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【目的】研究中华真地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis(Walker)断触角再生特征及再生临界期。【方法】选取1~10龄健康的初龄若虫一条触角除基部3节外剪除,蜕皮后观察并统计触角的节数。选取生长一致健康的初龄4龄若虫,于第0~19日龄进行断触角处理,蜕皮后观察触角的再生情况和触角的节数。【结果】不同虫龄的初龄若虫断去触角蜕皮后,均能通过再生使触角的节数增加。1~10龄的若虫一条触角除基部3节外剪除,蜕皮后下一龄的触角节数分别为5、8、12、13~15、15~17、16~19、18~20、13~15、20~23、22~25、24~28节。4龄的初龄若虫一条触角分别除基部0~2、3、5、10、15、20节外剪除,蜕皮后触角的节数分别为11~12、13~15、18~21、19~25、24~27节,其中一条触角除基部20节外剪除蜕皮后基本恢复正常节数。不同日龄的4龄若虫一条触角除基部3节外剪除蜕皮后,0~8日龄的处理若虫蜕皮后触角节数为13~15节,而12日龄及以后的处理若虫蜕皮后触角节数为5~6节。4龄若虫的断触角再生临界期为9~11日龄。【结论】中华真地鳖在再生临界期内断触角后能够再生触角。  相似文献   

目(竹节虫目)的昆虫具有很强的断肢再生能力。该文通过对华枝属(Sinophasmaspp)三种昆虫的实验,表明其再生能力与断肢发生的时间及数量有关。断肢1只或2只的1~4龄虫体发育至成虫期或至若虫末龄时,其再生足的长度与相应的正常足长度相近。若在5龄初时断肢1~2只,也具有再生能力,但至成虫期其再生足的长度则短于相对应的正常足。若在6龄及成虫时断肢,则无再生能力(若6龄时出现断肢再生,则若虫期多为7龄)。实验结果还表明,若断肢为3只或3只以上,则虫体不能存活,且多在断肢后2~3d内死亡。观察中尚发现,再生足生长速度明显高于正常足。而且,断肢的龄期越高,再生足生长速度越快。再生足的伸长生长与正常足一样,均出现于虫体蜕皮时。  相似文献   

三种华枝断肢再生的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目(竹节虫目)的昆虫具有很强的断肢再生能力。该文通过对华枝属(Sinophasma spp)三种昆虫的实验,表明其再生能力与断肢发生的时间及数量有关。断肢1只或2只的1~4龄虫体发育至成虫期或至若虫末龄时,其再生足的长度与相应的正常足长度相近。若在5龄初时断肢1~2只,也具有再生能力,但至成虫期其再生足的长度则短于相对应的正常足。若在6龄及成虫时断肢,则无再生能力(若6龄时出现断肢再生,则若虫期多为7龄)。实验结果还表明,若断肢为3只或3只以上,则虫体不能存活,且多在断肢后2~3 d内死亡。观察中尚发现,再生足生长速度明显高于正常足。而且,断肢的龄期越高,再生足生长速度越快。再生足的伸长生长与正常足一样,均出现于虫体蜕皮时。  相似文献   

中华真地鳖的断足再生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了中华真地鳖Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker的断足再生特征。研究结果表明,不同虫龄期的若虫都有断足再生能力;足的不同部位断足后均能再生;断掉不同数量的足后,只要能成活均可再生。断足再生后,继续断掉再生足的原位或其他部位也可以再生。再生足的跗节均比正常的少一节,具有再生不完整性。断足后,只要经1~2次蜕皮,均可再生。断掉一对足的腿节后,再生足出现大小不一的现象,小的一般发育不全,断足数量多容易出现再生足发育不全。再生足比正常足要小,但生长速度要快,断掉足的腿节或跗节后的再生足经过2次蜕皮后基本可恢复到正常足大小。  相似文献   

