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Blood samples of 1,266 individuals were collected from three caste populations; Nava Budha (Mahar), Maratha, and a mixed group of Scheduled castes from each of three districts of Maharashtra, Nagpur, Akola, and Thane. The samples were tested for 12 enzyme systems, viz., AcPh, AK, CA-I, CA-II, Est-D, LDH, MDH, Oxidase, PGM-1, PGM-2, 6-PGD, and PHI. The gene frequencies of these loci are within the ranges observed among the Indian populations so far studied. The total differences in gene frequencies for each polymorphic locus was partitioned into three components, i.e., the differences between caste populations, the differences between regions, and the differences due to interaction between caste populations and regions. The results show that besides caste variation for two loci, Est-D and PGM-1, the gene frequencies for AK, Est-D, and G-6PD loci have different geographical distributions.  相似文献   

The distribution of acid phosphatase (ACP) phenotypes in six endogamous Brahmin sub-sects and in the Vysya, Mala and Madiga castes of Andhra Pradesh, India, were investigated. The ACP A gene frequency ranged from 0.167 to 0.254. The ACP C allele was observed in three Brahmin sub-sects.  相似文献   

Esterase D polymorphism was investigated in six endogamous Brahmin sub-sects and in the Mala and Madiga castes of Andrah Pradesh. The ESD 2 gene frequency ranged between 0.184 and 0.405. The frequencies obtained did not show variation in the range of ESD 2 gene frequency from the other populations of India.  相似文献   

The distribution of glyoxylase (GLO) I phenotypes in six endogamous subgroups of Brahmins and in the Mala and Madiga castes of Andhra Pradesh was investigated. The GLO I gene frequencies ranged from 0.2444 to 0.3575. The frequency of 0.3565 found in the Mala is the highest recorded on the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

Endogamous populations belonging to Brahmin, Vysya, Mala, and Madiga castes of Andhra Pradesh, South India, were investigated for certain red cell enzyme and serum protein genetic markers. Frequency values were statistically analyzed to assess genetic variation among the populations. Average heterozygosity of ten loci and genetic diversity within and between the populations were calculated by using the methods of Nei. Nei's index was used to calculate genetic distances between the pairs of populations. A dendrogram was drawn adapting the modified unweighted pair group method suggested by Li, which agreed with the history of the populations.  相似文献   

The present paper reports results of analysis of 14 genetic marker systems-ABO, MN, Rh, Hp, Tf, Cp, Alb, AcPH, PGM, LDH, MDH, Est-D, Hb and G-6-PD studied on a number of subjects of 9 endogamous groups of Maharashtra: Bhils, Katkaris and Pawaras, (all tribal groups); Deshastha Rigvedi and Chitpavan (two Brahmin groups); Nava Budhas (a scheduled caste); Chandrasenya Kayastha Prabhu and Marathas (two middle caste groups); and Parsis a migrant group from west Asia. Analysis of heterogeneity of gene frequencies reveal considerable heterogeneity for most of the loci among these groups.  相似文献   

About 3,500 subjects from Italy and Czechoslovakia have been analyzed by acid starch gel electrophoresis for the subtyping of PGM1 polymorphism. The Italian sample included three different subgroups, from Northern, Central and Southern Italy. The allele frequencies found in the three groups do not differ significantly from each other; the observed values in the pooled sample are: PGM1S1 = 0.594, PGM1F1 = 0.118, PGM2S1 = 0.231, PGM2F1 = 0.057. In the Czechoslovakian group, which differs significantly from the Italian population, the following allele frequencies were found: PGM1S1 = 0.639, PGM1F1 = 0.118, PGM2S1 = 0.180, PGM2F1 = 0.063. The analysis of 217 families did not show any exception to Mendelian inheritance of the patterns.  相似文献   

