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Four Pseudomonas species and two Alcaligenes species were isolated from soil with a capacity to grow on halogenated alkanoic acids. They were shown to contain one of five large plasmids. The plasmids had molecular weights ranging from 98,800 to 190,000. They were associated with the ability to utilize the halogenated substrates 2-monochloropropionic acid and 2-monochloroacetic acid and with resistance towards one or more of the heavy metals mercury, selenium, and tellurium. The largest plasmid, pUU204, was shown to be unstable in continuous-flow culture when the organism was supplied with succinate as the sole carbon source. The dehalogenase gene associated with pUU204 appeared to be readily transferred to an incP group plasmid, R68-45.  相似文献   

Conversion of Unsaturated Fatty Acids by Bacteria Isolated from Compost   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A compost mixture amended with soybean oil was enriched in microorganisms that transformed unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs). When oleic acid or 10-ketostearic acid was the selective fatty acid, Sphingobacterium thalpophilum (NRRL B-23206, NRRL B-23208, NRRL B-23209, NRRL B-23210, NRRL B-23211, NRRL B-23212), Acinetobacter spp. (NRRL B-23207, NRRL B-23213), and Enterobacter cloacae (NRRL B-23264, NRRL B-23265, NRRL B-23266) represented isolates that produced either hydroxystearic acid, ketostearic acid, or incomplete decarboxylations. When ricinoleic (12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic) acid was the selective UFA, Enterobacter cloacae (NRRL B-23257, NRRL B-23267) and Escherichia sp. (NRRL B-23259) produced 12-C and 14-C homologous compounds, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (NRRL B-23256, NRRL B-23260) converted ricinoleate to a trihydroxyoctadecenoate product. Also, various Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Serratia spp. appeared to decarboxylate linoleate substrate incompletely. These saprophytic, compost bacteria were aerobic or facultative anaerobic Gram-negative and decomposed UFAs through decarboxylation, hydroxylation, and hydroperoxidation mechanisms. Received: 3 November 1998 / Accepted: 30 November 1998  相似文献   

By means of an aerobic enrichment culture technique, several bacteria that hydrolyze conjugated bile acids and modify the formed deconjugates were isolated from feces of man, rat, and chicken and from soil. Hydrolase activity was intracellular and extractable, and the yield of the enzymes was increased by adding the conjugated bile acids to the culture media. The hydrolase from bacterium of human origin was stable, having a pH optimum at about 7.0. All bile acid conjugates were hydrolyzed linearly as a function of time.  相似文献   

Addition of lard or sodium oleate to the medium used for lipase production by Pseudomonas fragi resulted in a decreased accumulation of lipase in the culture supernatant fluid without affecting cell growth. The production and activity of lipase was inhibited by lard, sodium oleate, and the salts of other unsaturated fatty acids. Some divalent cations, Tweens, lecithin, and bovine serum prevented oleate inhibition, but did not reverse it. Similar inhibitory actions were observed with Geotrichum candidum lipase, but not with a staphylococcal lipase or pancreatic lipase. A protective effect by protein in crude enzyme preparations is indicated. The ability of oleate to lower surface tension does not appear to be related to its ability to inhibit lipase.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of 10 linear unsaturated dimers (I to IV) prepared from styrene and o-, m-, or p-methylstyrene was investigated with two soil bacteria, Alcaligenes sp. strain 559 and Pseudomonas sp. strain 419. The two strains decomposed styrene dimer I and all styrene-methylstyrene codimers II and III, but methylstyrene homodimers IV remained intact. The degradation rates of codimers II and III of o- and m-methylstyrenes were found to depend on both their structure and the strain used; i.e., Alcaligenes sp. strain 559 decomposed III faster than II, whereas the reverse order (II > III) was obtained with Pseudomonas sp. strain 419. In biodegradation by the former strain, the codimers were degraded faster in the presence of styrene dimer I than in its absence, but no such effect of dimer I was observed with the latter.  相似文献   

Degradation of Parathion by Bacteria Isolated from Flooded Soil   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Two bacteria, Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp., were isolated from parathionamended flooded alluvial soil which exhibited parathion-hydrolyzing ability. Bacillus sp. readily liberated nitrite from the hydrolysis product, p-nitrophenol, but not from intact parathion. Pseudomonas sp. hydrolyzed parathion and then released nitrite from p-nitrophenol. These studies establish bacterial degradation of parathion past the p-nitrophenol stage to the end product, nitrite.  相似文献   

Microorganisms which produced n-alkane ω,ω′-dicarboxylic acid (DC) from n-alkane were selected from natural sources. It was found that the best three producers thus obtained belonged to yeast. All of the stock cultures which are able to assimilate n-alkane and are belonged to genus Candida and Pichia were also found to produce DC from n-alkane.

