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Bivalve and gastropod molluscs undergo large changes in externalenvironmental conditions, as well as in internal state. Cardiacresponses to these changing conditions have been recorded ina variety of species. There is a general tendency for heartrate, and presumably cardiac output, to increase in responseto situations that would increase the load on respiratory andexcretory systems. Changes in molluscan heart function in manycases appear not to be mediated directly by cardiac nerves,but rather by such indirect mechanisms as changes in blood constituentsor mechanical, hemodynamic effects on heart muscle. Three typesof cardiac response in Aplysia have been shown to be mediated,at least in part, by the heart regulator nerves. The neural circuits that regulate heart rate in Aplysia andin Helix have been partially described in cellular detail. InMercenaria, Aplysia and other molluscan species there is evidencethat cyclic adenosine monophosphate has a role in mediatingthe excitatory effects of serotonin on heart muscle. There appearsto be, in fact, a general tendency in the Aplysia nervous systemfor neurons that exert tonic, modulatory effects within neuralnetworks that control a variety of behaviors to use serotoninfor a transmitter. In each case there is evidence to suggestthat changes in cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels may mediatesome of the modulatory effects of serotonin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Our knowledge of the diversity of amoeboid protists is rapidly expanding as new and old habitats are more fully explored. In 2003, while investigating the cause of an amoeboid disease afflicting lobsters on the East Coast, samples were examined for the presence of amoebae from the carapace washings of the American lobster, Homarus americanus . During this survey a unique community of gymnamoebae was discovered. Among the new taxa discovered was a small Thecamoeba -like organism with a single posteriorly directed pseudopodium. Although resembling Parvamoeba rugata , this amoeba displayed distinctive morphology from that isolate or any other amoebozoan. Phylogenetic analysis shows this amoeba is distantly related to the Thecamoebidae. In this paper we describe the unique morphology of a second species of Parvamoeba and discuss its phylogenetic position with respect to the "Amoebozoa."  相似文献   

Octopamine in the Lobster Nervous System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A search for catecholamines which might serve as transmitters in the lobster nervous system demonstrated only small amounts of dopamine (about 0.2 µg/g tissue) and failed to detect noradrenaline or adrenaline (limit of sensitivity, 0.1 µg g?1) (unpublished results of D. L. B., using standard procedures for isolation of catecholamines on alumina1 and fluorescence assays1,2). Octopamine (the phenol analogue of noradrenalin, Fig. 1) occurs in large amounts in the posterior salivary glands of Octopus vulgaris3 and recently has been identified as a normal minor constituent of sympathetically innervated tissues of rat4. The possible occurrence of octopamine or other phenolamines in the lobster was therefore investigated. Here we report the presence of octopamine in the lobster nervous system, its endogenous distribution and its biosynthesis from tyrosine.  相似文献   

The synchronized bursts of impulses produced by the nine neuronsof the isolated Homarus cardiac ganglion are usually initiatedby Cell 7. Activity in all other cells commences with very shortlatency thereafter. Impulses in most cells originate in triggerzones located 1–2 mm from the cell body, but the firstseveral impulses in Cells 8 and 9 frequently originate in distaltrigger zones some distance from the somata. Large cells fireat a high initial frequency, dropping rapidly to a low frequencyplateau. Small cells exhibit a more tonic behavior and fireat intermediate rates. More anterior small cells tend to firefaster than more posterior ones. The major synaptic interactionsare the impulse-mediated excitatory ones from small cells tolarge cells, and possibly to more anterior small cells. Thereare weak interactions from large cells back onto small cells,and very specific interactions from Cells 1 and 2 onto 3A, 4A,5A, and 3B 4B 5B respectively. The large discrete EPSPs generatedin large cells by small cell impulses appear to be the explanationfor "discrete positioning" in large-cell firing patterns. Inthis situation, large-cell impulses only fire at discrete timesduring the burst, regardless of the actual large-cell pattern. The overall view is of a two-layered neural system in whichthe small cells possess an endogenous oscillatory driver potential,synchronized by synaptic and electrotonic interactions, anddriving a train of impulses in each cell. This activates excitatorysynapses on the large cells, which combined with a triggereddriver potential in each large cell, produces synchronized trainsof motor impulses which activate the heart muscle, causing theheartbeat.  相似文献   

William Boyd 《CMAJ》1963,88(9):435-438
Although from the very beginning Rudolf Virchow, the father of cellular pathology, laid emphasis on disturbance of function, for many years the attention of pathologists was concentrated on the changes in structure produced by disease. The structures involved were the nucleus and cytoplasm. Now that the infinite complexity of cellular structure has been revealed by the electron microscope and cytochemical technique, attention has again been focused on disturbance of function, which alone is responsible for the symptoms of the sick person who seeks help from the doctor.  相似文献   

