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The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a worldwide pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. Studies to find control methods were initiated in 2000 when it was first detected in North America. A. glycines can reduce yields by as much as 50%, and it is the vector of several viral diseases. A. glycines removes phloem sap, which can result in a reduction of chlorophyll content. Quantification of chlorophyll loss caused by A. glycines feeding on soybean is of vital importance. The SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter is a device that has been used to measure chlorophyll loss caused by nonchewing insects. Chlorophyll loss was studied in no-choice tests on the infested and uninfested leaves of a susceptible check (KS4202). The minimum combined number of days and aphids needed to detect significant chlorophyll loss was 30 aphids confined for 10 d. In a similar experiment, seven resistant entries and two susceptible checks were evaluated. There was no significant chlorophyll reduction between infested and uninfested leaves of five of the resistant entries (K1621, K1639, Pioneer 95B97, Dowling, and Jackson). Percentage of loss of chlorophyll in the susceptible checks was approximately 40%; Jackson and Dowling had a significantly lower percentage loss (13 and 16%, respectively) compared with the susceptible checks. The percentages of chlorophyll loss of K1621, K1639, and Pioneer 95B97 were not statistically different from the percentage of loss of Jackson.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is an introduced pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., in North America, and it can reduce yields by 50%. Since 2000, when A. glycines was first detected in the United States, studies of this insect and possible control methods have been initiated. Plant resistance to this aphid species is one important component of integrated control. Reproduction of A. glycines was compared on 240 soybean entries in a pesticide-free greenhouse. Eleven entries had fewer nymphs produced, compared with the susceptible checks, and these entries were used in follow-up experiments to assess antibiosis and antixenosis. Antibiosis was estimated in true no-choice tests, in which adults were confined individually in double-sided sticky cages stuck to the upper side of leaves. Antixenosis was assessed in choice tests, in which all entries were planted in a single pot. Adult aphids were placed in the center of the pot, and 24 h later the number of adults on each plant was counted. Of the 11 entries evaluated, nine showed a moderate antibiotic effect to A. glycines, and the other two entries (K1639 and Pioneer 95B97) showed not only a strong antibiotic effect but also exhibited antixenosis as a category of resistance to A. glycines. The resistant soybean entries found in this work are potential sources for A. glycines control.  相似文献   

Economic threshold for soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), reached damaging levels in 2003 and 2005 in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, in most northern U.S. states and Canadian provinces, and it has become one of the most important pests of soybean throughout the North Central region. A common experimental protocol was adopted by participants in six states who provided data from 19 yield-loss experiments conducted over a 3-yr period. Population doubling times for field populations of soybean aphid averaged 6.8 d +/- 0.8 d (mean +/- SEM). The average economic threshold (ET) over all control costs, market values, and yield was 273 +/- 38 (mean +/- 95% confidence interval [CI], range 111-567) aphids per plant. This ET provides a 7-d lead time before aphid populations are expected to exceed the economic injury level (EIL) of 674 +/- 95 (mean +/- 95% CI, range 275-1,399) aphids per plant. Peak aphid density in 18 of the 19 location-years occurred during soybean growth stages R3 (beginning pod formation) to R5 (full size pod) with a single data set having aphid populations peaking at R6 (full size green seed). The ET developed here is strongly supported through soybean growth stage R5. Setting an ET at lower aphid densities increases the risk to producers by treating an aphid population that is growing too slowly to exceed the EIL in 7 d, eliminates generalist predators, and exposes a larger portion of the soybean aphid population to selection by insecticides, which could lead to development of insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

