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基因芯片技术与基因表达谱研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基因芯片技术是近年来出现的分子生物学与微电子技术相结合的最新DNA分析检测技术,该技术将成为信息科学与生命科学之间的联系纽带,为后基因组时代基因功能的分析提供一种最重要的技术手段,目前基因芯片技术已在基因表达谱等研究中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

基因表达谱芯片杂交影响因素的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对K562细胞基因表达谱芯片杂交影响因素的研究表明,用限制性显示技术制备的cDNA探针长度较均一,适合基因芯片杂交;在42℃条件下含甲酰胺的杂交液中杂交16.20h,可保证样品的有效杂交。并表现出很好的杂交特异性;用RD-PCR或线性PCR对少量样品进行扩增,并用荧光(Cy3或Cy5)标记的通用引物对样品进行标记,可提高芯片检测的灵敏度;一次杂交反应总RNA的用量仅需0.5~10μg,在每cm^2约含1000~1500个点的阵列中杂交时,标记样品用量1~2μg为宜;用PCR产物纯化柱对荧光标记产物进行纯化,可大大减小背景荧光,提高信噪比;同一批芯片经同一样品杂交结果的重复性很好,相关系数高达97.8%  相似文献   

猪脂肪及肌肉组织中基因表达信息分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探测猪脂肪及肌肉组织中基因表达概况,利用猪EST资源和人类基因序列开展计算机模拟研究,旨在为猪肉质改良的遗传基础分析提供候选信息。执行Blast比对程序以识别人类基因组基因与猪EST序列间的同源性并筛选出高度同源记录,同时编制4个Java程序进行序列检索收集、序列比对结果的过滤筛选以及分类处理。统计分析表明:至少有2002个基因在猪脂肪及肌肉组织中表达,其中1087个基因在脂肪组织表达,1205个基因在肌肉组织中表达,两组织共同表达的基因为290个;筛选出高同源基因,同时分类统计出了114个基础活性基因(脂肪和肌肉组织分别表达80和34个),并选取Top记录进行了描述分析和总结。  相似文献   

对老龄组大鼠 (30月龄 )和年轻对照组大鼠 (3月龄 )的腓肠肌超微结构进行观察 ,可以看到前者肌肉肌纤维萎缩伴有线粒体空泡变性。并进行总RNA抽提、mRNA纯化、探针制备 ,应用基因芯片筛选老龄化相关基因 ,两组大鼠骨骼肌重复出现的差异表达基因 12 7个 ,下调基因涉及能量代谢、信号转导 ,上调基因涉及蛋白质分解、细胞凋亡  相似文献   

表达谱基因芯片   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
表达谱基因芯片具有高通量、缩微、多参数、平行化等优点.在功能基因组学研究中正发挥越来越重要的作用.就其原理、应用、存在问题及解决策略等进行了综述.  相似文献   

人类基因组计划提供的海量基因信息以及功能基因组学理论和技术的出现,为研究病毒与宿主相互作用提供了难得的历史机遇。病毒作为一种严格的细胞内寄生物,感染宿主后会引起宿主细胞形态和功能的改变。这些变化主要由于病毒感染导致宿主细胞基因表达变化所引起。通过基因芯片技术研究病毒感染宿主的基因表达谱变化,可以发现病毒感染宿主细胞在分子水平上的应答,从而为病毒性疾病的预防、诊断和临床治疗提供新的策略。  相似文献   

为检测正常肝组织中的基因表达状况,采用cDNA microarray技术对正常肝组织中表达的1500个基因进行定量,结果为97个基因较高表达,1010个基因中度表达,380个基因低表达,结果是cDNA microarray技术是大规模检测基因表达的有效方法。  相似文献   

大鼠成长期左心室基因表达谱的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li P  Li JL  Hou R  Han QD  Zhang YY 《生理学报》2003,55(2):191-196
为观察大鼠发育成熟过程中心脏生长与其基因表达谱变化的关系 ,应用超声心动术检测 8、10、12周龄Wistar大鼠的心脏结构和功能指标 ,应用cDNA基因芯片技术观察心脏基因表达水平的变化。大鼠从 8周龄生长至12周龄 ,体重增加约 45 7% ( 2 87± 13 gvs 197± 10g) ,前 2周和后 2周增加幅度相近。心脏左心室重量和室壁厚度分别增加约 2 7 7% ( 0 60± 0 0 3 gvs 0 47± 0 0 2 g)和 2 3 6% ( 2 0 4± 0 0 4mmvs 1 65± 0 13mm) ,前 2周增加幅度明显大于后 2周。基因表达谱的改变涉及细胞结构、代谢、氧化应激及信号转导等多方面的基因。 10周龄和 8周龄大鼠比较 ,变化的基因多数上调 ;12周龄和 10周龄大鼠比较 ,基因表达谱基本又返转至 8周龄水平。结果表明 ,大鼠在成长期的 4周内 ( 8- 12周龄 ) ,左心室基因表达谱发生的变化适应生理性心肌生长需要  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒 (HepatitisBvirus ,HBV)的持续性感染是影响人类健康的重大问题 ,而α 干扰素 (IFN α)和γ 干扰素(IFN γ)分别具有抗HBV的作用。为了研究HBV持续存在对IFN效应基因表达的影响 ,将HepG2细胞和来源于HepG2细胞并整合有HBV基因组的HepG2 .2 .15细胞经IFN α或IFN γ处理 6h后 ,用含 14 112个靶基因的人cDNA基因芯片检测了各组基因表达谱的差异。结果证实 ,许多与细胞周期、增殖、凋亡相关的基因及部分EST和功能未知基因受IFN调节 ;IFN诱导后 ,一些与激酶和信号转导、转录调节、抗原递呈和处理相关的基因在两株细胞间表达存在差异 ,提示HBV影响IFN诱导的细胞基因的表达。进一步挑选部分显著差异表达的基因 ,研究其对HBV复制的影响 ,结果发现在两个细胞株中IFN诱导后基因表达差异的双遍在蛋白 (Diubiquitin)和髓样细胞分化蛋白 (MyD88)均可显著降低HBV抗原表达 ,并证实MyD88能抑制HBV复制。这有助于揭示IFN抗病毒效应及HBV持续性感染机制 ,为分子水平寻找新型抗HBV药物的靶点打下基础。  相似文献   

