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We report here the formation of symbiotic plasmids (pSyms), by genetic recombination between rearranged pSyms, which lack symbiotic information, and resistance plasmids carrying parts of different symbiotic plasmids (R's). This recombination was found to occur both between plasmids derived from different Rhizobium phaseoli isolates, and between plasmids derived from strains obtained from the same original isolate. We also present evidence on the formation of a functional symbiotic plasmid by recombination of an R', carrying nif and nod genes from strain CFN42, and an indigenous plasmid present in this strain (pCFN42e), which was thought to be unrelated to its symbiotic plasmid (pCFN42d). These data are discussed with respect to the stability and transfer of Rhizobium symbiotic information.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic control of effectiveness and infectivity in Rhizobium cultures show certain similarities to plasmid-controlled traits in other bacteria. The loss of effectivity following treatment with acridine orange and ethidium bromide is reported and the use of viomycin resistance as an assay of loss of effectivity has been confirmed. The implications of plasmid control of effectivity has been discussed in relation to loss of effectivity in certain soils following the action of certain soil components on the Rhizobium species present. The taxonomic implications of plasmid control of virulence in Rhizobium and Agrobacterium is also discussed.  相似文献   

The Rhizobium trifolii symbiotic plasmid pRt5a was transferred to the fast-growing soybean strain USDA 194. Transconjugants carrying pRt5a were not able to nodulate clovers and one of the transconjugants had lost its smallest resident plasmid and did not fix nitrogen in soybean. Transconjugants of USDA 194 carrying pRt5a were able to transfer pRt5a back to a non-nodulating R. trifolii which inherited the symbiotic properties of the R. trifolii strain from which the plasmid was derived.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli CFN42 contains six plasmids (pa to pf), and pd has been shown to be the symbiotic plasmid. To determine the participation of the other plasmids in cellular functions, we used a positive selection scheme to isolate derivatives cured of each plasmid. These were obtained for all except one (pe), of which only deleted derivatives were recovered. In regard to symbiosis, we found that in addition to pd, pb is also indispensable for nodulation, partly owing to the presence of genes involved in lipopolysaccharide synthesis. The positive contribution of pb, pc, pe, and pf to the symbiotic capacity of the strain was revealed in competition experiments. The strains that were cured (or deleted for pe) were significantly less competitive than the wild type. Analysis of the growth capacity of the cured strains showed the participation of the plasmids in free-living conditions: the pf- strain was unable to grow on minimal medium, while strains cured of any other plasmid had significantly reduced growth capacity in this medium. Even on rich medium, strains lacking pb or pc or deleted for pe had a diminished growth rate compared with the wild type. Complementation of the cured strains with the corresponding wild-type plasmid restored their original phenotypes, thus confirming that the effects seen were due only to loss of plasmids. The results indicate global participation of the Rhizobium genome in symbiotic and free-living functions.  相似文献   

Genetic experiments have indicated that succinoglycan (EPS I), the acidic Calcofluor-binding exopolysaccharide, of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium meliloti strain Rm1021 is required for nodule invasion and possibly for later events in nodule development on alfalfa and other hosts. Fourteen exo loci on the second megaplasmid have been identified that are required for, or affect, the synthesis of EPS I. Mutations in certain of these loci completely abolish the production of EPS I and result in mutants that form empty Fix- nodules. We have identified two loci, exoR and exoS, that are involved in the regulation of EPS I synthesis in the free-living state. Certain exo mutations which completely abolish EPS I production are lethal in an exoR95 or exoS96 background. Histochemical analyses of the expression of exo genes during nodulation using exo::TnphoA fusions have indicated that the exo genes are expressed most strongly in the invasion zone. In addition, we have discovered that R. meliloti has a latent capacity to synthesize a second exopolysaccharide (EPS II) that can substitute for the role(s) of EPS I in nodulation of alfalfa but not of other hosts. Possible roles for exopolysaccharides in symbiosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 (RtTA1) is a soil bacterium establishing a highly specific symbiotic relationship with clover, which is based on the exchange of molecular signals between the host plant and the microsymbiont. The RtTA1 genome is large and multipartite, composed of a chromosome and four plasmids, which comprise approximately 65 % and 35 % of the total genome, respectively. Extrachromosomal replicons were previously shown to confer significant metabolic versatility to bacteria, which is important for their adaptation in the soil and nodulation competitiveness. To investigate the contribution of individual RtTA1 plasmids to the overall cell phenotype, metabolic properties and symbiotic performance, a transposon-based elimination strategy was employed. RtTA1 derivatives cured of pRleTA1b or pRleTA1d and deleted in pRleTA1a were obtained. In contrast to the in silico predictions of pRleTA1b and pRleTA1d, which were described as chromid-like replicons, both appeared to be completely curable. On the other hand, for pRleTA1a (symbiotic plasmid) and pRleTA1c, which were proposed to be unessential for RtTA1 viability, it was not possible to eliminate them at all (pRleTA1c) or entirely (pRleTA1a). Analyses of the phenotypic traits of the RtTA1 derivatives obtained revealed the functional significance of individual plasmids and their indispensability for growth, certain metabolic pathways, production of surface polysaccharides, autoaggregation, biofilm formation, motility and symbiotic performance. Moreover, the results allow us to suggest broad functional cooperation among the plasmids in shaping the phenotypic properties and symbiotic capabilities of rhizobia.  相似文献   