The fecundity, longevity, mortality, and maturation of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Homoptera: Aphididae), were characterized using three resistant soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, genotypes ('Dowling', 'Jackson', and PI200538 'Sugao Zarai') and two susceptible genotypes ('Pana' and 'Loda'). Antibiosis in the resistant genotypes was demonstrated by a significant decrease in fecundity and longevity and increased mortality of A. glycines. Aphid fecundity, measured as number of offspring produced in the first 10 d by each viviparous aptera, was higher on Pana than on the resistant genotypes. Aphid longevity, the mean number of days a 1-d-old adult lived, was 7 d longer on Pana than on Dowling and Jackson. The mortality of both viviparous apterae and nymphs on resistant genotypes was significantly higher than on susceptible genotypes. A greater number of first instars survived to maturation stage (date of first reproduction) on susceptible plants than on resistant plants. None of the first instars placed on Dowling and PI200538 leaves survived to maturation. Observations of aphid behavior on leaves indicated that aphids departed from the leaves of resistant plants 8-24 h after being placed on them, whereas they remained indefinitely on leaves of susceptible cultivars and developed colonies. Reduced feeding due to ingestion of potentially toxic compounds in soybean may explain the possible mechanism of resistance to the soybean aphid.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a major pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.). Merr., that significantly reduces yield in northern production areas of North America. Insecticides are widely used to control soybean aphid outbreaks, but efforts are underway to develop host plant resistance as an effective alternative management strategy. Here, previously identified resistant lines were evaluated in laboratory tests against field-collected populations of soybean aphid and in field-plot tests over 2 yr in South Dakota. Six lines previously identified with resistance to soybean aphid--Jackson, Dowling, K1639, Cobb, Palmetto and Sennari--were resistant in this study, but relatively high aphid counts on Tie-feng 8 in field plots contrasted with its previously reported resistance. Bhart-PI 165989 showed resistance in one of two laboratory tests, but it had relatively large aphid infestations in both years of field tests. Intermediate levels of soybean aphid occurred in field plots on lines previously shown to have strong (Sugao Zairai, PI 230977, and D75-10169) or moderate resistance to soybean aphid (G93-9223, Bragg, Braxton, and Tracy-M). Sugao Zairai also failed to have a significant proportion of resistant plants in two laboratory tests against aphids field-collected in 2008, but it was resistant in laboratory tests with aphids collected in 2002, 2005, and 2006. Overall, results showed that lines with Rag (i.e., Jackson) or Rag1 gene (i.e., Dowling) had low aphid numbers, whereas lines with Rag2 (i.e., Sugao Zairai, Sennari) had mixed results. Collectively, responses of soybean aphid populations in laboratory and field tests in 2008 resembled a virulence pattern reported previously for biotype 3 soybean aphids, but virulence in soybean aphid populations was variable and dynamic over years of the study. These results, coupled with previous reports of biotypes virulent to Rag1, suggest that deployment of lines with a single aphid-resistance gene is limited for soybean aphid management, and that deployment strategies relying on multiple resistance genes may be needed to effectively use plant resistance against soybean aphid.  相似文献   

Multiple strategies are being developed for pest management of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura; however, there has been little published research thus far to determine how such strategies may influence each other, thereby complicating their potential effectiveness. A susceptible soybean (Glycine max L.) variety without the Rag1 gene and a near isogenic resistant soybean variety with the Rag1 gene were evaluated in the laboratory for their effects on the fitness of the soybean aphid parasitoid, Binodoxys communis (Gahan). The presence or absence of the Rag1 gene was verified by quantifying soybean aphid growth. To test for fitness effects, parasitoids were allowed to attack soybean aphids on either a susceptible or resistant plant for 24 h and then aphids were kept on the same plant throughout parasitoid development. Parasitoid fitness was measured by mummy and adult parasitoid production, adult parasitoid emergence, development time, and adult size. Parasitoids that attacked soybean aphids on susceptible plants produced more mummies, more adult parasitoids, and had a higher emergence rate compared with those on resistant plants. Adult parasitoids that emerged from resistant plants took 1 d longer and were smaller compared with those from susceptible plants. This study suggests that biological control by B. communis may be compromised when host plant resistance is widely used for pest management of soybean aphids.  相似文献   

