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We previously demonstrated the function of an HIV-1-dependent ribozyme expression vector, with which the site-specific excision of loxP sequences can be achieved by using the Cre-loxP system (ON/OFF) as a molecular switch in an acute HIV-1 infection. However, this expression system also revealed the lower, non-specific expression of the anti-H1V-1 ribozyme in the absence of tat. To circumvent this problem, we used the more efficient HIV-1-dependent Cre recombinase gene expression vector, encoding the LTR-gag-p17 (extending from the 5'-LTR to the middle of the gag gene (pLTR-gag-p17-Cre)). Comparatively, the pLTR-gag-p17-Cre induces a higher Cre-protein expression level in an HIV-1 infection-dependent manner than the minimal pLTR-Cre. Furthermore, we constructed the ploxP-Rz-U5 and pLTR-gag-p17-Cre plasmids and also combined them into a single vector, pLTR-gag-p17-Cre/loxP-Rz-U5, for a comparison of their anti-HIV-1 activities. The resultant simultaneous expression of the Cre protein and the homologous recombination of the two loxP sequences induced a high level of HIV-1 replication inhibition (95%). Significantly, a high steady-state of ribozyme expression was observed in the RT-PCR analysis. These data imply that targeting the HIV-1 genes with the pLTR-gag-p17-Cre/loxP-Rz-U5 vector, which mediates HIV-1-dependent ribozyme expression, would be a useful tool for HIV-1 gene therapy applications.  相似文献   


We previously demonstrated the function of an HIV-1-dependent ribozyme expression vector, with which the site-specific excision of loxP sequences can be achieved by using the Cre-loxP system (ON/OFF) as a molecular switch in an acute HIV-1 infection. However, this expression system also revealed the lower, non-specific expression of the anti-HIV-1 ribozyme in the absence of tat. To circumvent this problem, we used the more efficient HIV-1-dependent Cre recombinase gene expression vector, encoding the LTR-gag-p17 (extending from the 5′-LTR to the middle of the gag gene (pLTR-gag-p17-Cre)). Comparatively, the pLTR-gag-p17-Cre induces a higher Cre-protein expression level in an HIV-1 infection-dependent manner than the minimal pLTR-Cre. Furthermore, we constructed the ploxP-Rz-U5 and pLTR-gag-p17-Cre plasmids and also combined them into a single vector, pLTR-gag-p17-Cre/loxP-Rz-U5, for a comparison of their anti-HIV-1 activities. The resultant simultaneous expression of the Cre protein and the homologous recombination of the two loxP sequences induced a high level of HIV-1 replication inhibition (95%). Significantly, a high steady-state of ribozyme expression was observed in the RT-PCR analysis. These data imply that targeting the HIV-1 genes with the pLTR-gag-p17-Cre/loxP-Rz-U5 vector, which mediates HIV-1-dependent ribozyme expression, would be a useful tool for HIV-1 gene therapy applications.  相似文献   

Helper-dependent (HD) adenovirus vectors devoid of all viral coding sequences have a large cloning capacity and provide long-term transgene expression in vivo with negligible toxicity, making them attractive vectors for gene therapy. Currently, the most efficient means of producing HD vectors involves coinfecting 293 cells expressing Cre with the HD vector and a helper virus bearing a packaging signal flanked by loxP sites. Cre-mediated packaging signal excision renders the helper virus genome unpackageable but still able to replicate and provide helper functions for HD vector propagation. Typically, helper virus contamination is < or =1% pre- and < or =0.1% postpurification by CsCl banding. While these contamination levels are low, further reduction is desirable. However, this objective has not been realized since the Cre/loxP system was first developed. This lack of progress is due, at least in part, to our lack of understanding of the origins of the contaminating helper virus, thus rendering its reduction or elimination difficult to achieve. This study was designed to investigate the possible sources of contaminating helper virus persisting during HD vector amplification. The results revealed that Cre is limiting in helper virus-infected Cre-expressing 293 cells, thereby permitting helper viruses to escape packaging signal excision and propagate. The results of this study should provide a foundation for developing rational strategies to further reduce or possibly eliminate the contaminating helper virus.  相似文献   

目的:构建可受Tet-on和Cre/loxP系统双调控的HCVNS5B真核表达载体,为建立可严格调控HCV NS5B蛋白表达的转基因小鼠奠定基础.方法:以真核表达载体pBI-3为载体构建骨架,在其启动子下游依次插入luc报告基因、BGH pA和NS5B基因片段,并分别在luc报告基因上游和BGH pA尾下游引入一个loxP位点.结果:成功构建了可受Tet-on和Cre/loxP系统双调控的HCV NS5B真核表达载体pBI-3/luc-BGH pA-NS5B.结论:pBI-3/luc-BGH pA-NS5B真核表达载体的成功构建为可严格调控HCV NS5B蛋白表达转基因小鼠的建立打下了良好的基础.  相似文献   