Two plasmids, pAgK84::Tn5-Mob from Agrobacterium radiobacter carrying genes for the production of agrocin 84, and RP4-4 from E. coli were inserted either separately or together into a strain of Rhizobium meliloti. Each of these plasmid-containing R. meliloti transconjugants was less effective than the wild type strain in their ability to fix nitrogen in Medicago tornata. The pAgK84::Tn5-Mob-containing transconjugant was significantly less effective than that containing RP4-4. The transconjugant strains were inferior to the wild type strain in their ability to nodulate seedlings and to compete for nodulation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis has proved useful in studies of recent human evolution and the genetic affinities of human groups of different geographical regions. As part of an extensive survey of mtDNA diversity in present-day Pacific populations, we obtained sequence information of the hypervariable mtDNA control region of 452 individuals from various localities in the western Pacific. The mtDNA types fell into three major groups which reflect the settlement history of the area. Interestingly, we detected an extremely rare point mutation at high frequency in the small island of Nguna in the Melanesian archipelago of Vanuatu. Phylogenetic analysis of the mtDNA data indicated that the mutation was present in individuals of separate mtDNA lineages. We propose that the multiple occurrence of a rare mutation event in one isolated locality is highly improbable, and that recombination between different mtDNA types is a more likely explanation for our observation. If correct, this conclusion has important implications for the use of mtDNA in phylogenetic and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

F-like plasmids (FBl, FBl drd, F-lac+) were transferred to the recipient strains E. coli, K-12 with different recombination ability. Then the sensitivity of these strains to ultra-violet irradiation and also the stability of the mentioned plasmids under conditions of bacteria treatment with elimination agents was determined. The presence of any F-like plasmids under study failed to influence the ultra-violet sensitivity of the bacterial cells. On the other hand, the research results of spontaneous and inducec elimination of these plasmids indicated considerable differences in relation to the elimination agents. It is supposed that the stability of individual F-like plasmids in the cells largely depended on the genetic differences in rec A gene in the bacterial cells containing them.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a population of nonsymbiotic Rhizobium leguminosarum strains was determined by the electrophoretic mobilities of eight metabolic enzymes. Nonsymbiotic strains were isolated from the rhizosphere of bean plants and characterized by growth on differential media and at different temperatures, intrinsic antibiotic resistance, the lack of homology to a nifH probe, and their inability to form nodules on bean roots. All the isolates clustered with R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli reference strains and did not encompass any other Rhizobium taxa. Their rRNA operon restriction fragment length polymorphisms and the nucleotide sequence of a fragment of the 16S rRNA gene were also found to be identical to those of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli reference strains. When complemented with an R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli symbiotic plasmid (p42d), the nonsymbiotic isolates were able to fix nitrogen in symbiosis with bean roots at levels similar to those of the parental strain. The symbiotic isolates were found at a relative frequency of 1 in 40 nonsymbiotic R. leguminosarum strains.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a population of nonsymbiotic Rhizobium leguminosarum strains was determined by the electrophoretic mobilities of eight metabolic enzymes. Nonsymbiotic strains were isolated from the rhizosphere of bean plants and characterized by growth on differential media and at different temperatures, intrinsic antibiotic resistance, the lack of homology to a nifH probe, and their inability to form nodules on bean roots. All the isolates clustered with R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli reference strains and did not encompass any other Rhizobium taxa. Their rRNA operon restriction fragment length polymorphisms and the nucleotide sequence of a fragment of the 16S rRNA gene were also found to be identical to those of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli reference strains. When complemented with an R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli symbiotic plasmid (p42d), the nonsymbiotic isolates were able to fix nitrogen in symbiosis with bean roots at levels similar to those of the parental strain. The symbiotic isolates were found at a relative frequency of 1 in 40 nonsymbiotic R. leguminosarum strains.  相似文献   

