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The translocation of AcPhe-tRNA in a purified system and that of peptidyl-tRNA in a crude, complete polypeptide synthesizing system containing endogenous E. coli polysomes are inhibited by antibiotics of the neomycin, kanamycin and gentamicin groups. The extent of inhibition varies with the different antibiotics, but it correlates well with the capacity of each antibiotic to inhibit polypeptide chain elongation. Thus, the inhibition of translocation by these antibiotics is clearly significant for their inhibitory effect on polypeptide synthesis.  相似文献   

Anti-nucleus antibody was raised by immunizing rabbits with rat liver nuclei, and purified by affinity-column chromatography. When purified anti-nucleus IgG molecules were introduced into FL cells by the erythrocyte-ghost fusion method with HVJ (Sendai virus), release of RNA from the nucleus into the cytoplasm was inhibited in the presence of alpha-amanitin, but nuclear accumulation of 125I-labeled non-histone chromosomal protein from the cytoplasm was not inhibited. These findings suggest that the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport mechanisms of RNA and nuclear proteins are different. The molecular weight of the antigen of this antibody was determined to be about 55K by the immunoblotting technique.  相似文献   

Inhibition by colchicine of fibrinogen translocation in hepatocytes   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In the rat, 8 h after intraperitoneal administration of colchicine, fibrinogen (detected by antirat fibrinogen antibodies labeled with peroxidase) accumulated in the lumina of the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the hepatocytes; 16 and 24 h after colchicine administration, fibrinogen was detected, respectively, in the lumina of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and in the Golgi apparatus. The effect of colchicine on the cytoplasmic translocation of fibrinogen could be due to a direct action of the drug on the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum or could be the indirect result of the disruptive action of the drug on the microtubules.  相似文献   

Plasmid fusions mediated by one end of TnA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have observed plasmid fusions in a recA background mediated by a single end of TnA. These occur when transposase is provided either in cis or in trans. Insertions of the plasmid carrying the TnA inverted repeat sequence occur at many sites in the target plasmid. The point of fusion on the plasmid carrying TnA sequences always appears to be located in the region which carries the TnA inverted repeat sequence. In contrast to the transposition of an intact TnA element, plasmid fusions mediated by one end of TnA are very rare events. The implications of our results for models of transposition are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate protein translocation in eukaryotes, we reconstituted a protein translocation system using the permeabilized spheroplasts (P-cells) of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The precursor of a sex pheromone of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, prepro-alpha-factor, was translocated across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of S. pombe posttranslationally, and glycosylated to the same extent as in the ER of S. cerevisiae. This suggested that the size of N-linked core-oligosaccharide in the ER of S. pombe is similar to that in S. cerevisiae. This translocation into the ER of S. pombe was inhibited by puromycin, but the translocation in the P-cells of S. cerevisiae was not inhibited. This difference in sensitivity to puromycin was due to the membrane but not the cytosolic fraction. Our results suggested that the translocation machinery of S. pombe was sensitive to puromycin and different from that of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Sodium inhibits in a dose-related fashion the translocation of calcium from an aqueous milieu into an organic phase containing the divalent-cation ionophore A23187. This inhibitory effect is reproduced by other monovalent cations, modulated by the nature of the anion in the sodium halide, and inversely related to the absolute amount of calcium translocated. The inhibitory effect cannot be attributed to a change in osmolarity or ionic strength, to sequestration of the ionophoretic molecule at the interface between the aqueous and organic phases, or to translocation of sodium or chloride. These findings indicate that sodium may directly affect the handling of calcium by ionophoretic systems specifically mediating the transport of divalent cations.  相似文献   