双斑蟋若虫后足的再生观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李华  张晓欢  那杰 《昆虫知识》2007,44(3):419-422
研究蟋蟀若虫是否具有再生的能力,在实验室内对直翅目蟋蟀科的双斑蟋Gryllus bimaculata de Geer若虫后足的再生情况进行初步观察。结果表明:双斑蟋若虫的后足确实具有再生的能力,且再生足的伸长生长与正常足一样,均出现于虫体蜕皮时。再生的过程主要分为3个阶段:突起期、“肢芽”期、短小足期。实验结果还表明:再生能力与断肢发生的时间及断肢部位有关;断肢部位离肢体越远,再生能力越强;断肢发生的时间越早,再生能力越强。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确自体切除这一现象在德国小蠊Blattella germanica发生的位点,探究自体切除与德国小蠊足再生的关系,为昆虫再生的研究提供理论依据。【方法】选取3-6龄的健康德国小蠊若虫,于右后足的跗节近体端第1节、跗节近体端第2节、跗节与胫节交接处、胫节远体端的1/3, 1/2和2/3处、胫节与腿节交接处、腿节1/2处、腿节与转节交接处、转节与基节交接处以及基节基部共11处分别进行断足处理,每日定时对处理的德国小蠊若虫进行观察,记录是否出现自体切除现象、自体切除发生的时间、部位以及蜕皮后是否再生等。以未断足的左后足长度为对照,分析比较德国小蠊自体切除与未自体切除再生足的差异,分析自体切除与断足再生的关系。【结果】在德国小蠊若虫11处断足部位中均观察到2个自体切除位点,于胫节不同部位、胫节与腿节交接处和1/2腿节处截断的处理自体切除发生在转节末端;于跗节近体端第1和2节处截断的处理自体切除发生在胫节末端;而其他部位断足处理则未曾出现自体切除现象;自体切除位点与断足部位有关,但不受若虫龄期的影响。自体切除发生位点相同的不同断足部位中,同一龄期内,断足程度与自体切除发生概率...  相似文献   

【目的】了解黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder末龄若虫的蜕皮羽化行为。【方法】室内恒温(26±0.5)℃恒湿(75%±5%)饲养黑胸散白蚁末龄若虫,间隔一定时间进行观察记录。【结果】黑胸散白蚁末龄若虫蜕皮羽化时间持续2~8 h。蜕皮一般从末龄若虫胸腹部交界处背部开始破裂,从腹末、翅末、足端、口器末端或触角端脱落,50%以上的正常羽化蜕皮是从腹末端脱落。初始羽化成虫为白色,随后身体和翅的颜色逐渐加深和变黑,羽化8~12 h后,虫体整体颜色变为黑色。室内观察结果还表明,34.7%的末龄若虫无法正常羽化。【结论】黑胸散白蚁末龄若虫蜕皮羽化持续时间较短,蜕皮一般是从胸腹部交界处背部开始破裂,但可从不同部位脱落,且蜕皮羽化行为容易受到外界环境的影响。  相似文献   

竹节虫的断足再生观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡光 《四川动物》2000,19(1):48-48,F003
竹节虫的断足再生现象,是生物学上很有趣的问题。蔡邦华先生(1956)指出:“腿节与转节间有缝,使足易于脱落。”[1]忻介六等(1985)说,断足在蜕皮时又能长出,但明显短小。[2]戚永和等(1992)发现金平巨树Tirachideawestwoodi(WoodMason)的雌虫或雄虫常会缺少一只或两只足,有些个体则在断足的基部长出了细弱弯曲的“肢芽”,并能够逐渐发育成一只完整的足,但是,看上去比原有那只弱小一些。[3]GOBedford(1978)援引JTSalmon(1955)的文章,竹节虫若虫的附肢,蜕皮时可能被损坏(或实验性损坏),在随后的…  相似文献   

王超  陈芳  陆永跃 《昆虫学报》2014,57(4):428-434
【目的】 研究阐明不同光周期条件下棉花粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley实验种群的发育历期、繁殖和数量动态规律,为制定该虫防治对策、研究治理措施等提供科学依据。【方法】 以扶桑为寄主,在温度27±1℃、相对湿度70%±5%、光照强度4 000 lx及不同光周期(8L∶16D, 10L∶14D, 12L∶12D, 14L∶10D和16L∶8D)条件下,观察了棉花粉蚧实验种群的生长发育特性和繁殖能力,组建了实验种群生命表。【结果】 不同光周期处理下棉花粉蚧1龄若虫和3龄若虫的发育历期及雌成虫产仔量均发生了变化,但不同龄期若虫存活率之间差异不大。随着光照时间增加,棉花粉蚧1龄若虫、3龄若虫发育速率加快,8 h光照时发育历期分别为5.43 d和6.35 d,而16 h光照时发育历期分别缩短至4.16 d和4.75 d;整个若虫发育历期也由8 h光照时的15.54 d缩短至16 h光照时的12.74 d,世代历期由27.75 d缩短至23.45 d。长光照时雌虫更早进入产仔期,也有利于雌虫繁殖后代,16 h光照时进入产仔期是18日龄,8 和10 h光照时均推迟至22日龄;16 h光照时单雌产仔量为417.06头,明显高于12 ,10 和8 h光照时的353.59,347.61和336.00头。长光照条件下实验种群趋势指数(I)明显较大,增长潜能更大,16,10 和8 h光照时种群趋势指数分别为 175.37,133.94和141.99。该虫生命表参数表明,随着光照时间加长净增值率(R0)呈逐渐增大趋势,8, 10,12,14和16 h光照时分别为88.57,86.85,100.77,124.16和126.86;内禀增长率、周限增长率表现类似的规律,8~16 h光照时内禀增长率(rm)为0.1616~0.2066,周限增长率(λ)为1.1754~1.2294;而种群倍增时间(t)则随着光照时加长而缩短,8~16 h光照时为4.29~3.36 d。【结论】 长光照有利于棉花粉蚧生长发育和繁殖,世代历期缩短,种群增长潜能变强。  相似文献   