Sry (sex-determining region on Y chromosome) is expressed in the undifferentiated, bipotential genital ridges of mammalian XY fetuses. The expression of Sry initiates testis development, but the lineage of Sry-expressing cells is unclear. In this study, double-transgenic mice were analyzed using the Cre/loxP system. Cre under the control of the Sry promoter was expressed in the fetal gonads of transgenic mice similarly to endogenous Sry. The Sry/Cre-transgenic mice were crossed with CAG(cytomegalovirus immediate-early enhancer, chicken beta-actin promoter and fusion intron of chicken beta-actin and rabbit beta-globin)/loxP/CAT/loxP/LacZ-transgenic mice, in which the transgene expressed beta-galactosidase after a Cre-mediated recombination event. Sertoli cells, germ cells of testes and granulosa cells of ovaries of double-transgenic mice stained positive with X-gal. Cre expression was detected in germ cells and peritubular/Sertoli cells in adult testes. It is not clear whether beta-galactosidase expression in the Sertoli cells of the testes occurred as a result of Cre expression in the adult or in the fetal gonads. These analyses indicate that cells expressing Sry-inducing factors in female fetal gonads become granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is an essential growth factor for normal intrauterine development and postnatal growth. Mice with a complete deficiency of IGF-1 (IGF-1-null mice), created by homologous recombination, were found to exhibit postnatal lethality, growth retardation, infertility, and profound defects in the development of major organ systems. Furthermore, IGF-1-null mice were resistant to growth hormone (GH) treatment in peri-pubertal somatic growth. Using the Cre/loxP-induced conditional knockout system, we generated a mouse that lacks IGF-1 specifically in the liver, the primary site of IGF-1 production. Interestingly, although circulating and serum levels of IGF-1 were decreased by approximately 75% in these mice, they exhibited no defect in growth or development. When administered exogenously, GH stimulated IGF-1 production in several extra-hepatic tissues as well as body growth. The "Somatomedin hypothesis" originally proposed that circulating IGF-1 acting in various tissues mediate the effects of GH. These striking in vivo results, obtained using homologous recombination technology, call for a major modification of the Somatomedin hypothesis. These gene targeting studies confirm that IGF-1 is essential for GH-stimulated postnatal body growth. However, liver-derived (endocrine) IGF-1 is not essential for normal postnatal growth, though it does exert a negative feedback on GH secretion. Instead, local production of IGF-1, acting in a paracrine/autocrine fashion, appears to mediate GH-induced somatic growth. This review will discuss the effects of tissue-specific IGF-1 gene deficiency created by the Cre/loxP system versus the conventional IGF-1 knockout.  相似文献   

Pan X  Wan H  Chia W  Tong Y  Gong Z 《Transgenic research》2005,14(2):217-223
To test the Cre/loxP recombination system in zebrafish, a stable transgenic zebrafish line was developed by using a floxed (loxP flanked) gfp(green fluorescent protein) gene construct under the muscle-specific mylz2 promoter. Like our previous non-floxed gfp transgenic line under the same promoter, the new transgenic line expresses GFP reporter faithfully in fast skeletal muscles to the same intensity. To demonstrate the excision of floxed gfp transgene, in vitro synthesized Cre RNA was injected into embryos of floxed gfp transgenic zebrafish and we found a dramatic reduction of GFP expression. To confirm the excision, PCR was performed and a DNA fragment of correct size was amplified as predicted from the Cre/loxP mediated excision. Finally, we cloned the fragment and sequence information confirmed that the excision occurred at the precise site as predicted. Our experiments demonstrated that the Cre/loxP system can function efficiently and accurately in the zebrafish system.  相似文献   

来源于噬菌体P1的Cre/loxP位点特异性重组系统是目前在植物遗传转化中应用较多,较成熟的一个标记基因删除系统。在这个系统中,Cre酶可以特异性的识别和切割位于两个lox位点之间的标记基因,整个系统重组仅需Cre和lox识别位点即可完成而无需其它辅因子的参加。利用农杆菌介导法成功地将cre基因导入供试材料"皖粳97",得到转hpt-cre基因水稻植株;将其与先期转基因育成的携带loxp-hpt-loxp-bt基因的"皖粳97"株系进行田间杂交,通过PCR分析,Cre/loxP重组系统定向删除了潮霉素抗性筛选标记基因。  相似文献   

