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We present evidence to show that the KEULE gene of Arabidopsis is involved in cytokinesis. Mutant keule embryos have large multinucleate cells with gapped or incomplete cross walls, as well as cell wall stubs that are very similar to those observed upon caffeine inhibition of cytokinesis in plants. These defects are observed in all populations of dividing cells in the mutant, including calli, but less frequently in mature cells. Cell division appears to be slowed down, and the planes of cell division are often misoriented. In late embryos and seedlings, cross-wall formation usually appears complete, suggesting that the requirement for KEULE during cytokinesis is not absolute. Nonetheless, keule mutants die as seedlings with large polyploid cells. The bloated surface layer of keule seedlings does not uniformly behave like wild-type epidermis, and patches of this layer assume characteristics of the underlying ground tissue. The cytokinesis defect of keule mutants may influence aspects of cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

Controlling microtubule dynamics and spatial organization is a fundamental requirement of eukaryotic cell function. Members of the ORBIT/MAST/CLASP family of microtubule-associated proteins associate with the plus ends of microtubules, where they promote the addition of tubulin subunits into attached kinetochore fibers during mitosis and stabilize microtubules in the vicinity of the plasma membrane during interphase. To date, nothing is known about their function in plants. Here, we show that the Arabidopsis thaliana CLASP protein is a microtubule-associated protein that is involved in both cell division and cell expansion. Green fluorescent protein-CLASP localizes along the full length of microtubules and shows enrichment at growing plus ends. Our analysis suggests that CLASP promotes microtubule stability. clasp-1 T-DNA insertion mutants are hypersensitive to microtubule-destabilizing drugs and exhibit more sparsely populated, yet well ordered, root cortical microtubule arrays. Overexpression of CLASP promotes microtubule bundles that are resistant to depolymerization with oryzalin. Furthermore, clasp-1 mutants have aberrant microtubule preprophase bands, mitotic spindles, and phragmoplasts, indicating a role for At CLASP in stabilizing mitotic arrays. clasp-1 plants are dwarf, have significantly reduced cell numbers in the root division zone, and have defects in directional cell expansion. We discuss possible mechanisms of CLASP function in higher plants.  相似文献   

In animals, MAP kinase plays a key role in growth factor-stimulated signalling and in mitosis. The isolation of a Medicago sativa cDNA clone MsK7 which shows 52% identity to animal MAP kinases is reported. The deduced protein sequence shows all the important structural features of MAP kinases and also contains the highly conserved Thr-183 and Tyr-185 residues. Northern analysis of synchronized alfalfa cells showed that the MsK7 kinase gene is expressed at low levels in G1 phase but at higher levels in S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. In the plant, only stems and roots were found to contain MAP kinase MsK7 mRNA. Southern and PCR analyses indicated that alfalfa contains at least four highly related MAP kinase genes.  相似文献   

Functional nuclear proteins are selectively imported into the nucleus by transport factors such as importins alpha and beta. The relationship between the efficiency of nuclear protein import and the cell cycle was measured using specific import substrates for the importin alpha/beta-mediated pathway. After the microinjection of SV40 T antigen nuclear localization signal (NLS)-containing substrates into the cytoplasm of synchronized culture cells at a certain phase of the cell cycle, the nuclear import of the substrates was measured kinetically. Cell cycle-dependent change in import efficiency, but not capacity, was found. That is, import efficiency was found low in the early S, G2/M, and M/G1 phases compared with other phases. In addition, we found that the extent of co-imunoprecipitation of importin alpha with importin beta from cell extracts was strongly associated with import efficiency. These results indicate that the importin alpha/beta-mediated nuclear import machinery is regulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner through the modulation of interaction modes between importins alpha and beta.  相似文献   

