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We calculated the potential H2 and formate diffusion between microbes and found that at H2 concentrations commonly found in nature, H2 could not diffuse rapidly enough to dispersed methanogenic cells to account for the rate of methane synthesis but formate could. Our calculations were based on individual organisms dispersed in the medium, as supported by microscopic observations of butyrate-degrading cocultures. We isolated an axenic culture of Syntrophomonas wolfei and cultivated it on butyrate in syntrophic coculture with Methanobacterium formicicum; during growth the H2 concentration was 63 nM (10.6 Pa). S. wolfei contained formate dehydrogenase activity (as does M. formicicum), which would allow interspecies formate transfer in that coculture. Thus, interspecies formate transfer may be the predominant mechanism of syntrophy. Our diffusion calculations also indicated that H2 concentration at the cell surface of H2-consuming organisms was low but increased to approximately the bulk-fluid concentration at a distance of about 10 μm from the surface. Thus, routine estimation of kinetic parameters would greatly overestimate the Km for H2 or formate.  相似文献   

Flavin-based electron bifurcation has recently been characterized as an essential energy conservation mechanism that is utilized by hydrogenotrophic methanogenic Archaea to generate low-potential electrons in an ATP-independent manner. Electron bifurcation likely takes place at the flavin associated with the α subunit of heterodisulfide reductase (HdrA). In Methanococcus maripaludis the electrons for this reaction come from either formate or H2 via formate dehydrogenase (Fdh) or Hdr-associated hydrogenase (Vhu). However, how these enzymes bind to HdrA to deliver electrons is unknown. Here, we present evidence that the δ subunit of hydrogenase (VhuD) is central to the interaction of both enzymes with HdrA. When M. maripaludis is grown under conditions where both Fdh and Vhu are expressed, these enzymes compete for binding to VhuD, which in turn binds to HdrA. Under these conditions, both enzymes are fully functional and are bound to VhuD in substoichiometric quantities. We also show that Fdh copurifies specifically with VhuD in the absence of other hydrogenase subunits. Surprisingly, in the absence of Vhu, growth on hydrogen still occurs; we show that this involves F420-reducing hydrogenase. The data presented here represent an initial characterization of specific protein interactions centered on Hdr in a hydrogenotrophic methanogen that utilizes multiple electron donors for growth.  相似文献   

We compared the metabolism of methanol and acetate when Methanosarcina barkeri was grown in the presence and absence of Desulfovibrio vulgaris. The sulfate reducer was not able to utilize methanol or acetate as the electron donor for energy metabolism in pure culture, but was able to grow in coculture. Pure cultures of M. barkeri produced up to 10 mumol of H(2) per liter in the culture headspace during growth on acetate or methanol. In coculture with D. vulgaris, the gaseous H(2) concentration was 相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to uncover the pathways used for methanogenesis in three different boreal peatland ecosystems and to describe the methanogenic populations involved. The mesotrophic fen had the lowest proportion of CH4 produced from H2-CO2. The oligotrophic fen was the most hydrogenotrophic, followed by the ombrotrophic bog. Each site was characterized by a specific group of methanogenic sequences belonging to Methanosaeta spp. (mesotrophic fen), rice cluster-I (oligotrophic fen), and fen cluster (ombrotrophic bog).  相似文献   

