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Vannella simplex (Gymnamoebia, Vannellidae) is one of the most common amoebae species, recorded from a variety of regions. It was originally described as a freshwater species, but has also been reported from shallow-water regions of the Baltic Sea. In the present work, we investigated the morphology and biology of three V. simplex isolates, originating from geographically distant regions. Among them is one brackish water strain, isolated from artificial cyanobacterial mats, which were originally sampled in Nivå Bay (Baltic Sea, The Sound). The strain is cyst-forming and can thrive at salinity ranges from 0–50 ppt. Phylogenetic relationships were investigated by sequencing partial SSU rDNA of the cultured V. simplex isolates. Additional sequences were obtained from four environmental DNA extractions of sediment samples collected from different localities in Switzerland. Analysis of all obtained sequences revealed a monophyletic group. Based on the analysis and comparison of morphological, ecological and molecular data sets we compiled a distribution map of V. simplex and propose an emendation of this species. 相似文献
Iva Dykov Lenka Boh
ov Ivan Fiala Blanka Mach
kov Hana Peckov Helena Dvokov 《European journal of protistology》2005,41(3):219-230
Twenty strains of flattened amoebae including 17 isolated from fish were characterised morphologically both at light microscopical and ultrastructural levels and assigned to either the genus Vannella Bovee, 1965 or the genus Platyamoeba Page, 1969. Sequence-based phylogenetic analyses of SSU rRNA genes from a data set representing a total of 29 strains of flattened amoebae strongly indicated that morphological features discriminating between these genera do not reflect phylogenetic relationships of representative strains. Contrary to a previous study, strains of this expanded assemblage formed clusters that did not reflect their environmental origin. Monophyletic groups were of mixed origins and contained freshwater as well as marine strains of both genera isolated in geographically distant localities of various continents. These findings were supported by results of phylogenetic analyses of selected strains based on ITS sequences. However, topologies of acquired ITS trees were not congruent with results inferred from SSU rRNA analyses. 相似文献
Molecular phylogeny supports a Northern Hemisphere origin of Golovinomyces (Ascomycota: Erysiphales)
Susumu TAKAMATSU Sanae MATSUDA Seiko NIINOMI Maria HAVRYLENKO 《Mycological Research》2006,110(9):1093-1101
Golovinomyces is a strictly herb-parasitic genus in the Erysiphaceae. Host–parasite co-speciation was reported recently between the genus Golovinomyces and Asteraceae from molecular phylogenetic analyses. The Asteraceae originated in South America and latterly expanded their geographic distribution into the Northern Hemisphere. If the co-speciation between Golovinomyces and Asteraceae originated in South America, the geographic origin of Golovinomyces could be assumed to be South America. To address this question, Golovinomyces species from hosts of the tribe Mutisieae, an asteraceous tribe endemic to South America, were collected and the ITS and 28S rDNA regions sequenced. Results indicate that Oidium mutisiae and Golovinomyces leuceriae isolated from the Mutisieae do not belong at the base of the Golovinomyces tree. Instead, they are situated separately within two different clades of Golovinomyces isolates from the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, the tribe Mutisieae is not the most early host of Golovinomyces. Present results suggest that Golovinomyces originated in the Northern Hemisphere, and not in South America. The new species Oidium reginae for the previous O. mutisiae on Mutisia decurrens is proposed. 相似文献
Susumu Takamatsu Maria Havrylenko Silvia M. Wolcan Sanae Matsuda Seiko Niinomi 《Mycological Research》2008,112(6):639-649