We recently presented evidence of mitochondrial DNA recombination in humans based on the observation of a rare mutation in several unrelated human lineages in Nguna, a small island in Vanuatu, island Melanesia. Since then, the mutation has been shown to be an artefact caused by misalignment of the DNA sequences. Our previous conclusion, that the presence of a rare mutation on different haplotypic backgrounds was a consequence of genetic recombination, is no longer tenable for these data.  相似文献   

Localization of symbiotic mutations in Rhizobium meliloti   总被引:5,自引:18,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A total of 5 Nod- and 57 Fix- symbiotic mutants of Rhizobium meliloti strain 41 have been isolated after either nitrosoguanidine or Tn5 transposition mutagenesis. Chromosomal locations of mutations in 1 Nod- and 11 Fix- derivatives were ascertained by transferring the chromosome (mobilized by plasmid R68.45), in eight fragments, into symbiotically effective recipients and testing the recombinants for symbiotic phenotype. Alternatively, the kanamycin resistance marker of Tn5 was mapped. In five mutants the fix alleles were localized on different chromosomal regions, but six other fix mutations and one nod mutation tested did not map onto the chromosome. It was shown that the chromosome-mobilizing ability (Cma+) of R68.45 was not involved in the mobilization of genes located extrachromosomally. Moreover, Cma- derivatives of R68.45 could mobilize regions of the indigenous plasmid pRme41b but not chromosomal genes. Thus, mobilization of a marker by Cma- R68.45 indicates its extrachromosomal location. With a 32P-labeled DNA fragment carrying Tn5 as a hybridization probe, it was shown that in five extrachromosomally located Tn5-induced fix mutants and one nod mutant Tn5 was localized on plasmid pRme41b. This is in agreement with the genetic mapping data.  相似文献   

Ten independently generated mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFN42 isolated after Tn5 mutagenesis formed nonmucoid colonies on all agar media tested and lacked detectable production of the normal acidic exopolysaccharide in liquid culture. The mutants were classified into three groups. Three mutants harbored Tn5 insertions on a 3.6-kilobase-pair EcoRI fragment and were complemented to have normal exopolysaccharide production by cosmids that shared an EcoRI fragment of this size from the CFN42 genome. The Tn5 inserts of five other mutants appeared to be located on a second, slightly smaller EcoRI fragment. Attempts to complement mutants of this second group with cloned DNA were unsuccessful. The mutations of the other two mutants were located in apparently adjacent EcoRI fragments carried on two cosmids that complemented those two mutants. The latter two mutants also lacked O-antigen-containing lipopolysaccharides and induced underdeveloped nodules that lacked nitrogenase activity on bean plants. The other eight mutants had normal lipopolysaccharides and wild-type symbiotic proficiencies on bean plants. Mutants in each of these groups were mated with R. leguminosarum strains that nodulated peas (R. leguminosarum biovar viciae) or clovers (R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii). Transfer of the Tn5 mutations resulted in exopolysaccharide-deficient R. leguminosarum biovar viciae or R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii transconjugants that were symbiotically deficient in all cases. These results support earlier suggestions that successful symbiosis with peas or clovers requires that rhizobia be capable of acidic exopolysaccharide production, whereas symbiosis with beans does not have this requirement.  相似文献   

