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A direct comparison of [H]thymidine incorporation with DNA synthesis was made by using an exponentially growing estuarine bacterial isolate and the naturally occurring bacterial populations in a eutrophic subtropical estuary and in oligotrophic offshore waters. Simultaneous measurements of [H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, fluorometrically determined DNA content, and direct counts were made over time. DNA synthesis estimated from thymidine incorporation values was compared with fluorometrically determined changes in DNA content. Even after isotope dilution, nonspecific macromolecular labeling, and efficiency of DNA recovery were accounted for, [H]thymidine incorporation consistently underestimated DNA synthesized by six- to eightfold. These results indicate that although the relationship of [H]thymidine incorporation to DNA synthesis appears consistent, there are significant sources of thymine bases incorporated into DNA which cannot be accounted for by standard [H]thymidine incorporation and isotope dilution assays.  相似文献   

An adaptation of the ethidium bromide technique for the analysisof nucleic acids is presented for marine phytoplankton. Themethod involves an initial homogenization of cells in phosphatebuffered saline, followed by incubation of subsamples of thecell homogenate in the presence and absence of ribonudease.Quantities of DNA and DNA + RNA in the respective sub-samplesare then determined by reaction with ethidium bromide. An evaluationis made of appropriate levels of bentonite required in the assayto inhibit endogenous cellular ribonucleases. Two nucleoproteindissociating agents, pronase and heparin, are also investigatedfor their capacities to enhance nucleic add fluorescence yield.The final recommended method resulted in maximum measured levelsof RNA and DNA in phytoplankton samples tested. The method canbe rapidly performed, involves a minimum amount of sample manipulation,and yields numbers having a high degree of precision. 1Current address: School of Fisheries, University of Washington,WH-l0, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. 2Current address: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, WestBoothbay Harbor, ME 04575, USA.  相似文献   

Changing rates of DNA and RNA synthesis in Drosophila embryos   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Rates of DNA and RNA synthesis during Drosophila embryogenesis were measured by labeling octane-treated embryos with [14C]thymidine and [3H]uridine. Radioactivity incorporated per hour was converted to rates of synthesis using measurements of the pool-specific activity during the labeling periods. The rate of DNA synthesis during early embryogenesis increases to a maximum at 6 hr after oviposition and then decreases sharply. Measured rates of DNA synthesis were used to calculate that the total amount of DNA per embryo doubles every 18 min at blastoderm, every 70–80 min during gastrulation, and less than once every 7 hr at later stages. The rate of RNA accumulation per embryo increases continuously during the first 14 hr of embryogenesis. The rate of nuclear RNA synthesis per diploid amount of DNA, however, decreases fivefold between blastoderm and primary organogenesis. The cytoplasmic poly(A)+ RNA synthesized by blastoderm embryos associates rapidly with polysomes. The relatively high rate of synthesis of polysomal poly(A)+ RNA per nucleus at blastoderm allows the small number of nuclei present at blastoderm to make a significant quantitative contribution to the informational RNA active in the early embryo. At the end of blastoderm, approximately 14% of the mRNA being translated in the embryo has been synthesized after fertilization.  相似文献   

The nucleic acid synthesis rates of several marine phytoplankton and bacteria grown in chemostat and batch cultures were measured by using [3H]adenine. The [3H]adenine synthesis rates showed excellent agreement with the known rates of synthesis estimated from chemical RNA and DNA data. Under certain conditions, RNA turnover and ATP pool compartmentalization produce inaccuracies in synthesis measurements made with [3H]adenine. However, accurate measurements of the rates of microbial RNA and DNA synthesis can be made in any environmental situation provided a few simple precautions are observed. First, time course experiments are recommended. Second, experiments should be conducted for periods long enough to avoid problems arising from disequilibria of internal ATP pools. Finally, exogenous [3H]adenine should remain in the medium over the length of the time course.  相似文献   

By relating the specific radioactivity, size, and turnover of the labeled thymidine triphosphate pool to DNA synthesis, it was shown that the 32- to 38-hour interval of cotton seedling (Gossypium barbadense L.) germination was the peak period of DNA synthesis within the radicle tip during a total germination time of 48 hours at 35 C.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure for measuring the specific radioactivity of phenylalanine in tissues was developed. This facilitates the accurate determination of rates of protein synthesis in a wide range of tissues by injection of 150 mumol of L-[4-(3)H]phenylalanine/100 g body wt. The large dose of amino acid results in a rapid rise in specific radioactivity of free phenylalanine in tissues to values close to that in plasma, followed by a slow but linear fall. This enables the rate of protein synthesis to be calculated from measurements of the specific radioactivity of free and protein-bound phenylalanine in tissues during a 10 min period after injection of radioisotope.  相似文献   

Summary The title compound was prepared by a three-stage enzymatic procedure consisting of (i) RNA hydrolysis to a mixture of ribonucleosides using intact mycelium of Spicaria violacea, (ii) transribosylation of exogenous adenine employing whole cells of Escherichia coli as a biocatalyst, and (iii) conversion of formed adenosine into ATP by the enzymes of alcohol fermentation and the kinases extracted from baker's yeast.  相似文献   

Summary The development, advantages and disadvantages of using the amino acid flooding dose technique to determinein vivo rates of protein synthesis are examined in this review. A discussion of the use of this procedure in animals greater than 5 kg is included. The flooding dose procedure reduces the disparity between isotope enrichment in different amino acid precursor pools, which should theoretically improve the precision and accuracy of protein synthesis measurements. However, the possibility must be considered that the large doses of amino acids injected or infused in conjunction with this technique may influence protein turnover due to attendant metabolic effects. Therefore, a judicious choice of an amino acid and an evaluation of the experimental parameters involved in this procedure are required to optimize the accuracy of results obtained.Scientific Paper No. 710. Agriculture Canada, Lacombe Research Station, Bag Service 5000, Lacombe, Alberta T0C 1S0.  相似文献   

