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Postembryonic brain development of Drosophila has become recently a subject of intense investigations. In particular, the linotte (lio) mutants display strong structural defects in the mushroom bodies and the central complex. The Lio kinase is expressed in a glial structure at the interhemispheric junction of late larval and young pupal brain. With the aim of identifying new genes involved in the formation of adult central brain structures, 821 enhancer-trap Gal4 lines were generated and screened for late larval expression. We identified 167 lines showing expression at or near the interhemispheric junction of third-instar larval brain, an area from which the central complex differentiates. Adult brains from 104 of these 167 lines were analyzed through paraffin sections. This secondary screen allowed the recovery of five central brain mutants. Of 89 control lines showing various patterns of expression excluding the interhemispheric junction, only one anatomical mutant was isolated. These six mutations, which have been thoroughly characterized, affect the midline area of the adult brain with phenotypes of split central complex structures and/or fused mushroom body lobes. This work opens the way for further analysis of the molecular and cellular events involved in central brain reorganization during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The role of the corpus callosum (CC) in the interhemispheric interaction of prosodic and syntactic information during speech comprehension was investigated in patients with lesions in the CC, and in healthy controls. The event-related brain potential experiment examined the effect of prosodic phrase structure on the processing of a verb whose argument structure matched or did not match the prior prosody-induced syntactic structure. While controls showed an N400-like effect for prosodically mismatching verb argument structures, thus indicating a stable interplay between prosody and syntax, patients with lesions in the posterior third of the CC did not show this effect. Because these patients displayed a prosody-independent semantic N400 effect, the present data indicate that the posterior third of the CC is the crucial neuroanatomical structure for the interhemispheric interplay of suprasegmental prosodic information and syntactic information.  相似文献   

Unlike most rotifers (Rotifera), which are planktonic and direct developers, many gnesiotrochan rotifers (Monogononta: Gnesiotrocha) are sessile and have indirect development. Few details exist on larval metamorphosis in most gnesiotrochans, and considering the drastic transformation that takes place at metamorphosis—the replacement of the ciliated corona with a new head that bears ciliated tentacles (the infundibulum)—it is perhaps surprising that there are limited data on the process. Here, we document part of this metamorphosis by examining the presence and distribution of neurons with serotonin immunoreactivity in the nervous system of both planktonic larvae and sessile adult females. Using antibodies against serotonin combined with confocal laser‐scanning microscopy (CLSM) and 3D reconstruction software, we mapped the immunoreactive cell bodies and neurites in both life stages and found that relatively few changes occurred during metamorphosis. The larvae possessed a total of eight perikarya with serotonergic immunoreactivity (5HT‐IR) in the brain, with at least two pairs of perikarya outside the brain in the region of the corona. Cells with 5HT‐IR in the brain innervated the larval corona and also sent neurites to the trunk via the nerve cords. During metamorphosis, the corona was replaced by the infundibulum, which emerged from the larval mouth to become the new functional head. This change led to a posterior displacement of the brain and also involved the loss of 5HT‐IR in the lateral brain perikarya and the gain of two perikarya with 5HT‐IR in the anterior brain region. The innervation of the anterior end was retained in the adult; neurites that extended anteriorly to the mouth of the larva formed a distinct neural ring that encircled the infundibulum after metamorphosis. Significantly, there was no innervation of the infundibular tentacles by neurites with 5HT‐IR, which suggests that ciliary control is unlikely to be modulated by serotonin within the tentacles themselves.  相似文献   

The corpus callosum (CC) is a brain structure composed of axon fibres linking the right and left hemispheres. Musical training is associated with larger midsagittal cross-sectional area of the CC, suggesting that interhemispheric communication may be faster in musicians. Here we compared interhemispheric transmission times (ITTs) for musicians and non-musicians. ITT was measured by comparing simple reaction times to stimuli presented to the same hemisphere that controlled a button-press response (uncrossed reaction time), or to the contralateral hemisphere (crossed reaction time). Both visual and auditory stimuli were tested. We predicted that the crossed-uncrossed difference (CUD) for musicians would be smaller than for non-musicians as a result of faster interhemispheric transfer times. We did not expect a difference in CUDs between the visual and auditory modalities for either musicians or non-musicians, as previous work indicates that interhemispheric transfer may happen through the genu of the CC, which contains motor fibres rather than sensory fibres. There were no significant differences in CUDs between musicians and non-musicians. However, auditory CUDs were significantly smaller than visual CUDs. Although this auditory-visual difference was larger in musicians than non-musicians, the interaction between modality and musical training was not significant. Therefore, although musical training does not significantly affect ITT, the crossing of auditory information between hemispheres appears to be faster than visual information, perhaps because subcortical pathways play a greater role for auditory interhemispheric transfer.  相似文献   