Phytophthora species, a group of destructive plant pathogens, are commonly referred to as water molds, but little is known about their aquatic ecology. Here we show the effect of pH on zoospore survival of seven Phytophthora species commonly isolated from irrigation reservoirs and natural waterways and dissect zoospore survival strategy. Zoospores were incubated in a basal salt liquid medium at pH 3 to 11 for up to 7 days and then plated on a selective medium to determine their survival. The optimal pHs differed among Phytophthora species, with the optimal pH for P. citricola at pH 9, the optimal pH for P. tropicalis at pH 5, and the optimal pH for the five other species, P. citrophthora, P. insolita, P. irrigata, P. megasperma, and P. nicotianae, at pH 7. The greatest number of colonies was recovered from zoospores of all species plated immediately after being exposed to different levels of pH. At pH 5 to 11, the recovery rate decreased sharply (P ≤ 0.0472) after 1-day exposure for five of the seven species. In contrast, no change occurred (P ≥ 0.1125) in the recovery of any species even after a 7-day exposure at pH 3. Overall, P. megasperma and P. citricola survived longer at higher rates in a wider range of pHs than other species did. These results are generally applicable to field conditions as indicated by additional examination of P. citrophthora and P. megasperma in irrigation water at different levels of pH. These results challenge the notion that all Phytophthora species inhabit aquatic environments as water molds and have significant implications in the management of plant diseases resulting from waterborne microbial contamination.Phytophthora species, a group of oomycetes in the kingdom of Stramenopila and well-known plant pathogens, were first listed as “water molds” by Blackwell in 1944 (5), and this notion has since been generally accepted. These species are phylogenetically close to golden-brown algae, although morphologically and physiologically, they resemble fungi. Most algae are aquatic in nature. Phytophthora species produce flagellate zoospores as their primary dispersal structure (35-37, 39). Zoospores can travel in aquatic environments actively on their own locomotion and passively through water movement (12, 13, 41).More than 20 species of Phytophthora, including P. ramorum, the sudden oak death pathogen, have been isolated from irrigation reservoirs and natural waterways (20-22, 30, 40, 43), and a number of previously unknown taxa also have been documented in aquatic environments (8, 24). These pathogens pose a threat to agricultural sustainability and natural ecosystems, as agriculture increasingly depends on recycled water for irrigation in light of rapidly spreading global water scarcity (19, 22). Recycling irrigation systems provide an efficient means of pathogen dissemination from a single point of infection to an entire farm and from a single farm to other farms sharing the same water resources (22, 24).A search of science-based solutions to this crop health issue reveals a surprising lack of information on the aquatic ecology of Phytophthora species. For instance, hydrogen ion concentration (pH) is among the most important water quality parameters which influence sporangium production and germination (1-3, 6, 32, 34, 38), survival of thick-walled chlamydospores and oospores in the soil environment, and disease development (2, 4, 33, 44). However, the effect of pH on the survival of zoospores and growth of germlings in aquatic environments is not known. As motile zoospores lack cell walls and encysted spores or cysts have thin walls, they are presumably more vulnerable to pH stress than chlamydospores and oospores are. On the other hand, the pH level is likely to fluctuate more regularly and at a greater range in aquatic systems, such as irrigation reservoirs, than in soil systems. pH can change diurnally due to respiration of aquatic plants and seasonally due to rain, oxidation of sulfide-containing sediments through the production of sulfuric acid, algal blooms, and released bases or acids from residues of fertilizer and pesticides. Thus, zoospores and aquatic systems are more prone to the influence of wide pH changes than chlamydospores/oospores in soil systems are. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of pH on zoospore survival and understand the aquatic ecology of different Phytophthora species.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented to explain the regulation of nitrogenase electron allocation to N2 fixation (EAC) in legume nodules. The model is based on two assumptions: (a) that H2 inhibits N2 fixation in a competitive manner; and (b) that O2, H2, and N2 move into and out of nodules by diffusion and their movement is impeded by a diffusion barrier, the permeability of which is controlled to maintain a very low infected cell O2 concentration. When the model was used to simulate nodules displaying a range of values for total nitrogenase activity (TNA), maximum EAC values were predicted to be between 0.69 and 0.71, and a negative correlation was predicted to exist between EAC and TNA. These predictions were in good agreement with empirically derived values reported in the literature and support the suggestion that H2 inhibition of N2 fixation is a major determinant in the regulation of nitrogenase EAC in legume nodules. Two versions of the model were constructed. A closed-pore model assumed that the diffusion barrier consisted of a solid shell of water of variable thickness in the nodule cortex. An open-pore model assumed that a small number of gas-filled intercellular spaces connected the nodule central zone with the root atmosphere and these pores were opened or closed by water to provide variations in the nodule's permeability to gas diffusion. Because of differences in the diffusivity of gases in the gaseous and aqueous phases, the model predicted that, at a given infected cell O2 concentration, an open-pore diffusion barrier would result in less H2 accumulation in the infected cells than a closed-pore diffusion barrier. Therefore, the model may be used to test specific hypotheses about the physical structure of the barrier to gas diffusion in legume nodules.  相似文献   