The human M phase phosphoprotein 1 (MPP1), previously identified through a screening of a subset of proteins specifically phosphorylated at the G2/M transition (Matsumoto-Taniura, N., Pirollet, F., Monroe, R., Gerace, L., and Westendorf, J. M. (1996) Mol. Biol. Cell 7, 1455-1469), is characterized as a plus-end-directed kinesin-related protein. Recombinant MPP1 exhibits in vitro microtubule-binding and microtubule-bundling properties as well as microtubule-stimulated ATPase activity. In gliding experiments using polarity-marked microtubules, MPP1 is a slow molecular motor that moves toward the microtubule plus-end at a 0.07 microm/s speed. In cycling cells, MPP1 localizes mainly to the nuclei in interphase. During mitosis, MPP1 is diffuse throughout the cytoplasm in metaphase and subsequently localizes to the midzone to further concentrate on the midbody. MPP1 suppression by RNA interference induces failure of cell division late in cytokinesis. We conclude that MPP1 is a new mitotic molecular motor required for completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

We have identified the function of the Arabidopsis DIMINUTO/DWARF1 (DIM/DWF1) gene by analyzing the dim mutant, a severe dwarf with greatly reduced fertility. Both the mutant phenotype and gene expression could be rescued by the addition of exogenous brassinolide. Analysis of endogenous sterols demonstrated that dim accumulates 24-methylenecholesterol but is deficient in campesterol, an early precursor of brassinolide. In addition, we show that dim is deficient in brassinosteroids as well. Feeding experiments using deuterium-labeled 24-methylenecholesterol and 24-methyldesmosterol confirmed that DIM/DWF1 is involved in both the isomerization and reduction of the Delta24(28) bond. This conversion is not required in cholesterol biosynthesis in animals but is a key step in the biosynthesis of plant sterols. Transient expression of a green fluorescent protein-DIM/DWF1 fusion protein and biochemical experiments showed that DIM/DWF1 is an integral membrane protein that most probably is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The sku6-1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibits altered patterns of root and organ growth. sku6 roots, etiolated hypocotyls, and leaf petioles exhibit right-handed axial twisting, and root growth on inclined agar media is strongly right skewed. The touch-dependent sku6 root skewing phenotype is suppressed by the antimicrotubule drugs propyzamide and oryzalin, and right skewing is exacerbated by cold treatment. Cloning revealed that sku6-1 is allelic to spiral1-1 (spr1-1). However, modifiers in the Columbia (Col) and Landsberg erecta (Ler) ecotype backgrounds mask noncomplementation in sku6-1 (Col)/spr1-1 (Ler) F1 plants. The SPR1 gene encodes a plant-specific 12-kD protein that is ubiquitously expressed and belongs to a six-member gene family in Arabidopsis. An SPR1:green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion expressed in transgenic seedlings localized to microtubules within the cortical array, preprophase band, phragmoplast, and mitotic spindle. SPR1:GFP was concentrated at the growing ends of cortical microtubules and was dependent on polymer growth state; the microtubule-related fluorescence dissipated upon polymer shortening. The protein has a repeated motif at both ends, separated by a predicted rod-like domain, suggesting that it may act as an intermolecular linker. These observations suggest that SPR1 is involved in microtubule polymerization dynamics and/or guidance, which in turn influences touch-induced directional cell expansion and axial twisting.  相似文献   

WD40/BEACH domain proteins have been implicated in membrane trafficking and membrane composition events in Dictyostelium and Drosophila . In this paper, we show that the Arabidopsis SPIRRIG ( SPI ) gene encodes a WD40/BEACH domain protein. The cellular analysis revealed fragmented vacuoles in root hairs similar to those found in the corresponding Dictyostelium mutants, suggesting a related cellular function. The phenotypic analysis revealed that spi mutants share all phenotypic aspects of mutants in the actin polymerization-regulating ARP2/3 pathway, including distorted trichomes, less lobing of epidermal pavement cells, disconnected epidermal cells on various organs, and shorter root hairs. This complete phenotypic overlap suggests that this WD40/BEACH domain protein and the actin-regulating ARP2/3 pathway are involved in similar growth processes.  相似文献   

In this study we describe a novel gene, which was isolated in an attempt to search for specific plant resistance genes of Arabidopsis against isolates of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. The gene was cloned by differential screening of a genomic library of the Xcc 750-resistant ecotype Col-0, using cDNA populations derived from ecotype Col-0 and the Xcc 750-susceptible ecotype Oy-0. The isolated gene, CXc750, is differentially expressed in ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. In addition, although highly expressed in uninfected plants, gene expression increases in response to pathogen attack. CXc750 potentially codes for a small, basic protein of about 10 kDa. The predicted protein product contains a potential signal leader peptide at the amino-terminal end but no ER retention sequence and no further transmembrane domain. This indicates that the gene product is transported to other compartments or out of the cell.The possible function of CXc750 as a member of the plant defense response system is discussed.  相似文献   