The activity of peptidyl-tRNALys-CpCp2'dA was measured in an in vitro poly(A)-dependent polypeptide synthesizing system derived from Escherichia coli. It has already been shown that Lys-tRNALys-CpCp2'dA is active as an acceptor and Ac2-Lys-tRNALys-Cp2'dA can donate its peptidyl residue but that the overall poly(A)-dependent synthesis of polylysine does not take place with Lys-tRNALys-CpCp2'dA [Wagner, T., Cramer, F., & Sprinzl, M. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 1521-1529]. This is due to the efficient inhibition of the EF-G-dependent translocation of the peptidyl-tRNA CpCp2'dA from the ribosomal A to the ribosomal P site. In addition, the EF-G-dependent release of the deacylated tRNALys-CpCp2'dA from the ribosomes is also inhibited. The action of the elongation factor G or some other ribosomal component participating in the translocation process requires the presence of the 2'-hydroxyl group on the terminal adenosine of tRNA. If this hydroxyl group is not present on the tRNA, the ribosomes remain locked in their pretranslocational state.  相似文献   

The human multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp, ABCB1) contributes to the poor bioavailability of many anticancer and antimicrobial agents as well as to drug resistance at the cellular level. For rational design of effective Pgp inhibitors, a clear understanding of its mechanism of action and functional regulation is essential. In this study, we demonstrate that inhibition of Pgp-mediated drug transport by cis-(Z)-flupentixol, a thioxanthene derivative, occurs through an allosteric mechanism. Unlike competitive inhibitors, such as cyclosporin A and verapamil, cis-(Z)-flupentixol does not interfere with substrate ([(125)I]iodoarylazidoprazosin) recognition by Pgp, instead it prevents substrate translocation and dissociation, resulting in a stable but reversible Pgp-substrate complex. cis-(Z)-Flupentixol-induced complex formation requires involvement of the Pgp substrate site, because agents that either physically compete (cyclosporin A) for or indirectly occlude (vanadate) the substrate-binding site prevent formation of the complex. Allosteric modulation by cis-(Z)-flupentixol involves a conformational change in Pgp detectable by monoclonal antibody UIC2 binding to a conformation-sensitive external epitope of Pgp. The conformational change observed is distinct from that induced by Pgp substrates or competitive inhibitors. A single amino acid substitution (F983A) in TM12 of Pgp that impairs inhibition by cis-(Z)-flupentixol of Pgp-mediated drug transport also affects stabilization of the Pgp-substrate complex as well as the characteristic conformational change. Taken together, our results describe the molecular mechanism by which the Pgp modulator cis-(Z)-flupentixol allosterically inhibits drug transport.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and related sterols are known to modulate the physical properties of biological membranes and can affect the activities of membrane-bound protein complexes. Here, we report that an early step in protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane is reversibly inhibited by cholesterol levels significantly lower than those found in the plasma membrane. By UV-induced chemical cross-linking we further show that high cholesterol levels prevent cross-linking between ribosome-nascent chain complexes and components of the Sec61 translocon, but have no effect on cross-linking to the signal recognition particle. The inhibiting effect on translocation is different between different sterols. Our data suggest that the protein translocation machinery may be sensitive to changes in cholesterol levels in the ER membrane.  相似文献   

We found recently that beta-lactamase folds in the yeast cytosol to a native-like, catalytically active, and trypsin-resistant conformation, and is thereafter translocated into the ER and secreted to the medium. Previously, it was thought that pre-folded proteins cannot be translocated. Here we have studied in living yeast cells whether beta-lactamase, a tight globule in authentic form, must be unfolded for ER translocation. A beta-lactamase mutant (E166A) binds irreversibly benzylpenicillin via Ser(70) in the active site. We fused E166A to the C terminus of a yeast-derived polypeptide having a post-translational signal peptide. In the presence of benzylpenicillin, the E166A fusion protein was not translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas translocation of the unmutated variant was not affected. The benzylpenicillin-bound protein adhered to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, where it prevented translocation of BiP, carboxypeptidase Y, and secretory proteins. Although the 321-amino acid-long N-terminal fusion partner adopts no regular secondary structure and should have no constraints for pore penetration, the benzylpenicillin-bound protein remained fully exposed to the cytosol, maintaining its signal peptide. Our data suggest that the beta-lactamase portion must unfold for translocation, that the unfolding machinery is cytosolic, and that unfolding of the remote C-terminal beta-lactamase is required for initiation of pore penetration.  相似文献   

