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Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization under Square-Wave Conditions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Experiments were designed to study chlorine dioxide (CD) gas sterilization under square-wave conditions. By using controlled humidity, gas concentration, and temperature at atmospheric pressure, standard biological indicators (BIs) and spore disks of environmental isolates were exposed to CD gas. The sporicidal activity of CD gas was found to be concentration dependent. Prehumidification enhanced the CD activity. The D values (time required for 90% inactivation) of Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger ATCC 9372 BIs were estimated to be 1.5, 2.5, and 4.2 min when exposed to CD concentrations of 30, 15, and 7 mg/liter, respectively, at 23°C and ambient (20 to 40%) relative humidity (RH). Survivor tailings were observed. Prehumidification of BIs to 70 to 75% RH in an environmental chamber for 30 min resulted in a D value of 1.6 min after exposure to a concentration of 6 to 7 mg of CD per liter at 23°C and eliminated survivor tailing. Prolonging prehumidification at 70 to 75% RH for up to 16 h did not further improve the inactivation rate. Prehumidification by ultrasonic nebulization was found to be more effective than prehumidification in the environmental chamber, improving the D value to 0.55 min at a CD concentration of 6 to 7 mg/liter. Based on the current observations, CD gas is estimated, on a molar concentration basis, to be 1,075 times more potent than ethylene oxide as a sterilant at 30°C. A comparative study showed B. subtilis var. niger BIs were more resistant than other types of BIs and most of the tested bacterial spores of environmental isolates.  相似文献   

Effect of Nutrient Concentration on the Growth of Escherichia coli   总被引:26,自引:10,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
The relationship between specific growth rate of Escherichia coli and the concentration of limiting nutrient (glucose or phosphate or tryptophan) has been determined for populations in a steady state. At high concentrations the specific growth rate is independent of the concentration of nutrient, but at low concentrations the specific growth rate is a strong function of the nutrient concentration. Such a relationship was predicted by Monod; however, Monod's equation does not predict the relationship over the entire range of nutrient concentration. If parameters of the equation are estimated from the results obtained at low concentrations, then at high concentrations of nutrient, the specific growth rate is significantly higher than that predicted by Monod's equation. These results were interpreted on the basis that the rate of growth is controlled by at least two parallel reactions and that the affinities of the enzymes catalyzing these reactions are different. The relationship between specific growth rate and mean cell volume was also measured, and the results indicate that mean cell volume depends not only on the specific growth rate but also on the nature of the limiting nutrient. There are different mean cell volumes at the same specific growth rate established by different limiting nutrients. Therefore, the mean cell volume is not uniquely determined by the specific growth rate.  相似文献   

Inhibition of growth and division of Escherichia coli by spectinomycin is reversible, and the kinetics of its interference with deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acid synthesis may be interpreted as secondary effects of inhibition of protein synthesis on the ribosome. Spontaneous mutations to spectinomycin resistance occur in E. coli K-12 at a rate of about 2 x 10(-10). Resistance is transducible with a discrete lag in phenotypic expression, and the kinetics of its development is about the same as that for streptomycin resistance. All spectinomycin-resistant mutants tested contain resistant ribosomes, and all map in a locus (spc) counterclockwise to and 70% cotransducible with the classical str locus. Differences in the residual drug sensitivity of various spectinomycin-resistant mutants, and of their ribosomes, indicate the existence of more than one phenotypic class of resistance.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase are markedly influenced by the manner in which the organism is grown. Enzyme obtained from stationary-phase cells grown on glycerol and glutamate is strongely inhibited by each of the eight feedback effectors known to influence this enzyme; however, the enzyme from log-phase cells grown on glucose and growth-limiting concentrations of NH(4)Cl is stimulated by some of these effectors. Of the growth variables examined, nitrogen source and time of harvest were the most important; carbon source and aeration seemed to have no effect. Two purified enzyme preparations have been obtained from cells grown under two different conditions, designated enzymes I and II for convenience. Enzyme I is stimulated by adenosine 5'-monophosphate, histidine, and tryptophan in the transfer assay, whereas enzyme II is strongly inhibited by all effectors tested. Enzyme I has a higher specific activity in the forward assay in the presence of Mg(++) or Co(++), whereas enzyme II is more active in the presence of Mn(++).  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli on selenate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity of Escherichia coli B/r harvested at various times during growth in batch cultures was measured. The results showed a period of increased UV sensitivity in late log phase, just before the cultures entered stationary phase. This increase in sensitivity was associated with a decreased shoulder in the UV survival curves. The postirradiation division delay of survivors was shortest for cells harvested during the period of maximal sensitivity. This period of increased UV sensitivity during late log phase was not found in the radiation-sensitive, repair-deficient mutant B(s-1) (a strain which is unable to excise pyrimidine dimers from UV-damaged deoxyribonucleic acid). These results suggest that the variation in UV sensitivity of E. coli B/r as a function of time of harvesting of the cells from batch cultures is related to the varying capacities of these populations to repair UV-damaged deoxyribonucleic acid. Further experiments designed to elucidate the mechanism underlying this variation in UV sensitivity indicated that it arises from the partial depletion of nutrients in the medium during late log phase. We suggest that growth in such depleted media leads to a depression in the intercellular concentration or activity of one or more of the repair enzymes concerned with the repair of damaged deoxyribonucleic acid.  相似文献   

