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Ligand-induced conformational changes in cytosolic protein kinase C   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The changes in intrinsic spectral properties of protein kinase C were monitored upon association with its divalent cation and lipid activators in a model membrane system. The enzyme demonstrated changes in both its intrinsic fluorescence and far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra upon association with lipid vesicles in the absence of calcium. The acidic phospholipid, phosphatidylserine, significantly quenched the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and was also the most potent lipid support for the phosphorylating activity of the enzyme. The enzyme was fully activated by a number of Ca2(+)-lipid combinations which correlated with maximal fluorescence quenching (40-50%) of available tryptophan residues in hydrophobic domains. The circular dichroism structure of the associated active-protein Ca2(+)-lipid complexes suggested different active enzyme secondary structures. However, the Ca2(+)-dependent changes in fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra were observed only after the enzyme associated with the lipid vesicles. These data suggest that protein kinase C has the properties of a complex multidomain protein and provides an additional perspective into the mechanism of protein kinase C activation.  相似文献   

Acyl-coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) thioesterases play a crucial role in the metabolism of activated fatty acids, coenzyme A, and other metabolic precursor molecules including arachidonic acid and palmitic acid. These enzymes hydrolyze coenzyme A from acyl-CoA esters to mediate a range of cellular functions including β-oxidation, lipid biosynthesis, and signal transduction. Here, we present the crystal structure of a hexameric hot-dog domain-containing acyl-CoA thioesterase from Bacillus halodurans in the apo-form and provide structural and comparative analyses to the coenzyme A-bound form to identify key conformational changes induced upon ligand binding. We observed dramatic ligand-induced changes at both the hot-dog dimer and the trimer-of-dimer interfaces; the dimer interfaces in the apo-structure differ by over 20% and decrease to about half the size in the ligand-bound state. We also assessed the specificity of the enzyme against a range of fatty acyl-CoA substrates and have identified a preference for short-chain fatty acyl-CoAs. Coenzyme A was shown both to negatively regulate enzyme activity, representing a direct inhibitory feedback, and consistent with the structural data, to destabilize the quaternary structure of the enzyme. Coenzyme A-induced conformational changes in the C-terminal helices of enzyme were assessed through mutational analysis and shown to play a role in regulating enzyme activity. The conformational changes are likely to be conserved from bacteria through to humans and provide a greater understanding, particularly at a structural level, of thioesterase function and regulation.  相似文献   

Recent x-ray crystallographic studies of the acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP) suggest that loop C, found at the circumference of the pentameric molecule, shows distinctive conformational changes upon antagonist and agonist occupation. We have employed hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to examine the influence of bound ligands on solvent exposure of AChBP. Quantitative measurements of deuterium incorporation are possible for approximately 56% of the Lymnaea AChBP sequence, covering primarily the outer surface of AChBP. In the apoprotein, two regions flanking the ligand occupation site at the subunit interface, loop C (residues 175-193) and loop F (residues 164-171), show greater extents of solvent exchange than other regions of the protein including the N- and C-terminal regions. Occupation by nicotinic agonists, epibatidine and lobeline, and nicotinic antagonists, methyllycaconitine, alpha-bungarotoxin, and alpha-cobratoxin, markedly restricts the exchange of loop C amide protons, influencing both the rates and degrees of exchange. Solvent exposure of loop C and its protection by ligand suggest that in the apoprotein, loop C exhibits rapid fluctuations in an open conformation. Bound agonists restrict solvent exposure through loop closure, whereas the larger antagonists restrict solvent exposure largely through occlusion of solvent. Loop F, found on the complementary subunit surface at the interface, also reveals ligand selective changes in amide proton exchange rates. Agonists do not affect solvent accessibility of loop F, whereas certain antagonists cause subtle accessibility changes. These results reveal dynamic states and fluctuating movements in the vicinity of the binding site for unligated AChBP that can be influenced selectively by ligands.  相似文献   

