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The ocypodid crabMacrophthalmus banzai often forages on the carapace or walking legs of other conspecific individuals. This behaviour can be classified into 2 types, long cleaning and short cleaning. They are distinguished from each other by the cleaner's approach (slow or quick), duration of cleaning and scoops per bout. Long cleaning was done by a male or a female against a larger crab of either sex. Seasonal and daily frequencies of long cleaning were more or less constant. Immediately before and after a long cleaning, the cleaner was mostly engaged in substratum-feeding. After the cleaning, the recipient tended to return to its own burrow. Short cleaning was done mostly by males against smaller females. Seasonal and daily frequencies of short cleaning exhibited positive correlation with waving display. The cleaner frequently performed waving immediately before cleaning. In addition, short cleaning occurred immediately before surface copulation and before underground pairing of male entry into the female's burrow. These data suggest that the long cleaning is related to feeding and the short cleaning with male courtship.  相似文献   

Parasite life histories have been assumed to be shaped by their particular mode of existence. To test this hypothesis, we investigate the relationships between life-history traits of free-living and parasitic platyhelminthes. Using phylogenetically independent contrasts we examine patterns of interspecific covariation in adult size, progeny volume, daily fecundity, total reproductive capacity, age at first reproduction and longevity. The correlations obtained indicate a similar causal chain of life history variations for free-living and parasitic platyhelminthes. These results suggest that increased longevity favours delayed reproduction. Furthermore, growth pattern determines adult body size and age at maturity. For platyhelminthes, whether free-living or parasitic, the total reproductive capacity is found to be directly determined by the size of the worm. Within this group the parasitic way of life does not seem to influence the basic patterns of life history evolution. Received: 20 September 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied variation in clutch and egg size of the banded darter, Etheostoma zonale, using museum specimens representing three geographically separated populations from central and northern Arkansas. We found significant differences in standard length-adjusted mean clutch size and mean ovum mass. Clutch size varied by more than three hundred percent between sites, and egg mass by approximately twenty percent, demonstrating that comparative studies of interspecific variation in life history based upon a single population for each species may be misleading.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, exposure of females to low temperature and shortened photoperiod can induce the expression of reproductive quiescence or diapause. Diapause expression is highly variable within and among natural populations and has significant effects on life-history profiles, including patterns of longevity, fecundity, and stress resistance. We hypothesized that if diapause expression is associated with overwintering mechanisms and adaptation to temperate environments, the frequency of diapause incidence would exhibit a latitudinal cline among natural populations. Because stress resistance and reproductive traits are also clinal in this species, we also examined how patterns of fecundity and longevity varied with geography and how stress resistance and associated traits differed constitutively between diapause and nondiapause lines. Diapause incidence was shown to vary predictably with latitude, ranging from 35% to 90% among natural populations in the eastern United States Survivorship under starvation stress differed between diapause and nondiapause lines; diapause phenotypes were also distinct for total body triglyceride content and the developmental distribution of oocytes in the ovary following stress exposure. Patterns of longevity, fecundity, and ovariole number also varied with geography. The data suggest that, for North American populations, diapause expression is functionally associated with overwintering mechanisms and may be an integral life-history component in natural populations.  相似文献   

Life-history traits of kite skates Dipturus chilensis were examined from two regions (c. 2286 km apart) in the sheltered fjords and channels of southern Chile. A total of 482 and 403 specimens were collected from the southern fjords (c. 42–46° S) and the fjords of Chilean Patagonia (c. 51–54° S), from September 2003 to 2004, respectively. Vertebra marginal increment analysis indicated an annual deposition of growth rings which was completed during the winter months. For each region, von Bertalanffy growth parameters showed that females attained a larger asymptotic size, L, had a lower growth coefficient, K, and lived longer than males. Growth analysis indicated that D. chilensis from the Patagonian fjords had a longer life span (females: 22 v. 21 years; males 19 v. 17 years), attained a larger L (females: 150 v. 136 cm; males: 122 v. 118 cm total length, LT) and had a lower K value (females: 0·087 v. 0·104; males: 0·110 v. 0·116) than their counterparts in the southern fjords. Comparisons with previous studies indicated that D. chilensis from both southern and Patagonian sheltered fjords had larger L, and grew more slowly than their counterparts from central-southern Chile (L= 119–123 cm, K= 0·123–0·127), suggesting latitudinal variations in growth. Females attained sexual maturity later than males in both regions. For both sexes, lengths at 50% maturity (L50%) between regions were similar (females: c. 103 cm; males: c. 87 cm LT); however, D. chilensis from Patagonia appeared to mature 1 year earlier (females: 13 v. 14 years; males: 10 v. 11 years). Specimens from Patagonia had a lower ovarian fecundity than those from the southern fjords. An increase in the proportion of mature females and males during summer, suggests that the reproductive peak occurs in this season, and no regional differences were found. The size of the egg cases increased with maternal LT and these were longer in Patagonia. The information provided here represents the first evidence of regional variations in life-history traits for elasmobranchs in the south-eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

