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This study was undertaken to study the antifungal activity of Pleurotus cystidiosus against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. This was achieved by fractionating the mushroom, P. cystidiosus initially to acetone (A), dichloromethane (D), and hexane (H) and studying the antifungal activity using the standard poisoned food technique. All the test solutions used were in the concentration of 20,000 ppm. The percentage inhibition of extracts A, D, and H was 12, 7, and 0.4%, respectively. Antifungal assay guided fractionation of the most active extract A resulted in four fractions; A1, A2, A3, and A4 having 12, 22, 0, and 17% percentage inhibitions, respectively. Fractions A2 and A4 were selected for further purifications. Normal phase column chromatography of A2 gave A2-1, A2-2, A2-3, and A2-4, with percentage inhibitions 7, 5, 26, and 13%, respectively. The fraction with the highest inhibitory activity (A2-3) was further separated using the Chromatotron and a single compound (A2-3-13) with 41% inhibition was isolated. Structure elucidation of this compound using 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy proved this compound to be 3beta, 5alpha, 6beta-trihydroxyergosta-7,22-diene.  相似文献   

Under the present study, an attempt was made to characterize rhizobacteria i.e. Pseudomonas and Bacillus species isolated from rhizosphere of carnation to evaluate their growth promoting effect on carnation so as to select and develop more efficient indigenous plant growth promoting and disease suppressing bioagents of specific soil type and specific plant type. Maximum strains of Pseudomonas and Bacillus sp. showed significant antimicrobial activities against most of the microorganisms tested. On the basis of in vitro antagonistic activities, the best strains were selected and used in field trial to study the influence of these strains on the growth of carnation. Results have shown marked effect on growth parameters and disease incidence has also been reduced significantly.  相似文献   

Forty two Streptomycetes isolates from soils of Kodachadri region in Western ghats were recovered by soil dilution technique. Cross streak method was followed for primary screening of antifungal activity. Positive isolates were subjected to secondary screening by cold extraction of fermentation broth in butanol solvent. Six isolates exhibited broad spectrum antifungal activity against all the tested yeast pathogens like Candida albicans, Candida lipolytica, Cryptococcus neoformens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One isolate showed excellent antifungal activity against all test organisms with maximum zone of inhibition 60 mm each incase of C. neoformens and C. albicans. Partial characterization of antifungal metabolite by TLC resulted in a purple spot with an Rf value 0.50. The UV absorption spectra at 218 nm indicated possible chemical nature of the active metabolite as polyene group and purity was assessed by analytical HPLC.  相似文献   



Vascular plants respond to pathogens by activating a diverse array of defense mechanisms. Studies with these plants have provided a wealth of information on pathogen recognition, signal transduction and the activation of defense responses. However, very little is known about the infection and defense responses of the bryophyte, Physcomitrella patens, to well-studied phytopathogens. The purpose of this study was to determine: i) whether two representative broad host range pathogens, Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora (E.c. carotovora) and Botrytis cinerea (B. cinerea), could infect Physcomitrella, and ii) whether B. cinerea, elicitors of a harpin (HrpN) producing E.c. carotovora strain (SCC1) or a HrpN-negative strain (SCC3193), could cause disease symptoms and induce defense responses in Physcomitrella.  相似文献   

Current DNA extraction protocols for genomic DNA from Botrytis cinerea almost always start with mycelium that has been reduced to powder with liquid N2 in a mortar, and this makes their application to a large number of samples slow and cumbersome. Here we present an adaptation of an existing method [Möller et al. (1992) Nucleic Acids Res 20: 6115–6116] for which the initial steps have been modified, including the homogenization of the fungus with sand and the aid of a common household drill. This method allows the processing of large number of samples in much shorter times and generates an average of 4 μg DNA per sample, of sufficient quality for use in PCR and Southern blotting.  相似文献   

We compared C3 and CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) states in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, a facultative CAM species, with respect to the involvement of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and nitrogen metabolismrelated enzymes in plant response to Botrytis cinerea infection. The enzyme activities were monitored both in pathogeninoculated 2nd leaf pair and non-inoculated 3rd leaf pair. The control activities of most studied enzymes were dependent on the mode of photosynthesis. Compared to C3 plants, those performing CAM exhibited higher PEPC, nitrate reductase (NR), and deaminating glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD-GDH) activities but lower glutamine synthetase (GS) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities. Regardless of the mode of photosynthetic carbon assimilation, the plants responded to infection with enhancement of PEPC and inhibition of NR activities in the inoculated leaves. Whereas the activity of GS remained unaffected, those of all glutamate-yielding enzymes, namely ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (Fd-GOGAT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), ALT, and aminating glutamate dehydrogenase (NADHGDH) were altered after infection. However, the time-course and extent of the observed changes differed in C3 and CAM plants. In general, CAM plants responded to infection with an earlier increase in PEPC and Fd-GOGAT activities as well as later inhibition of NR activity. Contrary to C3 plants, in those performing CAM the activities of PEPC, Fd-GOGAT, NADH-GDH, and AST in the non-inoculated 3rd leaf pair were similarly influenced by infection as in leaves directly inoculated with the pathogen. This implies that the local infection induced an alteration of carbon/nitrogen status in healthy upper leaves. This reprogramming resulting from changes in PEPC and nitrogen metabolism-related enzymes was C3- and CAM-specific.  相似文献   