The impact of the leaf-chlorosis-eliciting Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), and the nonchlorosis-eliciting bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), feeding on D. noxia-susceptible and -resistant cereals was examined during the period (i.e., 3, 6, and 9 d after aphid infestation) that leaf chlorosis developed. After aphid number, leaf rolling and chlorosis ratings, and fresh leaf weight were recorded on each sampling date, total protein content, peroxidase, catalase, and polyphenol oxidase activities of each plant sample were determined spectrophotometrically. Although R. padi and D. noxia feeding caused significant increase of total protein content in comparison with the control cereal leaves, the difference in total protein content between R. padi and D. noxia-infested leaves was not significant. Although R. padi-feeding did not elicit any changes of peroxidase specific activity in any of the four cereals in comparison with the control leaves, D. noxia feeding elicited greater increases of peroxidase specific activity only on resistant 'Halt' wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and susceptible 'Morex' barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), but not on susceptible 'Arapahoe' and resistant 'Border' oat (Avena sativa L.). D. noxia-feeding elicited a ninefold increase in peroxidase specific activity on Morex barley and a threefold on Halt wheat 9 d after the initial infestation in comparison with control leaves. Furthermore, D. noxia feeding did not elicit any differential changes of catalase and polyphenol oxidase activities in comparison with either R. padi feeding or control leaves. The findings suggest that D. noxia feeding probably results in oxidative stress in plants. Moderate increase of peroxidase activity (approximately threefold) in resistant Halt compared with susceptible Arapahoe wheat might have contributed to its resistance to D. noxia, whereas the ninefold peroxidase activity increase may have possibly contributed to barley's susceptibility. Different enzymatic responses in wheat, barley, and oat to D. noxia and R. padi feeding indicate the cereals have different mechanisms of aphid resistance.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine the effect of potassium (K) on soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, population growth. A laboratory feeding assay examined the effect of K-deficient foliage on life table parameters of soybean aphids, and field experiments were designed to determine the effect of three soil K treatment levels on aphid populations and their impact on soybean yields. The feeding assay found that life table parameters differed between aphids feeding on the K-deficient and nondeficient soybean leaves. Soybean aphids in the K-deficient treatment exhibited significantly greater intrinsic rate of increase (r(m)), finite rate of increase (lambda), and net reproductive rate (Ro) relative to aphids feeding on nondeficient leaves. No significant difference was observed in mean generation time (T) between the two treatments. However, the field experiment repeated over 2 yr showed no effect of K on soybean aphid populations. Soybean aphid populations were high in unsprayed plots and feeding resulted in significant yield losses in 2002 at all three K treatment levels: when averaged across 2001 and 2002, unsprayed treatments yielded 22, 18, and 19.5% less than the sprayed plots in the low, medium, and high K treatments, respectively. No significant interaction was observed between aphid abundance and K level on soybean yields in either year. This study therefore suggests that although aphids can perform better on K-deficient plants, aphid abundance in the field may be dependent on additional factors, such as dispersal, that may affect final densities within plots.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, is native to Asia, but during the last decade it has invaded North America, where it has spread to most soybean growing regions and become the most important insect pest of soybean. Current control of soybean aphid relies primarily on insecticides, but alternatives to insecticidal control are being explored, especially host plant resistance and biological control, which may interact positively or negatively. Research on host plant resistance to the soybean aphid has revealed six genes that affect resistance. We measured the impact of the two most studied resistance loci, Rag1 and Rag2, on two parasitoid species: Aphelinus glycinis, a recently described species from Asia, which is being introduced into the USA to control the soybean aphid, and Aphelinus certus, also from Asia but accidentally introduced into the USA. Resistance did not affect oviposition by either parasitoid species. However, resistance did reduce successful parasitism by A. glycinis, with each resistance allele causing a two-fold reduction in number of mummified aphids. The resistance alleles did not affect adult emergence, sex ratio, or the size of A. glycinis. For A. certus, the Rag1 resistance allele had no effect on parasitism, while the Rag2 resistance allele reduced parasitism four-fold. On the other hand, the Rag1 resistance allele increased the frequency of males among progeny and decreased female size of A. certus. Despite the reduction in parasitism, these parasitoids are nonetheless able to parasitize the soybean aphid on resistant soybean, which means that they should still contribute to the management of soybean aphid on resistant varieties.  相似文献   

Field experiments were performed over 3 yr to examine the impact of insecticide application timing to control soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), populations and to prevent soybean yield losses. Experiments were conducted in early and late-planted soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. Insecticide applications were made based on soybean growth stages. In 2001, applications were made at V1, V3, R2, and R3 growth stages; in 2002 and 2003, applications were made at R2, R3, and R4 stages. Additional treatments consisted of an unsprayed control and a multiple spray treatment that received insecticide applications at 7-10-d intervals. Soybean aphid densities were recorded throughout the growing season, and yields were measured. Soybean aphid populations varied considerably across years and planting dates. In general, late-planted soybean exhibited higher aphid pressure than early planted soybean, and experiments in 2002 had lower aphid numbers than those in 2001 and 2003. The multiple spray treatment significantly increased yield over the control in four of the six experiments, the exceptions being 2002 late planted and 2003 early planted. This suggests that soybean aphid populations were not large enough to cause yield losses in these two experiments. The R3 spray treatment increased yield in three of the six experiments (2001 late planting, 2002 early planting, and 2003 late planting), the R2 spray treatment increased yield in two of six experiments (2001 and 2003 late plantings), and the V1 application increased yield over the control in the 2001 late-planted experiment. Results suggest that when aphid populations are high insecticide applications made at R2 and R3 plant stages are most effective in preventing yield loss.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 1997 and 1998 to evaluate the impact of resistance to Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), on the cereal aphid complex in wheat. Two spring wheats were planted: the variety "Centennial" (Russian wheat aphid susceptible) and the advanced line IDO488 (Russian wheat aphid resistant). IDO488 incorporates the resistance found in PI 294994 into a Centennial background. Field plots were artificially infested with adult D. noxia and sampled weekly. The most abundant aphid species in 1997 were Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker), Sitobion avenae (F.), D. noxia, and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). In 1998, the order of abundance was M. dirhodum, R. padi, S. avenae, and D. noxia. The resistant genotype had significantly fewer D. noxia than the susceptible one during both years. However, plant genotype had no significant effect on the other aphid species in either year. Both the initial density of D. noxia and plant growth stage, had a significant effect on D. noxia population development, but had no effect on the other aphid species. There was no interaction between D. noxia resistance and the population density of the other aphid species observed.  相似文献   