Studies with methionineless strains of Escherichia coli WWU and Bacillus megaterium KM have shown that selenomethionine only partially satisfies their methionine requirement.  相似文献   

Effect of Decreasing Growth Temperature on Cell Yield of Escherichia coli   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Studies of the relationship between yield coefficient and growth rate, as affected by temperature of growth, in Escherichia coli have shown that, over a wide range of temperature, yield is relatively constant until the specific growth rate falls below about 0.2 hr(-1), at which point the yield begins to fall off precipitously. No intermediates of glucose metabolism in a form utilizable at higher temperatures could be found in the medium, and no toxic product was produced which limited growth. At 10 C, 37% of the carbon from glucose-UL-(14)C was assimilated into cellular material, whereas, at 30 C, 53% was assimilated. Cells grown at 10 C contained more carbohydrate than did cells grown at 37 C, and the glycogen-to-protein ratio of cells grown at 10 C was approximately three times higher than that of cells grown at 37 C. Adenosine triphosphatase activities of cells grown at 10 and 35 C were similar. Growth rates on glucose, glycerol, and succinate were quite similar at 10 C, but at 35 C growth was most rapid on glucose and slowest on succinate. The data suggest that the decrease in yield with decrease in temperature is a result of uncoupling of energy production from energy utilization.  相似文献   

Narkates, Annie J. (Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Ala.), and Robert F. Pittillo. Influence of inoculum media on sensitivity of Escherichia coli to azaserine. J. Bacteriol. 90:710-714. 1965.-Escherichia coli grown in a simple synthetic medium is more than 100-fold more sensitive to inhibition by azaserine than E. coli grown in complex, undefined organic medium. The work reported here offers two explanations for this observed effect: (i) concentration within the cell from the complex medium of a specific azaserine-reversing metabolite (nicotinic acid), and (ii) stimulation by exogenous metabolite(s) of intracellular synthesis of azaserine-reversing agents.  相似文献   