We studied plants of five species with hypostomatous leaves, and six with amphistomatous leaves, to determine the extent to which gaseous diffusion of CO2 among the mesophyll cells limits photosynthetic carbon assimilation. In helox (air with nitrogen replaced by helium), the diffusivities of CO2 and water vapor are 2.3 times higher than in air. For fixed estimated CO2 pressure at the evaporating surfaces of the leaf (pi), assimilation rates in helox ranged up to 27% higher than in air for the hypostomatous leaves, and up to 7% higher in the amphistomatous ones. Thus, intercellular diffusion must be considered as one of the processes limiting photosynthesis, especially for hypostomatous leaves. A corollary is that CO2 pressure should not be treated as uniform through the mesophyll in many leaves. To analyze our helox data, we had to reformulate the usual gas-exchange equation used to estimate CO2 pressure at the evaporating surfaces of the leaf; the new equation is applicable to any gas mixture for which the diffusivities of CO2 and H2O are known. Finally, we describe a diffusion-biochemistry model for CO2 assimilation that demonstrates the plausibility of our experimental results.  相似文献   

We are attempting to supply a new insight on interaction between Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and H(2)O(2). We demonstrate that in vitro the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, a non heme-protein, is able to disproportionate H(2)O(2) catalatically into dioxygen and water, as well as C(40) catalase. By polarography, we quantify O(2) production and by Raman spectroscopy H(2)O(2) consumption. A comparative analysis of kinetics parameters relative to O(2) production shows that for Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase the affinity of the catalytic site able to transform H(2)O(2) into O(2) is twice weaker than that for C(40) catalase. It also shows that the molar activity for O(2) production is 300-fold weaker for ATPase than for catalase. Inhibitors, pH and GSH studies highlight the differences between the heme- and nonheme-proteins. Indeed, for C(40), NaN(3) is strongly inhibiting, but much less for ATPase. The pH range for the catalatic activity of ATPase is wide (6.5 to 8.5), while it is not for C(40) catalase (optimum at pH 8). The Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase catalatic activity is reduced in presence of glutathione, while it is not the case with C(40) catalase.  相似文献   

Selenomonas ruminantium is a nonsporeforming anaerobe that ferments carbohydrates primarily to lactate, propionate, acetate and CO2. H2 production by this species has not been previously reported. We found, however, that some strains produce trace amounts of H2 which can be detected by sensitive gas chromatographic procedures. H2 production is increased markedly, in some cases almost 100-fold, when the selenomonads are co-cultured with methane-producing bacteria. Growth of the methane-producing bacteria depends on H2 production by the selenomonads and the subsequent use of H2 for the reduction of CO2 to CH4. Although no free H2 accumulates in the mixed cultures, the amount of H2 formed by the selenomonads can be calculated from the amount of methane produced. These studies indicate that the conventional methods for measuring H2 production by pure cultures do not provide an adequate estimate of an organism's potential for forming H2 in an anaerobic ecosystem where H2 is rapidly used, e.g., for formation of CH4.  相似文献   

