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In groups, animals can use the producer tactic to locate food patches and the scrounger tactic to join the food discoveries of other companions. At equilibrium, models predict a mixture of the two tactics with equal payoffs. Several factors may constrain the use of tactics and lead to biases in scrounging choices. I explored the effect of prior residence and pair bond as potential constraints on scrounging choices in flocks of zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata). Experimental flocks contained two birds already established in an aviary (prior residents) and two birds recently released in the aviary for the first time (new residents). All birds were previously trained to find food on a foraging grid. In the aviary, new residents followed prior residents from perches to the grid and relied heavily on prior residents to locate food patches. Low initial success by new residents probably favoured heavy reliance on the scrounger tactic. New residents that formed pair bonds with prior residents foraged closer to their mates and scrounged selectively from their mates in some cases. Prior residence, and pair bond to a lesser extent, influenced scrounging choices in zebra finches and could lead to deviation from the expected use of foraging tactics.  相似文献   

In flocks, individuals can search for their own food using the producer tactic or exploit the discoveries of companions using the scrounger tactic. Models of the producer–scrounger game usually assume that tactic payoffs are independent of individual phenotypic traits. However, factors such as dominance status or foraging efficiency may constrain the use of tactics and lead to asymmetric tactic use among individuals. For instance, in flocks composed of foragers with unequal foraging efficiency, foragers that are less efficient at obtaining food are expected to rely on the scrounger tactic to a greater extent. I examined the role of foraging efficiency and dominance status as potential correlates of scrounging behavior in small aviary flocks of zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata). Individual foraging efficiency was documented in each flock in a treatment that prevented scrounging. In a subsequent treatment that allowed scrounging, higher levels of scrounging occurred as predicted in foragers with lower foraging efficiency. Dominance status was a poor predictor of tactic choice. Birds that arrived later on the foraging grid foraged less efficiently when scrounging was prevented and used scrounging to a greater extent when allowed, suggesting a link between boldness, foraging efficiency and the choice of foraging tactics in small flocks of zebra finches.  相似文献   

The benefit of producer (searches for own food) or scrounger (exploits the others’ food discoveries) foraging tactic in a group of socially feeding animals may depend on where the individual searches for food within the group. Scrounging may be more advantageous in the centre of the group, having more individuals around to join, while producing may be more beneficial at the edges, where more unexplored food patches may be found. This study shows within‐flock position correlates with foraging tactic use of feeding birds in socially foraging tree sparrows, Passer montanus. Sparrows staying closer to the centre of the flock found their food patches more frequently by joining (i.e. use more frequently the scrounging tactic) than those staying toward the edges. To our knowledge this is the first field study demonstrating the relationship between spatial position and foraging tactic use. We investigated this relationship under different perceived predation hazard, and found that under elevated risk of predation, central individuals may increase their use of joining more than individuals on the periphery of the flock. Moreover, we show that extremely specialized use of searching tactics may be very infrequent in tree sparrows. As both within‐flock position and search tactic use can be altered very quickly and without leaving the flock, individuals may easily alter them in order to adjust their behaviour.  相似文献   

Although many group-foraging models assume that all individuals search for and share their food equally, most documented instances of group foraging exhibit specialized use of producer and scrounger strategies. In addition, many of the studies have focused on groups with strong individual asymmetries exploiting food that is not easily divisible. In the present study we describe individual foraging behavior of relatively nonaggressive flock foragers exploiting divisible clumps of food. Two experiments, one with flocks of spice finches and another with flocks of zebra finches, suggest that divisibility of food patches may have important consequences for social foraging behavior. Neither dominance nor the distribution and quality of food patches affect the relative advantage that producing individuals enjoy over those that scrounge. Specialized producers and scroungers are absent from flocks of both species. Systems where patches are shared may differ fundamentally from those where patches are monopolized by scroungers.  相似文献   

