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All of the plasmid-carried genes expressed during vegetative growth are essential for long-term maintenance of plasmid Ddp1 in the nucleus of Dictyostelium discoideum. Deletion of Ddp1 genes expressed only during development had no detectable effect on plasmid maintenance. Deletion of vegetatively expressed genes, either singly or in pairs, resulted in (i) a rapid loss of plasmid from cells grown in the absence of selection for plasmid retention, (ii) variation in the proportion of monomer to multimer forms of the plasmid molecules, and/or (iii) abnormalities in plasmid copy number. At least two plasmid-encoded gene products influence patterns of expression of plasmid genes.  相似文献   

Ddp2 is a 5.8-kb, high-copy-number, nuclear plasmid found in the eukaryoteDictyostelium discoideum. We have identified two functional domains, a large open reading frame (Rep gene) and a 626-bp fragment containing an origin of replication (ori). The ori, when cloned into a shuttle vector, confers stable extrachromosomal replication inD. discoideum, provided that the Rep gene, which acts intrans, is integrated into the host genome. Ddp2 carries a 501-bp imperfect inverted repeat, and part of the ori overlaps with one of these repeats. The ori sequence contains two direct repeats of 49 bp comprising two 10-bp “TGTCATGACA” palindromes separated by a poly(T · A) sequence. Deletion of either 49-bp repeat abolished extrachromosomal replication.  相似文献   

M B Slade  A C Chang  K L Williams 《Plasmid》1990,24(3):195-207
The complete nucleotide sequence of the plasmid Ddp2 found in the nucleus of the simple eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum is reported. This 5852-bp plasmid contains a 2661-bp open reading frame (ORF), named the "Rep gene," and 501-bp imperfect inverted repeats. A 1762-bp section of Ddp2, which includes one of the 501-bp repeat sequences, could be deleted without abolishing extrachromosomal replication. Deletion of the second 501-bp repeat, or interruption of the Rep gene, removed the ability to replicate extrachromosomally. We suggest that Ddp2 encodes a protein, "REP," that positively regulates replication initiation, a regulatory mechanism different from that of the yeast 2 mu plasmid which also possesses inverted repeat sequences. Ddp2 has a structure similar to that of plasmid pDG1, found in an unidentified isolate of Dictyostelium, with a similar sized ORF and inverted repeats. A common evolutionary origin is suggested by considerable sequence homology between the ORFs of pDG1 and Ddp2.  相似文献   

High copy number plasmids have been identified in six out of 25 wild-type strains of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, a model organism in developmental biology (Loomis, 1982). The characterization of three plasmids, from the NC4 (Ddp1), WS380B (Ddp2) and OHIO (Ddp3) wild isolates, is presented here. We show that they are nuclear associated and non-homologous to the mitochondrial DNA and extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Identification of an endogenous plasmid in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
A plasmid has been discovered in a strain of the eukaryote, Dictyostelium discoideum, which has an unstable, non-chromosomal, cobalt resistance phenotype. The plasmid, termed Ddp1, is ˜13.5 kbp in size and is found in the nucleus. It has an A-T content typical of Dictyostelium DNA as judged by its restriction enzyme digestion pattern, and it is not related to either mitochondrial or ribosomal DNA. Similar or identical plasmids have been found in two original, cobalt-sensitive, isolates, NC4 and V12, but no plasmid was detected in three other isolates (WS472, WS526, WS584). The plasmid codes for non-essential functions since it is absent from the latter isolates, and it is lost from mutant strains which are capable of axenic growth.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum offers a unique opportunity to study signal transduction in eukaryotic cells at both the unicellular and multicellular levels of organization. Adding to the already extensive knowledge of the unicellular stages, classical and molecular genetics have begun to unravel transduction of signals controlling morphogenesis and behaviour (phototaxis and thermotaxis) in the multicellular ‘slug’ stage of the life cycle. Distributed over all seven genetic linkage groups are probably about 20, but possibly as many as 55, genes of importance for slug behaviour. The encoded proteins appear from pharmacological studies and mutant phenotypes to govern transduction pathways involving the intracellular second messengers cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, IP3 and Ca2+. Pathways from the photo- and thermoreceptors converge first with each other and thence, at the level of the second messengers, with those from extracellular tip activation (cyclic AMP) and inhibition (Slug Turning Factor and/or ammonia and/or adenosine) signals that control slug movement and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

DNA-mediated transformation is one of the most widely used techniques to study gene function. The eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum is amenable to numerous genetic manipulations that require insertion of foreign DNA into cells. Here we describe two commonly used methods to transform Dictyostelium cells: calcium phosphate precipitation, resulting in high copy number transformants; and electroporation, an effective technique for producing single integration events into genomic DNA. Single integrations are required for gene disruption by homologous recombination. We also discuss how different selection markers affect vector copy number in transformants and explain why blasticidin has become the preferred selectable marker for making gene knockouts. Both procedures can be accomplished in less than 2 h of hands-on time; however, the calcium phosphate precipitation method contains several incubations, including one of at least 4 h, so the total time required for the transformation is approximately 8 h.  相似文献   