The green alga Scenedesmus obliquus is capable of both uptake and production of H(2) after anaerobic adaptation (photoreduction of CO(2) or photohydrogen production). The essential enzyme for H(2)-metabolism is a NiFe-hydrogenase with a [2Fe-2S]-ferredoxin as its natural redox partner. Western blot analysis showed that the hydrogenase is constitutively expressed. The K(m) values were 79.5 microM and 12.5 microM, determined with ferredoxin and H(2), respectively, as electron donor for the hydrogenase. In vitro, NADP(+) was reduced by H(2) in the presence of the hydrogenase, the ferredoxin and a ferredoxin-NADP reductase. From these results and considerations on the stoichiometry we propose that this light-independent electron transfer is part of the photoreduction of CO(2) in vivo. For ATP synthesis, necessary for the photoreduction of CO(2), light-dependent cyclic electron transfer around Photosystem (PS) I accompanies this 'dark reaction'. PS II fluorescence data suggest that (a) in S. obliquus H(2)-reduction might function as the anaerobic counterpart of the O(2)-dependent Mehler reaction, and (b) the presence of either a ferredoxin quinone-reductase or NAD(P)-dehydrogenase (complex I) in S. obliquus chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Lung lamellar bodies maintain an acidic interior by an energy-dependent process. The acidic pH may affect the packaging of surfactant phospholipids, processing of surfactant proteins, or surfactant protein A-dependent lipid aggregation. The electron-probe microanalysis of lamellar body elemental composition has previously suggested that lamellar bodies contain high levels of calcium some of which may be in ionic form. In this study, we investigated the Ca2+ uptake characteristics in isolated lung lamellar bodies. The uptake of Ca2+ was measured by monitoring changes in the fluorescence of Fluo-3, a Ca2+ indicator dye. The uptake of Ca2+ in lamellar bodies was ATP-dependent and increased with increasing concentrations of Ca2+. At 100 nm Ca2+, the uptake was almost completely inhibited by bafilomycin A1, a selective inhibitor of vacuolar type H+-ATPase, or by NH4Cl, which raises the lamellar body pH, suggesting that the pH gradient regulates the uptake. The uptake of Ca2+ increased as the Ca2+ concentration was increased, but the relative contribution of bafilomycin A1-sensitive uptake decreased. At 700 nm, it comprised only 20% of the total uptake. These results suggest the presence of additional mechanism(s) for uptake at higher Ca2+ concentrations. At 700 nm Ca2+, the rate and extent of uptake were lower in the absence of K+ than in the presence of K+. The inhibitors of Ca2+-activated K+-channels, tetraethylammonium, Penitrem A, and 4-aminopyridine, also inhibited the K+-dependent Ca2+ uptake at 700 nm Ca2+. Thus the uptake of Ca2+ in isolated lung lamellar bodies appears to be regulated by two mechanisms, (i) the H+-gradient and (ii) the K+ transport across the lamellar body membrane. We speculate that lamellar bodies accumulate Ca2+ and contribute to regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ in type II cells under resting and stimulated conditions. Received: 18 August 1999/Revised: 9 November 1999  相似文献   

In the analysis of an ethanol-CO2 enrichment of bacteria from an anaerobic sewage digestor, a strain tentatively identified as Desulfovibrio vulgaris and an H2-utilizing methanogen resembling Methanobacterium formicicum were isolated, and they were shown to represent a synergistic association of two bacterial species similar to that previously found between S organism and Methanobacterium strain MOH isolated from Methanobacillus omelianskii. In lowsulfate media, the desulfovibrio produced acetate and H2 from ethanol and acetate, H2, and, presumably, CO2 from lactate; but growth was slight and little of the energy source was catabolized unless the organism was combined with an H2-utilizing methanogenic bacterium. The type strains of D. vulgaris and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans carried out the same type of synergistic growth with methanogens. In mixtures of desulfovibrio and strain MOH growing on ethanol, lactate, or pyruvate, diminution of methane produced was stoichiometric with the moles of sulfate added, and the desulfovibrios grew better with sulfate addition. The energetics of the synergistic associations and of the competition between the methanogenic system and sulfate-reducing system as sinks for electrons generated in the oxidation of organic materials such as ethanol, lactate, and acetate are discussed. It is suggested that lack of availability of H2 for growth of methanogens is a major factor in suppression of methanogenesis by sulfate in natural ecosystems. The results with these known mixtures of bacteria suggest that hydrogenase-forming, sulfate-reducing bacteria could be active in some methanogenic ecosystems that are low in sulfate.  相似文献   

