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One of the hallmarks of human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) infection is the rapid removal of the viral receptor CD4 from the cell surface. This remarkably efficient receptor interference requires the activity of three separate viral proteins: Env, Vpu, and Nef. We have investigated whether this unusually tight interference on cell surface CD4 expression had a more essential function during the viral life cycle than simply preventing superinfection. We now report that the removal of cell surface CD4 is required for optimal virus production by HIV-1. Indeed, maintenance of CD4 surface expression in infected cells lead to a 3-5-fold decrease in viral particle production. This effect was not due to the formation of intracellular complexes between CD4 and the gp160 viral envelope precursor but instead required the presence of CD4 at the cell surface and was specifically mediated by CD4 but not closely related plasma membrane receptors. The finding that CD4 had no significant effect on particle release by a Vpu-deficient variant indicates that CD4 acts by inhibiting the particle release-promoting activity of Vpu. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments further showed that CD4 and Vpu physically interact at the cell surface, suggesting that CD4 might inhibit Vpu activity by disrupting its oligomeric structure.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 Vpu protein: a multifunctional enhancer of viral particle release   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HIV accessory genes are expressed throughout the viral life cycle and regulate wide-ranging aspects of virus replication including viral infectivity (Vif and Nef), viral gene expression (Vpr) and progeny virion production (Vpu). While in many cases the molecular basis of accessory protein function is not fully understood, a consensus is emerging that these viral products are generally devoid of enzymatic activity and instead act as multifunctional adapters, subverting normal cellular processes to serve the needs of the virus. This review focuses on presenting our current knowledge of the HIV-1-specific Vpu protein and its essential role in regulating viral particle release, viral load and expression of the CD4 receptor.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu counteracts a host factor that restricts virion release from infected cells. Here we show that the interferon-induced cellular protein BST-2/HM1.24/CD317 is such a factor. BST-2 is downregulated from the cell surface by Vpu, and BST-2 is specifically expressed in cells that support the vpu phenotype. Exogenous expression of BST-2 inhibits HIV-1 virion release, while suppression of BST-2 relieves the requirement for Vpu. Downregulation of BST-2 requires both the transmembrane/ion channel domain and conserved serines in the cytoplasmic domain of Vpu. Endogenous BST-2 colocalizes with the HIV-1 structural protein Gag in endosomes and at the plasma membrane, suggesting that BST-2 traps virions within and on infected cells. The unusual structure of BST-2, which includes a transmembrane domain and a lumenal GPI anchor, may allow it to retain nascent enveloped virions on cellular membranes, providing a mechanism of viral restriction counteracted by a specific viral accessory protein.  相似文献   

Vpu is an accessory viral protein almost unique to HIV-1 among primate immunodeficiency viruses, and has two major functions: degradation of the CD4 molecule in endoplasmic reticulum and enhancement of virion release from cells. Recent identification of a novel host restriction factor, tetherin, as a Vpu-antagonist suggests that Vpu contributes to virus spread by facilitating progeny virion production. This review focuses on the two distinct functions of Vpu and summarizes current knowledge on its virological role in the HIV-1 life cycle.  相似文献   

The Vpu protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 forms cation-selective ion channels and enhances the process of virion budding and release. Mutagenesis studies have shown that the N-terminal transmembrane domain primarily controls both of these activities. Here we report that the Vpu ion channel is inhibited by the amiloride derivatives 5-(N,N-hexamethylene)amiloride and 5-(N,N-dimethyl)amiloride but not by amiloride itself, nor by amantadine. Hexamethyleneamiloride also inhibits budding of virus-like particles from HeLa cells expressing HIV-1 Gag and Vpu proteins. These results confirm the link between Vpu ion channel activity and the budding process and also suggest that amiloride derivatives might have useful anti-HIV-1 properties.  相似文献   



The integrase (IN) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been implicated in different steps during viral replication, including nuclear import of the viral pre-integration complex. The exact mechanisms underlying the nuclear import of IN and especially the question of whether it bears a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS) remain controversial.


Here, we studied the nuclear import pathway of IN by using multiple in vivo and in vitro systems. Nuclear import was not observed in an importin α temperature-sensitive yeast mutant, indicating an importin α-mediated process. Direct interaction between the full-length IN and importin α was demonstrated in vivo using bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay (BiFC). Nuclear import studies in yeast cells, with permeabilized mammalian cells, or microinjected cultured mammalian cells strongly suggest that the IN bears a NLS domain located between residues 161 and 173. A peptide bearing this sequence -NLS-IN peptide- inhibited nuclear accumulation of IN in transfected cell-cycle arrested cells. Integration of viral cDNA as well as HIV-1 replication in viral cell-cycle arrested infected cells were blocked by the NLS-IN peptide.