The further identification of regions of the colicin E1 plasmid that affect plasmid functions has been achieved by studying deletions and TnA insertions of the plasmid. Colicin production, colicin immunity, relaxation of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid, and plasmid incompatibility functions have been examined. A strong correlation has been observed between the ability of colicin E1 plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid to be relaxed and the ability of that plasmid to be transferred by conjugation.  相似文献   

Low concentrations (50–200 μ M ) of the anionic detergents cholate, deoxycholate and dodecylsulphate inhibited the activity of adenine nucleotide translocator in mitochondria from etiolated maize ( Zea mays L. hybrid Krasnodarskij 303) coleoptiles. This resulted in: (a) a decrease in the rates of oxidative phosphorylation and hydrolysis of extramitochondrial ATP; (b) a decrease in the rate of [33P]-ATP transport through the inner mitochondrial membrane. Anionic detergents may act as competitive inhibitors of ADP and ATP transport in maize mitochondria.  相似文献   

1. The mechanism of adenine nucleotide translocation in mitochondria isolated from rat liver was further examined by using the local anaesthetics procaine, butacaine, nupercaine and tetracaine as perturbators of lipid-protein interactions. Each of these compounds inhibited translocation of ADP and of ATP; butacaine was the most effective with 50% inhibition occurring at 30mum for 200mum-ATP and at 10mum for 200mum-ADP. The degree of inhibition by butacaine of both adenine nucleotides was dependent on the concentration of adenine nucleotide present; with low concentrations of adenine nucleotide, low concentrations of butacaine-stimulated translocation, but at high concentrations (greater than 50mum) low concentrations of butacaine inhibited translocation. Butacaine increased the affinity of the translocase for ATP to a value which approached that of ADP. 2. Higher concentrations of nupercaine and of tetracaine were required to inhibit translocation of both nucleotides; 50% inhibition of ATP translocation occurred at concentrations of 0.5mm and 0.8mm of these compounds respectively. The pattern of inhibition of ADP translocation by nupercaine and tetracaine was more complex than that of ATP; at very low concentrations (less than 250mum) inhibition ensued, followed by a return to almost original rates at 1mm. At higher concentrations inhibition of ADP translocation resulted. 3. That portion of ATP translocation stimulated by Ca(2+) was preferentially inhibited by each of the local anaesthetics tested. In contrast, inhibition by the anaesthetics of ADP translocation was prevented by low concentrations of Ca(2+). 4. The data provide further support for our hypothesis that lipid-protein interactions are important determinants in the activity of the adenine nucleotide translocase in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Transposition of TnA does not generate deletions   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary We have examined the incidence of loss of the TnA unit, Tn801, from RP1 under conditions where transposition of Tn801 to another replicon, R388, was readily detected. We found that the frequency of transposition of Tn801 from RP1 to R388 exceeded, by at least a factor of one hundred, the frequency at which it was deleted from RP1. We conclude that, in general, transposition of Tn801 does not generate derivatives of the donor plasmid which specifically lack Tn801. The relevance of these findings to the mechanism of transposition is discussed.  相似文献   

The inhibitory mechanism of tea catechins for allergy remains undefined. We studied the effect of catechins, mainly EGCG, on the activation of mast cell line canine cutaneous mastocytoma cells (CM-MC). Compound 48/80 induced the degranulation in CM-MC dose dependently, whereas its release of beta-hexosaminidase was inhibited by EGCG and O-methylated EGCG (EGCG-Me). Both catechins were found to inhibit intracellular ROS generation dose dependently together with DPI. Intracellular ROS generation in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes was also inhibited by EGCG. Neither L-NAME, ebeselen nor NAC inhibited ROS generation. From the Western blot analysis of the subunits components of NADPH oxidase, we detected cytosolic subunits; p47(phox), p67(phox), p40(phox), rac2 and membrane subunits; gp91(phox), p22(phox) in CM-MC. Cytosolic subunits were translocated from cytosol to membrane time dependently after stimulation with compound 48/80. EGCG and DPI inhibited cytosolic subunits from translocating into membrane. These data suggest that EGCG inhibits the activation of NADPH oxidase in CM-MC.  相似文献   

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