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Competition elevates plasma testosterone in a wide variety of vertebrates, including humans. The ‘challenge hypothesis’ proposes that seasonal peaks in testosterone during breeding are caused by social challenges from other males. However, during experimentally induced male–male conflicts, testosterone increases only in a minority of songbird species tested so far. Why is this so? Comparative evidence suggests that species with a short breeding season may not elevate testosterone levels during territory defence. These species may even be limited in their physiological capability to increase testosterone levels, which can be tested by injecting birds with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). We studied two populations of black redstarts that differ in breeding altitude, morphology and the length of their breeding season. Unexpectedly, males of neither population increased testosterone in response to a simulated territorial intrusion, but injections with GnRH resulted in a major elevation of testosterone. Thus, black redstarts would have been capable of mounting a testosterone response during the male–male challenge. Our data show, for the first time, that the absence of an androgen response to male–male challenges is not owing to physiological limitations to increase testosterone. Furthermore, in contrast to comparative evidence between species, populations of black redstarts with a long breeding season do not show the expected elevation in testosterone during male–male challenges.  相似文献   

Testosterone plays an important role in territorial behavior of many male vertebrates and the Challenge Hypothesis has been suggested to explain differences in testosterone concentrations between males. For socially monogamous birds, the challenge hypothesis predicts that testosterone should increase during male–male interactions. To test this, simulated territorial intrusion (STI) experiments have been conducted, but only about a third of all bird species investigated so far show the expected increase in testosterone. Previous studies have shown that male black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) do not increase testosterone during STIs or short-term male–male challenges. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether black redstarts modulate testosterone in an experimentally induced longer-term unstable social situation. We created social instability by removing males from their territories and compared the behavior and testosterone concentrations of replacement males and neighbors with those of control areas. Testosterone levels did not differ among replacement males, neighbors and control males. Injections with GnRH resulted in elevation of testosterone in all groups, suggesting that all males were capable of increasing testosterone. We found no difference in the behavioral response to STIs between control and replacement males. Furthermore, there was no difference in testosterone levels between replacement males that had expanded their territory and new-coming males. In combination with prior work these data suggest that testosterone is not modulated by male–male interactions in black redstarts and that testosterone plays only a minor role in territorial behavior. We suggest that territorial behavior in species that are territorial throughout most of their annual life-cycle may be decoupled from testosterone.  相似文献   

The hormonal control of territorial aggression in male and female vertebrates outside the breeding season is still unresolved. Most vertebrates have regressed gonads when not breeding and do not secrete high levels of sex steroids. However, recent studies implicate estrogens in the regulation of non-breeding territoriality in some bird species. One possible source of steroids during the non-breeding season could be the adrenal glands that are known to produce sex steroid precursors such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). We studied tropical, year-round territorial spotted antbirds (Hylophylax n. naevioides) and asked (1). whether both males and females are aggressive in the non-breeding season and (2). whether DHEA is detectable in the plasma at that time. We conducted simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) with live decoys to male and female free-living spotted antbirds in central Panama. Non-breeding males and females displayed robust aggressive responses to STIs, and responded more intensely to decoys of their own sex. In both sexes, plasma DHEA concentrations were detectable and higher than levels of testosterone (T) and 17beta-estradiol (E(2)). In males, plasma DHEA concentrations were positively correlated with STI duration. Next, we conducted STIs in captive non-breeding birds. Captive males and females displayed robust aggressive behavior. Plasma DHEA concentrations were detectable in both sexes, whereas T was non-detectable (E(2) was not measured). Plasma DHEA concentrations of males were positively correlated with aggressive vocalizations and appeared to increase with longer STI durations. We conclude that male and female spotted antbirds can produce DHEA during the non-breeding season and DHEA may serve as a precursor of sex steroids for the regulation of year-round territorial behavior in both sexes.  相似文献   

