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Hapten-specific carrier-dependent tolerance induction in man in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We sought to determine whether hapten-specific tolerance can be induced in cultured human lymphocytes in vitro. Unfractionated as well as T and B cells from peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy human volunteers were cultured with different hapten-carrier conjugates before in vitro challenge with dinitrophenyl (DNP) linked to keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Hapten-specific antibody was detected in the supernatant by solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Both hapten specificity and carrier dependence in addition to the cellular basis of tolerance induction were examined. The results show that hapten-specific tolerance of antibody production was induced by human gamma-globulin (HGG) conjugated to DNP but not by other conjugates of DNP nonhuman gamma-globulin, as well as human serum albumin. Moreover, both T and B cells are involved in tolerance induction to DNP-HGG in vitro. The significance of tolerance in human in vitro for the specific therapy of autoimmune disease is discussed.  相似文献   

The induction of nucleoside-specific nonresponsiveness was further studied in the autoimmune strain MRL/MP +/+ (MRL/n). Experiments were undertaken to determine (i) whether nucleoside-conjugated spleen cells are able to induce specific nonresponsiveness to T-dependent nucleoside antigens in MRL/n mice, and (ii) whether periodic treatment with nucleoside-conjugated spleen cells would retard the development of spontaneous anti-DNA antibodies and associated indicators of autoimmunity. The results show that nonresponsiveness to nucleoside antigens is inducable in male, but not in female, MRL/n mice. Nonresponsiveness in male MRL/n was transferable and mediated by T cells. Treatment of male MRL/n mice with nucleoside-conjugated spleen cells (NSC) appeared to attenuate the progress of autoimmune symptoms in experimental animals. These results are discussed in the context of recent studies exploring the etiology of autoantibody production and the loss of self-tolerance in murine models of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

The influence of cortisone administration on either the induction or the duration of immunologic tolerance was examined in vivo. Tolerance induced by isologous IgG coupled to fluorescein was chosen because the hapten-bearing cell can be directly visualized and the hapten-specific immune response to either a TD antigen or a TI2 antigen can be tested. It was found that cortisone facilitates the maintenance of tolerance, but fails to affect its induction to either class of antigen. Fluorescein-IgG-bearing cells are cortisone resistant. They are seen for a longer period of time in animals treated with cortisone and tolerogen than in animals treated with tolerogen, and fluorescent cells are either T or B cells. We propose that cortisone facilitates the maintenance of tolerance by maintaining a receptor blockade in vivo. This finding might have clinical implications for the treatment of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Cultured human choriocarcinoma JEG-3 cells secrete an immunosuppressor that inhibits lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by either an antigen or a mitogen. In this study, the immunosuppressive factor was characterized by three methods: ion-exchange and exclusion chromatography, partition in organic solvents, and thin-layer chromatography on silicic acid. This JEG-3 cell factor appeared to be a protein complex of about 150,000–200,000 Da that contained an immunologically active polar lipid. The structural and functional characteristics of JEG-3 cell immunosuppressor are similar if not identical to those of SIF, a suppressor lymphokine derived from T cells. These secretions from transformed trophoblastic cells may correspond to normal placental products or represent a function of malignant cells.  相似文献   

A sensitive fluorometric method for the quantitation of hemoglobin glycosylation, based upon periodate oxidation of the carbohydrate moieties present on both the α- and ?-amino groups of globin is described. The formaldehyde product is measured as the fluorescent 3,5-diacetyl-1,4-dihydrolutidine formed from the condensation of formaldehyde with acetylacetone and ammonia.This method is rigorously designed to assay glycosylated hemoglobin levels and to give a direct measure of the number of glycogroups per milligram of hemoglobin. It requires only 1 mg of protein and may also be used to determine the extent of the nonenzmatic glycosylation of other proteins.  相似文献   

