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DNA标记和分子育种   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  

DNA标记和分子育种钱惠荣郑康乐(中国水稻研究所生物工程系杭州310006)生物技术的发展给作物遗传育种研究带来了巨大的变化,DNA分子标记技术的应用是其中最显著的变化之一[9,48]。由于分子标记相对于经典遗传育种研究中的形态性状具有无可比拟的优越性,它的使用也越来越广泛。许多以前无法进行的研究,比如环境因素的影响,数量性状的多重效应等等,在分子标记的帮助下已经开展。同时分子标记直接应用于...  相似文献   

水稻分子标记辅助育种及其前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了水稻分子标记辅助育种的主要内容,其技术体系和研究进展被详细地加以介绍。同时,根据其发展趋势也介绍了水稻分子标记辅助育种的前景。  相似文献   

台湾大学农学院农艺学系林顺福先生利用分子标记选拔优良品质的粳稻品种。他以台农 6 9号稻种与越光品种稻杂交后代 16 0个品系为材料 ,分析其与食性有关的性状结果发现食味总评与食味计值和调查特性总计之间有极显著的相关关系 ,且食味总评与外观、香味、口味、粘弹性和硬性等  相似文献   

水稻产量性状遗传机理及分子标记辅助高产育种   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
水稻产量性状遗传机理及分子标记辅助高产育种庄杰云郑康乐(中国水稻研究所,杭州310006)水稻等农作物的很多重要农艺性状,如产量性状、品质性状、对病虫害的抗性水平和对不良环境因子的耐性,一般是为多个基因所控制的数量性状。经典的遗传分析方法只能把控制数...  相似文献   

冈46B(G46B)是水稻生产应用中的一个农艺性状十分优良的保持系,其主要的缺陷是稻瘟病抗性较弱,通过对地谷,BL-1,Pi-4号等三个分别含抗病基因Pi-d(t)^1、Pi-b、Pi-tα^2的稻瘟病抗性材料与G46B聚合杂交,并利用抗病基因连锁的分子标记对杂交后代进行辅助选择,在聚合杂交的F2代及B1C1代群体中共获得了15株含Pi-d(t)^1、Pi-b、Pi-tα^2等三个抗稻瘟病基因的材料,其可能的基因型分别为:三基因杂合体Pi-d(t)^1pi-d(t)^1,Pi-bpi-b/Pi-tα^2 pi-tα^2 4株,双基因杂合体10株,其中Pi-d(t)^1Pi-d(t)^1/Pi-bpi-b/Pi-tα^2pi-tα^2 6株,Pi-d(t)^1pi-d(t)^1/Pi-bpi-b/Pi-tα^2Pi-tα^2 3株,Pi-d(t)^1pi-d(t)^1,Pi-bPi-6,Pi-tα^2 pi-tα^2 1株,双基因纯合体Pi-d(t)^1Pi-d(t)^1/Pi-bpi-b/Pi-tα^2Pi-tα^2仅1株,这一研究结果为进一步改良G46B的稻瘟病抗性奠定了基础,同时这一研究结果表明利用分子标记可快速、有效地实现多个抗病基因的聚合,大大提高水稻抗病育种的效率。  相似文献   

DNA分子标记在果树遗传育种研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
DNA分子标记是随着分子生物学技术的发展出现的一类重要的遗传标记,近年来发展非常迅速,已在果树遗传育种研究的各个方面得到广泛的应用。介绍了几种DNA分子标记技术的原理,综述了DNA分子标记在果树种质资源研究、分子遗传图谱构建、基因定位、分子辅助选择等方面的应用,并对其在果树上的应用前景和存在问题进行了评述。  相似文献   

分子标记的种类及其在作物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分子标记技术近年来发展很快,目前,常用的分子标记主要可以分为基于杂交的分子标记、基于PCR的分子标记、基于限制性酶切和PCR结合的分子标记以及新一代分子标记.本文对这几类分子标记中常用类型的基本原理进行介绍,并从分子标记在作物种质遗传多样性、基因定位和基因克隆以及分子标记辅助选择育种和分子设计育种中应用进行了阐述.  相似文献   

亚麻作为一种经济作物,综合利用价值高,亚麻籽丰富的营养成分和活性物质以及优质的纤维品质使得亚麻越来越受到青睐,因而培育高品质亚麻品种成为当前的育种目标.传统育种方法因周期长、选择有限等原因限制了育种进程,随着分子生物学和分子标记等技术的发展,传统育种手段结合分子育种在一定程度满足了育种需求.文章对分子标记在亚麻研究中的...  相似文献   