The genus Neoerysiphe belongs to the tribe Golovinomyceteae of the Erysiphaceae together with the genera Arthrocladiella and Golovinomyces. This is a relatively small genus, comprising only six species, and having ca 300 species from six plant families as hosts. To investigate the molecular phylogeny and evolution of the genus, we determined the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA ITS regions and the divergent domains D1 and D2 of the 28S rDNA. The 30 ITS sequences from Neoerysiphe are divided into three monophyletic groups that are represented by their host families. Groups 1 and 3 consist of N. galeopsidis from Lamiaceae and N. galii from Rubiaceae, respectively, and the genetic diversity within each group is extremely low. Group 2 is represented by N. cumminsiana from Asteraceae. This group also includes Oidium baccharidis, O. maquii, and Oidium spp. from Galinsoga (Asteraceae) and Aloysia (Verbenaceae), and is further divided into four subgroups. N. galeopsidis is distributed worldwide, but is especially common in western Eurasia from Central Asia to Europe. N. galii is also common in western Eurasia. In contrast, the specimens of group 2 were all collected in the New World, except for one specimen that was collected in Japan; this may indicate a close relationship of group 2 with the New World. Molecular clock calibration demonstrated that Neoerysiphe split from other genera of the Erysiphaceae ca 35–45 M years ago (Mya), and that the three groups of Neoerysiphe diverged between 10 and 15 Mya, in the Miocene. Aloysia citriodora is a new host for the Erysiphaceae and the fungus on this plant is described as O. aloysiae sp. nov. 相似文献
The new genus and species Teracosphaeria petroica is described for a perithecial ascomycete and its anamorph occurring on decayed wood collected in New Zealand. The fungus produces immersed, non-stromatic ceratosphaeria-like perithecia in nature, with hyaline, septate ascospores produced in unitunicate, non-amyloid asci. The anamorph produced in vitro is phialophora-like with lightly pigmented phialides terminating in flaring, deep collarettes that are often noticeably brown with conspicuous periclinal thickening. Phylogenetic analysis of LSU rDNA sequence data indicates that this fungus is distinct from morphologically similar fungi classified in the Chaetosphaeriales, the Trichosphaeriales or the Magnaporthaceae. It forms a monophyletic group with recently described, chaetosphaeria-like ascomycetes, such as the pyrenomycete genus Mirannulata, and shows affinity with the anamorphic species Dictyochaeta cylindrospora. The usefulness of describing anamorph genera for morphologically reduced anamorphs, when anamorph characteristics are actually part of the holomorph diagnosis, is discussed. An apparently contradictory example of the so-called Cordana and Pseudobotrytis anamorphs of Porosphaerella spp. is also discussed. 相似文献
由于对单穗升麻(毛茛科)的形态鉴别性状缺乏确切理解,我国学者长期以来对该种概念和界定的认识有误,常将其与传统定义的、概念过于宽泛的"升麻"相混。基于标本和野外居群观察,我们重估了单穗升麻一些过去被我国学者所忽略或不了解的性状如花序分枝开花顺序、花色、心皮柄长度等的变异式样和分类学价值,确定单穗升麻以顶生小叶披针形至椭圆形,通常三深裂且中裂片再三至五羽状浅裂,顶生总状花序伸长并先于明显较短的侧生总状花序开花,花白色,退化雄蕊亦白色,杯状,顶部二深裂,心皮柄较长且果期继续伸长,而与升麻属其他种类易于区别。我们所揭示的该种在我国的分布区较以前所记录者明显要广。安徽、重庆、甘肃、广东、贵州、河北、黑龙江、河南、湖北、江西、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、陕西、山西、四川、云南、浙江皆有单穗升麻分布。 相似文献
Two species of amoebae, the marine Pellita catalonica n. g., n. sp. discovered in the Ebro Delta (Spain) and Nivå Bay (Denmark) and the freshwater Pellita digitata n. comb., previously known from the UK and Switzerland and now found in North-Western Russia, have a very thick (0.5–0.8 μm) cell coat consisting of a fuzzy fibrous basal layer, covered with the dense layer of complex pentagonal glycostyles. The cell coat is integrated with the cell membrane and entirely envelops the amoeba, like a typical glycocalyx. For purposes of locomotion and phagocytosis the cell produces short papilliform subpseudopodia that protrude through the cell coat and are covered solely by the cell membrane. In order to accommodate these unusual organisms we established a new family, Pellitidae n. fam., within the subclass Gymnamoebia sensu Page, 1987, order Euamoebida. 相似文献
Three marine scuticociliates, Falcicyclidium fangi nov. gen., nov. spec., Falcicyclidium atractodes nov. spec., and Cristigera media Kahl, 1928 were investigated using live observation and silver impregnation methods. The genus Falcicyclidium is distinguished by the combination of: (i) dorsoventrally flattened body, (ii) hook-like (falciform) paroral membrane, (iii) anterior end of paroral membrane posterior to anterior end of membranelle 1, and (iv) multiple caudal cilia. Falcicyclidium fangi nov. spec., the type of the new genus, can be recognized by the combination of its large size, extremely dorsoventrally flattened (3:1) body, consistently 10 somatic kineties, and the broad, elongate buccal area occupying 60% of the body length. Falcicyclidium atractodes nov. spec. is mainly characterized by a unique spine projecting from both the anterior and posterior end. The uncommon form, Cristigera media is redescribed based on the population from Qingdao, the statistic data and additional features, especially the morphology of the living cells, are documented. 相似文献