Here, we analyze the STICHEL (STI) gene, which plays an important role in the regulation of branch number of the unicellular trichomes in Arabidopsis. We have isolated the STI locus by positional cloning and confirmed the identity by sequencing seven independent sti alleles. The STI gene encodes a protein of 1,218 amino acid residues containing a domain with sequence similarity to the ATP-binding eubacterial DNA-polymerase III gamma-subunits. Because endoreduplication was found to be normal in sti mutants the molecular function of STI in cell morphogenesis is not linked to DNA replication and, therefore, postulated to represent a novel pathway. Northern-blot analysis shows that STI is expressed in all organs suggesting that STI function is not trichome specific. The analysis of sti alleles and transgenic lines overexpressing STI suggests that STI regulates branching in a dosage-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The signal transduction pathways that control cytokinesis in plants are largely uncharacterized. Here, we provide genetic evidence that mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinases (MAPKKKs) play a role in the control of plant cell division. Using a reverse-genetic approach, we isolated plants carrying knockout alleles of the Arabidopsis MAPKKK genes ANP1, ANP2, and ANP3. The resulting single-mutant plants displayed no obvious abnormal phenotypes; two of the three double-mutant combinations displayed defects in cell division and growth; and the triple-mutant combination was not transmitted through either male or female gametes. The molecular and structural phenotypes displayed by the double mutants support a model in which the ANP family of MAPKKKs positively regulates cell division and growth and may negatively regulate stress responses.  相似文献   

FPA is a gene that regulates flowering time in Arabidopsis via a pathway that is independent of daylength (the autonomous pathway). Mutations in FPA result in extremely delayed flowering. FPA was identified by means of positional cloning. The predicted FPA protein contains three RNA recognition motifs in the N-terminal region. FPA is expressed most strongly in developing tissues, similar to the expression of FCA and LUMINIDEPENDENS, two components of the autonomous pathway previously identified. Overexpression of FPA in Arabidopsis causes early flowering in noninductive short days and creates plants that exhibit a more day-neutral flowering behavior.  相似文献   

The ANGUSTIFOLIA (AN) gene is required for leaf hair (trichome) branching and is also involved in polarized expansion underlying organ shape. Here we show that the AN gene encodes a C-terminal binding proteins/brefeldin A ADP-ribosylated substrates (CtBP/BARS) related protein. AN is expressed at low levels in all organs and the AN protein is localized in the cytoplasm. In an mutant trichomes, the organization of the actin cytoskeleton is normal but the distribution of microtubules is aberrant. A role of AN in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton is further supported by the finding that AN genetically and physically interacts with ZWICHEL, a kinesin motor molecule involved in trichome branching. Our data suggest that CtBP/BARS-like protein function in plants is directly associated with the microtubule cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The function of a putative xyloglucan xylosyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana (At1g74380; XXT5) was studied. The XXT5 gene is expressed in all plant tissues, with higher levels of expression in roots, stems and cauline leaves. A T-DNA insertion in the XXT5 gene generates a readily visible root hair phenotype (root hairs are shorter and form bubble-like extrusions at the tip), and also causes the alteration of the main root cellular morphology. Biochemical characterization of cell wall polysaccharides isolated from xxt5 mutant seedlings demonstrated decreased xyloglucan quantity and reduced glucan backbone substitution with xylosyl residues. Immunohistochemical analyses of xxt5 plants revealed a selective decrease in some xyloglucan epitopes, whereas the distribution patterns of epitopes characteristic for other cell wall polysaccharides remained undisturbed. Transformation of xxt5 plants with a 35S::HA-XXT5 construct resulted in complementation of the morphological, biochemical and immunological phenotypes, restoring xyloglucan content and composition to wild-type levels. These data provide evidence that XXT5 is a xyloglucan alpha-1,6-xylosyltransferase, and functions in the biosynthesis of xyloglucan.  相似文献   

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