Territorial aggression, displayed by male vertebrates in a reproductive context, is generally thought to be mediated by testosterone. The challenge hypothesis predicts that in socially monogamous species, territorial challenges should induce an increase in plasma testosterone concentrations, which will enhance aggressive behaviour and territory defence. This hypothesis is based on northern latitude birds and needs to be tested in tropical birds before it can be universally accepted. We tested the challenge hypothesis in an equatorial population of rufous-collared sparrows in Papallacta, Ecuador. This population shows an extended breeding period during which males aggressively guard territories. During the early breeding season, males were challenged with conspecific or heterospecific simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) lasting 10 min. Conspecific-challenged males responded more aggressively than heterospecific-challenged males. However, there was no increase in plasma testosterone in response to the conspecific STI. During the breeding season, males were challenged with conspecific STIs lasting 0, 10 or 30 min. Males behaved aggressively regardless of STI duration, and did not differ in plasma testosterone or luteinizing hormone concentrations. During the breeding season, males were implanted with testosterone-filled or empty silastic tubes and subsequently challenged with a conspecific STI. Testosterone implants significantly raised plasma testosterone concentrations, but testosterone-implanted males were not more aggressive than blank-implanted controls. Combined, these findings suggest that testosterone concentrations above breeding baseline are not related to territorial aggression in this population and therefore do not support the challenge hypothesis.  相似文献   

We studied steroid hormone patterns and aggression during breeding in female Galápagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Females display vigorously towards courting males after copulating (female-male aggression), as well as fight for and defend nest sites against other females (female-female aggression). To understand the neuroendocrine basis of this aggressive behavior, we examined changes in testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), corticosterone (CORT), and progesterone (P4) during the mating and nesting periods, and then measured levels in nesting females captured during aggressive interactions. Testosterone reached maximal levels during the mating stage when female-male aggression was most common, and increased slightly, but significantly, during the nesting stage when female-female aggression was most common. However, fighting females had significantly lower T, but higher E2 and P4, than non-fighting females. It remains unclear whether these changes in hormone levels during aggressive interactions are a cause or a consequence of a change in behavior. Our results support the “challenge hypothesis”, but suggest that E2 and/or P4 may increase in response to aggressive challenges in females just as T does in males. Females may be rapidly aromatizing T to elevate circulating levels of E2 during aggressive interactions. This hypothesis could explain why non-fighting females had slightly elevated baseline T, but extremely low E2, during stages when aggressive interactions were most common. Although P4 increased rapidly during aggressive encounters, it is unclear whether it acts directly to affect behavior, or indirectly via conversion to E2. The rapid production and conversion of E2 and P4 may be an important mechanism underlying female aggression in vertebrates.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):565-571
In many vertebrates testosterone increases during aggressive interactions and the surges in this hormone may be responsible for the winner effect. So far studies on this relationship have been done in captivity only, because simulating a winning situation for a territory owner in the field is difficult. However, an increasing number of studies show that territorial aggression is not necessarily accompanied by elevated testosterone after a single simulated territorial intrusion (STI) and therefore it has been proposed that STIs may even create a losing experience. We examined whether free-living male black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) show changes in androgens, corticosterone and behavior following repeated STIs of high or low intensity and in contrast to being challenged only once. Repeated intrusions had no influence on androgen and corticosterone levels regardless of intrusion intensity. In contrast, the behavioral response changed over days depending on the intensity of the intrusion. Only birds challenged with high-level intruders approached the decoy significantly faster during the third intrusion than during the first one, stayed closer to the decoy, and sang more songs than males challenged with low-level intruders. Thus, although black redstarts reacted differently to STIs varying in frequency and intensity, these behavioral differences were not reflected in androgen or corticosterone levels. Our data show that it is unlikely that STIs induce a losing experience. Furthermore, they indicate that a hormonal effect of winning an encounter may not be universal in vertebrates and may depend on the ecological or life-history context.  相似文献   