AFLP分子标记及其在植物育种上的应用   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
扩增酶切片段多态性(AmplifiedRstricitonfragmentpolymorphism,简称AFLP)是由Zabeau等1992年发明的一项新的DNA指纹技术,它结合了RFLP和PCR技术的特点,具有RFLP技术的可靠性和PCR技术高效性,其基本原理是对基因组DNA酶切片段的选择性扩增,AFLP扩增片段的谱带数取决于采用的内切酶及引物3′端选择碱基的种类数目和所研究基因组的复杂性,实验  相似文献   

The inheritance of resistance in the rice cultivars Phalguna, ARC5984, ARC 5158, Veluthacheera, and T1477 to the Asian rice gall midge biotype 2 was studied under both natural and artificial infestation conditions against the susceptible cultivars Jaya and IR20. A single recessive gene in Veluthacheera and two recessive complementary genes in T1477 control resistance. Phalguna and ARC5984 possess a single dominant gene while ARC5158 has a single dominant and a single recessive gene for resistance. Allelism studies showed that genes for resistance in Veluthacheera and T1477 are allelic but non-allelic to the resistance genes in Phalguna and ARC5984, which are allelic to each other. Genes for resistance in ARC5158 are allelic to resistance genes of the other four donors. There was no cytoplasmic inhibition of resistance by the susceptible parents.  相似文献   

晚稻稻瘿蚊主害代发生程度的预测模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对化州市稻瘿蚊16 a历史资料的研究分析,明确了决定稻瘿蚊发生程度的关键因素是降水量和平均气温。由此以“九.五”研究的有关结论为基础,建立了稻瘿蚊发生程度预测模型:Y=23.4000 0.0054x1-0.7972x2,回报历史拟合率为91.9%,对1999-2005年7 a预测准确率达87.1%。  相似文献   

Damage caused by insect herbivores, notably Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae is more prevalent in the rice-growing belts of India's southern and north-eastern states. As a prelude to resistant cultivar development, the identification of genomic regions for resistance in the source population is crucial. In the present investigation, 202 rice genotypes were phenotyped and assayed with genomic markers reported for gall midge resistance. Positive skewness and platykurtic distribution of response scores suggested the inheritance of gall midge resistance in the study population. The marker gm3del3 contributed the most genetic variation, followed by RM28574 and marker RM22709 explained minimal variation. A marker-trait association analysis with a single marker-trait linear regression approach was performed to discover gall midge resistant genomic region/genes. The marker RM17480 on chromosome 4 reported to be linked with gm3 gene was found significantly associated with the gall midge resistance genomic region with allelic effects in a negative direction favouring resistance reaction. The allelic effects of significantly associated markers were correlated significantly with the phenotypic variation of gall midge damage scores. Genes identified in the vicinity of this marker contribute to stress response reactions in rice plants. The 200 bp allele of the marker was associated with susceptibility, while the 250 bp allele was associated with resistance expression. This allelic association with trait variation suggests the importance of associated marker for utilisation in marker-assisted selection programmes to incorporate resistance alleles into elite rice genotypes.  相似文献   

Platygaster diplosisae and Aprostocetus procerae attack both the African rice gall midge (AfRGM), Orseolia oryzivora, and Orseolia bonzii, a closely related gall midge that feeds on Paspalum scrobiculatum. Recent research has shown that managing this weed at the edge of rice fields offers African farmers, low-cost non-chemical control of AfRGM.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify a specific marker for biotype 2 of the Asian rice gall midge (Orseolia oryzae, Wood-Mason), we used AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) fingerprinting. We identified an AFLP marker that is specifically amplified in biotypes 1, 2 and 5 of the rice gall midge, but not in biotype 4. Biotypes 1, 2 and 5 are avirulent to hosts bearing the Gm2 resistance gene (found in rice variety Phalguna), whereas biotype 4 is virulent to Gm2. Based on the sequence of this AFLP marker, SCAR (sequence characterized amplified region) primers were designed and used in combination with previously developed SCAR primers to distinguish effectively all five biotypes in a multiplex PCR-based assay. The inheritance pattern of this marker in the progenies of inter-biotype crosses between biotypes 1, 2 and 4 shows that the marker can be amplified by PCR from all F1 females, irrespective of the biotype status of their parents. However, the marker is present only in those male progenies whose mother was of a Gm2 avirulent biotype. The specific amplification of this marker in the avirulent biotypes and its pattern of inheritance show that avirulence with respect to carriers of the Gm2 gene in rice gall midge is sex-linked. Received: 16 August 1999 / Accepted: 27 December 1999  相似文献   