【背景】谷氨酸棒状杆菌的基因敲除系统较为匮乏且效率不高,难以对其进行代谢工程改造,不利于高性能工业菌株的构建及规模生产。【目的】分别采用CRISPR-Cpf1和Cre/loxP基因敲除系统对谷氨酸棒状杆菌ATCC13032(CorynebacteriumglutamicumATCC13032)基因组上的argR和argF基因进行敲除,比较两种敲除方法的优缺点,为合理选择敲除系统提供依据。【方法】特异性重组的Cre/loxP敲除系统是首先利用同源重组将基因组上的靶基因替换为两端带有重组位点loxP的kanR片段,然后由重组酶Cre识别loxP位点并发生重组反应,从而去除替换到基因组上的kanR片段,进一步利用质粒的温敏特性将其消除,从而实现靶基因的敲除。CRISPR-Cpf1敲除系统是利用Cpf1对pre-crRNA进行加工,形成的成熟crRNA引导Cpf1识别和结合到靶DNA的特定序列上并切割双链DNA分子,通过同源重组作用去除靶基因,基于质粒自身的温敏特性将其消除,从而完成基因敲除的整个过程。【结果】Cre/lox P系统可在8N+2 d内完成N轮迭代基因敲除,而CRISPR-Cpf1系统可在5N+2d内完成N轮迭代基因无痕敲除,理论上还可以一次对多个靶位点进行编辑,效率更高,但存在同源重组效率较低、假阳性率高等缺点。【结论】与Cre/loxP系统相比,CRISPR-Cpf1辅助的同源重组基因敲除方法可省时、省力地实现基因的无痕敲除,理论上还可实现多个基因的同时敲除、总体效率更高,然而编辑效率还有提高的空间。  相似文献   

Here we describe the generation of a double-fluorescent Cre/loxP indicator system. This protocol involves (i) all cloning steps to generate the plasmid vector (3-5 months); (ii) a guide to prepare high-efficiency transformation competent E. coli; (iii) generation of double-fluorescent reporter cell lines (3-4 weeks); and (iv) the functional testing of the indicator cell lines by application of cell-permeable Cre recombinase. The indicator is designed to monitor recombination events by switching the fluorescence light from red to green. The red fluorescence, indicating the nonrecombined state, is accompanied by the expression of a resistance gene against the antibiotic blasticidin. Appearance of green fluorescence concomitantly with the activation of puromycin-acetyltransferase monitors the recombination of the indicator construct by the Cre recombinase. In summary, we have developed a plasmid vector allowing a fast, stable and straightforward generation of transgenic clones. The expression of red fluorescent protein enables the selection of positive clones upon transfection and significantly shortens the time for identification of stable clones. This feature and the option to select for recombined cells by puromycin application are advantages compared with other alternative methods. Moreover, we developed a method utilizing cell-permeable Cre protein to validate the transgenic clones. Ultimately, this powerful methodology facilitates Cre/loxP-based applications such as cell lineage tracking or monitoring of cell fusion.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the functions of the parts of the Tn 3 recombination site res, we created hybrid recombination sites by placing the loxP site for Cre recombinase adjacent to the "accessory" resolvase-binding sites II and III of res. The efficiency and product topology of in vitro recombination by Cre between two of these hybrid sites were affected by the addition of Tn 3 resolvase. The effects of resolvase addition were dependent on the relative orientation and spacing of the elements of the hybrid sites. Substrates with sites II and III of res close to loxP gave specific catenated or knotted products (four-noded catenane, three-noded knot) when resolvase and Cre were added together. The product topological complexity increased when the length of the spacer DNA segment between loxP and res site II was increased. Similar resolvase-induced effects on Cre recombination product topology were observed in reactions of substrates with loxP sites adjacent to full res sites. The results demonstrate that the res accessory sites are sufficient to impose topological selectivity on recombination, and imply that intertwining of two sets of accessory sites defines the simple catenane product topology in normal resolvase-mediated recombination. They are also consistent with current models for the mechanism of catalysis by Cre.  相似文献   

Yu BJ  Sung BH  Koob MD  Lee CH  Lee JH  Lee WS  Kim MS  Kim SC 《Nature biotechnology》2002,20(10):1018-1023
An increasing number of microbial genomes have been completely sequenced, and functional analyses of these genomic sequences are under way. To facilitate these analyses, we have developed a genome-engineering tool for determining essential genes and minimizing bacterial genomes. We made two large pools of independent transposon mutants in Escherichia coli using modified Tn5 transposons with two different selection markers and precisely mapped the chromosomal location of 800 of these transposons. By combining a mapped transposon mutation from each of the mutant pools into the same chromosome using phage P1 transduction and then excising the flanked genomic segment by Cre-mediated loxP recombination, we obtained E. coli strains in which large genomic fragments (59-117 kilobases) were deleted. Some of these individual deletions were then combined into a single "cumulative deletion strain" that lacked 287 open reading frames (313.1 kilobases) but that nevertheless exhibited normal growth under standard laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Sektas M  Specht M 《Plasmid》2005,53(2):148-163
The Cre/loxP recombination system of bacteriophage P1 is one of the most powerful tools in genome engineering. We report, however, that the activity of the Cre/loxP system interferes with the stability of the multicopy loxP-bearing plasmids in Escherichia coli recA bacteria. Due to the predominantly unidirectional Cre-mediated high-order multimer formation of these plasmids, the number of their copies (overall yield) gradually decreases. Intermolecular recombination reduces the copy number of plasmids and eventually increases their segregational instability. We have found that in the presence of even the slightest amount of Cre activity, loxP-bearing plasmids continuously undergo multimerization, which very rapidly leads to loxP-plasmid free cells. Our results are compatible with the hypothesis of the multimer catastrophe [Cell, 1984 (36), 1097].  相似文献   