Four red cell enzyme polymorphisms: Esterase-D (ESD), Glyoxalase-I (GL01), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Phosphoglucomutase (PGM1 and 2), have been studied in two endogamous populations (paidi and Valmiki) of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, South India. Inter group comparison by chisquare analysis revealed no significant differences among them. An attempt was made to compare with those available for other populations from Andhra Pradesh.  相似文献   

A genetic survey has been conducted among the Rawats and Telis, two endogamous caste populations of Chhattisgarh, Central India. Using the gene frequency data for three genetic loci, genetic distance among ten population groups have been calculated. The gene differentiation among these population groups is only about 2 per cent.  相似文献   

Theory on indirect genetic effects (IGEs) indicates that variation in the genetic composition of social groups can generate GxG epistasis that may promote the evolution of stable polymorphisms. Using a livebearing fish with a genetic polymorphism in coloration and associated behavioral differences, we tested whether genotypes of social partners interacted with focal individual genotypes to influence growth and condition over 16 weeks of development. We found that IGEs had a significant influence on patterns of feeding, regardless of focal fish genotype. There was no influence of social environment on juvenile length, but there was significant GxG epistasis for body condition. Each focal juvenile was in better condition when its own genotype was not present in adult social partners. These data are consistent with negative frequency‐dependent selection in which each morph performs better when it is rare. Neither variation in feeding nor activity‐related behaviors explained variation in body condition, suggesting that GxG epistasis for condition was caused by physiological differences between the two genotypes. These findings indicate that GxG epistasis in a given polymorphism can generate fitness landscapes that contribute to the maintenance of that polymorphism and to maintenance of genetic variation for additional fitness‐related traits.  相似文献   

云南苗族人红细胞EsD、PGM1和GLOI分布的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用EsD-PGM1-GLOI同步电泳分型法,对云南省屏边苗族自治县138例苗族人红细胞EsD、PGM1和GLOI作了分型调查,计算出这3种红细胞同功酶的基因频率是:EsD1 0.6014、PGM11 0.6304(PGM61 0.0109),GLO1 0.1123;根据这3种同功酶的表型频率计算出DP值分别为EsD 0.6206 ,PGM1 0.6315,GLOI 0.3377,累积DP值0.9074。  相似文献   

云南省15个民族红细胞PGM1亚型分布调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邹浪萍  申滨 《遗传学报》1994,21(5):342-349
采用超薄层聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电永地,对云南省汉族、彝族、白族、苦聪人、哈尼族、傣族、瑶族、基诺族、布郎族、瓦族、拉祜族、回、傈僳族、纳西族和普米族等15个民族红细胞PGM1亚型分布进行了调查。计算出上述15个民族的PGM1亚型分布的基因频率及DP值,经统计学检验表明:PGM1亚型的分布上述15个民族中存在着明显的民族间差异,但在北京、辽宁、西安、云南4个不同地区的汉族人群中PGM1型分布却无显  相似文献   

Phenotypes for the red blood cell enzyme phosphoglucomutase (PGM1) were determined by isoelectric focusing for a population of 2,501 Icelandic individuals. All ten phenotypes were observed, and the frequencies of four alleles at the PGM1 locus were as follows: PGM1 1+=0.6875; PGM1 1−=0.1124; PGM1 2+=0.1419, and PGM1 2−=0.0582. These results have been compared with those found in other northern European populations.  相似文献   