We prevent an ultra-simple DNA extraction method for microsatellite analysis of rice. Each extraction requires only one microtube, one disposable pipette tip, TE buffer and few pieces (about 5 mm) of rice leaf tissue. This is sufficient for 200 PCR reactions. The extract can be kept in the freezer for long-term storage. Also, DNA can be extracted from 200–300 individuals in a few hours. These features enabled us to perform rapid largescale seedling genotyping required for marker-assisted selection. We have also examined the applicability of this method for other PCR-based markers: RAPDs, nuclear STS, chloroplast STS and chloroplast microsatellites.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to assess the biodiversity of one of the most important dipteran pests of cereals, the Asian rice gall midge (Orseolia oryzae Wood Mason). Larvae and pupae were collected at 15 locations in five Asian countries and preserved in 95% ethanol for storage, shipment, and DNA extraction using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Although only approximately 1 microg of DNA was extracted from a single pupa or larva, the use of several AFLP primers in various combinations meant that this amount of DNA was sufficient to allow many DNA fingerprints to be made per individual. Fingerprints were sufficiently reproducible, especially during selective amplification, to allow the genetic diversity within a field population to be characterized. Extraction of DNA from a pool of 20 insects yielded AFLP fingerprints in which variation among individuals was sacrificed in favor of detecting differences among populations. For each location, pooled DNA was amplified with three primer pairs. A total of 261 distinct AFLP bands were identified for the 45 fingerprints. Cluster analysis, performed by the unweighted pair-group method (UPGMA), separated the populations into two distinct groups. Group I included two populations from Guangdong province of southern China and one each from Laos and Imphal in northeastern India, while group II was comprised of eleven populations from elsewhere in India (Assam, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala) and from Nepal and Sri Lanka. AFLP analysis provided insight into the origins of gall midge biotypes. In 1992, the prevailing biotype in Imphal changed from Indian biotype 3 to a new biotype 3M. Our data show that biotype 3M belongs to group I and did not arise by a recent mutation from biotype 3, which belongs to group II. By contrast, Indian biotypes 2 and 4 are likely to have diverged through recent mutation and selection, as are Chinese biotypes 1 and 4. The almost simultaneous emergence of new biotypes in Kerala and Sri Lanka during 1985-1988 was most probably coincidental, because these biotypes are not closely related. AFLP fingerprints were also able to detect sexual dimorphism in the DNA of adult gall midges and to distinguish gall midge from its major parasite Platygaster oryzae.  相似文献   

Gm2 is dominant gene conferring resistance to biotype 1 of gall midge (Orseolia oryzae Wood-Mason), the major dipteran pest of rice. The gene was mapped by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of a set of 40 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between the resistant variety Phalguna and the susceptible landrace ARC 6650. The gene is located on chromosome 4 at a position 1.3 cM from marker RG329 and 3.4 cM from RG476. Since the low (28%) polymorphism of this indica x indica cross hindered full coverage of the genome with RFLP markers, the mapping was checked by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)/bulked segregant analysis. Through the use of 160 RAPD primers, the number of polymorphic markers was increased from 43 to 231. Two RAPD primers amplified loci that co-segregated with resistance/susceptibility. RFLP mapping of these loci showed that they are located 0.7 cM and 2.0 cM from RG476, confirming the location of Gm2 in this region of chromosome 4. Use of these DNA markers will accelerate breeding for gall midge resistance by permitting selection of the Gm2 gene independently of the availability of the insect.  相似文献   

稻瘿蚊为害(标葱)的空间分布型及其与有效穗关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李自军 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):135-137
稻瘿蚊为害的空间分布型属聚集分布,田间估计稻瘿蚊为害的最佳取样方法为棋盘法和平行线法,当每丛受害超过1苗时,抽样数量可稳定在151丛以下。标葱率和有效穗相关性测定表明:当标葱率在20%以下时,为害程度与有效穗的多少无显著相关;当标葱率大于20%时,标葱率与有效穗呈显著负相关,每受害加重5%,有效穗将减少0.37个/丛。  相似文献   

Bacterial leaf blight (BB), caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae (Xoo), is the major constraint amongst rice diseases in India. CSR-30 is a very popular high-yielding, salt-tolerant Basmati variety widely grown in Haryana, India, but highly susceptible to BB. In the present study, we have successfully introgressed three BB resistance genes (Xa21, xa13 and xa5) from BB-resistant donor variety IRBB-60 into the BB-susceptible Basmati variety CSR-30 through marker-assisted selection (MAS) exercised with stringent phenotypic selection without compromising the Basmati traits. Background analysis using 131 polymorphic SSR markers revealed that recurrent parent genome (RPG) recovery ranged up to 97.1% among 15 BC3F1 three-gene-pyramided genotypes. Based on agronomic evaluation, BB reaction, aroma, percentage recovery of RPG, and grain quality evaluation, four genotypes, viz., IC-R28, IC-R68, IC-R32, and IC-R42, were found promising and advanced to BC3F2 generation.  相似文献   

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