Incorporation of leucine and valine into proteins of freshwater bacteria as a measure of bacterial production was tested in two eutrophic Danish lakes and was related to bacterial production measured by thymidine incorporation. In a depth profile (0 to 8 m) in Frederiksborg Castle Lake, incorporation of 100 nM leucine and valine gave similar rates of protein production. In terms of carbon, this production was about 50% lower than incorporation of 10 nM thymidine. In another depth profile in the same lake, incorporations of 10 nM valine and 100 nM leucine were identical, but differed from incorporations of 10 nM leucine and 100 nM valine. Bacterial carbon production calculated from incorporations of 10 nM thymidine and 10 nM leucine was similar, whereas 10 nM valine and 100 nM leucine and valine indicated an up to 2.4-fold-higher rate of carbon production. In a diel study in Lake Bagsvaerd, incorporation of 100 nM leucine and valine indicated a similar protein production, but the calculated carbon production was about 1.9-fold higher than the production based on uptake of 10 nM thymidine. Different diel changes in incorporation of the two amino acids and in incorporation of thymidine were observed. In both lakes, concentrations of naturally occurring leucine and valine were <5 nM in most samples. This means that the specific activity of a H isotope added at a concentration of 100 nM usually was diluted a maximum of 5%. Net assimilation of natural free amino acids in the lakes sustained 8 to 69% of the net bacterial carbon requirement, estimated from incorporation of leucine, valine, or thymidine. The present results indicate that incorporation of leucine and valine permits realistic measurements of bacterial production in freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Commercial [methyl-3H]thymidine preparations tested here contain about a 0.2% contaminant which is rapidly incorporated into Chlamydomonas DNA. This contaminant obscures the measurement of the rate of chloroplast DNA synthesis when methyl-labeled preparations are used. Such contaminants are not present in ring-labeled (either 3H or 14C) thymidine preparations. In ring-labeled thymidine preparations, a slower incorporation rate commensurate with cell density is observed. These slower, long-term incorporation kinetics would be expected for the utilization of bona fide thymidine into chloroplast DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Two methods were compared for estimating of Gibberella fujikuroi grown with different proportions of glucose and starch. They were, =Ln2 (Vr/Le) on Petri dish (Vr= rate of tip extension and Le= mean hyphal length) and, 2=d (LnX)/dt in stirred fermenter. Values of 1 and 2 were in close agreement with each other.  相似文献   

A radiometric technique for measuring as little as 1 × 10?13 moles (100 femtomoles) of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is presented. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) (EC is used to oxidize 1-[3H]-ethanol to acetaldehyde in the presence of NAD. The [3H]-NAD so produced is used to reduce pyruvate to [3H]-lactate in the presence of lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) (EC In this manner, [3H]-lactate is generated, and NAD is regenerated, permitting the reactions to cycle.After a suitable incubation period, unreacted 1-[3H]-ethanol and acetaldehyde in the reaction mixture are evaporated. Nonvolatile [3H]-lactate is quantitated in a scintillation spectrometer. The applicability of the technique to the measurement of NAD in isolated islets of Langerhans is presented.  相似文献   

The following correlations were revealed in the parallel study of leukocyte migration in vitro in the presence of a specific antigen and of spontaneous RNA and DNA synthesis in the cultured lymphocytes: 1) a direct correlation between the RNA and DNA synthesis in lymphocytes; 2) a close correlation between the antigen-induced migration and the levels of RNA and DNA synthesis. The effect of the antigen was evidenced by the inhibition or stimulation of leukocyte migration. A high ratio of RNA synthesis to DNA synthesis corresponded to the migration inhibition and a low one--to the migration stimulation. The ratio value varied mainly on account of the changes in the level of DNA synthesis. Participation of T and B cells in the regulation of the antigen-induced leukocyte mobility is discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli and bacteriophage T4 DNA containing [2-3H]adenine accumulated crosslinks between the complementary strands. For T4 DNA stored in frozen solution there were 0.41 to 0.54 crosslinks formed per tritium decay. The crosslinks were demonstrated both by an increased DNA sedimentation rate in alkaline sucrose gradients and by an increasing amount of DNA that renatured quickly after denaturation by heat or alkali. Single-strand breaks were also formed with an efficiency of 0.08 to 0.50 breaks per tritium decay. DNA containing both [8-3H]adenine and [8-3H]guanine showed no crosslinking but did undergo single-strand breaks at a rate of 0.08 per tritium decay. T4 bacteriophage containing [2-3H]adenine lost plaque-forming ability when stored at 4 °C, with 0.34 lethal hits per tritium decay, whereas the same phage labeled with a mixture of [8-3H]adenine and [8-3H]guanine sustained only 0.12 lethal hits per tritium decay. The loss of plaque-forming ability in the latter case is probably due to a radiation effect from the emitted beta particle; the high lethal efficiency for tritium decay at 2-adenine is probably caused either by crosslinks between complementary strands or from some undetected lesion produced in the DNA.  相似文献   

Transferrin synthesis was measured directly in man by the [14C]carbonate method. The mean fractional synthesis rate was 10.7% of the intravascular transferrin pool per day, equivalent to 10.6 mg transferrin/kg body wt/day.  相似文献   

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