In many vertebrates testosterone increases during aggressive interactions and the surges in this hormone may be responsible for the winner effect. So far studies on this relationship have been done in captivity only, because simulating a winning situation for a territory owner in the field is difficult. However, an increasing number of studies show that territorial aggression is not necessarily accompanied by elevated testosterone after a single simulated territorial intrusion (STI) and therefore it has been proposed that STIs may even create a losing experience. We examined whether free-living male black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) show changes in androgens, corticosterone and behavior following repeated STIs of high or low intensity and in contrast to being challenged only once. Repeated intrusions had no influence on androgen and corticosterone levels regardless of intrusion intensity. In contrast, the behavioral response changed over days depending on the intensity of the intrusion. Only birds challenged with high-level intruders approached the decoy significantly faster during the third intrusion than during the first one, stayed closer to the decoy, and sang more songs than males challenged with low-level intruders. Thus, although black redstarts reacted differently to STIs varying in frequency and intensity, these behavioral differences were not reflected in androgen or corticosterone levels. Our data show that it is unlikely that STIs induce a losing experience. Furthermore, they indicate that a hormonal effect of winning an encounter may not be universal in vertebrates and may depend on the ecological or life-history context.  相似文献   

We studied territorial aggression in relation to circulatingtestosterone levels in free-living birds of four species innorthern Alaska. The Lapland longspur, Calcarius lapponicus,is an abundant breeding passerine on the arctic tundra. Unlikemany passerines at lower latitudes, male Lapland longspurs donot defend a "multiple-purpose territory" that serves to providenest sites, food and shelter. Rather, after arrival on the breedinggrounds, they perform aerial display flights over a looselydenned "nest area" for a very brief period of two days or so,showing tolerance of other males. This song display may be involvedin courtship. During this phase, male longspurs show a briefand pronounced peak in circulating testosterone levels, andare not aggressive toward simulated territorial intrusions (STIs).Males then "guard" their sexually receptive mates for aboutten days, during which they are highly aggressive toward STIs,but do not sing as much. During the next phase, incubation,the males become very tolerant of conspecific males. Their circulatingtestosterone levels decline to baseline levels, and they generallydo not sing or display aggression in response to STIs. Threeother passerines, the white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrysgambelii, American tree sparrow, Spizella arborea, and savannahsparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis, show patterns of territorialaggression typical of species studied at lower latitudes. Welldefinedterritories are defended for several weeks, during which thereis a prolonged peak in plasma concentrations of testosterone.These three species continue to sing and display aggressioneven late in the season, unlike the longspurs. The peak of testosteronein the longspurs occurs simultaneously with the peak in songdisplay, while in mid-latitude species it occurs with the peakin reproductive aggression. These data suggest that the interrelationshipof testosterone and aggression in Lapland longspurs may be differentfrom that of passerines with multiple-purpose territories, andmay be related to the constraints of breeding in the open arctictundra.  相似文献   

Testosterone mediates reproductive behaviours in male vertebrates. For example, breeding season territoriality depends on testosterone in many species of birds and in some, territorial interactions feed back on testosterone concentrations. However, the degree to which territorial behaviour and testosterone are associated differs even between species with seemingly similar life histories, especially between species that also defend territories outside the breeding season. Here, we investigate the link between territorial behaviour and testosterone in European stonechats. Previous studies found that territorial aggression in stonechats depends on testosterone in a breeding, but not in a non-breeding context. We investigated whether stonechats show a rise in testosterone during simulated territorial intrusions (STI) during the breeding season. Post-capture testosterone concentrations of males caught after an STI were not higher than those of males caught in a control situation regardless of breeding stage. However, most of the males would have been able to mount a testosterone response because the same individuals that did not increase testosterone during the STI showed a substantial increase in testosterone after injections of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH-induced and post-capture testosterone concentrations were positively correlated and both decreased with successive breeding stages. Further, territory owners with a short latency to attack the decoy expressed higher post-capture testosterone concentrations than males with a longer latency to attack the decoy. Thus, there is no evidence for behavioural feedback on testosterone concentrations during male-male interactions in stonechats. In combination with previous studies our data suggest that testosterone functions as an on/off switch of high intensity territorial aggression during the breeding season in stonechats. The among-species variation in the androgen control of territorial behaviour may be only partly a result of environmental differences. Instead, potential differences in how territoriality evolved in different species may have influenced whether and how a reproductive hormone such as testosterone was co-opted into the mechanistic control of territorial behaviour.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone increases during breeding in many male vertebrates and has long been implicated in the promotion of aggressive behaviors relating to territory and mate defense. Males of some species also defend territories outside of the breeding period. For example, the European nuthatch (Sitta europaea) defends an all-purpose territory throughout the year. To contribute to the growing literature regarding the hormonal correlates of non-breeding territoriality, we investigated the seasonal testosterone and corticosterone profile of male (and female) nuthatches and determined how observed hormone patterns relate to expression of territorial aggression. Given that non-breeding territoriality in the nuthatch relates to the reproductive context (i.e., defense of a future breeding site), we predicted that males would exhibit surges in plasma testosterone throughout the year. However, we found that males showed elevated testosterone levels only during breeding. Thus, testosterone of gonadal origin does not appear to be involved in the expression of non-breeding territoriality. Interestingly, territorial behaviors of male nuthatches were stronger in spring than in autumn, suggesting that in year-round territorial species, breeding-related testosterone elevations may upregulate male-male aggression above non-breeding levels. In females, plasma testosterone was largely undetectable. We also examined effects of simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) on testosterone and corticosterone levels of breeding males. We found that STIs did not elicit a testosterone response, but caused a dramatic increase in plasma corticosterone. These data support the hypothesis that corticosterone rather than testosterone may play a role in the support of behavior and/or physiology during acute territorial encounters in single-brooded species.  相似文献   