Our present findings support the view that nuclear import of IN occurs via the importin α pathway and is promoted by a specific NLS domain. This import could be blocked by NLS-IN peptide, resulting in inhibition of viral infection, confirming the view that nuclear import of the viral pre-integration complex is mediated by viral IN.  相似文献   

The virus infectivity factor (Vif) protein facilitates the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in primary lymphocytes and macrophages. Its action is strongly dependent on the cellular environment, and it has been proposed that the Vif protein counteracts cellular activities that would otherwise limit HIV-1 replication. Using a glutathione S-transferase pull-down assay, we identified that Vif binds specifically to the Src homology 3 domain of Hck, a tyrosine kinase from the Src family. The interaction between Vif and the full-length Hck was further assessed by co-precipitation assays in vitro and in human cells. The Vif protein repressed the kinase activity of Hck and was not itself a substrate for Hck phosphorylation. Within one single replication cycle of HIV-1, Hck was able to inhibit the production and the infectivity of vif-deleted virus but not that of wild-type virus. Accordingly, HIV-1 vif- replication was delayed in Jurkat T cell clones stably expressing Hck. Our data demonstrate that Hck controls negatively HIV-1 replication and that this inhibition is suppressed by the expression of Vif. Hck, which is present in monocyte-macrophage cells, represents the first identified cellular inhibitor of HIV-1 replication overcome by Vif.  相似文献   

BST-2/tetherin is an interferon-inducible host restriction factor that blocks the release of newly formed enveloped viruses. It is enriched in lipid raft membrane microdomains, which are also the sites of assembly of several enveloped viruses. Viral anti-tetherin factors, such as the HIV-1 Vpu protein, typically act by removing tetherin from the cell surface. In contrast, the Ebola virus glycoprotein (GP) is unusual in that it blocks tetherin restriction without apparently altering its cell surface localization. We explored the possibility that GP acts to exclude tetherin from the specific sites of virus assembly without overtly removing it from the cell surface and that lipid raft exclusion is the mechanism involved. However, we found that neither GP nor Vpu had any effect on tetherin's distribution within lipid raft domains. Furthermore, GP did not prevent the colocalization of tetherin and budding viral particles. Contrary to previous reports, we also found no evidence that GP is itself a raft protein. Together, our data indicate that the exclusion of tetherin from lipid rafts is not the mechanism used by either HIV-1 Vpu or Ebola virus GP to counteract tetherin restriction.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) expresses several accessory proteins that manipulate various host-cell processes to achieve optimum replicative efficiency. One of them, viral protein U (Vpu), has been shown to interfere with the cellular degradation machinery through interaction with SCFβ-TrCP complexes. To learn more about Vpu function in vivo, we used the genetically tractable fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Our results show that the directed expression of Vpu, but not the non-phosphorylated form, Vpu2/6, in fat-body cells affects Drosophila antimicrobial responses. In flies, the Toll and Imd pathways regulate antimicrobial-peptide gene expression. We show that Vpu specifically affects Toll pathway activation by inhibiting Cactus degradation. Given the conservation of the Toll/nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signalling pathways between flies and mammals, our results suggest a function for Vpu in the inhibition of host NF-κB-mediated innate immune defences and provide a powerful genetic approach for studying Vpu inhibition of NF-κB signalling in vivo.  相似文献   