A pituitary hormone, prolactin (PRL) shows various effects on cellular metabolism in amphibians, such as stimulation of larval tissue growth and inhibition of metamorphic changes. All these effects are mediated by its cell surface receptor. However, lack of information on PRL receptor (PRL-R) gene expression has made the physiological importance of the PRL/PRL-R system obscure in amphibian metamorphosis. Hence, a Xenopus PRL-R cDNA was cloned, its structure was characterized, and specific binding of PRL to Xenopus PRL-R expressed in COS-7 cells was confirmed. In adult tissues, high level expression was found in the lung, heart, brain, thymus and skin, and low level in the oviduct, kidney and spinal cord. The developmental expression pattern showed that PRL-R messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was expressed in the brain and tail from premetamorphosis and the level increased toward late metamorphosis, suggesting that PRL may inhibit the metamorphic changes in those organs. The level of brain PRL-R mRNA reached a peak just at the start of the metamorphic climax stages and then decreased, whereas in the tail, mRNA expression peaked at late metamorphosis. In the kidney, mRNA expression increased and reached a maximum level at the end of metamorphosis. The results obtained were discussed in relation to metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis is a developmental strategy used by only a small number of extant fishes and little is known about its phylogenetic development during the evolution history of this large group of vertebrates. The present report provides a putative evolutionary history of metamorphosis in the lamprey, an extant agnathan with direct descendancy from some of the oldest known vertebrates. The study reviews recent data on the role of the thyroid gland and its hormones in metamorphosis, summarizes some recent views on the evolution of the endostyle/follicular thyroid in lampreys, and provides new data on the content of two gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH-I and -III) in brain during goitrogen-stimulated, precocious metamorphosis. These new data support an earlier viewpoint of a relationship between thyroid and reproductive axes during metamorphosis. It is proposed that the earliest lampreys were paedomorphic larvae and they lived in a marine environment; as such, they resembled in many ways the larvae from which the ancient protochordates, Larvacea, are derived. The iodide-concentrating efficiency of the endostyle was a critical factor in the evolution of metamorphosis and this gland was replaced by a follicular thyroid, for postmetamorphic animals needed to store iodine following their invasion of freshwater. Larval growth and postmetamorphic reproduction in freshwater became fixtures in the lamprey life cycle; a non-parasitic adult life-history type appeared later. The presence among extant lampreys of two different adult life-history types, and examples of the lability of the timing of sexual maturation in some species, imply that there has been a complex interplay between the thyroid and reproductive axes during the evolution of metamorphosis in lampreys. This proposal is consistent with what we know of interplay of these axes in extant adult lampreys and with the long-held viewpoint that thyroid function and sexual maturation are an association with an ancient history.  相似文献   

For more precise definition of the role of hemispheric interconnections in mechanisms of human CNS compensation the intercentral relations of the electrical activity of the left and right cerebral hemispheres were studied on physiological model of focal interhemispheric asymmetry. Spectral-coherent EEG characteristics of 36 patients with tumoral damage of one hemisphere were studied in condition of chronic (prior to operation) and acute (early terms of postoperative period) brain decompensation. In was shown that the reorganization of the structure of the EEG intercentral relations correlated with definite stages of CNS compensatory processes and that the character of hemispheric interconnections depended on the lateralization of the damage focus. The primary role was revealed of the degree of the left (dominant) hemisphere preservation in restoration of normal pattern of the interhemispheric asymmetry of the coherence of human brain electrical processes.  相似文献   

Unhatched, but fully developed larvae of two solitary ascidians Ascidia mentula O.F. Müller and Ascidiella scabra (O.F. Müller) were incubated in a variety of adult tissue extracts, which an earlier study had shown to accelerate metamorphosis. Our study confirmed this observation and showed, furthermore, that tissue extracts induce tail resorption in unhatched larvae of Ascidiella. For both species, the most active induction of metamorphosis was obtained with tunic tissue extracts. The results indicate that chemical stimulation without the presence of tactile cues may initiate metamorphosis. We suggest that the ability of tunic extracts to induce metamorphosis may explain juvenile establishment on adult ascidians and their aggregated distribution found in nature.  相似文献   

Complete congenital stationary night blindness (cCSNB) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of retinal disorders characterized by nonprogressive impairment of night vision, absence of the electroretinogram (ERG) b-wave, and variable degrees of involvement of other visual functions. We report here that mutations in GPR179, encoding an orphan G protein receptor, underlie a form of autosomal-recessive cCSNB. The Gpr179(nob5/nob5) mouse model was initially discovered by the absence of the ERG b-wave, a component that reflects depolarizing bipolar cell (DBC) function. We performed genetic mapping, followed by next-generation sequencing of the critical region and detected a large transposon-like DNA insertion in Gpr179. The involvement of GPR179 in DBC function was confirmed in zebrafish and humans. Functional knockdown of gpr179 in zebrafish led to a marked reduction in the amplitude of the ERG b-wave. Candidate gene analysis of GPR179 in DNA extracted from patients with cCSNB identified GPR179-inactivating mutations in two patients. We developed an antibody against mouse GPR179, which robustly labeled DBC dendritic terminals in wild-type mice. This labeling colocalized with the expression of GRM6 and was absent in Gpr179(nob5/nob5) mutant mice. Our results demonstrate that GPR179 plays a critical role in DBC signal transduction and expands our understanding of the mechanisms that mediate normal rod vision.  相似文献   