Dong A  Malecki JM  Lee L  Carpenter JF  Lee JC 《Biochemistry》2002,41(21):6660-6667
Cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) regulates the expression of a large number of genes in E. coli. It is activated by cAMP binding, which leads to some yet undefined conformational changes. These changes do not involve significant redistribution of secondary structures. A potential mechanism of activation is a ligand-induced change in structural dynamics. Hence, the cAMP-mediated conformational and structural dynamics changes in the wild-type CRP were investigated using hydrogen-deuterium exchange and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Upon cAMP binding, the two functional domains within the wild-type CRP undergo conformational and structural dynamics changes in two opposite directions. While the smaller DNA-binding domain becomes more flexible, the larger cAMP-binding domain shifts to a less dynamic conformation, evidenced by a faster and a slower amide H-D exchange, respectively. To a lesser extent, binding of cGMP, a nonfunctional analogue of cAMP, also stabilizes the cAMP-binding domain, but it fails to mimic the relaxation effect of cAMP on the DNA-binding domain. Despite changes in the conformation and structural dynamics, cAMP binding does not alter significantly the secondary structural composition of the wild-type CRP. The apparent difference between functional and nonfunctional analogues of cAMP is the ability of cAMP to effect an increase in the dynamic motions of the DNA binding domain.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the conformational dynamics of a protein is key to understanding its biochemical and biophysical properties. In the present work we investigated the dynamic properties of the enzymatic domain of DNase colicins via time-resolved fluorescence and anisotropy decay analysis in combination with steady-state acrylamide quenching experiments. The dynamic properties of the apoenzyme were compared to those of the E9 DNase ligated to the transition metal ion Zn(2+) and the natural inhibitor Im9. We further investigated the contributions of each of the two tryptophans within the E9 DNase (Trp22 and Trp58) using two single-tryptophan mutants (E9 W22F and E9 W58F). Wild-type E9 DNase, E9 W22F, and E9 W58F, as well as Im9, showed multiple lifetime decays. The time-resolved and steady-state fluorescence results indicated that complexation of E9 DNase with Zn(2+) induces compaction of the E9 DNase structure, accompanied by immobilization of Trp22 along with a reduced solvent accessibility for both tryptophans. Im9 binding resulted in immobilization of Trp22 along with a decrease in the longest lifetime component. In contrast, Trp58 experienced less restriction on complexation of E9 DNase with Im9 and showed an increase in the longest lifetime component. Furthermore, the results point out that the Im9-induced changes in the conformational dynamics of E9 DNase are predominant and occur independently of the Zn(2+)-induced conformational effects.  相似文献   

In order to investigate systematically substrate and cofactor-induced conformational changes in the enzyme dehydroquinate synthase (DHQS), eight structures representing a series of differently liganded states have been determined in a total of six crystal forms. DHQS in the absence of the substrate analogue carbaphosphonate, either unliganded or in the presence of NAD or ADP, is in an open form where a relative rotation of 11-13 degrees between N and C-terminal domains occurs.Analysis of torsion angle difference plots between sets of structures reveals eight rearrangements that appear relevant to domain closure and a further six related to crystal packing. Overlapping 21 different copies of the individual N and C-terminal DHQS domains further reveals a series of pivot points about which these movements occur and illustrates the way in which widely separated secondary structure elements are mechanically inter-linked to form "composite elements", which propagate structural changes across large distances.This analysis has provided insight into the basis of DHQS ligand-initiated domain closure and gives rise to the proposal of an ordered sequence of events involving substrate binding, and local rearrangements within the active site that are propagated to the hinge regions, leading to closure of the active-site cleft.  相似文献   

Phosphorescence and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) measurements are reported on four single-tryptophan mutants of lac repressor protein from Escherichia coli: H74W/Wless, W201Y, Y273W/Wless, and F293W/Wless, where Wless represents a protein background containing the double mutation W201Y/W220Y. The single-tryptophan residues are located in the protein core region, either in the monomer-monomer interface of the tetrameric protein or in the region of the inducer binding cleft. Inducer binding elicits large changes in the energy (0,0-band wavelength shifts) and zero-field splitting energies (ZFS) of the triplet states for each of the mutant proteins except W201Y which exhibits more modest effects. F293W/Wless exists in two distinguishable conformations, only one of which appears to be sensitive to the presence of inducer. These effects of inducer binding can be attributed to a conformational change that alters specific polar interactions that occur at each affected tryptophan site. Changes in the tryptophan triplet state indicator depend on the existence of specific polar interactions that are altered by local atomic relocations.  相似文献   