The HIV-1-encoded protein Vpu forms an oligomeric ion channel/pore in membranes and interacts with host proteins to support the virus lifecycle. However, Vpu molecular mechanisms are currently not well understood. Here, we report on the Vpu oligomeric organization under membrane and aqueous conditions and provide insights into how the Vpu environment affects the oligomer formation. For these studies, we designed a maltose-binding protein (MBP)-Vpu chimera protein and produced it in E. coli in soluble form. We analyzed this protein using analytical size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), negative staining electron microscopy (nsEM), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Surprisingly, we found that MBP-Vpu formed stable oligomers in solution, seemingly driven by Vpu transmembrane domain self-association. A coarse modeling of nsEM data as well as SEC and EPR data suggests that these oligomers most likely are pentamers, similar to what was reported regarding membrane-bound Vpu. We also noticed reduced MBP-Vpu oligomer stability upon reconstitution of the protein in β-DDM detergent and mixtures of lyso-PC/PG or DHPC/DHPG. In these cases, we observed greater oligomer heterogeneity, with MBP-Vpu oligomeric order generally lower than in solution; however, larger oligomers were also present. Notably, we found that in lyso-PC/PG, above a certain protein concentration, MBP-Vpu assembles into extended structures, which had not been reported for Vpu. Therefore, we captured various Vpu oligomeric forms, which can shed light on Vpu quaternary organization. Our findings could be useful in understanding Vpu organization and function in cellular membranes and could provide information regarding the biophysical properties of single-pass transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Viral protein U (Vpu) of HIV-1 has two known functions in replication of the virus: degradation of its cellular receptor CD4 and enhancement of viral particle release. Vpu binds CD4 and simultaneously recruits the betaTrCP subunit of the SCF(betaTrCP) ubiquitin ligase complex through its constitutively phosphorylated DS52GXXS56 motif. In this process, Vpu was found to escape degradation, while inhibiting the degradation of betaTrCP natural targets such as beta-catenin and IkappaBalpha. We further addressed this Vpu inhibitory function with respect to the degradation of Emi1 and Cdc25A, two betaTrCP substrates involved in cell-cycle progression. In the course of these experiments, we underscored the importance of a novel phosphorylation site in Vpu. We show that, especially in cells arrested in early mitosis, Vpu undergoes phosphorylation of the serine 61 residue, which lies adjacent to the betaTrCP-binding motif. This phosphorylation event triggers Vpu degradation by a betaTrCP-independent process. Mutation of Vpu S61 in the HIV-1 provirus extends the half-life of the protein and significantly increases the release of HIV-1 particles from HeLa cells. However, the S61 determinant of regulated Vpu turnover is highly conserved within HIV-1 isolates. Altogether, our results highlight a mechanism where differential phosphorylation of Vpu determines its fate as an adaptor or as a substrate of distinct ubiquitin ligases. Conservation of the Vpu degradation determinant, despite its negative effect on virion release, argues for a role in overall HIV-1 fitness.  相似文献   

Several viruses encode ion channels that both modulate the trafficking of envelope glycoprotein(s) and stimulate the release of virions from cells. HIV-1 Vpu enhances virion release and inhibits the endosomal accumulation of the viral structural protein Gag. We investigated whether Vpu affects the subcellular distribution of Env as well as Gag. Env and Vpu colocalized with each other, in part within the trans -Golgi network. In the absence of Vpu, Env accumulated more extensively within clathrin-coated endosomal structures. These structures had several features consistent with an endosomal viral assembly domain: they contained Gag, including proteolytically processed viral matrix protein; the tetraspanins CD63 and CD81; the adaptor protein complex AP-3; and AIP1/ALIX, a cellular cofactor for viral budding. These endosomes labelled incompletely with Env derived from the cell surface, suggesting that some Env reaches this compartment without transiting the plasma membrane. Consistent with this, endosomal accumulation of Env was not blocked by dominant-negative Eps15, an inhibitor of AP-2-mediated endocytosis. Although these data are potentially explained by greater endocytosis of mature virions in the absence of Vpu, they also raise the possibility that Vpu inhibits the transport of Env and Gag to late endosomes, leading to viral assembly at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

HIV-1 efficiently forms pseudotyped particles with many gammaretrovirus glycoproteins, such as Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MLV) Env, but not with the related gibbon ape leukemia virus (GaLV) Env or with a chimeric F-MLV Env with a GaLV cytoplasmic tail domain (CTD). This incompatibility is modulated by the HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu. Because the GaLV Env CTD does not resemble tetherin or CD4, the well-studied targets of Vpu, we sought to characterize the modular sequence in the GaLV Env CTD required for this restriction in the presence of Vpu. Using a systematic mutagenesis scan, we determined that the motif that makes GaLV Env sensitive to Vpu is INxxIxxVKxxVxRxK. This region in the CTD of GaLV Env is predicted to form a helix. Mutations in the CTD that would break this helix abolish sensitivity to Vpu. Although many of these positions can be replaced with amino acids with similar biophysical properties without disrupting the Vpu sensitivity, the final lysine residue is required. This Vpu sensitivity sequence appears to be modular, as the unrelated Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Env can be made Vpu sensitive by replacing its CTD with the GaLV Env CTD. In addition, F-MLV Env can be made Vpu sensitive by mutating two amino acids in its cytoplasmic tail to make it resemble more closely the Vpu sensitivity motif. Surprisingly, the core components of this Vpu sensitivity sequence are also present in the host surface protein CD4, which is also targeted by Vpu through its CTD.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of endosome acidification or cathepsin proteases attenuated infections mediated by envelope proteins of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) and Ebola virus, as well as ecotropic, amphotropic, polytropic, and xenotropic murine leukemia viruses (MLVs), indicating that infections by these viruses occur through acidic endosomes and require cathepsin proteases in the susceptible cells such as TE671 cells. However, as previously shown, the endosome acidification inhibitors did not inhibit these viral infections in XC cells. It is generally accepted that the ecotropic MLV infection in XC cells occurs at the plasma membrane. Because cathepsin proteases are activated by low pH in acidic endosomes, the acidification inhibitors may inhibit the viral infections by suppressing cathepsin protease activation. The acidification inhibitors attenuated the activities of cathepsin proteases B and L in TE671 cells, but not in XC cells. Processing of cathepsin protease L was suppressed by the acidification inhibitor in NIH3T3 cells, but again not in XC cells. These results indicate that cathepsin proteases are activated without endosome acidification in XC cells. Treatment with an endocytosis inhibitor or knockdown of dynamin 2 expression by siRNAs suppressed MLV infections in all examined cells including XC cells. Furthermore, endosomal cathepsin proteases were required for these viral infections in XC cells as other susceptible cells. These results suggest that infections of XC cells by the MLVs and Ebola virus occur through endosomes and pH-independent cathepsin activation induces pH-independent infection in XC cells.  相似文献   