Many aphid species have shown remarkable adaptability by invading new habitats and agricultural crops, although they are parthenogenetic and might be expected to show limited genetic variation. To determine if the mode of reproduction limits the level of genetic variation in adaptively important traits, we assess variation in 15 life history traits of the pea aphid, Acyrhosiphon pisum (Harris), for five populations sampled along a north-south transect in central North America, and for three traits for three populations from eastern Australia. The traits are developmental times and rates as affected by temperature, body weights as affected by temperature, fecundity, measures of migratory tendency, and photoperiodic responses. The most southerly population from North America is shown to be obligately parthenogenetic, as are the Australian populations, and the four more northerly North American populations are facultatively parthenogenetic with the number of parthenogenetic generations per year increasing from north to south. The broad-sense heritabilities of life history traits varied from 0.36 to 0.71 for nine quantitive traits based on a comparison of within-and between-lineage variances. Using these traits, 7–13 distinct genotypes (i.e. clones) were identified among each of the 18 lines sampled from the North American populations, but the number did not differ significantly among populations. The level of genetic variation differed from trait to trait. For 4 of 12 quantitative traits, the level of variation in the obligately parthenogenetic population from North America was lowest, but significantly lower than all the sexual populations for only 1 trait. The obligately parthenogenetic population had the highest level of genetic variation for two traits, and had intermediate levels for the others. The most northerly population, which was sexual and had relatively few parthenogenetic generations each year, had the lowest level of variation for 5 of 12 traits and the highest level of variation for 2 traits. There was no decline in variability from north to south correlated with the increase in the annual number of parthenogenetic generations. The Australian populations showed no less variation than the North American populations for two of three traits, although the pea aphid was introduced to Australia only 5 years prior to the study, whereas the aphid has been in North America for at least 100 years. The mode of reproduction has not had a substantial impact on the level of genetic variation in life history traits of the pea aphid, but there are population-specific factors that effect the level of variation in certain traits.  相似文献   