A search for nuclear substrates of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAMP-d PK) of Dictyostelium discoideum led to the identification of several such proteins. Identification was based initially on increased phosphorylation of the proteins in nuclear extracts catalyzed by added cAMP-d PK. One protein of Mr 38,000 was phosphorylated also in intact nuclei and in vivo; the amount of phosphoprotein or the level of phosphorylation increased during development. Both the Mr 38,000 protein and another substrate of Mr 195,000 were found in the nuclei of prespore and prestalk cells. Phosphorylation of other potential substrates of the cAMP-d PK was either prespore or prestalk cell-specific.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium plasmids Dgp1 and Dfp1, two members of the Ddp2 plasmid family, are 86% identical in nucleotide sequence. These small (4481 and 5015 bp), high copy number, nuclear plasmids carry both a gene homologous to the Ddp2 rep gene and a long 0.47- to 0. 48-kb inverted repeat region. Their Rep proteins are 82.8% identical in amino acid sequence and carry all 10 of the conserved peptide sequence motifs found in the Ddp2 family Rep proteins. Unlike other members of this family, Dgp1 carries two copies and Dfp1 carries four copies of a 162- to 166-bp direct repeat element. Both the direct and inverted repeat elements, as well as the promoter of the rep gene, are highly conserved (81 to 90% identical) between Dgp1 and Dfp1. In contrast, these regions are not highly conserved and the Rep proteins are only about 40% identical among the other known members of the plasmid family.  相似文献   

H Ashktorab  D L Welker 《Gene》1988,65(1):41-49
The nuclear location of the Dictyostelium discoideum plasmids was studied using a biochemical approach based on the presence of plasmid sequences in nucleosomes. This analysis revealed that all four of the known plasmids (Ddp1, Ddp2, Ddp3, Ddp5) are present in chromatin. This evidence establishes that the D. discoideum plasmids are not cytoplasmic but located in the nucleus. D. discoideum is unique among eukaryotes in possessing a group of nonhomologous endogenous plasmids in its nucleus. These plasmids are excellent starting material for construction of nuclear transformation and expression vectors. Such vectors upon transformation into D. discoideum are also present in chromatin as expected for DNA located in the nucleus.  相似文献   

We cloned a 12.3-kilobase (kb) endogenous plasmid, Ddp1, found in several wild-type and laboratory strains of Dictyostelium discoideum into pBR322. The cloned plasmids have been used to cotransform D. discoideum cells with B10S, a transformation vector carrying a gene fusion conferring resistance to G418. Whereas B10S DNA alone appears to integrate in a tandem array, the cloned Ddp1 plasmids replicate extrachromosomally and are stably maintained in the absence of selection with an average copy number of 50 to 100 copies per cell. The Ddp1-derived plasmids can be directly recovered by transforming Escherichia coli with bulk nuclear DNA from these cells. Preliminary deletion analysis indicates that not all regions of Ddp1 are necessary for stable replication in D. discoideum. Several recombinant vectors which replicate extrachromosomally in D. discoideum were also isolated. One contains the Act6-neor gene fusion from B10S recombined into one of the cloned derivatives of Ddp1 and can be used to directly transform D. discoideum amoebae, selecting for G418 resistance. Another recombinant is only 5.6 kb and resulted from a deletion of a 16.6-kb cloned Ddp1 hybrid plasmid. An analysis of the vector DNAs present in clones derived from single D. discoideum transformants is also described.  相似文献   

Summary The minimal replication origin of miniF plasmid was found to lie within a region of 217 bp in length. This region contains an AT cluster and the four 19 bp direct repeats responsible for incompatibility, termed incB. Its location coincides with that of ori2 of plasmid F, previously inferred to be the replication starting point by electron microscopic analysis (Eichenlaub et al. 1981).Abbreviations kb kilobase(s) - bp base pairs - Ap ampicillin - Tc tetracycline  相似文献   

The outer capsid protein of rotavirus, VP7, is a major neutralization antigen and is considered a necessary component of any subunit vaccine developed against rotavirus infection. For this reason, significant effort has been directed towards producing recombinant VP7 that maintains the antigenic characteristics of the native molecule. Using a relatively new expression system, the simple eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum, we have cloned the portion of simian rotavirus SA11 genome segment 9, encoding the mature VP7 protein, downstream of a native D. discoideum secretion signal sequence in a high-copy-number extrachromosomal vector. The majority of the recombinant VP7 expressed by transformants was intracellular and was detected by Western immunoblot following gel electrophoresis as two or three bands with an apparent molecular mass of 35.5 to 37.5 kDa. A small amount of VP7 having an apparent molecular mass of 37.5 kDa was secreted. Both the intracellular VP7 and the secreted VP7 were N glycosylated and sensitive to endoglycosidase H digestion. Under nonreducing electrophoresis conditions, over half the intracellular VP7 migrated as a monomer while the remainder migrated with an apparent molecular mass approximately twice that of the monomeric form. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, intracellular VP7 reacted with both nonneutralizing and neutralizing antibodies. The monoclonal antibody recognition pattern paralleled that found with VP7 expressed in either vaccinia virus or herpes simplex virus type 1 and confirms that D. discoideum-expressed VP7 is able to form the major neutralization domains present on viral VP7. Because D. discoideum cells are easy and cheap to grow, this expression system provides a valuable alternative for the large-scale production of recombinant VP7 protein.  相似文献   

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