 ppm 1,2,3,4-tetraCDD and monitored by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for up to a 3-year period. Reductive dechlorination was initially observed only under methanogenic conditions in the cultures enriched on all three bromophenol isomers. 1,2,3,4-TetraCDD was dechlorinated in the lateral position to 1,2,4-triCDD. The initial appearance of 1,2,4-triCDD was observed after 2 months, with further dechlorination to 1,3-diCDD within 17 months.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria (DMRB) widely exist in the subsurface environment and are involved in various contaminant degradation and element geochemical cycling processes. Recent studies suggest that DMRB can biosynthesize metal nanoparticles during metal reduction, but it is unclear yet how such biogenic nanomaterials would affect their decontamination behaviors. In this study, we found that the dechlorination rates of carbon tetrachloride (CT) by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 was significantly increased by 8 times with the formation of biogenic ferrous sulfide (FeS) nanoparticles. The pasteurized biogenic FeS enabled 5 times faster dechlorination than abiotic FeS that had larger sizes and irregular structure, confirming a significant contribution of the biogenic FeS to CT bioreduction resulting from its good dispersion and relatively high dechlorination activity. This study highlights a potentially important role of biosynthesized nanoparticles in environmental bioremediation.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus helveticus B-1 is assumed to have a vitamin B(12)-targeting (or B(12)-binding) site on the cells, since the binding reaction of vitamin B(12) with L. helveticus B-1 cells proceeded instantly and quantitatively. This reaction is specific to complete B(12) compounds, cobalamins, and can be used for a vitamin B(12) assay method by chemiluminescence. The calibration graph was linear from 0.1 to 10.0 ng/mL. The B(12) contents in oyster and sardine were 75.9 and 39.4 microg/100g, respectively. These values were very close to those obtained using a chemilumi-ADVIA Centaur immunoassay system with intrinsic factor and to those obtained by microbiological assays.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is one of the vitamins believed to be produced exclusively by microorganisms. Although soil is a rich source of vitamin B12, systematic study as to possible uptake of this vitamin by the plant roots is lacking. This study was undertaken to investigate, under water culture conditions, the uptake of [57Co]-cyanocobalamin by soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). In the range of 10 to 3200 mol L–1, uptake of vitamin B12 was a linear function of the vitamin concentration in the nutrient solution. Depending on the vitamin concentration, 12 to 34% of the total absorbed vitamin was transported to the plant shoots, with proportionally more vitamin B12 transported at higher vitamin concentrations. Aeration of the rooting medium with nitrogen gas significantly increased the total uptake and the percentage of vitamin transported to the shoots. Addition of respiration inhibitor dinitrophenol to the nutrient solution did not affect the total uptake or the partitioning of the vitamin. Root temperature (5–30°C) did not affect the total uptake but significantly altered the partitioning of the vitamin between the roots and the shoots. Foliar-applied vitamin B12 was not translocated to any considerable degree to other plant parts, indicating that phloem transport does not contribute to the distribution of this vitamin within the plant. It is suggested that adding manure (which is rich in this vitamin) to the soil could increase soil and thus plant content of vitamin B12. This could be of importance in raising the intake of this vitamin by people living by choice or necessity on vegetarian diets who are usually threatened by vitamin B12 deficiency.  相似文献   

Tetrachloroethene reductive dechlorination was studied with cell extracts of a newly isolated, tetrachloroethene-utilizing bacterium, Desulfitobacterium sp. strain PCE-S. Tetrachloroethene dehalogenase mediated the reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene to cis-1,2-dichloroethene with artificial electron donors such as methyl viologen. The chlorinated aromatic compounds tested so far were not reduced. A low-potential electron donor (E 0′ < –0.4 V) was required for tetrachloroethene reduction. The enzyme in its reduced state was inactivated by propyl iodide and reactivated by light, indicating the involvement of a corrinoid in reductive tetrachloroethene dechlorination. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 11 July 1997  相似文献   

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