The aquatic filamentous cyanobacteria Anabaena oscillarioides and Trichodesmium sp. reveal specific cellular regions of tetrazolium salt reduction. The effects of localized reduction of five tetrazolium salts on N(2) fixation (acetylene reduction), CO(2) fixation, and H(2) utilization were examined. During short-term (within 30 min) exposures in A. oscillarioides, salt reduction in heterocysts occurred simultaneously with inhibition of acetylene reduction. Conversely, when salts failed to either penetrate or be reduced in heterocysts, no inhibition of acetylene reduction occurred. When salts were rapidly reduced in vegetative cells, CO(2) fixation and H(2) utilization rates decreased, whereas salts exclusively reduced in heterocysts were not linked to blockage of these processes. In the nonheterocystous genus Trichodesmium, the deposition of reduced 2,3,5-triphenyl-2-tetrazolium chloride (TTC) in the internal cores of trichomes occurs simultaneously with a lowering of acetylene reduction rates. Since TTC deposition in heterocysts of A. oscillarioides occurs contemporaneously with inhibition of acetylene reduction, we conclude that the cellular reduction of this salt is of use in locating potential N(2)-fixing sites in cyanobacteria. The possible applications and problems associated with interpreting localized reduction of tetrazolium salts in cyanobacteria are presented.  相似文献   

We compared the metabolism of methanol and acetate when Methanosarcina barkeri was grown in the presence and absence of Desulfovibrio vulgaris. The sulfate reducer was not able to utilize methanol or acetate as the electron donor for energy metabolism in pure culture, but was able to grow in coculture. Pure cultures of M. barkeri produced up to 10 μmol of H2 per liter in the culture headspace during growth on acetate or methanol. In coculture with D. vulgaris, the gaseous H2 concentration was ≤2 μmol/liter. The fractions of 14CO2 produced from [14C]methanol and 2-[14C]acetate increased from 0.26 and 0.16, respectively, in pure culture to 0.59 and 0.33, respectively, in coculture. Under these conditions, approximately 42% of the available electron equivalents derived from methanol or acetate were transferred and were utilized by D. vulgaris to reduce approximately 33 μmol of sulfate per 100 μmol of substrate consumed. As a direct consequence, methane formation in cocultures was two-thirds that observed in pure cultures. The addition of 5.0 mM sodium molybdate or exogenous H2 decreased the effects of D. vulgaris on the metabolism of M. barkeri. An analysis of growth and carbon and electron flow patterns demonstrated that sulfate-dependent interspecies H2 transfer from M. barkeri to D. vulgaris resulted in less methane production, increased CO2 formation, and sulfide formation from substrates not directly utilized by the sulfate reducer as electron donors for energy metabolism and growth.  相似文献   

Laisk A  Kiirats O  Oja V 《Plant physiology》1984,76(3):723-729
Assimilatory power was measured in ten C3 species by means of a rapid-response gas exchange device as the total amount of CO2 fixed in N2-CO2 atmosphere after switching the light off. Different steady-state levels of the assimilatory power were obtained by varying light intensity and O2 and CO2 concentrations during the preexposition periods in the leaf chamber.

Within the limits of the linear part of the CO2 curve of photosynthesis in N2, the assimilatory power is constant, being sufficient for the assimilation of about 20 nanomoles CO2 per square centimeter leaf. The pool starts to decrease with the onset of the CO2 saturation of photosynthesis. Increase in O2 concentration from 0 to 100% at 350 microliters CO2 per liter produces a considerable decrease in the assimilatory power.

The mesophyll conductance (M) was found to be proportional to the assimilatory power (A): M = mA. The most frequently occurring values of the proportionality constant (m) (called the specific efficiency of carboxylation) were concentrated between 0.03 and 0.04 centimeter per second per nanomole A per square centimeter but the measured extreme values were 0.01 and 0.06 centimeter per second per nanomole A per square centimeter. The specific rate of carboxylation (the rate per unit A) showed a hyperbolic dependence on CO2 conentration with the most frequent values of Km (CO2) ranging from 25 to 35 micromolar in the liquid phase of mesophyll cells (extremes 23 and 100 micromolar).