【目的】明确条赤须盲蝽Trigonotylus coelestialium各虫态的形态特征及其发育历期和成虫繁殖力等生物学特性,为条赤须盲蝽的预测预报及科学防治提供理论依据。【方法】在2021年9-10月郑州室内自然变温(22.0~28.1℃)和25℃恒温条件下,以玉米灌浆期籽粒为食料进行饲养,并观察、记录条赤须盲蝽个体各发育阶段的形态特征,测定其各虫态的发育历期、存活率、成虫寿命及雌成虫产卵量。【结果】条赤须盲蝽卵块产于玉米籽粒基部内颖内侧,卵粒长圆筒形,向一侧略弯。从1龄若虫开始触角呈现红色,随龄期增加红色逐渐明显,至5龄若虫时触角第1节出现3条清晰可见的红色纵纹。翅芽从3龄若虫开始明显可见。雌成虫产卵器长瓣状,平放于生殖节中部的沟槽内。室内自然变温下,条赤须盲蝽卵历期为6.27 d,卵孵化率为89.90%;1-5龄若虫历期分别为2.80, 2.33, 2.70, 2.77和3.90 d,若虫总历期为14.50 d,若虫总存活率为85.97%;雌成虫产卵前期为4.43 d,产卵持续期为13.93 d,单雌产卵19.47块,产卵量为82.55粒。25℃恒温下,条赤须盲蝽卵历期为7.73 d,卵孵化率为81.13%;1-5龄若虫历期分别为2.17, 1.90, 1.77, 1.90和2.93 d;若虫总历期为10.67 d,若虫总存活率为7184%;雌成虫产卵前期为4.17 d,产卵持续期为11.27 d,单雌产卵21.17块,产卵量为72.22粒。【结论】条赤须盲蝽的5龄若虫和成虫的触角第1节的形态特征可用于区分其与该属其他昆虫;其翅芽的发育特征可判别若虫龄期;变温能延长其若虫历期和成虫寿命,同时有利于提高雌成虫产卵量和卵孵化率。  相似文献   

There are 5 tarsomeres in the normal cockroach leg, but this number is often reduced in regenerated legs. In order to examine this complicated situation, fore-, mid-, and hindlegs of German cockroaches were amputated at 11 different tarsal levels and at 18 different times during the last instar. When tarsi were amputated at or proximal to the 3rd tarsomere, 4-segmented tarsi regenerated. When legs were amputated distal to the 3rd tarsomere, the regenerated tarsi had 5 segments. Three-segmented tarsi rarely regenerated when legs were amputated proximal to 3rd tarsomere and in the latter half of the instar period. The lengths of all tarsomeres of regenerated tarsi were measured together with those of unoperated contralateral tarsomeres, and the ratios of the former to the latter were calculated. The ratios ranged from 28 to 138% for the various tarsomeres and levels of amputation. From a comparison of the ratios and morphological observations, it was suggested that the 3rd tarsomere of the normal 5-segmented tarsus has disappeared in the regenerated 4-segmented tarsus. Pads and disto-lateral spines of tarsomeres were observed on unoperated and regenerated tarsi. It was of interest that double spines were often found on the 4-segmented tarsi, mostly on the 2nd tarsomere, just proximal to the position of the missing 3rd tarsomere. This observation supported the idea that the 3rd tarsomere has not simply disappeared, but has probably fused with the 2nd tarsomere.  相似文献   