Multiple traits of stress resistance were investigated in the epedaphic springtail Orchesella cincta. Second generation adults from five laboratory populations were compared with respect to resistance to extreme temperatures and desiccation, and traits relevant to climatic adaptation. Populations were collected along a 2000-km latitudinal gradient ranging from Denmark to southern Italy and reared under the same standard laboratory conditions. Traits investigated were resistance to high and low temperature, desiccation resistance, body size and water loss rate (WLR). Results showed genetically based differences in resistance to high and low temperature, desiccation, WLR, water pool and body size between populations. Individuals from the most northern population had the highest desiccation-and cold shock resistance, and the lowest heat shock resistance. Females were significantly more desiccation resistant than males. The results of cold shock resistance showed a positive increase with lowest environmental temperature recorded at the sites of population origin, whereas heat shock resistance showed a positive increase with highest recorded temperature at the sites of population origin. Desiccation resistance increased towards the most southern and northern population, suggesting that both low and high temperature extremes affect desiccation resistance. Body mass, water pool and WLR showed interpopulation as well as sex specific variation. This provides evidence for geographical variation in stress resistance of springtails related to climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Females of the estuarine mud crab, Macrophthalmus hirtipes (Jacquinot, 1853) (Ocypodidae) carrying newly-deposited eggs were maintained in salinities of 11‰, 18‰, and 36‰ at 10°C. In 11‰ salinity eggs swelled more than in the other salinities; embryonic development was retarded; and eggs did not hatch. In 18‰ and 36‰, rates of development were generally similar and successful hatching occurred after approximately 75 days. However, late-stage eggs in 18‰ were significantly (P<0.001) larger than those in 36‰, even though initial egg volumes were the same. Zoeae were morphologically similar, except that the dorsal spine was significantly (P<0.001) longer in 36‰ compared with 18‰.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in body size is of special interest because it affects nearly all aspects of an organism’s life. I examined whether differences in body size among four populations of the green anole lizard, Anolis carolinensis, were attributable to maternal investment in egg size and/or growth rates of embryos and juveniles. Larger body size and larger egg size relative to female size in the northern part of the range have been documented in this species, and suggested to be adaptive responses to more extreme winters. The current study confirmed the trends in adult size and egg size in the north, but rejected the trend of larger egg size relative to body size in the south. To control for differences in maternal investment in egg size among populations, I performed yolk removals on eggs from two northern populations to produce comparably sized eggs relative to one southern population. This manipulation was designed to minimize the confounding effect of maternal investment in yolk, the primary energy reserves for eggs, so that intrinsic differences in embryonic growth due to metabolism could be investigated. I found that differences in juvenile and, potentially, embryonic growth rates existed among populations of A. carolinensis, both due to and independent of differences in egg size. Juveniles from the northernmost population were bigger not only due to larger egg size, but also due to faster juvenile growth and possibly differences in developmental stage of oviposition or conversion of egg mass to hatchling mass. Larger body size may hold a number of advantages in northern populations of this species, including starvation resistance through winters and better competitive access to food resources and warmer microhabitats.  相似文献   

We describe the geographic variation patterns of six dermatoglyphic traits from 144 samples in Eurasia. The methods of analysis include computation of interpolated surfaces, one-dimensional and directional correlograms, correlations between all pairs of surfaces, and distances between correlograms. There are at least two, probably three, distinct and significant patterns of variation. 1) A general NW-SE trend for pattern intensity, the main line index, and frequency of hypothenar patterns. 2) A trend from the Middle East to the north and east for frequency of axial triradius and of accessory interdigital triradii. 3) A patchy pattern for frequency of the thenar-interdigital 1. The results are compatible with a diffusion process between Europe and the peoples of Northern Asia, and possibly with a radiation of populations from the Middle East. The hypothesis of diffusion processes is supported by substantial interpopulation correlations between dermatoglyphic traits that contrast sharply with largely negligible intralocality correlations. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) were collected from 17 reservoirs on three islands in Hawaii, USA. Genetic and life history traits for adult females from these populations were used to evaluate hypotheses concerning short-term evolutionary divergence of populations recently established from a common ancestral source. The effects of founder events and drift on genetic variability and population differentiation were also examined. Significant differences in life history characteristics, allele frequencies, and multi-locus heterozygosities (H) were found among fish populations collected from different reservoirs and between reservoirs classified as stable or fluctuating on the basis of temporal fluctuation in water level. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited greater standard length (35.1 vs 32.8 mm), lower fecundity (11.9 vs 15.2 embryos), lower reproductive allocation (18.2% vs 22.8%), but larger mean embryo size (1.95 vs 1.67 mg) than females from fluctuating reservoirs. Consistency in means among replicates of each reservoir class and concordance in direction and magnitude of differences reported here and results of sampling conducted from these same locations 10 years previously (Stearns, 1983a) suggest that ecological factors intrinsic to these two environments are important in determing population life history traits. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited lower heterozygosity than females from fluctuating reservoirs (0.134 vs 0.158, respectively). Levels and direction od differences in heterozygosity, the high proportion of polymorphic loci and lack of fixation of alternative alleles argue against a purely stochastic explanation for genetic and life history variation among reservoir populations. Levels of genetic variability and interpopulation differentiation were similar to those observed in mainland populations of this species. A high proportion of the genetic diversity was apportioned between populations and within populations due to differences between juveniles and adults. Significant genotypic differences between adult and juvenile age classes suggest that the genetic divergence of local populations may occur over short periods of time.  相似文献   