L Chao 《Mutation research》1986,173(1):25-29
We have analyzed the role of RNA polymerase in DNA repair using the antibiotic rifampicin which binds specifically to the beta subunit of the enzyme. Several DNA-repair-deficient strains such as recA, uvr, and polA, and their isogenic parents were used for this study. All repair-deficient strains were found to be hypersensitive to rifampicin killing. Compared to the isogenic parent strains, recA strains are about 50 times more sensitive and the polA strain is about 100 times more sensitive to rifampicin killing. UvrA and uvrB strains are slightly more sensitive to rifampicin than the wild-type strains. The hypersensitivity of repair-deficient strains to rifampicin killing is totally abolished by the introduction of rifampicin-resistant mutations into these strains. We have examined the effect of rifampicin on RNA and protein synthesis in repair-deficient and -proficient strains. RNA and protein synthesis were found to be inhibited by rifampicin to the same extent among all the strains tested. The results also show that the resumption of DNA synthesis was significantly disrupted in DNA-repair-deficient strains following drug removal. Taken together these results suggest that RNA polymerase plays an essential role in DNA metabolism and such function may be replaced by polA and recA gene products and to a lesser extend by uvrA and uvrB gene products.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to elevated temperatures in exrB strains of Escherichia coli   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Knowledge about the sensitivity of the test organism is essential for the evaluation of any disinfection method. In this work we show that sensitivity of Escherichia coli MG1655 to three physical stresses (mild heat, UVA light, and sunlight) that are relevant in the disinfection of drinking water with solar radiation is determined by the specific growth rate of the culture. Batch- and chemostat-cultivated cells from cultures with similar specific growth rates showed similar stress sensitivities. Generally, fast-growing cells were more sensitive to the stresses than slow-growing cells. For example, slow-growing chemostat-cultivated cells (D = 0.08 h−1) and stationary-phase bacteria from batch culture that were exposed to mild heat had very similar T90 (time until 90% of the population is inactivated) values (T90, chemostat = 2.66 h; T90, batch = 2.62 h), whereas T90 for cells growing at a μ of 0.9 h−1 was 0.2 h. We present evidence that the stress sensitivity of E. coli is correlated with the intracellular level of the alternative sigma factor RpoS. This is also supported by the fact that E. coli rpoS mutant cells were more stress sensitive than the parent strain by factors of 4.9 (mild heat), 5.3 (UVA light), and 4.1 (sunlight). Furthermore, modeling of inactivation curves with GInaFiT revealed that the shape of inactivation curves changed depending on the specific growth rate. Inactivation curves of cells from fast-growing cultures (μ = 1.0 h−1) that were irradiated with UVA light showed a tailing effect, while for slow-growing cultures (μ = 0.3 h−1), inactivation curves with shoulders were obtained. Our findings emphasize the need for accurate reporting of specific growth rates and detailed culture conditions in disinfection studies to allow comparison of data from different studies and laboratories and sound interpretation of the data obtained.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet Sensitivity Gene of Escherichia coli B   总被引:14,自引:11,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The ultraviolet sensitivity gene of Escherichia coli B was introduced into a K-12 recipient by transduction with phage P1. The uvs gene of E. coli B is cotransducible with the proC locus of K-12, is closely linked to tsx, is not linked to lacZ, and only rarely to purE. The transductants are mucoid, filamentous on irradiation, and show plating-medium response. The order of markers is lacZ proC tsx uvs purE.  相似文献   

The metabolism of phospholipids of Escherichia coli was studied under conditions which inhibit various metabolic processes. Phospholipid synthesis and turnover were not inhibited by growth-inhibitory amounts of various antibiotics. Turnover of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) was inhibited by small amounts of dinitrophenol and by anaerobiosis. Turnover of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), which is not detected in control cultures, was demonstrated under conditions of incipient lysis. When cells were shifted down from a rich to a poor medium, PE synthesis was inhibited, and incorporation of glycerol into the distal position of PG was stimulated. Under these conditions, turnover of the phosphate and the acylated glycerol moieties of PG was inhibited. Increased synthesis of PE was detected when filamentous cells were induced to make septa. The results indicate that PE synthesis is related to growth and cell division, whereas PG metabolism is related to other cell processes.  相似文献   

Oxidation of glutathione within Escherichia coli cells by diamide, (CH(3))(2)NCON=NCON(CH(3))(2), stops growth but does not cause cell death. Normal growth rates are resumed after periods which vary in length according to the diamide concentration. Consumption of excess reagent with added glutathione quickly reverses the inhibition. Another thiol-oxidizing agent, azoester, C(6)H(5)N=NCOOCH(3), causes lysis.  相似文献   

The role of plasma membrane on the acriflavine sensitivity of Escherichia coli was studied. (14)C-uracil incorporation into ribonucleic acid fraction by spheroplasts was more sensitive to acriflavine in the acriflavine-sensitive strain (genotype acrA) than in the acriflavine-resistant (genotype acrA(+)) strain. There was no difference between two types of cells in the response to osmotic shock, phage sensitivity, and other treatments used to investigate the structure and stability of cell wall. Differences in the electron-microscopic figures between acrA and acrA(+) cells was found in the plasma membrane, surface area just below the membrane, and ribosomal aggregation, when cells were treated with acriflavine. It is concluded that a primary site of acriflavine action is on the plasma membrane, and the acrA mutation is mediated by it. On the basis of the present results, it is evident that differences in the acriflavine binding and the sensitivity to phenethyl alcohol and sodium dodecyl sulfate between the acrA and acrA(+) strains, previously reported, are attributable to a structural difference in the plasma membrane between the two strains.  相似文献   

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