D A Thorley-Lawson 《Cell》1979,16(1):33-42
A rabbit antiserum has been prepared against the B95-8 transforming strain of EBV. The antiserum has a high virus neutralizing titer (approximately 1:1000) against both the marmoset B95-8 EBV and the human P3HR-1 EBV. The neutralizing antibodies may be absorbed completely with EBV producer cell lines, but not with nonproducer cell lines or producer cell lines treated with phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) so as to be nonproducer. After repeated absorption with PAA-treated B95-8, the serum remains reactive with the membranes of producer cell lines as judged by immunofluorescence or the 125I--Staphylococcal protein A radioimmunoassay. Thus the neutralizing antigens are expressed on the membranes of producer cell lines and may be purified from this source using the serum and 125I--Staph A binding as an assay. The ability of the serum to differentiate between producer and nonproducer cells by means of cell surface determinants has been exploited to achieve a separation of these two populations from the same culture. Immunoprecipitation by the protein A technique shows that the serum recognizes two polypeptides from producer cells of approximate molecular weights 150,000 and 75,000.  相似文献   

Amylase secretion and changes in the levels of cyclic AMP and GMP were studied in rabbit parotid gland slices incubated in vitro with a variety of neurohumoral transmitters, their analogs and inhibitors. Cyclic GMP levels increased 8-fold 5 min after exposure to carbachol (10−4 M), without a change in cyclic AMP levels; amylase output also rose. These effects were completely inhibited by muscarinic blockade with atropine, but were unaffected by α-adrenergic blockade with phenoxybenzamine. Epinephrine (4 · 10−5 M) produced a rapid increase in the levels of both cyclic nucleotides and in amylase release. The increase in cyclic GMP level was inhibited by previous exposure of the slices to phenoxybenzamine, while the cyclic AMP rise was prevented by the β-blocking agent, propranolol. Pure α-adrenergic stimulation with methoxamine (4 · 10−4 M) produced modest elevations in cyclic GMP content and amylase output, effects blocked by pre-treatment of slices with either atropine or phenoxybenzamine. At a concentration of 4 · 10−6 M, isoproterenol (a β-agonist) failed to affect cyclic GMP levels, but promptly stimulated increases in cyclic AMP levels, and after a short lag, amylase secretion. At a higher dose (4 · 10−5 M) isoproterenol produced elevations in the levels of both nucleotides. The carbachol-induced effects on cylcic GMP content and amylase release were greatly potentiated by the addition of isoproterenol (4 · 10−6 M).These data strongly suggest that cholinergic muscarinic agonists and α-adrenergic agonist stimulate amylase output in rabbit parotid gland by mechanisms involving cyclic GMP. The atropine-sensitive intracellular events effected by α-stimulation may be dependent upon endogenous generation of acetylcholine. Both cyclic nucleotides seem to be required for the early rapid secretion of amylase. The unique responses achieved by the combination of carbachol and isoproterenol suggest that isoproterenol may increase the sensitivity of this issue to the effects of cholinergic stimuli.  相似文献   

J L Breslow  J Epstein  J H Fontaine 《Cell》1978,13(4):663-669
Diploid skin fibroblasts derived from individuals with the autosomal recessive disease, cystic fibrosis (CF), were shown previously to be significantly more resistant to the cytotoxicity of dexamethasone, a glucocorticoid hormone, than were normal human fibroblasts. Here cystic fibrosis fibroblasts are also shown to be more resistant than normal human fibroblasts to the cytotoxic effects of the sex hormones, 17 beta-estradiol, dihydrotestosterone and progesterone. Since cells are believed to contain different receptors for each of the steroid hormones, it is not probable than the resistance of CF cells to these hormones results from a receptor deficiency. This was shown by the fact that CF cells were found to exhibit the same receptor activity as normal cells for 3-H-dexamethasone. Furthermore, neither normal human nor CF fibroblasts could be demonstrated to contain detectable receptor activity for 3H-17 beta-estradiol. In addition, the studies of fibroblast killing by hormones led to the further interesting observation that normal human diploid fibroblasts, regardless of the sex of the tissue donor, are sensitive to killing by each of the sex hormones. These findings suggest that the cytotoxic effects of the steroid hormones may be observed independently of the specific hormone receptors. The studies reported here thus suggest that the resistance of CF cells to the different steroid hormones is probably the result of a defect in a pathway in cellular steroid hormone metabolism other than that involving receptors.  相似文献   