Determining if, or when, individuals trade off time spent personally feeding against time spent monitoring others for kleptoparasitism opportunities is essential to an understanding of the evolution of scrounging and usurpation behaviours. We provide a first field test of whether kleptoparasites reduce their personal foraging effort in situations where the frequency and rewards of kleptoparasitism increase. We provided experimental food patches for wild European blackbirds that varied in the distribution of prey and that had a potentially high rate of kleptoparasitism within pairs of blackbirds feeding in them. Although individuals differed in their rate of kleptoparasitism, they did not vary in the size of the reward that they gained from kleptoparasitism. As prey became more clumped, kleptoparasitism rate and its reward per incident increased on average. There was, however, no evidence that individuals that were kleptoparasitising more quickly and/or at a higher frequency had lower personal foraging effort. In contrast, foraging effort increased in both birds compared to when they were foraging alone, independent of dominance, kleptoparasitic opportunity or reward. Our evidence suggests that in some circumstances a kleptoparasite can detect kleptoparasitic opportunities without compromising its own personal foraging rate.  相似文献   

Does group foraging promote efficient exploitation of resources?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guy Beauchamp 《Oikos》2005,111(2):403-407
Increased avoidance of food patches previously exploited by other companions has been proposed as one adaptive benefit of group foraging. However, does group foraging really represent the most efficient way to exploit non- or slowly-renewing resources? Here, I used simulations to explore the costs and benefits of exploiting non-renewing resources by foragers searching for food patches independently or in groups in habitats with different types of resource distribution. Group foragers exploited resources in a patch more quickly and therefore spent proportionately more time locating new patches. Reduced avoidance of areas already exploited by others failed to overcome the increased time cost of searching for new food patches and group foragers thus obtained food at a lower rate than solitary foragers. Group foraging provided one advantage in terms of a reduction in the variance of food intake rate. On its own, reduced avoidance of exploitation competition through group foraging appears unlikely to increase mean food intake rate when exploiting non-renewing patches but may provide a way to reduce the risk of an energy shortfall.  相似文献   

Animals foraging in heterogeneous environments benefit from information on local resource density because it allows allocation of foraging effort to rich patches. In foraging groups, this information may be obtained by individuals through sampling or by observing the foraging behaviour of group members. We studied the foraging behaviour of goldfish (Carassius auratus) groups feeding in pools on resources distributed in patches. First, we determined if goldfish use sampling information to distinguish between patches of different qualities, and if this allowed goldfish to benefit from a heterogeneous resource distribution. Then, we tested if group size affected the time dedicated to food searching and ultimately foraging success. The decision of goldfish to leave a patch was affected by whether or not they found food, indicating that goldfish use an assessment rule. Giving-up density was higher when resources were highly heterogeneous, but overall gain was not affected by resource distribution. We did not observe any foraging benefits of larger groups, which indicate that grouping behaviour was driven by risk dilution. In larger groups the proportion searching for food was lower, which suggests interactions among group members. We conclude that competition between group members affects individual investments in food searching by introducing the possibility for alternative strategies, such as scrounging or resource monopolisation.  相似文献   

Producer–scrounger (PS) game-theoretical foraging modelsmake predictions about the decision of group-feeding animalseither to look for food (produce) or for opportunities to exploitthe discoveries of other foragers (scrounge). We report themost complete demonstration to date of the applicability ofthe PS foraging game in a free-living animal, the Carib grackle(Quiscalus lugubris) of Barbados. As assumed by PS games, thepayoffs obtained by scroungers were negatively frequency dependent.Experimentally, increasing the cost of scrounging led to a decreasein the observed proportion of scroungers, whereas raising thecost of producing increased the proportion of scroungers. Observationsof marked birds revealed that group-level changes could be broughtabout by individual flexibility in tactic use. Despite consistentindividual differences in tactic use, most birds used both tacticsand could alter their use of producing and scrounging when conditionschanged. We found no difference in the payoffs obtained by producersand scroungers, suggesting a symmetrical game equilibrium. Ourresults call for testing the PS foraging game in a broader rangeof biological systems that include different types of scroungingbehavior (e.g., scramble, stealthful, or aggressive scrounging)as well as the exploitation of different phases of food production(e.g., searching, handling).  相似文献   

In population games, the optimal behaviour of a forager depends partly on courses of action selected by other individuals in the population. How individuals learn to allocate effort in foraging games involving frequency-dependent payoffs has been little examined. The performance of three different learning rules was investigated in several types of habitats in each of two population games. Learning rules allow individuals to weigh information about the past and the present and to choose among alternative patterns of behaviour. In the producer-scrounger game, foragers use producer to locate food patches and scrounger to exploit the food discoveries of others. In the ideal free distribution game, foragers that experience feeding interference from companions distribute themselves among heterogeneous food patches. In simulations of each population game, the use of different learning rules induced large variation in foraging behaviour, thus providing a tool to assess the relevance of each learning rule in experimental systems. Rare mutants using alternative learning rules often successfully invaded populations of foragers using other rules indicating that some learning rules are not stable when pitted against each other. Learning rules often closely approximated optimal behaviour in each population game suggesting that stimulus-response learning of contingencies created by foraging companions could be sufficient to perform at near-optimal level in two population games.  相似文献   