Transferrin subtypes have been determined by isoelectric focussing of sera from 536 individuals belonging to 9 South Indian populations: Vaidic Brahmins and Vaysya from Andhra Pradesh; Havik Brahmin, Lingayat and Jenu Kuruba from Karnataka; Namboodri Brahmin, Ezhava and Urali from Kerala; and Kallan from Tamil Nadu. C1 and C2 alleles are present in all the populations, whereas C4 is totally lacking and D1 occurs only in 3 populations. The highest frequency of C1 gene (0.814) is found in Havik Brahmins while C2 shows highest incidence among the tribe Urali. C1 occurs in slightly higher frequencies among the Hindu castes (range 0.724-0.814) than the tribal populations (range 0.698-0.703). C2 is more common in the tribes (range 0.281-0.290) compared to the castes (range 0.186-0.269). Strikingly the C3 allele is absent in all the 3 Brahmin samples but is present in 3 non-Brahmin castes and a tribal population. An examination of all the available data on Tf subtypes in India reveals no clear-cut decreasing north-south gradient in C1 gene as suggested by Walter et al. (1983). Interestingly, however, the same is observed when tribal populations are considered separately. Among the castes, in fact, the opposite trend (increasing north to south) is seen. It is suggested that the basic postulate of Walter et al. (1983) will hold good only among the tribal populations of the country. The data do not fully support the observation of Kamboh and Kirk (1983) that C3 is a specific marker of European (Caucasian) populations.  相似文献   

Five hundred families from five different endogamous populations encompassing the main social rank in the caste hierarchy of the same geographical area of West Bengal, India, were analyzed to present variation in qualitative pattern types on fingers and palms. Sex dimorphism, homogeneous in all populations, suggests common characteristics of dermatoglyphic patterns. The pattern types are not uniformly distributed on 10 fingers and palmar configurational areas. However, most of these observations are homogeneous in nature, in both sexes among 5 populations. But the two sets of results on fingers and palms are not exactly the same. Palmar dermatoglyphic relationship reflects the better caste affinities, perhaps due to embryological development, having relatively a longer growth period compared to fingers (Cummins 1929). The present findings indicate that the qualitative dermatoglyphic affinities conform to the known ethnohistorical background of these populations, which correspond also to the results of quantitative dermatoglyphics as well as serological and biochemical markers of these populations. These observations indicate that these population groups have a common genetic background and thus traditional grouping of Indian populations on the basis of caste hierarchy may not be a reflection of the genetic origin of the population. In dermatoglyphic affinities, both qualitative and quantitative traits therefore may be quite useful in tracing the ethnohistorical background of these populations.  相似文献   

B. Karmakar  K. Yakovenko  E. Kobyliansky   《HOMO》2003,53(3):263-278
Five different endogamous populations who encompass the main social rank in the caste hierarchy of West Bengal were analysed for this report. The present approach is to compare the pattern of sex differences/similarities exhibited by two different sets of dermatoglyphic traits. Cluster and discriminant analysis and Mantel test of matrix correlations were performed. The nature of variation between sexes within population groups and two types of variable sets has a good similarity in all five populations. These results strongly suggest that the two categories of dermatoglyphic variables provide similar possibilities to discriminate between the sexes in populations.  相似文献   

The estimation of gene flow using gene frequency divergence information has become increasingly popular because of the difficulty involved in the direct determination of gene flow among populations. The present study examined allozyme gene frequencies in populations of eighteen aquatic invertebrate taxa at two sites in northern Canada. Gene frequencies at polymorpic loci were significantly different among 8–31 localized populations of all species at Igloolik and among 10–36 populations at Churchill confirming the generality of gene pool fragmentation in pond-dwelling organisms. Measures of gene flow estimated from gene frequency divergence, which assume that gene frequency distributions are at equilibrium, were inconsistent with the probable dispersal capacities of taxa. This provoked an examination of historical events as alternative explanations. Both theory and computer simulations demonstrated that when populations grow rapidly in size after founding from few individuals, the gene frequency divergence established during colonization is resistant to decay by gene exchange. Our work suggests that gene frequency distributions are often not in equilibrium and that caution should be employed in attempts to infer gene flow from them in natural populations.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies at the phosphoglucomutase-1 (PGM1) locus have been investigated in two Croatian (Yugoslavian) populations from neighboring islands, Silba and Olib. The genotype distributions are significantly different though the two islands are only 2 km apart. In the light of demographic and historical data, a few hypotheses explaining these results are discussed. A rare variant, PGM1*W3, usually found in Asia, is present in 4 inhabitants from the Olib island.  相似文献   

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