S Bour  K Strebel 《Journal of virology》1996,70(12):8285-8300
We have recently shown that the envelope glycoprotein of the ROD10 isolate of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) has the ability to positively regulate HIV-2 viral particle release. The activity provided by the ROD10 Env was remarkably similar to that of the HIV-1 Vpu protein, thus raising the possibility that the two proteins act in a related fashion. We now show that the ROD10 Env can functionally replace Vpu to enhance the rate of HIV-1 particle release. When provided in trans, both Vpu and the ROD10 Env restored wild-type levels of particle release in a Vpu-deficient mutant of the NL4-3 molecular clone with indistinguishable efficiencies. This effect was independent of the presence of the HIV-1 envelope protein. The ROD10 Env also enhanced HIV-1 particle release in the context of HIV-2 chimeric viruses containing the HIV-1 gag-pol, indicating a lack of need for additional HIV-1 products in this process. In addition, we show for the first time that HIV-1 Vpu, as well as ROD10 Env, has the ability to enhance simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) particle release. The effects of Vpu and ROD10 Env on SIV particle release were indistinguishable and were observed in the context of full-length SIVmac239 and simian-human immunodeficiency virus chimeras. These results further demonstrate that ROD10 Env can functionally complement Vpu with respect to virus release. In contrast, we found no evidence of a destabilizing activity of ROD10 Env on the CD4 molecule. HIV-1 and HIV-2 thus appear to have evolved genetically distinct but functionally similar strategies to resolve the common problem of efficient release of progeny virus from infected cells.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpu protein is a 16-kDa phosphoprotein which enhances the efficiency of virion production and induces rapid degradation of CD4, the cellular receptor for human immunodeficiency virus. The topology of membrane-inserted Vpu was investigated by using in vitro-synthesized Vpu cotranslationally inserted into canine microsomal membranes. Proteolytic digestion and immunoprecipitation studies revealed that Vpu was a type I integral membrane protein, with the hydrophilic domain projecting from the cytoplasmic membrane face. In addition, several high-molecular-weight proteins containing Vpu were identified by chemical cross-linking. Such complexes also formed when wild-type Vpu and a Tat-Vpu fusion protein were coexpressed. Subsequent analysis by one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that these high-molecular-weight complexes consisted of homo-oligomers of Vpu. These findings indicate that Vpu is a type I integral membrane protein capable of multimerization.  相似文献   

A model for the cytoplasmic domain of the M2 proton channel of influenza A virus was formulated based primarily on the cytoplasmic domain of the Vpu protein of HIV-1 using sequence similarity and structure prediction techniques. The model consists of a pair of antiparallel helices followed by a strand parallel to the first helix. Structural analogies with other proteins contribute support for features of the model and suggest ways in which the M2 cytoplasmic domain can interact with other viral and cellular factors.  相似文献   

Lv M  Wang J  Wang X  Zuo T  Zhu Y  Kong W  Yu X 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20890
Tetherin (BST-2/CD317) is an interferon-inducible antiviral protein that restricts the release of enveloped viruses from infected cells. The HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu can efficiently antagonize this restriction. In this study, we analyzed mutations of the transmembrane (TM) domain of Vpu, including deletions and substitutions, to delineate amino acids important for HIV-1 viral particle release and in interactions with tetherin. The mutants had similar subcellular localization patterns with that of wild-type Vpu and were functional with respect to CD4 downregulation. We showed that the hydrophobic binding surface for tetherin lies in the core of the Vpu TM domain. Three consecutive hydrophobic isoleucine residues in the middle region of the Vpu TM domain, I15, I16 and I17, were important for stabilizing the tetherin binding interface and determining its sensitivity to tetherin. Changing the polarity of the amino acids at these positions resulted in severe impairment of Vpu-induced tetherin targeting and antagonism. Taken together, these data reveal a model of specific hydrophobic interactions between Vpu and tetherin, which can be potentially targeted in the development of novel anti-HIV-1 drugs.  相似文献   

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