The breeding season is very brief for arctic-breeding passerines, and any interruptions of parental care by aggressive interactions over territory may reduce reproductive success. We tested both the "testosterone insensitivity" and "corticosterone insensitivity" hypotheses in the arctic-breeding Gambel's white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii. Additionally, we tested whether simulated territorial intrusions (STIs), known to stimulate increases in luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) in mid-latitude breeding Z. l. pugetensis, would also be effective in either the early or late phases of the brief breeding season of Z. l. gambelii. Plasma levels of T and LH were high early in the breeding season and declined as egg laying began. Exposure of free-living males to 10 min of STI significantly increased LH but not T secretion. Nonetheless, the pituitary-gonadal axis is sensitive as jugular injection of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone increased plasma T at 10 min relative to saline-challenged controls. T implants failed to increase territorial aggression following STI during incubation. These data are consistent with the T insensitivity hypothesis and contrast sharply with the response of the southerly breeding subspecies, Z. l. pugetensis, in which the territorial response to T administration is retained throughout its relatively long breeding season. However, corticosterone implants during the incubation period decreased territorial aggression during STI. This responsiveness to corticosterone is not consistent with the corticosterone insensitivity hypothesis of stress modulation. Z. l. gambelii retain sensitivity to corticosterone levels that may occur naturally in response to environmental perturbations resulting in suppression of territorial behavior.  相似文献   

The black coucal is the only known altricial bird species in which females mate with and lay eggs for more than one male and males are responsible for all parental care (classical polyandry). In this species, the left testis is atrophied and it has been speculated that this may result in a reduction of circulating androgens, providing a unique mechanism for reversals in sex roles. We therefore investigated whether there is a reversal in circulating androgens and oestrogens in black coucals. Despite the reversals in sex roles, males had significantly higher levels of plasma testosterone than females, in a pattern typical of that of monogamous male passerines. Testosterone levels of both sexes were higher during the mating than during the premating stage and were low in males during the nestling stage. The concentrations of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone and oestradiol did not differ between the sexes and were generally low. A physiological challenge with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) resulted in a significant increase in testosterone in males but not in females, suggesting either that females are not responsive to GnRH or that they express patterns of testosterone that are similar to those of males of species with a polygynous mating system without paternal care, in which testosterone is expressed at maximum levels throughout the breeding season. We conclude that the absence of one testis does not provide a mechanism for sex role reversal in black coucals. Either androgens are not involved in the regulation of male-like traits in females or females are sensitive to relatively low levels of these steroids.  相似文献   