It is concluded that the CO2 and light-saturated rate of photosynthesis is limited by the reactions of the formation of the assimilatory power and not by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. O2 is a competitive consumer of the assimilatory power, and the inhibitory effect of O2 on photosynthesis is caused mainly by a decrease in the pool of the assimilatory power at high O2 concentrations. In intact leaves, the kinetic properties of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase seem to be variable.


The importance of astrocytic K+ uptake for extracellular K+ ([K+]e) clearance during neuronal stimulation or pathophysiological conditions is increasingly acknowledged. It occurs by preferential stimulation of the astrocytic Na+,K+-ATPase, which has higher Km and Vmax values than its neuronal counterpart, at more highly increased [K+]e with additional support of the cotransporter NKCC1. Triggered by a recent DiNuzzo et al. paper, we used administration of the glycogenolysis inhibitor DAB to primary cultures of mouse astrocytes to determine whether K+ uptake required K+-stimulated glycogenolysis. KCl was increased by either 5 mM (stimulating only the Na+,K+-ATPase) or 10 mM (stimulating both transporters) in glucose-containing saline media prepared to become iso-osmotic after the addition. DAB completely inhibited both uptakes, the Na+,K+-ATPase-mediated by preventing Na+ uptake for stimulation of its intracellular Na+-activated site, and the NKCC1-mediated uptake by inhibition of depolarization- and L-channel-mediated Ca2+ uptake. Drugs inhibiting the signaling pathways involved in either of these processes also abolished K+ uptake. Assuming similar in vivo characteristics, partly supported by literature data, K+-stimulated astrocytic K+ uptake must discontinue after normalization of extracellular K+. This will allow Kir1.4-mediated release and reuptake by the less powerful neuronal Na+,K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Fluorescence spectra of a 4-hydroxy-2(or 5)-ethyl-5(or 2)-methyl-3(2H)-furanone (HEMF) fermentation culture broth were combined with measurable process variables for off-line and on-line process monitoring. Culture broth fluorescence in UV and visible ranges was acquired by a fiber optic LCD array spectrometer. Process dynamics was followed on-line using a fiber optic probe attached to an external recirculation loop of the bioreactor. Partial least squares and stepwise regression methods were used to correlate measurable process parameters with the components of the fluorescence spectra. Both methods provided adequate approximation of yeast density, HEMF, glucose, and ethanol concentrations from fluorescence spectra. HEMF production was observed during the oxido-reductive growth phase when there was a lack of measurable oxygen in the culture broth and an excess of glucose. The addition of glucose resulted in the rapid production of HEMF and other metabolite intermediates such as ethanol, acetate, and glycerol.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the dynamics of urban ecosystems can be enhanced by examining the multidimensional social characteristics of households. To this end, we investigated the relative significance of three social theories of household structure—population, lifestyle behavior, and social stratification—to the distribution of vegetation cover in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Our ability to assess the relative significance of these theories depended on fine-scale social and biophysical data. We distinguished among vegetation in three areas hypothesized to be differentially linked to these social theories: riparian areas, private lands, and public rights-of-way (PROWs). Using a multimodel inferential approach, we found that variation of vegetation cover in riparian areas was not explained by any of the three theories and that lifestyle behavior was the best predictor of vegetation cover on private lands. Surprisingly, lifestyle behavior was also the best predictor of vegetation cover in PROWs. The inclusion of a quadratic term for housing age significantly improved the models. Based on these research results, we question the exclusive use of income and education as the standard variables to explain variations in vegetation cover in urban ecological systems. We further suggest that the management of urban vegetation can be improved by developing environmental marketing strategies that address the underlying household motivations for and participation in local land management.  相似文献   

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