Leucadendron is a moderately large genus of Proteaceae almost entirely restricted to the Cape Floristic Region of southern Africa. The genus is unusual in being dioecious and sexually dimorphic. ITS sequence data were obtained from 62 of the 96 currently recognized taxa (85 species and 11 subspecies). Phylogenetic analyses were conducted under Maximum Likelihood and parsimony and resolved nine groups of species with varying degrees of bootstrap support, but relationships between these groups are largely unsupported. The phylogeny conflicts with the current taxonomic arrangement, which is based mainly on fruit morphology. The two sections of the genus, Alatosperma and Leucadendron, and several subsections within these sections, are resolved as non-monophyletic. This means that taxonomically important characters (such as fruit shape) have evolved multiple times, as the species with nut-like fruit (resolved into two of the nine groups) appear to have evolved independently from ancestors with winged fruit. Based on the topology obtained, the life history traits of anemophily, myrmechochory, and re-sprouting have also originated multiple times. Dispersal-Vicariance (DIVA) analysis suggests that the genus had an ancestral area in the Karoo Mountain and Southeastern phytogeographic centres of endemism in the southwestern Cape.  相似文献   

胚轴是显胎生红树植物秋茄的特殊繁殖体。分析不同种源胚轴和幼苗的表型性状变异规律,以及胚轴营养元素差异,对秋茄种质资源保护利用和遗传育种具有重要意义。本研究收集了5个省11个种源秋茄的胚轴,测定了形态参数和营养元素含量,在浙江省温州市景山试验基地开展种源生长试验,测定幼苗生长指标,并利用方差分析、相关性分析和聚类分析等方法探讨了地理变异特性。结果表明:不同秋茄种源间胚轴表型性状和营养元素含量均存在极显著差异,除碳含量和基径外,各性状种源间变异系数大于种源内,且重复力均在85%以上;胚轴长度、生长高、生物量与纬度、经度呈显著负相关,而与年平均气温呈显著正相关,但胚轴氮、磷含量与纬度、经度呈显著正相关,与年平均气温呈显著负相关;年平均气温与顶径、基径呈显著正相关,年平均降雨量仅与长度显著正相关;通过聚类分析可将11个秋茄种源分为3类:海南海口(HK)和广东湛江(ZJ)为1类,浙江乐清(YQ)、浙江苍南(CN)和福建福鼎(FD)聚为1类,广西北海(BH)、广西防城港(FCG)、广东深圳(SZ)、福建云霄(YX)、福建龙海(LH)和福建泉州(QZ) 6个种源聚为1类。因此,不同种源秋茄胚轴表型性...  相似文献   

The intertidal crab Heterozius rotundifrons responds to tactile input, as occurs during a predation attempt, by hyper-extending all of its limbs and remaining in that posture for a variable length of time. We compared the duration of this anti-predator response: (1) in the day versus night (2) in two fluid media (air versus water) (3) after exposure to additional predator cues in one medium (air or water) and testing in the other medium (4) for crabs from different parts of the tidal range and (5) for females with and without eggs on their pleopods.?Crabs showed the posture at night as well as during the day. They also executed the posture when tested in air and extended the duration of the posture in air when they detected an additional predation-risk cue, shadows passing overhead. When crabs experienced input in one medium there was no effect on the duration of behavior shown in the other medium. Crabs from the lower portion of the intertidal showed a markedly longer duration of the limb-extended posture compared to crabs from the higher end of the tidal range of this crab. Berried females responded the same as females without eggs in both air and in water. Thus, crabs show this anti-predator behavior under a wide variety of conditions, but do not appear to transfer information received in one medium to behavior shown in the other media.  相似文献   