c-Myc has been documented to be both a positive and a negative signal for the induction of apoptosis. It is well known that overexpression of the c-myc gene induces apoptosis of normal cells, but the result of a reduction in its expression is not fully understood. We examined whether a reduction in c-myc expression would induce apoptosis in human liver cancer cells. Specifically, antisense and sense oligodeoxynucleotides (oligos) against the human c-myc mRNA were synthesized, mixed with a liposome reagent at various ratios, and were applied to the liver cancer-derived cell lines, HCC-T, HepG2, and PLC/PRF/5. To exclude effects resulting from using oligos, plasmid vectors expressing the full-length c-myc cDNA in both sense and antisense orientations under the control of the Cre/loxP system were generated. Monoclonal cell lines including these plasmid vectors were produced and Cre was supplied by adenovirus infection. Apoptosis was determined morphologically and c-Myc and Bcl-2 expression was examined by Western blotting. The antisense myc significantly inhibited the proliferation of the cells within two days, while neither the liposome reagent alone nor sense myc did so. Most of the cells were rounded up by the antisense-treatment and nuclear fragmentation and DNA ladder formation were detected after two days in antisense c-myc-treated cells. Antisense c-myc largely reduced c-Myc and partially Bcl-2 expression; overexpression of Bcl-2 partially rescued from apoptosis in HCC-T and HepG2 cells. These results suggest that the massive reduction in c-myc mRNA induces apoptosis in liver cancer cell lines and consequent decrease in Bcl-2 enhances the cell death. c-Myc reduction under the Cre/loxP switching system may be a useful tool for the clarification of c-myc-related cellular mechanisms in differentiation and proliferation.  相似文献   

There have been few studies on the regulatory elements of the Sry gene, mainly because no Sry-expressing cell lines have yet been established. This paper describes a useful tool for investigating the regulation and upstream region of Sry by means of the in vitro Cre/loxP system. Using plasmids containing the 9.9 kb mouse genomic Sry previously shown to induce testis development in XX transgenic mice, we constructed a Sry/Cre fusion gene plasmid in which Cre expression is controlled by the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of mouse Sry. To distinguish between male and female gonads of 11.5 days post-coitus (d.p.c.) fetuses, double transgenic fetuses carrying both the CAG (cytomegalovirus enhancer and beta-actin promoter)/loxP/lacZ transgene on the autosome and the green fluorescent protein transgene ubiquitously expressed on the Y chromosome were produced by crossing between two transgenic mouse lines. When Sry/Cre plasmids were transfected into the cells that had been prepared from the gonads, brains and livers of double transgenic fetuses, only a small number of X-gal-stained cells were detected among the primary cultured cells from male and female gonads, and none were detected among the cells from the other tissues. The X-gal-positive cells were negative for alkaline phosphatase, indicating that these cells were somatic cells expressing Sry. The Sry/Cre plasmids with a 0.4 kb upstream region of Sry yielded a large number of X-gal-positive cells in the cells from gonads, including various tissues of 11.5 d.p.c. fetuses, indicating the loss of the tissue-specific expression of Sry. The Sry/Cre with a 1.4 kb upstream region maintained tissue-specific activity of Sry. The results indicate that the present in vitro Cre/loxP system using transgenic mice is a simple and useful system for investigating the regulatory element of sex determination-related genes, including Sry.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage-derived Cre/loxP system is a valuable tool that has revolutionised genetic and cell biological research in many organisms. We implemented this system in the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia, an evolutionarily diverged protozoan whose binucleate and tetraploid genome organisation severely limits the application of reverse genetic approaches. We show that Cre-recombinase is functionally expressed in G. lamblia and demonstrate “recycling” of selectable markers. Providing the means for more complex and versatile genetic modifications, this technique massively increases the scope of functional investigations in G. lamblia and other protozoa with similar limitations with respect to genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

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