A computational docking strategy using multiple conformations of the target protein is discussed and evaluated. A series of low molecular weight, competitive, nonpeptide protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors are considered for which the x-ray crystallographic structures in complex with protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) are known. To obtain a quantitative measure of the impact of conformational changes induced by the inhibitors, these were docked to the active site region of various structures of PTP1B using the docking program FlexX. Firstly, the inhibitors were docked to a PTP1B crystal structure cocrystallized with a hexapeptide. The estimated binding energies for various docking modes as well as the RMS differences between the docked compounds and the crystallographic structure were calculated. In this scenario the estimated binding energies were not predictive inasmuch as docking modes with low estimated binding energies corresponded to relatively large RMS differences when aligned with the corresponding crystal structure. Secondly, the inhibitors were docked to their parent protein structures in which they were cocrystallized. In this case, there was a good correlation between low predicted binding energy and a correct docking mode. Thirdly, to improve the predictability of the docking procedure in the general case, where only a single target protein structure is known, we evaluate an approach which takes possible protein side-chain conformational changes into account. Here, side chains exposed to the active site were considered in their allowed rotamer conformations and protein models containing all possible combinations of side-chain rotamers were generated. To evaluate which of these modeled active sites is the most likely binding site conformation for a certain inhibitor, the inhibitors were docked against all active site models. The receptor rotamer model corresponding to the lowest estimated binding energy is taken as the top candidate. Using this protocol, correct inhibitor binding modes could successfully be discriminated from proposed incorrect binding modes. Moreover, the ranking of the estimated ligand binding energies was in good agreement with experimentally observed binding affinities.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron and x-ray scattering experiments have been performed on type 2 tissular transglutaminase to characterize the conformational changes that bring about Ca(2+) activation and guanosine triphosphate (GTP) inhibition. The native and a proteolyzed form of the enzyme, in the presence and in the absence of the two effectors, were considered. To describe the shape of transglutaminase in the different conformations, a Monte Carlo method for calculating small-angle neutron scattering profiles was developed by taking into account the computer-designed structure of the native transglutaminase, the results of the Guinier analysis, and the essential role played by the solvent-exposed peptide loop for the conformational changes of the protein after activation. Although the range of the neutron scattering data is rather limited, by using the Monte Carlo analysis, and because the structure of the native protein is available, the distribution of the protein conformations after ligand interaction was obtained. Calcium activation promotes a rotation of the C-terminal with respect to the N-terminal domain around the solvent-exposed peptide loop that connects the two regions. The psi angle between the longest axes of the two pairs of domains is found to be above 50 degrees, larger than the psi value of 35 degrees calculated for the native transglutaminase. On the other hand, the addition of GTP makes possible conformations characterized by psi angles lower than 34 degrees. These results are in good agreement with the proposed enzyme activity regulation: in the presence of GTP, the catalytic site is shielded by the more compact protein structure, while the conformational changes induced by Ca(2+) make the active site accessible to the substrate.  相似文献   

Within the class of insulin and insulin-like growth factor receptors, detailed information about the molecular recognition event at the hormone-receptor interface is limited by the absence of suitable co-crystals. We describe the use of a biologically active insulin derivative labeled with the NBD fluorophore (B29NBD-insulin) to characterize the mechanism of reversible 1:1 complex formation with a fragment of the insulin receptor ectodomain. The accompanying 40 % increase in the fluorescence quantum yield of the label provides the basis for a dynamic study of the hormone-receptor binding event. Stopped-flow fluorescence experiments show that the kinetics of complex formation are biphasic comprising a bimolecular binding event followed by a conformational change. Displacement with excess unlabeled insulin gave monophasic kinetics of dissociation. The rate data are rationalized in terms of available experiments on mutant receptors and the X-ray structure of a non-binding fragment of the receptor of the homologous insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).  相似文献   

Previously, we characterized the organization of the transmembrane (TM) domain of the Bacillus subtilis chemoreceptor McpB using disulfide crosslinking. Cysteine residues were engineered into serial positions along the two helices through the membrane, TM1 and TM2, as well as double mutants in TM1 and TM2, and the extent of crosslinking determined to characterize the organization of the TM domain. In this study, the organization of the TM domain was studied in the presence and absence of ligand to address what ligand-induced structural changes occur. We found that asparagine caused changes in crosslinking rate on all residues along the TM1-TM1' helical interface, whereas the crosslinking rate for almost all residues along the TM2-TM2' interface did not change. These results indicated that helix TM1 rotated counterclockwise and that TM2 did not move in respect to TM2' in the dimer on binding asparagine. Interestingly, intramolecular crosslinking of paired substitutions in 34/280 and 38/273 were unaffected by asparagine, demonstrating that attractant binding to McpB did not induce a "piston-like" vertical displacement of TM2 as seen for Trg and Tar in Escherichia coli. However, these paired substitutions produced oligomeric forms of receptor in response to ligand. This must be due to a shift of the interface between different receptor dimers, within previously suggested trimers of dimers, or even higher order complexes. Furthermore, the extent of disulfide bond formation in the presence of asparagine was unaffected by the presence of the methyl-modification enzymes, CheB and CheR, or the coupling proteins, CheW and CheV, demonstrating that these proteins must have local structural effects on the cytoplasmic domain that is not translated to the entire receptor. Finally, disulfide bond formation was also unaffected by binding proline to McpC. We conclude that ligand-binding induced a conformational change in the TM domain of McpB dimers as an excitation signal that is likely propagated within the cytoplasmic region of receptors and that subsequent adaptational events do not affect this new TM domain conformation.  相似文献   