Electrical penetration graphs (EPGs) were used to examine the probing behaviour of adult apterous Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) on barley seedlings grown under conditions of nitrogen or water stress. Aphids took significantly longer to reach and ingest from sieve elements of nitrogen-deficient seedlings than from nitrogen-sufficient seedlings but there were no such differences between water-stressed or well-watered seedlings. On both nitrogen and water-stressed seedlings the average length of each individual period of salivation into the sieve element was significantly greater compared with their respective unstressed controls.  相似文献   

The reproductive rates of Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Biotype 1 (RWA 1) and Biotype 2 (RWA 2) were compared in the laboratory at three temperature regimes on a Russian wheat aphid resistant cultivar ('Prairie Red') and a susceptible cultivar ('TAM 107'). The objective of this study was to expose RWA 1 and RWA 2 to three temperature regimes and two levels of resistance to find whether there were reproductive differences that may occur within each biotype as well as differences in reproduction between biotypes. In addition, temperature effects of the Dn4 gene on biotype reproduction were noted. Differences in reproductive rates between the two biotypes seem to be driven by temperature. For both biotypes, longevity and reproductive rate parameters, except for intrinsic rate of increase, were lower at the 24-29 degree C temperature regime than the 13-18 degree C and 18-24 degree C temperature regimes. The intrinsic rate of increase was higher for both biotypes at the 18-24 degree C and 24-29 degree C temperature regimes than at the 13-18 degree C temperature regime. Reproductive rates between biotypes were similar at the two higher temperature regimes, but the fecundity for RWA 1 was less than RWA 2 at the 13-18 degree C temperature. The change in fecundity rates between RWA 1 and RWA 2 at lower temperatures could have ecological and geographical implications for RWA 2.  相似文献   

Electrical penetration graph recordings using direct current (DC-EPGs) were used to analyze aspects of the probing behavior of cowpea aphid,Aphis craccivora Koch, on intact plants and on hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts of leaves of aphid-resistant (ICV-12) and aphid-susceptible (ICV-1) cultivars of cowpeaVigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. In one set of experiments, recordings were done on plants with or without parafilm wrapping, or on plants painted with raw leaf juice and extracts of the two cultivars. In another study, recordings were done on leaf extracts homogenized in water or in 0.5M sucrose solution and then placed in parafilm membrane sachets. Electrodes were inserted into soil mix for the experiments on potted plants or into extract fractions and raw juice for the membrane feeding experiments on leaf extracts in parafilm sachets. Waveform signals were recorded from resistance fluctuations from interactions between aphids and substrates, and electromotive forces generated within each preparation. ICV-12 plants with or without parafilm wrapping, and ethyl acetate extracts and raw juice of that cultivar significantly (P≤0.05) reduced stylet penetration behavior. Thus, antixenosis as manifested by disruption of aphid stylet activity on host substrates, appeared to be a governing modality of aphid resistance in ICV-12.  相似文献   