谷宣  陈国贵  王文卿  王瑁 《生态学报》2022,42(7):2974-2983
潮间带大型底栖动物调查是滨海湿地生物多样性监测的重要环节。目前普遍应用的传统侵入性调查方法(挖掘法、手捕法和陷阱诱捕法)存在干扰强、耗时久和劳动密集等问题,无法客观反映活动性较强的蟹类等重要功能类群的群落结构和物种多样性。对陆地野生动物研究中常用的相机陷阱法进行了符合潮间带应用条件的便携式设计,并以红树林蟹类为例,通过与3种传统侵入性调查方法进行对比,探讨相机陷阱法在潮间带底栖蟹类群落生态学研究中的应用。结果表明:(1)相机陷阱法在种群密度测定方面比挖掘法提高2.1倍,比手捕法提高10.3倍,比陷阱诱捕法提高16.3倍;(2)相机陷阱法在调查物种数方面均高于3种传统侵入性调查方法,适用于沙蟹科(Ocypodidae)和方蟹科(Grapsidae)蟹类调查;(3)相机陷阱法对个体大小选择性弱,采样更加全面;(4)相机陷阱法在群落alpha多样性(Shannon-Wiener指数)、beta多样性(样方-多度矩阵总方差Var (Y))和功能多样性(Rao二次熵和功能离散度)调查方面整体不弱于侵入性调查方法。此外,相较于侵入性调查方法,相机陷阱法对沉积物结构破坏小、不干扰蟹类群落结构,在兼顾数据丰富性的同时又具有高效性。然而,由于相机陷阱法基于蟹类底表活动性,无法适用于冬季调查、夜行性蟹类和游泳型蟹类调查。未来,相机陷阱法的发展将与基于深度学习的图像处理技术结合以满足数据处理需求。研究揭示了相机陷阱法在潮间带底栖蟹类群落中的应用优越性与局限性,为潮间带大型底栖动物群落生态学的研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

A new species of poecilostomatoid copepod, Hemicyclops spinulosus, is described from burrows of the ocypodid crab Macrophthalmus japonicus in an estuarine mud-flat in Tokyo Bay. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the segmentation and setation of first antenna, the ornamentation of maxilliped and the modified seta on the first segment of the endopod of legs 1–4. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Severe food shortage is associated with increased mortality and reduced reproductive success in contemporary and historical human populations. Studies of wild animal populations have shown that subtle variation in environmental conditions can influence patterns of mortality, fecundity and natural selection, but the fitness implications of such subtle variation on human populations are unclear. Here, we use longitudinal data on local grain production, births, marriages and mortality so as to assess the impact of crop yield variation on individual age-specific mortality and fecundity in two pre-industrial Finnish populations. Although crop yields and fitness traits showed profound year-to-year variation across the 70-year study period, associations between crop yields and mortality or fecundity were generally weak. However, post-reproductive individuals of both sexes, and individuals of lower socio-economic status experienced higher mortality when crop yields were low. This is the first longitudinal, individual-based study of the associations between environmental variation and fitness traits in pre-industrial humans, which emphasizes the importance of a portfolio of mechanisms for coping with low food availability in such populations. The results are consistent with evolutionary ecological predictions that natural selection for resilience to food shortage is likely to weaken with age and be most severe on those with the fewest resources.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes determine immune repertoires and social preferences of vertebrates. Immunological regulation of microbial assemblages associated with individuals influences their sociality, and should also affect their life-history traits. We exposed Xenopus laevis tadpoles to water conditioned by adult conspecifics. Then, we analysed tadpole growth, development and survivorship as a function of MHC class I and class II peptide-binding region amino acid sequence similarities between tadpoles and frogs that conditioned the water to which they were exposed. Tadpoles approached metamorphosis earlier and suffered greater mortality when exposed to immunogenetically dissimilar frogs. The results suggest that developmental regulatory cues, microbial assemblages or both are specific to MHC genotypes. Tadpoles may associate with conspecifics with which they share microbiota to which their genotypes are well adapted.  相似文献   

The development of a coral community was monitored for 6 years (1998–2004) on 46 m2 of artificial settlement substrate in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Growth and survival of recruits (n=1385) belonging to 16 different species were quantified in relation to characteristics of the benthic community developing around them. The early life history dynamics (i.e. growth rate, growth strategy and survival) of corals differed among species although these differences were small for species occupying similar habitats (i.e. underside versus topside of substratum). In contrast to recruit survival, juvenile growth rates were highly variable and unrelated to benthic community structure, at least at the scale of this study. Competing benthic organisms affected coral recruitment success through space preemption (mainly by macroalgae) or recruit overgrowth (mainly by sponges). The results highlight the small spatial scale (mm–cm) at which the processes responsible for recruitment success or failure occur and emphasize the need to include such small-scale observations in studies of coral early life-phase dynamics.  相似文献   

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