We evaluated the potential of chitosan both to stimulate plant development and to induce protection from Botrytis cinerea in Vitis vinifera L. plantlets. The presence of 1.75% (v/v) chitogel in the culture medium was the optimal concentration for in vitro grapevine plantlet growth, as determined by measurements on enhancement of root and shoot biomass. Photosynthesis and related parameters were also stimulated in chitogel-treated plantlets. Chitogel reduced the development of Botrytis cinerea and induced cytological alterations to the pathogen. When challenged with the fungus, a significant decrease in disease incidence was observed in plants growing on medium supplemented with chitogel. Furthermore, exogenous foliar applications of chitogel to plantlets growing on chitogel-free medium sensitized them so as to be protected against Botrytis cinerea attack. Our results indicate that chitogel can be used in the vineyard as a means to attain protection against Botrytis cinerea and that its application may counteract the wide use of chemical pesticides.Communicated by S. Gleddie  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is susceptible to grey mold (Botrytis cinerea). Partial resistance to this fungus was identified in accessions of wild relatives of tomato such as S. habrochaites LYC4. In order to identify loci involved in quantitative resistance (QTLs) to B. cinerea, a population of 174 F2 plants was made originating from a cross between S. lycopersicum cv. Moneymaker and S. habrochaites LYC4. The population was genotyped and tested for susceptibility to grey mold using a stem bioassay. Rbcq1, a QTL reducing lesion growth (LG) and Rbcq2, a QTL reducing disease incidence (DI) were identified. Rbcq1 is located on Chromosome 1 and explained 12% of the total phenotypic variation while Rbcq2 is located on Chromosome 2 and explained 15% of the total phenotypic variation. Both QTL effects were confirmed by assessing disease resistance in two BC2S1 progenies segregating for either of the two QTLs. One additional QTL, Rbcq4 on Chromosome 4 reducing DI, was identified in one of the BC2S1 progenies. F2 individuals, homozygous for the Rbcq2 and Rbcq4 alleles of S. habrochaites showed a reduction of DI by 48%. QTLs from S. habrochaites LYC4 offer good perspectives for breeding B. cinerea resistant tomato cultivars. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The presence of marker genes conferring antibiotic or herbicide resistance in transgenic plants has been a controversial issue and a serious problem for their public acceptance and commercialization. The MAT (multi-auto-transformation) vector system has been one of the strategies developed to excise the selection marker gene and produce marker-free transgenic plants. In an attempt to produce transgenic marker-free Petunia hybrida plants resistant to Botrytis cinerea (gray mold), we used the ipt gene as a selectable marker gene and the wasabi defensin (WD) gene, isolated from Wasabia japonica (a Japanese horseradish which has been a potential source of antimicrobial proteins), as a gene of interest. The WD gene was cloned from the binary vector, pEKH-WD, to an ipt-type MAT vector, pMAT21, by gateway cloning technology and transferred to Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105. Infected leaf explants of P. hybrida were cultured on hormone- and antibiotic-free MS medium. Extreme shooty phenotype (ESP)/ipt shoots were produced by the explants infected with the pMAT21-WD. The same antibiotic- and hormone-free MS medium was used in subcultures of the ipt shoots. Ipt shoots subsequently produced morphologically normal shoots. Molecular analyses of genomic DNA from the transgenic plants confirmed the integration of the gene of interest and excision of the selection marker. Expression of the WD gene was confirmed by northern blot and western blot analyses. A disease resistance assay of the marker-free transgenic plants exhibited enhanced resistance against B. cinerea strain 40 isolated from P. hybrida.  相似文献   

Chen H  Xiao X  Wang J  Wu L  Zheng Z  Yu Z 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(5):919-923
Botrytis cinerea is one of the most serious post-harvest pathogens of fruits and vegetables. Volatiles generated by Bacillus subtilis JA significantly inhibited both spore germination and elongation of germ tubes in Botrytis cinerea using a two-compartment agar-plate assay. The volatiles caused protoplasm retraction from the hyphal tips to the spores. Hua Chen and Xiang Xiao have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