I conducted feeding experiments to determine the effect of variations in food availability on individual flocking behaviour and foraging efficiency in a social corvid, the alpine chough Pyrrhocorax graculus, which lives in large flocks all year round. In 37 trials I varied both food quantity and the number of food patches. A decrease in the amount of available food reduced the mean flock size, the proportion of birds that had access to food, and their mean pecking rate. A decrease in the number of patches, on the other hand, reduced only the proportion of birds that had access to food. The number of choughs foraging was not influenced by food competition but depended only on the number visiting the site. Females competed less well than males: when food was made scarce, they frequented the site in the same proportion as did males, but had less access to food. I suggest that in this social corvid, long-term advantages to flocking related to social bonds, such as the maintenance of pair bonds, may compensate for short-term costs such as a reduction in foraging efficiency. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary I measured the heritability of foraging patch choice in a laboratory population of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Mothers and offspring were tested for their ability to discriminate between four foraging patches which provided four different rates of energy gain. Use of a foraging patch with a high rate of energy gain has been shown to confer a selective advantage on zebra finches in a similar experimental system. In this population of zebra finches there was a large amount of variation in foraging patch choice behaviour both within and among individuals. I determined that foraging patch choice was a phenotypically labile trait with a degree of stereotypy or repeatability, much lower than those typically recorded for morphological traits. The mating behaviour of zebra finches required that heritability be determined from a mother—offspring regression, which showed that narrow sense heritability of foraging patch choice was approximately 0.346. This heritability was significantly different than zero, as was heritability when it was limited by repeatability to 0.246. Foraging patch choice, a behaviour that has a demonstrated fitness consequence, had a heritable component in this laboratory population of zebra finches.  相似文献   

Social foraging allows individuals to scrounge, i.e. to exploit the food others have made available. The conditions promoting scrounging as an alternative foraging tactic have yet received limited attention. We presently examine whether ravens, as opportunistic scavengers, adjust their foraging tactics according to the potential costs involved in accessing a particular food source. We observed wild ravens foraging in a game park, at the enclosures of wolves, Canis lupus, and wild boars, Sus scrofa. Wolves may aggressively defend their food and even kill ravens, whereas wild boars do not. When co‐feeding with wolves, the ravens showed higher scrounging rates than with wild boars. Only at the wolves, they tended to specialize either on scrounging or on getting food directly from the site. However, scrounging techniques differed in relation to the state of food depletion. Early on, after food became available, the ravens most frequently displaced others from food, whereas towards the end, stealing, solicited sharing, and cache raiding became prevalent. These techniques differed in their profitability and their use was related to the scroungers’ age, social status and affiliative relationships. This suggests that ecological conditions, such as co‐feeding with potential predators, may influence the individuals’ decision whether or not to scrounge in competition for food. Social conditions, on the other hand, may affect the way how to get at food possessed by others and may thus, to a large extent, determine the profitability of scrounging.  相似文献   

Animals can adapt to changes in feeding conditions by switching between foraging methods. Dabbling ducks use different foraging methods, including dabbling in deep water with the head and neck submerged, and grubbing in the mud (or shallow water) where the eyes are above the surface, so the bird can visually monitor its environment while foraging. Deep foraging is considered to provide lower intake rates and to have high associated costs, such as predation risk, compared to shallow foraging. Ducks should thus prefer shallow foraging and switch to deeper methods when feeding conditions deteriorate. We conducted a set of experiments with Mallard to assess the importance of intake rate as a cue to choose between patches associated with different foraging methods, and evaluate the influence of food depletion on the decision to switch between methods. When 50 g of wheat were presented in two patches, one at a depth of 5 cm and one at 35 cm, most of the foraging was in the shallow area. Reducing food abundance to 10 g in the shallow area led to an increase in deep foraging, although the birds still preferred the shallow area at the beginning of the tests despite the fact that it did not provide a higher intake rate. This area was used until complete depletion, and birds did not turn to deep foraging before ensuring that the shallow patch was empty. These results show that food depletion affects the choice between feeding patches hence foraging method. However the value of intake rate is not the main cue for decision, rather the birds appear to choose between patches with different methods on account of their respective costs.  相似文献   

