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Influence on individual types (fractions) of nucleic acids (NA) was studied in roots of wheat plants grown in various cultivation media, namely in distilled water, in sodium humate and in a nutrient solution. NA’s were prepared by means of the phenol technique. Using separation on a methylalbumine column (MAK) five fractions were obtained, namely: fraction I.— low molecular weight substances, fraction II.—soluble RNA, fraction III.—DNA-RNA, and the ribosomal RNA in two fractions, IV.—(l r-RNA) and V.—(h r-RNA). Of the NA fractions investigated, the r-RNA fraction was noticeably influenced by the kind of nutrition, its amount varying in a certain proportion to the growth intensity affected by the cultivation medium. The other NA fractions were not apparently affected. The metabolical turnover of the individual NA types (as observed from the specific32P activity) was considerably influenced by the kind of nutrition as well. The specific32P activity in all NA fractions of wheat roots cultivated in a nutrient solution was approximately double that in roots of wheat plants cultivated in distilled water and Na-humate. Changes in the specific32P activity of r-RNA were again considerably evident. With regard to root growth their relative values appeared in an inverse proportion to the changes in the r-RNA content. The specific32P activity decreased with increasing growth intensity. Besides changes in the r-RNA fraction, changes in fraction I. were apparent. An especially striking decrease in the specific32P activity was found in roots of plants grown in H2O, namely by about one order in comparison with its specific activity in fraction I. from roots of plants grown in Na-humate and in a nutrient solution.  相似文献   

Several methods of NA isolation and estimation were examined in order to determine RNA in the whole root systems of young wheat plants. It was found out that during the hydrolysis of roots with perchloric acid according toOgur andRosen (1950),Spirin (1958) andHeitefuss (1965) a considerable amount of orcine-positive compounds is released which cannot be adequate to the RNA content. Therefore the separate RNA determination in the presence of DNA was excluded even after the NA fractionation by hydrolysis at various temperature and perchloric acid concentration. Besides NA hydrolysates contained a high amount of other compounds absorbing in the UV-region. Compounds interfering with both these methods were present especially in the basal parts of roots. Using the method ofKern (1960) a nucleoprotein fraction was isolated containing about 75 per cent of the total NA content in the tissue. This fraction consisted of more than 90 per cent RNA combined with proteins, namely the ribosomal RNA. After the hydrolysis it could be estimated spectrophotometrically for the hydrolysate did not contain other compounds absorbing in the UV-region. In the root tips the content of this fraction was high in comparison with the basal parts of roots and it changed with the kind of nutrition.  相似文献   

V práci byl studován vliv humátu sodného na bub?ení a klí?ení ozimé p? enice Py?elka (Triticum vulgare Vill.) a sledována změna intensity dýchání bub?ících obilek v prvých 24 hodinách bub?ení. Bylo zji?těno, ?e Na-humát v koncentraci 100 mg/ml urychluje v prvé fázi bub?oní p?íjem vody bub?ícími obilkami. Tím, ?e obilky p?ijmou d?ive dostate?né mno?ství vody, dochází u nich d?íve k aktivaci enzymatických systém?, zabezpe? ujících zdárný pr?běh klí?ení, co? se projeví zvý?ením intensity dý chání. Energie uvolněná dýcháním m??e být vyu?ita k rychlej?ímu r?stu embrya, co? se projeví morfologicky v rychlosti klí?ení.  相似文献   

Natrium humate introduction into ration of broilers activates the synthetic phase of protein exchange. The increase of protein amount in blood serum and chicken tissues, the pool decrease of free amino acids in blood and its simultaneous growth in muscles, increase of proteolysis level, the change in activity of peptide-hydrolase testify to this. In muscles the quantity of free amino acids ensuring the reamination increases considerably.  相似文献   

A new graphical analytical technique is described for the hybridization of bacterial RNA with denatured homologous DNA immobilized on cellulose nitrate membrane filters. To a constant amount of DNA, various amounts of bacterial RNA were added and the percentage of input RNA bound was plotted against the DNA/RNA weight ratio in a given experiment. When RNA samples were used that hybridize to denatured DNA as a single species, the resulting curves (RNA-hybridization-efficiency curves) could be analysed to show the percentage of the DNA capable of specifically binding the RNA and could also be used to detect the presence of minor RNA contaminants in a purified specimen. The method could also estimate the relative amounts of two species of RNA in a mixture when these were hybridized independently to different DNA cistrons or cistron groups. As an example of RNA that can be studied in this way, the 16s and 23s ribosomal RNA species of Bacillus subtilis were chosen. These each behave in DNA-RNA hybridization as a single species and bind independently to different groups of DNA cistrons. The results obtained from hybridization-efficiency curves were compared with those obtained by the more usual method of saturating the specific DNA regions with excess of ribosomal RNA (hybridization-saturation curves). It was confirmed by both approaches that 0.15 (+/-0.02)% of B. subtilis DNA would hybridize with 16s ribosomal RNA, 0.30 (+/-0.02)% would hybridize with 23s ribosomal RNA, and 0.46 (+/-0.02)% would hybridize with (16s+23s) ribosomal RNA. This agreement suggested that mass-action equilibria between hybridized and free RNA had a negligible effect on the hybridization curves over the range of DNA and RNA concentrations employed.  相似文献   

The synthesis and processing of RNA by isolated HeLa cell nuclei was studied at low ionic strength in the presence of alpha-amanitin. The RNA polymerase reaction, with endogenous template and enzyme, rapidly reaches a plateau dependent on the amount of nuclei. Evidence is presented that incorporation of [(3)H]UMP proceeds only in growing RNA chains, whereas initiation of new RNA chains is arrested. The product formed contains all the main components of the 45S pre-rRNA (precursor of rRNA) maturation pathway (45S, 32S and 20S pre-rRNA; 28S and 18S rRNA). Most of the labelled material is in the mature rRNA components and their immediate precursors, even at very short times of incubation (2min). Small, but definite, 5S and 4S RNA peaks are also observed. At shorter incubation times a substantial amount of [(3)H]UMP is incorporated into RNA molecules in the 24S and 10-16S zones. This RNA material is considered to represent the non-conserved segments of 45S pre-rRNA in the process of nucleolytic degradation. A model for the tracer study of the topology of 45S pre-rRNA, on arrest of rRNA initiation, is discussed. The experimental evidence obtained supports the following structure of 45S pre-rRNA: 5'-end-28S rRNA unit-18S rRNA unit-nonconserved segment-3'-end.  相似文献   

T O Sitz  N Banerjee  R N Nazar 《Biochemistry》1981,20(14):4029-4033
Naturally occurring differences in the nucleotide sequences of 5.8S ribosomal ribonucleic acids (rRNAs) from a variety of organisms have been used to study the role of specific nucleotides in the secondary structure and intermolecular interactions of this RNA. Significant differences in the electrophoretic mobilities of free 5.8S RNAs and the thermal stabilities of 5.8S--28S rRNA complexes were observed even in such closely related sequences as those of man, rat, turtle, and chicken. A single base transition from a guanylic acid residue in position 2 in mammalian 5.8S rRNA to an adenylic acid residue in turtle and chicken 5.8S rRNA results both in a more open molecular conformation and in a 5.8S--28S rRNA junction which is 3.5 degrees C more stable to thermal denaturation. Other changes such as the deletion of single nucleotides from either the 5' or the 3' terminals have no detectable effect on these features. The results support secondary structure models for free 5.8S rRNA in which the termini interact to various degrees and 5.8S--28S rRNA junctions in which both termini of the 5.8S molecule interact with the cognate high molecular weight RNA component.  相似文献   

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