In many bird species, the female participates in defending a pair's breeding territory, however, the endocrine control mechanism of female aggressive behavior is largely unknown. The general statement that androgens are involved in the regulation of aggressive behavior is based on studies conducted only in males. Here, we tested whether paired female stonechats show a hormonal response to a simulated male territorial intruder. Since in males of territorial bird species androgen levels usually increase following a male-male encounter, we measured androgen-levels before and after a simulated male intrusion. In addition, we measured estradiol, the main gonadal hormone in females, and corticosterone, a stress hormone. The results show that a male intruder does not affect any of the measured hormones in females. In a second experiment, we also tested whether the endocrine state of the male partner affects the hormonal response of females to a male intruder by comparing the hormonal response of females paired with pharmacologically castrated males and females paired with control males. Females paired with pharmacologically castrated males had lower corticosterone levels both before and after the intrusion than females paired with control males. Additionally, in both groups, female corticosterone levels were increased following a male intrusion. We suggest that the differences found between females paired with pharmacologically castrated males and females paired with control males are due to differences in intra-pair interactions.  相似文献   

Sexually mature male and female spiny damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus (Pomacentridae) were introduced to resident fish of both sexes in paired encounter trials and the effect on activity, agonistic behaviour and plasma levels of testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) in males, and T and 17β-estradiol (E2) in females, and cortisol in both sexes was determined. Introduced males showed suppressed levels of T in the presence of both resident males and females, whereas resident males showed elevated T in response to introduced males but not females. Plasma 11-KT levels were unchanged in either resident or introduced males. Resident males showed increased activity in the presence of males but not females. Resident females showed an increase in activity when paired with introduced females and greater aggressive behaviour towards females than males. There were no differences in plasma hormone levels in either resident or introduced female fish. Plasma cortisol levels were low in all fish and stress effects did not appear to account for differences in T levels in males. The results of the present study show that elevations in plasma T levels in resident male spiny damselfish are associated only with male presence but that suppression of T in introduced fish occurs irrespective of the sex of the resident. In contrast resident females, which show stronger evidence of aggressive behaviour do not show changes in plasma androgen levels. This suggests that aggressive behaviour in male and female fishes may be mediated by different endocrine pathways.  相似文献   

In gregarious species, dispersal events represent one of the most dramatic changes in social life and environment an animal will experience during life due to increased predation risk, aggression from unfamiliar conspecifics and the lack of social support. However, little is known about how individuals respond physiologically to dispersal and whether this process is stressful for the individuals involved. We therefore studied the physiological stress response during dispersal in the crested macaque, a primate species in which males often change groups. Over a period of 14 months and 14 dispersal events in 4 groups, we determined faecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGCM) levels during the process of immigration into a new group and examined a variety of factors (e.g. male age, rank achieved, number of males in the group) potentially affecting FGCM levels during this process. We found that FGCM levels were significantly elevated in the first few days upon immigration, after which levels returned quickly to baseline. FGCM response levels upon immigration were significantly and positively influenced by the number of males in the group. The rank a male achieved upon immigration, aggression received, as well as the proximity to other males did not significantly influence FGCM levels. Our data confirm previous findings on other species demonstrating that in crested macaques immigration into a new social group is associated with an acute endocrine stress response. However, given that stress hormone levels remained elevated only for a short period of time, we do not expect males to experience high physiological costs during immigration. Given our limited knowledge on the physiological responses to dispersal in animals, this study contributes to our understanding of dispersal more generally, and particularly inter-individual differences in the stress response and the potential physiological costs associated with these.  相似文献   