The Drosophila mushroom bodies (MBs), paired brain structures composed of vertical and medial lobes, achieve their final organization at metamorphosis. The alpha lobe absent (ala) mutant randomly lacks either the vertical lobes or two of the median lobes. We characterize the ala axonal phenotype at the single-cell level, and show that the ala mutation affects Drosophila ethanolamine (Etn) kinase activity and induces Etn accumulation. Etn kinase is overexpressed in almost all cancer cells. We demonstrate that this enzymatic activity is required in MB neuroblasts to allow a rapid rate of cell division at metamorphosis, linking Etn kinase activity with mitotic progression. Tight control of the pace of neuroblast division is therefore crucial for completion of the developmental program in the adult brain.  相似文献   

为进一步了解细胞凋亡及其效应基因caspase-3在海洋贝类厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)变态中的作用,研究通过RACE技术克隆并鉴定了一个厚壳贻贝caspase-3基因的cDNA全长,并对该基因在幼虫变态中的作用进行了研究。碱基序列和氨基酸序列特征分析显示,该基因编码的蛋白质具有典型的caspase P20和P10结构域,但核心半胱氨酸活性位点QACXG五肽保守序列发生了突变。系统进化分析结果显示该基因与无脊椎动物Caspase-3聚在一起,并与地中海贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)caspase 3/7-4相似度最高,因此将其命名为McCaspase 3-4。随后,通过实时荧光定量PCR技术对该基因在成贝不同组织及幼虫变态不同时间点的表达水平进行了分析。结果显示, McCaspase 3-4在成贝外套膜和唇瓣中的表达量显著高于其他组织。肾上腺素诱导眼点幼虫变态12h后, McCaspase 3-4的表达水平出现显著上升,并在刺激24h后达到最高,表明该基因可能在幼虫变态早期发挥作用。利用RNA干扰技术敲降眼点幼虫McCaspase 3-4基因...  相似文献   

Abstract. Antibodies against the echinoderm-specific neuropeptide S1 and against 5HT were used to examine the fate of the larval nervous system during metamorphosis in the ophiuroid Ophiactis resiliens . In contrast to most echinoderms, the onset of peptidergic and serotonergic expression was delayed to the advanced ophiopluteus stage, in particular for 5HT. In advanced ophioplutei, peptidergic immunoreactivity was located in simple fibres associated with the ciliated bands, a stomach nerve ring, and cells along the antero-lateral arms. 5HT immunoreactivity was concentrated in 2 oral ganglia in the adoral projections, located at the posterior rim of the mouth. Clusters of 5HT-positive cells were also found along the antero-lateral arms. The ophiopluteus lacked a serotonergic (or peptidergic) anterior ganglion. In echinoids, holothuroids, and crinoids, anterior ganglia are thought to have a sensory role in settlement and metamorphosis. Given that ophioplutei metamorphose in the plankton and that larval structures degenerate before settlement, the absence of apical ganglia correlates with the lack of a functional role for larval structures in substrate selection and settlement. Although most of the larval nervous system degenerated during metamorphosis, the adoral projections and associated oral ganglia appeared to be incorporated into the juvenile mouth, suggesting a potential role for larval neurons in contributing to oral neuronal structures in the adult. S1-positive neurons and fibres in the rudiment developed de novo and in parallel with development of the epineural canal. This structure gives rise to the primordia of the adult circumoral nerve ring and radial nerves, indicating that differentiation of the adult nervous system begins in the early stages of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Insect metamorphosis involves a complex change in form and function. In this study, we examined the development of the solitary bee, Megachile rotundata, using micro-computed tomography (μCT) and volume analysis. We describe volumetric changes of brain, tracheae, flight muscles, gut, and fat bodies in prepupal, pupal, and adult M. rotundata. We observed that individual organ systems have distinct patterns of developmental progression, which vary in their timing and duration. This has important implications for commercial management of this agriculturally relevant pollinator.  相似文献   

Correlation and coherence analyses of EEG recordings from 26 children aged five to seven years (12 boys and 14 girls) as compared to 33 adult subjects (18 women and 15 men) has been carried out to study the topical features of the spatial structure of EEG distant interactions. A higher level of EEG intrahemispheric interactions in the posttemporal and frontal areas of the left hemisphere has been found in men as compared to women in whom the prevalence of interhemispheric interactions due to the expressed EEG interactions in the bilaterally symmetric areas of both hemispheres has been found. A different type of sex-related differences in the systemic organization of interregional interactions of cortical potentials, as compared to adults, has been found in preschool children. In particular, a higher prevalence of EEG distant interactions has been found in those areas of the left hemisphere, the EEG interactions of which were higher in adult men. The data show that a distinct sexual dimorphism of interregional interactions of cortex potentials in adult subjects and children is formed due to the topology of the different EEG distant interactions differing in men and women. Investigations of the sex specificity of the spatiotemporal organization of brain bioelectric potentials in children can promote understanding of the sexual identity role in development of human brain systemic activity.  相似文献   

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