Limb regeneration potential and the apolysis process were investigated in the argasid tick, Ornithodoros tartakovskyi. Developmental instars received single or multiple amputations and were subsequently allowed to undergo single or multiple apolyses. Amputated ticks regenerated complete normal limbs but only after four successive apolyses. Following a single apolysis, the majority of regenerated limbs were essentially miniature duplicates of normal legs but commonly lacked normal chaetotaxy and/or tarsal hump(s). The site of amputation distal to the coxa-trochanter joint, number of limbs removed from an individual, and instar amputated did not consistently influence the extent of regeneration. Coagulation and clot formation were observed.The limbs of the tick apolysed within the old leg hulls. Larvae and nymphs amputated relatively early during the period of apolyses regenerated limbs; late amputations precluded regeneration. The process of apolysis was irreversible and not obviously affected by amputations.  相似文献   

The relationship between the particle size of an inert silica dust, its up-take from different surfaces and the grooming behaviour of males, gravid females, and fifth and sixth instar nymphs of the German cockroachBlattella germanica (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) (L.) was investigated. The normal grooming behaviour of gravid females, nymphs and males differed according to sex and age. The gravid females and nymphs exhibited greater grooming activity than the males, especially of the antennae and the legs. Gravid females, nymphs, and adult males exhibited increased grooming activity after exposure to dust in the size range 0.5–63 μm, but there was no significant difference in grooming behaviour from the control when cockroaches were exposed to dust sizes greater than 70 μm. Antennal grooming by males was greater than leg grooming when exposed to all dust sizes, except size particles ranging 4.5–7.5 μm. A dust pick-up experiment indicated that the average amount of dust transferred toB. germanica is affected by particle size, the porosity of the treated surface, and the sex and age of the cockroaches. Gravid females picked up greater amounts of dust than fifth and sixth instar nymphs, which in turn picked up more dust than males. Silica dust particles (0.5–7.5 μm) were picked up more effectively than larger particle sizes, by all three categories, males, females and fifth and sixth instar nymphs of cockroach on all three test surfaces plastic, ceramic and unpainted plywood. Plywood was the least effective surface for transfer of dust, of all sizes, to males, females and nymphs.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of the regeneration of legs and antennae of Oncopeltus. Amputations were performed on first instar larvae within 24 hr after hatching, and on later instars within 24 hr after ecdysis. The resulting regenerates were then measured at each instar. When amputations were performed soon after hatching, there was no significant effect on the duration of any instar. The regenerate was usually visible after the second post-operative ecdysis, and was smaller than a normal appendage (hypomorphic). Removal of the three distal segments of the antenna usually resulted in regeneration of only one segment which was abnormally long and showed a combination of the bristle patterns characteristic of the two most distal segments of the control. In a few such cases a partial intersegmental membrane was present in the regenerated segment. Removal of the tarsus resulted in a structurally complete regenerate which was smaller than the control tarsus. The largest leg regenerates were obtained when amputation was performed through the tibia. With amputation through the femur, a decrease in length of the remainder of this segment was observed after the first ecdysis. This type of amputation and amputation through the trochanter in some cases resulted in the formation of a globular stump containing tarsal claws. The results indicate that amputation of part of an appendage in Oncopeltus does not stimulate an increased growth rate in the stump, but merely causes reorganization of the stump material which subsequently grows at the normal rate. Since even the most hypomorphic regenerates contained well-formed claws, even though proximal parts were missing, it appears that the reorganization process must begin at the most distal point and proceed proximally.  相似文献   

The levels of ecdysteroids in control and leg-autotomized first-instar nymphs of Blattella germanica were determined by radioimmunoassay from hatching to the time of the first ecdysis. Uninjured nymphs showed a distinct release of ecdysteroids half-way through the stadium, and this resulted in the commencement of the moult cycle which formed the cuticle of the second instar. Cockroaches which had legs autotomized at 48 h after hatching (i.e. before the control ecydsteroid release) had their instar duration increased by that time period. Releases of ecdysteroids and events of the moulting cycle were also postponed by the 48 h period. The titre of ecdysteroids in injured animals was double that of controls. Nymphs were also autotomized at 96 h (i.e. after the normal release of ecdysteroids) but no changes in instar duration, ecdysteroid releases, or events of the moult cycle were recorded. The effects of injury, prothoracicotropic hormone activity and ecdysteroid release are discussed.  相似文献   

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