Candida cloacae 310, a representative strain selected from natural source, was able to produce DCs having 5 to 16 carbon atoms from various n-alkanes. Among them, DCs with 5 to 9 carbon atoms were more heavily accumulated than those with more than 9, except those with the same number of carbon atoms as the substrates which were the main products from the substrates with less than 15 carbon atoms. It was also clearly demonstrated that DCs with odd carbons alone were produced from n-alkanes with odd carbons, while DCs with even carbons alone from n-alkanes with even carbons.

Then, cultural conditions of Candida cloacae 310 were studied for the production of DC-12 from n-dodecane (n-C12) which showed the highest yield among the observed accumulation.

Under the optimum conditions, 2.28 g/liter of DC-12 was obtained together with 1.86 g/liter of DC-6 and 0.82 g/liter of DC-8 after 72 hr’ cultivation in a synthetic medium containing 100 ml of n-C12 per liter.  相似文献   

Strain M-l which was derived from Candida cloacae 310 as a mutant unable to assimilate dicarboxylic acid (DC) produced large amount of DCs from n-alkanes, as expected. It produced DCs with the same number of carbon atoms as those of n-alkanes used (9 to 18 carbon atoms). Among DCs produced, n-tetradecane ω,φ′-dicarboxylic acid (DC-16) from n-hexadecane (n-C16) was most abundantly accumulated and the highest level of DC-16, i.e., 29.3g/liter was obtained by resting cells.

On the other hand, since the growth rate of strain M-l on n-alkane markedly decreased in comparison with that of the parent strain, other carbon source which supported the growth of strain M-l was necessary for the production of DC from n-alkane by growing cells. When acetic acid was used as carbon source for the growth in DC-16 production from n-C16, the highest level of DC-16, i.e., 21.8 g/liter was obtained ofter 3 days' cultivation.  相似文献   

By microorganisms dl-isopulegyl acetate was hydrolyzed asymmetrically to give a mixture of l-isopulegol and d-isopulegyl acetate, but dl-neo isopulegyl acetate was not hydrolyzed. Since d-citronellal can be obtained by the thermal decomposition of l-isopulegol, the asymmetrical hydrolysis of dl-isopulegyl acetate means the resolution of dl-citronellal.  相似文献   

Sixty-one strains of alkane-oxidizing bacteria were tested for their ability to oxidize N-(2-hexylamino-4-phenylimidazol-1-yl)-acetamide to imidazol-2-yl amino acids applicable for pharmaceutical purposes. After growth with n-alkane, 15 strains formed different imidazol-2-yl amino acids identified by chemical structure analysis (mass and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry). High yields of imidazol-2-yl amino acids were produced by the strains Gordonia rubropertincta SBUG 105, Gordonia terrae SBUG 253, Nocardia asteroides SBUG 175, Rhodococcus erythropolis SBUG 251, and Rhodococcus erythropolis SBUG 254. Biotransformation occurred via oxidation of the alkyl side chain and produced 1-acetylamino-4-phenylimidazol-2-yl-6-aminohexanoic acid and the butanoic acid derivative. In addition, the acetylamino group of these products and of the substrate was transformed to an amino group. The product pattern as well as the transformation pathway of N-(2-hexylamino-4-phenylimidazol-1-yl)-acetamide differed in the various strains used.  相似文献   

Characterization of Bacteria by Their Degradation of Amino Acids   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure for detecting the degradation of amino acids by microorganisms is described, and examples of its use in the characterization of bacteria are presented. The procedure involves inoculating a buffered solution of amino acids with a suspension of bacteria, incubating, chromatographing a sample of the suspension, and detecting degradation in terms of absence of ninhydrin-positive spots.  相似文献   

By selected microorganisms dl-carvomenthyl acetate, dl-isocarvomenthyl acetate and dl-neo isocarvomenthyl acetate were asymmetrically hydrolyzed to l-carvomenthol with d-carvomenthyl acetate, l-isocarvomenthol with d-isocarvomenthyl acetate and d-neo isocarvomenthol with l-neo isocarvomenthyl acetate respectively; dl-neo carvomenthyl acetate was not hydrolyzed.  相似文献   

Separation and Purification of Bacteria from Soil   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteria were released and separated from soil by a simple blending-centrifugation procedure. The percent yield of bacterial cells (microscopic counts) in the supernatants varied over a wide range depending on the soil type. The superantants contained large amounts of noncellular organic material and clay particles. Further purification of the bacterial cells was obtained by centrifugation in density gradients, whereby the clay particles and part of the organic materials sedimented. A large proportion of the bacteria also sedimented through the density gradient, showing that they had a buoyant density above 1.2 g/ml. Attachment to clay minerals and humic material may account for this apparently high buoyant density. The percent yield of cells was negatively correlated with the clay content of the soils, whereas the purity was positively correlated with it. The cell size distribution and the relative frequency of colony-forming cells were similar in the soil homogenate, the supernatants after blending-centrifugation, and the purified bacterial fraction. In purified bacterial fraction from a clay loam, the microscopically measured biomass could account for 20 to 25% of the total C and 30 to 40% of the total N as cellular C and N. The amount of cellular C and N may be higher, however, owing to an underestimation of the cell diameter during fluorescence. A part of the contamination could be ascribed to extracellular structures as well as partly decayed cells, which were not revealed by fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