Antibiosis of eight soybean cultivars to three clones of soybean aphids (Aphis glycines Matsumura) was evaluated using both soybean sprouts and leaflets. Overall, the performance of soybean aphid was better on sprouts than on leaflets. We confirmed previous reports that Dowling and Jackson cultivars exhibited strong resistance to a clone of soybean aphids from the US, but not to either Japanese or Indonesian clones. The USA clone had delayed development, fewer offspring, and low emergence rates on these two cultivars. However, abnormal offspring were only investigated on the Tachinagaha cultivar. We confirmed that Bay and Himeshirazu cultivars were strongly resistant to the Japanese aphid clone; aphids produced fewer offspring and deformed offspring on Bay and had delayed development and a low rate of emergence on Himeshirazu. None of the eight soybean cultivars were resistant to the Indonesian clone, although abnormal offspring were produced on Jackson, Adams, and Tachinagaha cultivars. These data suggest that there are genetic differences among the three tested clones of soybean aphid and that the characteristics of local soybean aphid clones must be considered when developing resistant soybean cultivars for a given geographic area.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions between the symptomatic (chlorosis-eliciting) Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), and the asymptomatic (nonchlorosis-eliciting) bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), on four cereal genotypes were examined by simultaneous infestations. Four cereals (i.e., Diuraphis noxia-susceptible 'Arapahoe' wheat and 'Morex' barley, and D. noxia-resistant 'Halt' wheat and 'Border' oat) and four infestations (i.e., control, D. noxia, R. padi, and D. noxia/R. padi) were used in the research. Whereas D. noxia biomass confirmed D. noxia resistance among the cereals, R. padi biomass indicated that the D. noxia-resistant cereals did not confer R. padi resistance. D. noxia biomass was significantly lower in D. noxia/R. padi infestation than that in D. noxia infestation on all cereals, except Border oat, which indicated an antagonistic effect of R. padi on D. noxia. All aphid infestations caused a significant plant biomass reduction in comparison with the control. In comparison with D. noxia infestation, D. noxia/R. padi caused a significant plant biomass reduction on all cereals, except Morex barley. Although D. noxia biomass in D. noxia/R. padi infestation was significantly less than that in D. noxia infestation, leaf chlorophyll reduction was the same between D. noxia/R. padi and D. noxia infestations, which suggested that the asymptomatic R. padi enhanced the D. noxia-elicited leaf chlorophyll loss. The regression between chlorophyll content and aphid biomass indicated that the asymptomatic R. padi in the D. noxia/R. padi infestation enhanced chlorophyll loss, but interspecific aphid interaction on plant biomass varied among the cereals.  相似文献   

Illuminating the genetic relationships within soldier-producing aphid colonies is an essential element of any attempt to explain the evolution of the altruistic soldier caste. Pemphigus spyrothecae is a soldier-producing aphid that induces galls on the leaf petioles of its host (trees of the genus Populus). At least a quarter of the aphids within the clonally produced gall population are morphologically and behaviourally distinct first-instar soldiers that defend the gall population from predation. Using field trapping and microsatellites, we investigated the degree of clonal mixing within natural gall populations. Field trapping in the UK showed that all the migrants of P. spyrothecae and of two other Pemphigus species were wingless first-instar soldiers. The average degree of mixing estimated from trapping P. spyrothecae migrants was 0.68% (range = 0-15%). Microsatellite genotyping of 277 aphids from 13 galls collected in Italy revealed an average mixing level of 10.4% (range = 0-59%). Six galls contained more than one clone (range = 2-5 clones). Non-kin aphids were not restricted to the soldier caste but were evenly distributed across instars. An additional gall, from which 527 occupants were genotyped, contained 12 non-kin aphids distributed among nine clones, showing that clonal diversity can be high even when mixing is very low. These observations suggest that although soldiers migrate regularly and can moult and reproduce within foreign galls, clonal mixing in this species is generally low and is unlikely to provide a barrier to the evolution of investment by the aphid clones in an altruistic soldier caste.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Matsumura), is native to eastern Asia and has recently invaded North America, where it is currently the most important insect pest of soybeans. The soybean aphid has spread rapidly within North America, presumably through a combination of active and passive (wind-aided) flight. Here, we studied the active flight potential of A. glycines under a range of environmental conditions using an aphid flight mill. Winged (alate) A. glycines were tested on a specially designed 32-channel, computer-monitored flight mill system. Aphids that were 12-24 h old exhibited the strongest flight behavior, with average flight durations of 3.3-4.1 h, which represented flight distances of 4.6-5.1 km. After the age of 72 h, A. glycines flight performance rapidly declined. The optimum temperature range for flight was 16-28 degrees C, whereas optimum relative humidity was 75%. Our findings show that A. glycines posseses a fairly strong active flight aptitude (ability and inclination) and point to the possibility of flight initiation under a broad range of environmental conditions. These results have the potential to aid forecasting and management protocols for A. glycines at the landscape level.  相似文献   

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