Oscillations of Potential in the Electroretinogram of the Lobster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The electroretinogram (ERG) evoked in the lobster by a short flash of light consists of a highly damped, slow oscillation of potential, triggered apparently by a single excitatory process. Near the threshold, only one wave may be evident; but as the intensity of stimulus rises, a prior wave appears, and grows so much more rapidly as to become dominant. Simultaneously third and later waves appear, so that at high intensities the response may include five to seven waves. Dark adaptation favors the second and later waves relative to the first; light adaptation tends to suppress them. On turning on a steady light the oscillations are superimposed on the early stages of development of a maintained, steady-state potential (on-response). Turning off the light causes a rapid fluctuation of potential followed by a similarly damped slow oscillation (off-response). These phenomena resemble in part oscillations recently observed in the b wave of the ERG of many vertebrates including man.  相似文献   

Sexual Development of Cellular Slime Molds   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Macrocyst formation represents sexual development of cellular slime molds and begins with fusion between cells of compatible mating types. Homothallic and heterothallic strains as well as bisexual and asexual ones have been described. Macrocyst development requires certain environmental conditions such as darkness and excessive humidity. Sexual cell fusion has been analyzed at a molecular level in Dictyostelium discoideum , and several cell surface proteins related to it have been identified. Some of them are common to both mating types, while others are specific to one or other type. The involvement of cell-surface carbohydrates has also been suggested, though direct evidence for this is still lacking. Macrocyst formation is regulated by diffusible, pheromone like substances. Genetic studies on sexual development are scarce, probably because no suitable mutants have been available. However, several asexual mutants, as well as antibody and nucleotide probes, have recently been obtained, so mechanisms of sexual cell fusion may be understood in the near future. Considering the unique phylogenical position of cellular slime molds, analysis of sexual development in these organisms should contribute to the understanding of the mechanism and evolution of sexual reproduction systems.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of muscles, motor neurons, and the central circuitryinvolved in producing patterned motor outputs is often thoughtof as a series of relatively independent and stereotyped events.Although mature neuromuscular systems are indeed often highlystereotyped, there is mounting evidence that the developmentalmechanisms that give rise to such stereotypy may often be interactive.The medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, has stereotyped neuronsand muscles, yet at least some of the neuromuscular componentsseem to depend upon a particular sequence of cell-cell interactionsto differentiate, express identifiable phenotypes, or selectsynaptic partners. Three examples are summarized to illustratethese possibilities. First, a pattern-forming cell (the C-cell) develops at an earlystage and projects parallel processes that are used as a scaffoldupon which myocytes assemble. In the absence of the C-cell,oblique muscle fascicles never become organized. Second, atleast one way to match neuronal phenotype to that appropriatefor a segment-specific target is for homologous neurons to receivea signal from that target locally to partially respecify furtherdifferentiation of that neuron. Third, how do identified motorneurons select appropriate target muscles and how do interneuronalcircuits become matched to particular muscles when an interposedmotor neuron disallowsdirect interactions? A well-defined pattern-generatingsystem driving the muscular heart tubes in this leech is beginningto provide insights into these issues.  相似文献   

Prolonged training leads to changes in autonomic cardiac balance. This sympathetic and parasympathetic balance can now be studied using heart rate variability (HRV). Studies have shown that endurance athletes have an elevated level of parasympathetic tone in comparison to sedentary people. The effect of resistance training on autonomic tone is less clear. We hypothesized a significant difference in HRV indices in endurance-trained vs. power-trained track-and-field athletes. One hundred forty-five athletes (58 women) were tested prior to the 2004 U.S.A. Olympic Trials. Heart rate variability data were collected using the Omegawave Sport Technology System. Subjects were grouped according to training emphasis and gender. The mean age of the athletes was 24.8 years in each group. There were significant (p < 0.01) differences by sex in selected frequency domain variables (HFnu, LFnu, LH, LHnu) and for PNN50 (p < 0.04) for the time domain variables. Two-factor analyses of variance showed differences for only the main effect of sex and not for any other grouping method or interaction. Elite athletes have been shown to have higher parasympathetic tone than recreational athletes and nonathletes. Our data show differences by sex, but not between aerobically and power-based athletes. Whether this is due to an aerobic component of resistance training, an overall prolonged training effect, or some genetic difference remains unclear. Further study is needed to assess the impact of resistance training programs on autonomic tone and cardiovascular fitness. This information will be valuable for the practitioner to use in assessing an athlete's response to a prescribed training regimen.  相似文献   