A rapid infiltration land wastewater application site, composed of unconsolidated silty sand and gravel, which has been in continuous operation for over 30 years was examined for the accumulation and/or migration of a tracer virus (coliphage f2), indigenous enteroviruses, and enteric indicator bacteria in the soils and underlying groundwater. Tracer f2 penetrated into groundwater together with the front of percolating primary effluent and was not observed to concentrate on the upper soil layers. The tracer virus concentration in a 60-foot (about 18.3-m)-deep observation well directly beneath the wastewater application area began to increase within 48 h after application to the soil. The tracer level in this well stabilized after 72 h at a level of approximately 47% of the average applied concentration. Indigenous enteroviruses and tracer f2 were sporadically detected in the groundwater at horizontal distances of 600 feet (about 183 m) from the application zone. Laboratory soil adsorption studies confirmed the poor virus adsorption observed at the site. This was especially true on surface soils when contained in wastewater. Enteric indicator bacteria were readily concentrated on the soil surface by filtration on the soil surface mat. However, during tracer f2 virus tests, comparison studies with fecal Streptococcus revealed that bacteria capable of penetrating the surface were able to migrate into the groundwater. They were detected at the same locations as tracer and enteric viruses.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with the availability of the acyl derivatives of lysine for the growth of young rats in the course of studying the enzymatic resolution of dl-lysine with mold acylase. The enzymatic resolution of dl-lysine to optically-active l and d-isomers was carried out in either of the following two ways, namely, the asymmetric hydrolysis of diacetyl-dl-lysine or that of ε-benzoyl-α-acetyl-dl-lysine.

The oral administration of ε-acetyl-l-lysine to rats fed on the lysine-deficient diet supported the growth of young rats at a rate approximately two-thirds of that observed when l-lysine was supplied. ε-Benzoyl-l-lysine proved to be quite ineffective while diacetyl lysine showed a slight but insignificant increase in body weight.  相似文献   

The mold acylase of Aspergillus and Penicillium which hydrolyzes, asymmetrically, only the l-isomer of N-acylated dl-amino acids has been purified previously by the present authors. In this paper the application of asymmetric hydrolysis with the mold acylase to the resolution of N-acylated dl-amino acids, namely, acetylderivatives of dl-tryptophan, dl-leucine and dl-alanine is described. By this enzymatic procedure, the above amino acids were resolved in relatively good yields. It has been noted that the use of the mold acylase is suitable for general resolution of amino acid enantiomorphs of high optical purity.  相似文献   

Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria from the soil of white clover-ryegrass pastures were screened for their ability to nodulate white clover (Trifolium repens) cultivar Grasslands Huia and for DNA homology with genomic DNA from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii ICMP2668 (NZP582). Of these strains, 3.2% were able to hybridize with strain ICMP2668 and nodulate white clover and approximately 19% hybridized but were unable to nodulate. Strains which nodulated but did not hybridize with strain ICMP2668 were not detected. DNA from R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii (strain PN165) cured of its symbiotic (Sym) plasmid and a specific nod probe were used to show that the relationship observed was usually due to chromosomal homology. Plasmid pPN1, a cointegrate of the broad-host-range plasmid R68.45 and a symbiotic plasmid pRtr514a, was transferred by conjugation to representative strains of nonnodulating, gram-negative, rod-shaped soil bacteria. Transconjugants which formed nodules were obtained from 6 of 18 (33%) strains whose DNA hybridized with that of PN165 and 1 of 9 (11%) strains containing DNA which did not hybridize with that of PN165. The presence and location of R68.45 and nod genes was confirmed in transconjugants from three of the strains which formed nodules. Similarly, a pLAFR1 cosmid containing nod genes from a derivative of R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii NZP514 formed nodules when transferred to soil bacteria.  相似文献   

The culture filtrate of a strain of Bacillus subtilis decomposed ribonucleic acid into 5′-nucleotides and into other intermediates which released orthophosphate by an arsenate-resistant phosphatase. Under the best conditions examined in these experiments, about 50 per cent of ribonucleic acid was converted into 5′-nucleotides.

The culture filtrate of a strain of Bacillus brevis showed slight activities of ribonuclease and/or phosphodiesterase which produced 5′-nucleotides from ribonucleic acid, but showed predominant activity of 5′-adenylic acid degrading phosphatase.  相似文献   

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