Maintaining surplus captive male antelope in bachelor groups can result in aggression in some species, leading to injury or death. Suppressing endogenous testosterone using gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs has been used in primates to control aggressive behavior, but little information is available on the use of GnRH analogs in nondomestic ruminant species. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a slow‐release GnRH agonist (deslorelin) on circulating hormone concentrations, semen and sperm characteristics and behavior in male gerenuk, dorcas gazelle, and scimitar horned oryx. Body weight, testicular volume, circulating hormone concentrations, ejaculate traits, and behavior were recorded before and during deslorelin treatment. A GnRH challenge (with serial blood sampling) was administered to gerenuk and dorcas gazelles before and during GnRH analog treatment. Quantitative behavioral data were collected for gerenuk and dorcas gazelles for 30 min three times a week, starting 1 month before deslorelin treatment, and the mean incidence of combined aggressive behaviors (supplanting, foreleg kicking, sparring, marking, and mounting) was compared before and during deslorelin treatment. No statistical difference (P>0.05) in body weight, semen volume, sperm concentration, percent sperm motility, percent sperm plasma membrane integrity, or percent normal sperm morphology was found before or during deslorelin treatment. The characteristic rise in luteinizing hormone (LH), occurring ~10 min following administration of a GnRH challenge in untreated males, was not evident during deslorelin treatment, although tonic LH concentrations were maintained. No differences (P>0.05) in the mean incidence of any aggressive behavioral traits in gerenuk or dorcas gazelle were detected before and during deslorelin. The absence of a GnRH‐induced increase in serum LH in treated males indicated that deslorelin suppressed pituitary responsiveness to endogenous GnRH, but that the continued tonic production of LH was sufficient to maintain testosterone production, aggressive behavior, and subsequent semen production. Zoo Biol 21:435–448, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Social Modulation of Circulating Hormone Levels in the Male   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. In many species, social interactions rapidly modulatecirculating hormone levels in the male. Sexual interaction ormere exposure to a conspecific female results in rapid, transientelevation of both plasma luteinizing hormone and testosteroneconcentrations in a variety of species. In contrast, aggressiveinteractions result in decreased plasma gonadotropin and testosteronelevels and increased levels of adrenal corticoids. In general,these changes are more profound and of longer duration thanthose accompanying sexual interactions, particularly among subordinatemales. These fluctuations in circulating hormone levels appearto be related to an individual's behavioral responsivity. Forexample, plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone duringa social encounter are positively correlated with the degreeof sexual arousal shown by a male during the interaction. Similarcorrelations have been found between plasma androgen or corticoidlevels and patterns of behavior shown by males during both sexualand aggressive interactions. The causal relationship betweensuch rapid hormone fluctuations and behavior remains unclear.Are fluctuating hormone levels causing differences in behavioror aredifferent patterns of behavior causing differences inplasma hormone levels between males? Or is the correlation betweenthese two variables caused by their relationship to anotherunidentified factor? There are some data favoring the firstpossibility. Increasing the magnitude of socially induced hormonefluctuations during an aggressive encounter or preventingsuchfluctuations entirely significantly alters an animal's behavior.These data suggest that the endocrine system may play a moreimportant role in an individual's minute-to-minute responseto critical social stimuli than was previously realized.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare the relative response between rams and bulls in characteristics of LH, FSH and testosterone (T) secretion, during and after long-term treatment with GnRH analogs. Animals were treated with GnRH agonist, GnRH antagonist, or vehicle (Control) for 28 days. Serial blood samples were collected on day 21 of treatment, and at several intervals after treatment. Injections of natural sequence GnRH were used to evaluate the capacity of the pituitary to release gonadotropins during and after treatment. Treatment with GnRH agonist increased basal LH and T concentrations in both rams and bulls, with a greater relative increase in bulls. Endogenous LH pulses and LH release after administration of GnRH were suppressed during treatment with GnRH agonist. Treatment with GnRH antagonist decreased mean hormone concentrations, LH and T pulse frequency, and the release of LH and T after exogenous GnRH, with greater relative effects in bulls. Rams previously treated with antagonist had a greater release of LH after administration of GnRH compared with control rams, while rams previously treated with agonist showed a reduced LH response. Bulls previously treated with agonist had reduced FSH concentrations and LH pulse amplitudes compared with control bulls while bulls previously treated with antagonist had greater T concentrations and pulse frequency. The present study was the first direct comparison between domestic species of the response in males to treatment with GnRH analogs. The findings demonstrated that differences do occur between rams and bulls in LH, FSH and testosterone secretion during and after treatment. Also, the consequences of treatment with either GnRH analog can persist for a considerable time after discontinuation of treatment.  相似文献   

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