The stomach of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) is located in the cephalothorax, between the rostrum and the cervical groove. The anterior end of the stomach is defined by the mouth opening and the posterior end by the bottom of the pylorus. Along the dorsal side of the stomach lies the stomatogastric nervous system (STNS). This nervous system, which contains rhythmic networks that underlie feeding behavior, is an established model system for studying rhythm generating networks and neuromodulation 1,2. While it is possible to study this system in vivo 3, the STNS continues to produce its rhythmic activity when isolated in vitro. In order to study this system in vitro the stomach must be removed from the animal. This video article describes how the stomach can be dissected from the American lobster. In an accompanying video article4 we demonstrate how the STNS can be isolated from the stomach. Open in a separate windowClick here to view.(62M, flv)  相似文献   

The morphology, muscle mechanics, fluid dynamics, conduction properties, and molecular biology of the developing embryonic heart have received much attention in recent years due to the importance of both fluid and elastic forces in shaping the heart as well as the striking relationship between the heart’s evolution and development. Although few studies have directly addressed the connection between fluid dynamics and heart development, a number of studies suggest that fluids may play a key role in morphogenic signaling. For example, fluid shear stress may trigger biochemical cascades within the endothelial cells of the developing heart that regulate chamber and valve morphogenesis. Myocardial activity generates forces on the intracardiac blood, creating pressure gradients across the cardiac wall. These pressures may also serve as epigenetic signals. In this article, the fluid dynamics of the early stages of heart development is reviewed. The relevant work in cardiac morphology, muscle mechanics, regulatory networks, and electrophysiology is also reviewed in the context of intracardial fluid dynamics.  相似文献   


The male reproductive tract of Scyllarus chacei consists of paired testes and vasa deferentia that conduct sperm containing spermatophores to the genital pores at the base of each fifth walking leg. The testis is joined to the vas deferens which can be divided into four regions: (1) the anterior vas deferens can be further divided into three regions. It is highly convoluted and is the region in which the sperm become encapsulated in ovoid spermatophores of approximately 100 sperm as well as produces seminal fluids. (2) The middle vas deferens is the primary site of sperm storage and adds to seminal fluids which formed in the anterior region. (3) The posterior region is highly muscularized and may serve for limited sperm storage. (4) The most distal portion is the ejaculatory duct which is highly muscularized for extruding the spermatophoric mass for transfer to the female. A final seminar product is added here.  相似文献   

The olfactory system of the Florida spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, has olfactory receptors that are excited by the purine nucleotides AMP, ADP, and ATP. These receptors reside on chemosensory neurons that are contained within aesthetasc sensilla on the lateral filaments of the antennules. Also associated with the lobster's olfactory system are ectonucleotidase activities that dephosphorylate excitatory nucleotides, resulting in the production of the nonstimulatory nucleoside adenosine. Our studies of the 5'-ectonucleotidase, ecto-ADPase, and ecto-ATPase activities of this olfactory system showed that each activity was characterized by Michaelis-Menten kinetics; Michaelis constants ranged from 6.9 to 33.5 microM, and maximum velocities ranged from 2.5 to 28.8 fmol/sensillum/s. Evidence that AMP dephosphorylation may serve as an inactivation process was shown by the close correlation between the kinetics of 5'-ectonucleotidase activity and the periodicity of olfactory sampling. Decreased magnesium ion concentration or increased calcium ion concentration resulted in increased ecto-ATPase activity; this activity was insensitive to vanadate ion. Ectonucleotidase activities may have multiple effects on the detection of exogenous nucleotides by a chemosensory system. These effects can be either direct, such as the conversion of an odorant to an inactive compound, or indirect, such as the conversion of an odorant to another compound that can activate or inhibit either receptors or enzymes associated with the system.  相似文献   

Photodynamic Alteration of Sodium Currents in Lobster Axons   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Photodynamic alteration of lobster giant axons drastically changed the magnitude and kinetics of sodium currents seen under voltage clamp using the sucrose gap technique. Illumination of axons following treatment with acridine orange or eosin Y decreased the maximum sodium conductance to a zero asymptote as an exponential function of illumination time. Normal sodium inactivation was slowed, with τh more than doubled depending on experimental conditions. A second slower inactivation rate developed occasionally. τh was altered little, if at all. Sodium current "tails" were not prolonged. At maximum light intensity and with eosin Y as sensitizer leakage current increased after 4–10 sec in light. These changes were irreversible. Decreases in maximum sodium conductance correlated highly with increases in time to peak sodium current. The magnitude of change varied linearly with light intensity. The action spectra for eosin Y and acridine orange peaked near 545 and 505 nm, respectively. The magnitude of change varied with preillumination dye exposure time in a quasi-exponential approach to a maximum effect. Sodium dithionite protected the axon from photodynamic change.  相似文献   

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