Examining solute-induced changes in protein conformational equilibria is a long-standing method for probing the role of water in maintaining protein stability. Interpreting the molecular details governing the solute-induced effects, however, remains controversial. We present experimental and theoretical data for osmolyte-induced changes in the stabilities of the A and N states of yeast iso-1-ferricytochrome c. Using polyol osmolytes of increasing size, we observe that osmolytes alone induce A-state formation from acid-denatured cytochrome c and N state formation from the thermally denatured protein. The stabilities of the A and N states increase linearly with osmolyte concentration. Interestingly, osmolytes stabilize the A state to a greater degree than the N state. To interpret the data, we divide the free energy for the reaction into contributions from nonspecific steric repulsions (excluded volume effects) and from binding interactions. We use scaled particle theory (SPT) to estimate the free energy contributions from steric repulsions, and we estimate the contributions from water-protein and osmolyte-protein binding interactions by comparing the SPT calculations to experimental data. We conclude that excluded volume effects are the primary stabilizing force, with changes in water-protein and solute-protein binding interactions making favorable contributions to stability of the A state and unfavorable contributions to the stability of the N state. The validity of our interpretation is strengthened by analysis of data on osmolyte-induced protein stabilization from the literature, and by comparison with other analyses of solute-induced changes in conformational equilibria.  相似文献   

Ligand-induced pK changes in chymotrypsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D M Glick 《Biochemistry》1968,7(10):3390-3396

Digestion of the F1-ATPase of Escherichia coli with trypsin stimulated ATP hydrolytic activity and removed the delta and epsilon subunits of the enzyme. A species represented by the formula alpha 1(3) beta 1(3) gamma 1, where alpha 1, beta 1 and gamma 1 are forms of the native alpha, beta and gamma subunits which have been attacked by trypsin, was formed by trypsin digestion in the presence of ATP. In the presence of ATP and MgCl2, conversion of gamma to gamma 1 was retarded and the enzyme retained the epsilon subunit. These results imply that binding of ATP to the beta subunits alters the conformation of ECF1 to increase the accessibility of the gamma subunit to trypsin. The likely trypsin cleavage sites in the alpha, beta and gamma subunits are discussed. ECF1 from the alpha subunit-defective mutant uncA401, or after treatment with N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide or 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan, was present in a conformation in which the gamma subunit was readily accessible to trypsin and could not be protected by the presence of ATP and MgCl2. In a similar manner to native E. coli F1-ATPase, the hydrolytic activity of the trypsin-digested enzyme was stimulated by the detergent lauryldimethylamine N-oxide. Since the digested enzyme lacked the epsilon subunit, a putative inhibitor of hydrolytic activity, a mechanism for the stimulation which involves loss or movement of this subunit is untenable.  相似文献   

Stafford [Biophys. J. 17 (1996) MP452] has shown that it is possible, using the analytical ultracentrifuge in sedimentation velocity mode, to calculate the molecular weights of proteins with a precision of approximately 5%, by fitting Gaussian distributions to g(s*) profiles so long as partial specific volume and the radial position of the meniscus are known. This makes possible the analysis of systems containing several components by the fitting of multiple distributions to the total g(s*) profile. We have found the Stafford relationship to hold for a range of protein solutes, particularly good agreement being found when the g(s*) profiles are computed from Schlieren (dc/dr vs. r) data using the Bridgman equation [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 64 (1942) 2349] . On this basis, we have developed a new approach to the analysis of systems where two or more distinguishable conformations of a single species are present, either in the same sample cell or in different cells in the same rotor. In the former case, this allows us to analyse a given solution of pure protein (i.e. monodisperse with respect to M) to reveal the presence in that solution of two or more conformers under identical solvent conditions. In the latter case, we can detect with high sensitivity any conformational change occurring in the transition from one set of solvent conditions to another. Alternatively, in this case, we can analyse slightly different proteins (e.g. deletion mutants) for conformational changes under identical solvent conditions. Examples of these procedures using well-defined protein systems are given.  相似文献   

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