Investigations on the role of calcium in regulation of cell morphology of Chinese hamster lung cells (V79) revealed that cells grown with additional calcium (5 mM) in the growth medium (Ham's F12) adhere more tightly to the substratum than those grown in F12 alone. Additional calcium in the medium did not cause any changes in the structural membrane proteins or glycoproteins. Radioiodination of the surface membrane proteins of cells grown with or without additional calcium showed distinct differences in the labeling profile. The most striking change observed in cells grown with additional calcium was a very heavily labeled protein band at 70 K molecular weight. Two bands at approx. 100 K and 42 K were also heavily labeled. In contrast, the amount of radioactivity of a protein band at 52 K decreased in the cells grown in additional calcium. In general, cells grown with additional CaCl2 were better iodinated than those grown in growth medium alone. The results demonstrate that calcium modulates surface proteins of V79 cells and this modulation may account for the changes observed in the cell morphology.  相似文献   

Denatured helical regions in the DNA of dormant cotton seeds were detected by means of ribonuclease interaction, methylated albumin kieselguhr chromatography and sedimentation analysis. Ribonuclease resistant RNA was also found associated with the dormant seed DNA. The implications of these two findings were discussed with regard to possible binding sites for RNA that stabilizes folded DNA.  相似文献   

Most cells have a morphological polarity with the centrioles and Golgi apparatus occupying one pole of the cell and the nucleus the other. This structural polarity often correlates with functional polarity as in secretory epithelia where the Golgi apparatus moves to the pole of the cell from which secretory materials are exreted. In limb development an interaction of unknown mechanism occurs between the epithelium and mesenchyme. We have evaluated the pattern of cell polarity using silver impregnation of the Golgi apparatus in limb epithelium and mesenchyme of mouse embryos from day 9.5, when limbs are first visible, to day 15, when cartilage formation is complete. Cells in the epithelium almost always have the Golgi apparatus in the apex of the cell, i.e., oriented away from the basement membrane. The layer of mesenchyme cells just beneath the basement membrane initially has only 16 to 25% of the cells oriented toward the basement membrane. A marked shift in orientation occurs between days 12 and 13 so that from days 13 to 15 up to 53% of the mesenchyme cells are oriented toward the basement membrane. This shift in orientation occurs more slowly in the mesenchyme at a depth of four cells below the basement membrane. This changing pattern of mesenchymal cell polarity occurs at a time when there is an apparent increase in the amount of extracellular matrix, especially in the region just below the basement membrane.  相似文献   

Embryonic chick articular and keel cartilage was found to synthesize two types of collagen. The amount of Type I collagen synthesis decreased from 60% to nearly 10% during the embryonic period studied, thus suggesting not only coexistence of both collagen types in the same tissue, but also a developmental transformation from predominantly Type I synthesis to Type II synthesis with cartilage development and maturation. Radioautographs suggested that all chondrocytes were equally active in collagen synthesis and failed to show any significant non-cartilagenous tissue contamination. Therefore variation in collagen type synthesis must be a product of some unknown genetic regulatory mechanism within the cartilage tissue.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of the ribosomal genes in mice and men   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
N Arnheim  E M Southern 《Cell》1977,11(2):363-370
The structures of mouse and human ribosomal DNA were studied using the restriction enzymes Eco R1 and Hind III. Individual mice or humans showed a heterogeneous pattern of restriction fragments resulting from differences in the non-transcribed spacer DNA. Six individual mice from the inbred strain CBA/H-T6 had identical patterns. The same pattern was shown by another CBA strain and by C3H. These strains were originally derived from a BALB X DBA cross made in 1920. Different patterns were found for BALB/c, C57BL and Mus poschiavinus. Cultured cells derived from C3H mice (L cells) showed a pattern quantitatively different from that of the parent strain, but two myeloma cell lines derived from BALB/c showed the same pattern as BALB/c mice. Ribosomal DNA in man is also heterogeneous. Differences were observed between human DNAs in the amounts of the different spacer classes. Studies on mouse-human cell hybrids suggest that some spacer classes are present on more than one of the five human nucleolus organizers.  相似文献   