We describe a new approximate likelihood for population genetic data under a model in which a single ancestral population has split into two daughter populations. The approximate likelihood is based on the ‘Product of Approximate Conditionals’ likelihood and ‘copying model’ of Li and Stephens [Li, N., Stephens, M., 2003. Modeling linkage disequilibrium and identifying recombination hotspots using single-nucleotide polymorphism data. Genetics 165 (4), 2213–2233]. The approach developed here may be used for efficient approximate likelihood-based analyses of unlinked data. However our copying model also considers the effects of recombination. Hence, a more important application is to loosely-linked haplotype data, for which efficient statistical models explicitly featuring non-equilibrium population structure have so far been unavailable. Thus, in addition to the information in allele frequency differences about the timing of the population split, the method can also extract information from the lengths of haplotypes shared between the populations. There are a number of challenges posed by extracting such information, which makes parameter estimation difficult. We discuss how the approach could be extended to identify haplotypes introduced by migrants.  相似文献   

Genetic rearrangements of a Rhizobium phaseoli symbiotic plasmid.   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
Different structural changes of the Sym plasmid were found in a Rhizobium phaseoli strain that loses its symbiotic phenotype at a high frequency. These rearrangements affected both nif genes and Tn5 mob insertions in the plasmid, and in some cases they modified the expression of the bacterium's nodulation ability. One of the rearrangements was more frequent in heat-treated cells, but was also found under standard culture conditions; other structural changes appeared to be related to the conjugal transfer of the plasmid.  相似文献   

Lithgow  J.K.  Danino  V. E.  Jones  J.  Downie  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,232(1-2):3-12
Strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum use a cell density-dependent gene regulatory system to assess their population density. This is achieved by the accumulation of N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) in the environment during growth of the bacteria and these AHLs stimulate the induction of various bacterial genes that are up-regulated in the late-exponential and stationary phases of growth. A genetically well-characterised strain of R. leguminosarum biovar viciae was found to have four genes, whose products synthesise different AHLs. We have analysed AHL production by four genetically distinct isolates of R. leguminosarum, three of bv. viciae and one of bv. phaseoli. Distinct differences were seen in the pattern of AHLs produced by the bv. viciae strains compared with bv. phaseoli and the increased levels and diversity of AHLs found in bv. viciae strains can be attributed to the rhiI gene, which is located on the symbiotic (Sym) plasmid and is up-regulated when the bacteria are grown in the rhizosphere. Additional complexity to the profile of AHLs is found to be associated with highly transmissible plasmid pRL1JI of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, but this is not observed with some other strains, including those carrying different transmissible plasmids. In addition to AHLs produced by the products of genes on the symbiotic plasmid, there is clear evidence for the presence of other AHL production loci. Expression levels and patterns of AHLs can change markedly in different growth media. These results indicate that there is a network of quorum-sensing loci in different strains of R. leguminosarum and these loci may play a role in adapting to rhizosphere growth and plasmid transfer.  相似文献   

Evidence of spatial genetic structure in a California bunchgrass population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the scale of genetic variation of purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra), a species commonly used in California for grassland restoration. Common garden and field data revealed evidence of genetic differentiation between two intermixed microhabitats characterized by differences in soil depth and community composition. We assessed the genetic variation within a single population using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data collected from clusters of five individuals in 40 locations. We found no evidence for genetic structure at the whole population level. At smaller spatial scales, however, we found strong evidence that genetic subdivision of the population occurs at the level of the maternal neighborhood. We suggest that the interaction between widespread pollen dispersal and restricted seed dispersal may be the primary factor generating these results; panmictic pollen dispersal will make detection of genetic patterning difficult at larger spatial scales while limited seed dispersal will generate local genetic structure. As a result, the detection of population genetic structure will depend on the spatial scale of analysis. Local selection gradients related to topography and soil depth are also likely to play a role in structuring local genetic variation. Since N. pulchra is widely used in California in grassland and woodland habitat restoration, we suggest that, as a general rule, care should be exercised in transferring germplasm for the purposes of conservation when little is known about the within-population genetic subdivision of a plant species. Received: 23 December 1996 / Accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

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