目的:研究大鼠胰腺胚胎发育不同阶段的基因表达谱,对比其功能相关基因随大鼠胰腺发育的变化.方法:采用显微分离及提取技术获得胚胎发育不同阶段胰腺组织并提取RNA,采用高密度寡核普酸芯片(Affemetrix芯片)对胚胎发育至第12.5天、15.5天、18.5天胚胎胰腺及成年胰腺进行基因转录水平分析,用生物信息学方法分析具体基因的表达情况.结果:胰腺的生物学功能尤其beta细胞功能相关基因insulin RNA,amylopsin RNA,GLUT-2 RNA等在胚胎15.5及18.5天显著高表达.结论:E15.5到E18.5直至出生是胰腺功能完善和成熟的阶段,这个时期以细胞功能成熟为主.  相似文献   

The full‐length complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences encoding cd8α and cd8β molecules were sequenced and characterized from mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi. Conserved motifs and residues were found to be present in derived peptides of the Cd8 molecules. For example, WXR motif, DXGXYXC motif, and four cysteine residues were present in the extracellular region of the Cd8 protein. Threonine, serine and proline residues involved in multiple O‐linked glycosylation events were located in the membrane proximal hinge region. The common CPH motif in the cytoplasmic tail was detected similar to other teleost Cd8 molecules. Different from those in mammals, S. chuatsi Cd8 sequences have many extra cysteine residues (C149 in Cd8α sequence and C46, C51 and C158 in Cd8β sequence), which also exist in other teleost Cd8 molecules. Real‐time polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR) and Western blot analyses revealed that the thymus had the highest expression of cd8 messenger (m)RNA and protein. After stimulated with phytohaemagglutinin, polyriboinsine‐polyribocyaidylic acid and concanavalin A (ConA), the expression level of cd8 mRNA increased significantly in head‐kidney lymphocytes at 4 and 8 h, but decreased to normal level at 12 h. Similarly, stimulation with ConA in vivo also led to an increase in the cd8 mRNA level in the spleen. Immunohistochemistry analysis demonstrated that Cd8α‐positive cells can be detected in the thymus, spleen and intestine by using polyclonal anti‐Cd8α antibody.  相似文献   

Three full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) clones were isolated encoding the skeletal myosin light chain 1 (MLC1; 1237 bp), myosin light chain 2 (MLC2; 1206 bp) and myosin light chain 3 (MLC3; 1079 bp) from the fast white muscle cDNA library of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi. The sequence analysis indicated that MLC1 and MLC3 were not produced from differentially spliced messenger RNAs (mRNA) as reported in birds and rodents but were encoded by different genes. The MLC2 encodes 170 amino acids, which include four EF-hand (helix-loop-helix) structures. The primary structures of the Ca(2+)-binding domain were well conserved among the MLC2s of seven other fish species. The ontogenetic expression analysis by real-time PCR showed that the three light-chain mRNAs were first detected in the gastrula stage, and their expression increased from the tail bud stage to the larval stage. All three MLC mRNAs showed longitudinal expression variation in the fast white muscle of S. chuatsi, especially MLC1 which was highly expressed at the posterior area. Taken together, the study provides a better understanding about the MLC gene structure and their expression pattern in muscle development of S. chuatsi.  相似文献   

In this study, ten microsatellite loci were chosen to estimate the parentage of 260 progeny in five mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi) full-sib families. Simulation based on allele frequency date demonstrated the combined exclusion power would be over 97% if the number of loci was up to nine. Based on the information from these nine loci, 98% of progeny were unambiguously allocated to their putative parental pairs in the parentage analysis. The assignment success rate by the real data set was lower than that predicted by the simulations, with 94% of progeny assigned correctly. The discrepancies might be caused by a scoring error or allelic dropout caused by poor quality genomic DNA. Moreover, 69 progeny were selected randomly for the double-blind test, the result indicated that 95% of the progeny can be correctly assigned to their families. This study provided a microsatellite-based approach for parentage assignment in S. chuatsi, and that will be useful for investigation of genetic background and molecular marker-assisted selective breeding in this species.  相似文献   

Song  Yiqing  Cheng  Fei  Zhao  Shasha  Xie  Songguang 《Ichthyological Research》2019,66(1):57-66
Ichthyological Research - The mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Perciformes: Percichthyidae) is a commercially important freshwater fish in China. However, S. chuatsi populations have declined...  相似文献   

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