首次发现并描述了中国广东省的绣球花科(Hydrangeaceae)常山属(Dichroa)一新种:广东常山(D.fistulosa)。该种具有空心的茎,这在常山属中是唯一的。该种与海南常山(D.mollissima)相似,但可以通过其叶上的毛被来区分。该种亦与菲律宾常山(D.philippinensis)相似,但其叶的形状及锯齿明显不同。 相似文献
描述了产自广西木兰科一新种:靖西长喙木兰(Lirianthe jingxiensis Y. H. Tong&N. H. Xia)。本种形态上与绢毛木兰[L. albosericea(Chun&C. H. Tsoong)N. H. Xia&C. Y. Wu]接近,但区别在于该种植株较矮,幼枝、叶柄和幼叶被黄棕色绢毛,叶柄较宽,叶片较宽,倒卵形或倒卵状椭圆形,先端钝或短渐尖,花被片较大,心皮数目较多,被黄棕色绢毛。 相似文献
报道了在海南热带雨林国家公园内发现的兰科牛齿兰属中国一新记录种:广椭牛齿兰[Appendicula ovalis(Schltr.) J.J.Sm. ex Mansf.]。该种原分布于马来半岛、苏门答腊岛、爪哇岛、婆罗洲、苏拉威西岛,在形态上与国内记录的4种牛齿兰属植物均有较大差别,如茎中部具分枝、叶广椭圆形、单个花序仅着生1朵花、且唇瓣扭转具粉紫色斑块等特征。对产自海南的该种形态和生境进行了详细描述,并提供高清解剖照片。凭证标本保存于海南大学林学院教学标本馆(HUFB)。 相似文献
描述并绘制了云南南部兰科石豆兰属一新种:斯勒卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum dresslerianum Z. D. Han & H. Wang)。该新种属于双叶卷瓣兰组(section Tripudianthes Seidenf.),在形态上与该组的4种,即狄氏卷瓣兰(B. dickasonii)、堪布里石豆兰(B. kanburiense)、皱掌卷瓣兰(B. rugosisepalum)和拟双叶卷瓣兰(B. tripudians)近似,主要区别在于该种唇瓣前缘具囊泡,侧面及腹面被稀疏的短腺毛;侧萼片棕黄色,表面光滑。编制了斯勒卷瓣兰及其近缘种的检索表。目前,该种仅在云南南部墨江县发现一个居群,濒危状况有待评估。 相似文献
[背景] 在陕西省的毛泡桐腐木桩上观察和采集到一株绒毛状真菌子实体,编号为HMNWAFU-CF-HS002。[目的] 为了确定该菌的分类地位,对其进行形态观察及分子鉴定。[方法] 获取宏观彩色图像并对显微结构进行测量、统计和绘图。此外,用PDA培养基分离纯化该菌的培养物,并结合最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法进行rDNA ITS分子系统学研究。[结果] HMNWAFU-CF-HS002的形态特征与Punctularia atropurpurascens高度相似。系统发育分析将HMNWAFU-CF-HS002聚在P.atropurpurascens的单系分支中。[结论] 结合形态学特征与系统发育结果,HMNWAFU-CF-HS002被鉴定紫黑点壳菌(Punctularia atropurpurascens),为中国的新记录种。此外,毛泡桐为其新记录寄主。至此,Punctularia属下的3个种,均在中国有分布记录。 相似文献
该文描述了采自浙江南部的木犀属(Osmanthus Lour.)一新种——浙南木犀(O.austrozhejiangensis Z.H.Chen,W.Y.Xie et X.Liu),并附有线描图和彩色照片。该种在具聚伞花序,叶柄、小枝、苞片、花梗被柔毛等性状上接近于毛柄木犀(O.pubipedicellatus Chia ex H.T.Chang),不同之处在于叶片倒卵形、倒卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,长(5.5~)8~10(~13)cm,宽(2.2~)3~4.5(~5)cm,先端急尖或短渐尖,叶缘具尖锐细锯齿或全缘,侧脉8~10对,花较大,花冠管长2.2~2.3 mm,裂片长2.2~3.0 mm,花丝长1.3~1.5 mm,花药长约1.2 mm。该新种的发现为研究东亚木犀属自西南向东北方向迁移与演化提供了新的材料。 相似文献
It is difficult to differentiate similar trichodinids solely based on morphological examination, thus other identification methods, such as molecular identification, are necessary for identification. One mobilid ciliate named Trichodina pseudoheterodentata sp. n. was isolated from the gills of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in Chongqing, China. In the present study, its SSU rDNA was sequenced for the first time. Based on the results from both morphological identification and SSU rDNA sequencing, the new species was identified and compared with similar species. The morphological analysis revealed that T. pseudoheterodentata is a large Trichodina species (cell diameter 73.0–82.5 μm) and possesses robust denticles with broad blades and well‐developed blade connections. Characterization of its primary and secondary SSU rDNA structures indicated that T. pseudoheterodentata was distinctly different from congeneric species in H12, H15, E10_1, and V4 regions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the genetic distances among the new species and similar species reached interspecific levels, furthermore, the phylogenetic study also validated the identification of T. pseudoheterodentata and its placement in the genus Trichodina. 相似文献
Robert Bauer Berthold Metzler Dominik Begerow Franz Oberwinkler 《Mycological Research》2009,113(9):960-966
A new genus, Cystobasidiopsis, and a new species, Cystobasidiopsis nirenbergiae, are described for a fungus isolated from an arable loess soil in Ahlum near Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany. An integrated analysis of morphological, ecological, ultrastructural and molecular data indicates that the new species belongs to the Chionosphaeraceae within the Agaricostilbales. Relevant characteristics of the new species are discussed and compared with those of related taxa. 相似文献
描述了产自贵州的竹亚科一新种:黎平玉山竹(Yushania lipingensis Z. X. Zhang, Y. H. TongZ. Yang)。本种形态上与显耳玉山竹(Y. auctiaurita T. P. Yi)接近,但区别在于该种箨鞘背面密被向上的黄褐色或紫色疣基刺毛,箨耳及叶耳明显弯曲呈镰刀形,鞘口繸毛发达,通常呈放射状,箨舌先端截平,不圆拱,边缘密生短纤毛,箨片腹面被微柔毛,叶片次脉通常5~6对。 相似文献