The use of social information for foraging decisions has attracted much research attention. One line of research makes use of experimental assays of food choice copying to study whether specific traits of demonstrators influence whether or not an onlooking individual will copy their behavior. For instance, Benskin (Animal Behaviour, 64, 2002 and 823) reported that captive juvenile zebra finches always copied the foraging decision made by a male wearing red color rings as opposed to one wearing green rings. Here, we report an attempt to examine the generalizability of this finding using another zebra finch population. Our experiment did not show any effect of male ring color on onlooker's food choice and further revealed various population‐specific differences in behavior, for instance, in aversion toward novel feeding sources. We therefore conducted two follow‐up experiments to test the validity of the behavioral assay. These experiments revealed that zebra finches of our population often do not copy demonstrator food choice at all, and that copying, if it occurs, may be sensitive to very specific conditions of the experimental setup. Problematically, after testing a total of 124 onlookers (60 in the first experiment, 32 in the second, and 32 in the third), we still cannot confidently say whether or when our birds copy from demonstrators. Hence, we emphasize the risks of adopting experimental procedures that have proven successful in one study, without extensively validating them for the own study. The seemingly more rewarding follow‐up experiments can bear high risks of yielding false‐positive findings that can then be misinterpreted as justification for an actually uninformative experimental procedure.  相似文献   

Social foragers can alternate between searching for food (producer tactic), and searching for other individuals that have located food in order to join them (scrounger tactic). Both tactics yield equal rewards on average, but the rewards generated by producer are more variable. A dynamic variance-sensitive foraging model predicts that social foragers should increase their use of scrounger with increasing energy requirements and/or decreased food availability early in the foraging period. We tested whether natural variation in minimum energy requirements (basal metabolic rate or BMR) is associated with differences in the use of producer–scrounger foraging tactics in female zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata . As predicted by the dynamic variance-sensitive model, high BMR individuals had significantly greater use of the scrounger tactic compared with low BMR individuals. However, we observed no effect of food availability on tactic use, indicating that female zebra finches were not variance-sensitive foragers under our experimental conditions. This study is the first to report that variation in BMR within a species is associated with differences in foraging behaviour. BMR-related differences in scrounger tactic use are consistent with phenotype-dependent tactic use decisions. We suggest that BMR is correlated with another phenotypic trait which itself influences tactic use decisions.  相似文献   

Animals foraging in groups may benefit from a faster detection of food and predators, but competition by conspecifics may reduce intake rate. Competition may also alter the foraging behaviour of individuals, which can be influenced by dominance status and the way food is distributed over the environment. Many studies measuring the effects of competition and dominance status have been conducted on a uniform or highly clumped food distribution, while in reality prey distributions are often in‐between these two extremes. The few studies that used a more natural food distribution only detected subtle effects of interference and dominance. We therefore conducted an experiment on a natural food distribution with focal mallards Anas platyrhynchos foraging alone and in a group of three, having a dominant, intermediate or subordinate dominance status. In this way, the foraging behaviour of the same individual in different treatments could be compared, and the effect of dominance was tested independently of individual identity. The experiment was balanced using a 4 × 4 Latin square design, with four focal and six non‐focal birds. Individuals in a group achieved a similar intake rate (i.e. number of consumed seeds divided by trial length) as when foraging alone, because of an increase in the proportion of time feeding (albeit not significant for subordinate birds). Patch residence time and the number of different patches visited did not differ when birds were foraging alone or in a group. Besides some agonistic interactions, no differences in foraging behaviour between dominant, intermediate and subordinate birds were measured in group trials. Possibly group‐foraging birds increased their feeding time because there was less need for vigilance or because they increased foraging intensity to compensate for competition. This study underlines that a higher competitor density does not necessarily lead to a lower intake rate, irrespective of dominance status.  相似文献   