Since approximately 1% of 3-ketosteroid reductase (which metabolizes dihydrotestosterone [17β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-3-one] to 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol or 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol) from mouse kidney cytosol adheres to DNA under conditions that allow virtually complete androgen receptor binding, these two DNA-binding activities were compared in cytosol extracts of mouse kidney and hypothalamus-preoptic area. This DNA-binding fraction of 3-ketosteroid reductase was distinguished from androgen receptor in several ways: (1) its pattern of elution from DNA-cellulose with steps of increasing NaC1 concentration differed from that for receptors from wild-type kidney; (2) it was influenced differently by the mutation Tfm, both in level and in DNA-cellulose elution pattern; (3) in mouse kidney cytosol it was relatively stable at moderate (25°C) temperatures which rapidly inactivated ligand-free androgen receptors in the same cytosols; (4) the DNA-binding was not proportional to androgen receptor levels between two wild-type tissues, the hypothalamus-preoptic area and kidney. By these criteria, a simple relationship of androgen receptors and a DNA-binding fraction of 3-ketosteroid reductase activity is unlikely.  相似文献   

Bovine muscle pyruvate kinase was inactivated by treatment with trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid; approximately one trinitrophenyl group was incorporated per subunit. ADP or Mg-ADP decreased the rate of inactivation but Mg++ alone or phosphoenolpyruvate had no effect. The inactivated protein was treated with trypsin and the trinitrophenylated peptide isolated by gel filtration. Homogeneity of the isolated peptide was shown by high voltage electrophoresis and high pressure liquid chromatography. Amino acid analysis and sequence determination revealed the presence of an acidic peptide 34 amino acids long and containing ?-trinitrophenylated lysine.  相似文献   

Actinomycin D (actD) (0.003–0.10 μg/ml) and cordycepin (3–30 μg/ml) were used to examine the requirement of de novo RNA synthesis in the pH 6.6-induced expression of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in C-1300 mouse neuroblastoma cells. ActD at 0.03 and 0.10 μg/ml caused a pronounced stimulation in neurite formation following 20 h of treatment, although by 30 h exposure to actD (0.01–0.10 μg/ml), neurite formation had rapidly declined. Cordycepin (3–30 μg/ml) also inhibited neurite formation in a concentration- and time-dependent manner, although it did not produce an initial stimulation in neurite formation. The pH 6.6-induced increase in acetylcholinesterase activity was inhibited by both actD and cordycepin in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Cell viabilities in the presence of actD and cordycepin were 90% or greater throughout the course of these studies.The effects of actD on [3H]uridine and [3H]leucine transport into cells and on incorporation into acid-insoluble material showed that actD inhibited RNA synthesis to a greater extent than it inhibited protein synthesis. Cordycepin caused only minor effects on [3H]uridine and [3H]leucine transport into cells and incorporation into acid-insoluble material; these effects were variable and neither concentration- nor time-dependent. The results of this study show that actD can inhibit the pH 6.6-induced expression of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells at concentrations which were relatively non-toxic and which caused a greater inhibition of RNA synthesis than of protein synthesis. This suggests that de novo RNA synthesis is required for the expression and maintenance of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells. Experiments with cordycepin were consistent with this conclusion.  相似文献   

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