As a first step in the research on ethanol production from lignocellulose residues, sugar fermentation by Fusarium oxysporum in oxygen-limited conditions is studied in this work. As a substrate, solutions of arabinose, glucose, xylose and glucose/xylose mixtures are employed. The main kinetic and yield parameters of the process are determined according to a time-dependent model. The microorganism growth is characterized by the maximum specific growth rate and biomass productivity, the substrate consumption is studied through the specific consumption rate and biomass yield, and the product formation via the specific production rate and product yields. In conclusion, F. oxysporum can convert glucose and xylose into ethanol with product yields of 0.38 and 0.25, respectively; when using a glucose/xylose mixture as carbon source, the sugars are utilized sequentially and a maximum value of 0.28 g/g ethanol yield is determined from a 50% glucose/50% xylose mixture. Although fermentation performance by F.␣oxysporum is somewhat lower than that of other fermenting microorganisms, its ability for simultaneous lignocellulose-residue saccharification and fermentation is considered as a potential advantage.  相似文献   

Rice brown spot, caused by Bipolaris oryzae, can be a serious disease causing a considerable yield loss. Trichoderma harzianum is an effective biocontrol agent for a number of plant fungal diseases. Thus, this research was carried out to investigate the mechanisms of action by which T. harzianum antagonizes Bipolaris oryzae in vitro, and the efficacy of spray application of a spore suspension of T. harzianum for control of rice brown spot disease under field conditions. In vitro, the antagonistic behavior of T. harzianum resulted in the overgrowth of B. oryzae by T. harzianum, while the␣antifungal metabolites of T.␣harzianum completely prevented the linear growth of B. oryzae. Light and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations showed no evidence that mycoparasitism contributed to the aggressive nature of the tested isolate of T. harzianum against B. oryzae. Under field conditions, spraying of a spore suspension of T. harzianum at 108 spore ml−1 significantly reduced the disease severity (DS) and disease incidence (DI) on the plant leaves, and also significantly increased the grain yield, total grain carbohydrate, and protein, and led to a significant increase in the total photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids) in rice leaves.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight isolates of Trichoderma belonging to four different species were screened in vitro for their antagonistic ability against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi causing carnation wilt. Three different levels of antagonism observed in dual plate assay were further confirmed by cell-free culture filtrate experiments. Isolates showing class I level of antagonism produced maximum lytic enzymes, chitinases and beta-1,3-glucanases. Genetic variability of 25 selected isolates was assessed by random amplified polymorphic DNA technique and the amplified products were correlated for their level of antagonism. Unweighed pair-group method with arithmetical averages cluster analysis revealed prominent inter-and intraspecific genetic variation among the isolates. Based on their genetic relationship, the isolates were mainly distributed into 3 major groups representing T. atroviride, T. pseudokoningii and T. harzianum, with 20-35% interspecific dissimilarity. However, the polymorphism shown by the isolates did not correlate to their level of antagonism.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea causes grey mold disease in crops and horticultural plants. It is suspected to kill plant cells via secreted toxins and to derive nutrients from dead or dying cells. However, whether macromolecular phytotoxins (MPs) secreted by B. cinerea induce necrosis or also trigger a programmed cell death (PCD) remains to be determined. We have previously partially characterized MPs secreted by B. cinerea. Here we isolated MPs from B. cinerea culture and applied them to leaf cells, assessing PCD over the following 120 h. Cell death was assessed by propidium iodide (PI) and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. Catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) activity and the cytochrome c/a ratio were assessed by spectrophotometer. POD isomers were measured using the benzidine acetate method. In Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. exposed to B. cinerea MPs, we observed chromatin condensation and marginalization, nuclear substance leakage and accumulation of autofluorescent materials in the cell wall. Furthermore, B. cinerea MPs induced release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytosol. Moreover, CAT and POD activity was upregulated and the POD isoenzyme pattern was altered. In conclusion, A. thaliana exposed to B. cinerea MPs exhibits multiple hallmarks of PCD, suggesting that B. cinerea induces PCD in host cells through secreted macromolecules.  相似文献   

A novel antibiotic 210-A, named as (6S,8aS,9S,11S,12aR)-6-hydroxy-9,10-dimethyldecahydrobenzo[d]azecine-2,4,12(3H)-trione, was isolated from the fermentation broth of Streptomyces noursei Da07210, its structure was unambiguously established by spectral analyses and chemical comparison with related cycloheximide. Experiments demonstrated that 210-A bore strong activity against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race four (Foc race four), which also showed antitumor activity against SMMC-7721 human hepatocarcinoma cells and S180 murine sarcoma, and the IC50 values were 0.77 and 0.74 μg/ml, respectively.  相似文献   

Callus of the halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum was used to study the effect of NaCl on the response to Botrytis cinerea infection. The fungus easily colonized the callus surface and the intercellular spaces. However, in the NaCl-adapted tissues the incidence of penetration was 67 % lower than in the inoculated control tissue. The modification of the infection pattern found in the salt-adapted callus could be related to metabolic adaptations to salinity. This was manifested by the enhanced antioxidant potential of ascorbate, the up-regulated activities of ascorbate peroxidase, as well as guaiacol and syringaldazine peroxidases together with the increased detoxification capacity of glutathione transferase in the NaCl-adapted callus. The post-inoculation changes in NaCl-adapted and non-adapted calli were roughly similar and supported the prooxidative nature of B. cinerea infection.  相似文献   

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