Feeding in groups often gives rise to joining: feeding from other's discoveries. The joining decision has been modeled as a producer-scrounger game where the producer strategy consists of searching for one's food and the scrounger strategy consists of searching for food discovered by others. Previous models revealed that the evolutionarily stable proportion of scrounging mostly depends on the fraction of each food patch available only to its producer. These early models are static and state independent and are therefore unable to explore whether the time of day, the animal's state, and the degree of predation hazard influence an individual's decision of whether to use the producer or scrounger strategy. To investigate these issues, we developed a state-dependent dynamic producer-scrounger game model. The model predicts that, early in the day, low reserves promote a preference for the scrounger strategy, while the same condition late in the day favors the use of the producer strategy. Under rich and clumped food, the availability of scrounging can improve the daily survival of any average group member. The model suggests only weak effects of predation hazard on the use of scrounging. Future developments should consider the effects of dominance asymmetries and allowing foragers a choice between foraging alone or in a group harboring an evolutionarily stable frequency of scrounger.  相似文献   

Vigilance allows individuals to escape from predators, but it also reduces time for other activities which determine fitness, in particular resource acquisition. The principles determining how prey trade time between the detection of predators and food acquisition are not fully understood, particularly in herbivores because of many potential confounding factors (such as group size), and the ability of these animals to be vigilant while handling food. We designed a fertilization experiment to manipulate the quality of resources, and compared awareness (distinguishing apprehensive foraging and vigilance) of wild impalas (Aepyceros melampus) foraging on patches of different grass height and quality in a wilderness area with a full community of predators. While handling food, these animals can allocate time to other functions. The impalas were aware of their environment less often when on good food patches and when the grass was short. The animals spent more time in apprehensive foraging when grass was tall, and no other variable affected apprehensive behavior. The probability of exhibiting a vigilance posture decreased with group size. The interaction between grass height and patch enrichment also affected the time spent in vigilance, suggesting that resource quality was the main driver when visibility is good, and the risk of predation the main driver when the risk is high. We discuss various possible mechanisms underlying the perception of predation risk: foraging strategy, opportunities for scrounging, and inter-individual interference. Overall, this experiment shows that improving patch quality modifies the trade-off between vigilance and foraging in favor of feeding, but vigilance remains ultimately driven by the visibility of predators by foragers within their feeding patches.  相似文献   

We studied communal roosting in the Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) in the light of the recruitment centre hypothesis and predation at the roost. The number and sizes of flocks departing from and arriving at focal roosts were recorded over a two year period. We also recorded the sizes and behaviour of foraging flocks. We found that flock sizes of birds departing from roosts at sunrise were larger than those at the feeding site, suggesting that there was no recruitment from the roosts. Flocks entering the roosts during sunset were larger on average than those leaving the following sunrise, suggesting no consolidation of flocks in the morning. Flocks entering the roosts at sunset were also larger on average than those that had left that sunrise, although there was no recruitment at the feeding site. There was no effect of group size on the proportion of time spent feeding. Contrary to expectation, single birds showed lower apparent vigilance than birds that foraged in pairs or groups, possibly due to scrounging tactics being used in the presence of feeding companions. Thus, the recruitment centre hypothesis did not hold in our study population of mynas. Predation at dawn and dusk were also not important to communal roosting: predators near the roosts did not result in larger flocks, and resulted in larger durations of arrival/departure contrary to expectation. Since flock sizes were smallest at the feeding site and larger in the evening than in the morning, but did not coincide with predator activity, information transfer unrelated to food (such as breeding opportunities) may possibly give rise to the evening aggregations.  相似文献   

Gauvin S  Giraldeau LA 《Oecologia》2004,139(1):150-156
Group feeding animals experience a number of competitive foraging costs that may result in a lowered feeding rate. It is important to distinguish between reductions in feeding rates that are caused by reduced food availability and physical interactions among foragers from those caused by the mere presence of foraging companions that may be self-imposed in order to obtain some benefit of group membership. Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) reduce their feeding rates when in the company of simulated competitors located in an adjacent cage that cannot affect the food availability or interact with the forager. In the present study, we investigate whether the presence of simulated competitors in another species of passerine, nutmeg mannikins (Lonchura punctulata), can result in self-imposed reductions in feeding rates. When feeding in the company of simulated competitors, mannikins spent more non-foraging time near them, fed more slowly, reduced travel times between patches, reduced their scanning time and pecked more slowly. These results provide evidence that simulated competitors induce a reduction in pecking rate: behavioural interference. These self-imposed responses to competitors may have resulted from attempts to remain close to the non-feeding companions. Such self-imposed reductions in feeding rates may be a widespread yet generally unrecognised foraging cost to group feeding individuals.  相似文献   

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