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A phylogenetic analysis of the Ty3/Gypsy group of retrotransposons identified a conserved domain (GPY/F) present in the integrases of several members of this group as well as of certain vertebrate retroviruses. The analysis suggested an evolutionary scheme for the acquisition and loss of the GPY/F domain as well as the acquisition of a chromodomain module in the integrase encoded by this group of elements that may direct targeting specificity in the host genome.  相似文献   

Eight new examples of retrotransposons of the Gypsy/Ty3 class have been identified in marine species. A 525-nt pol gene-coding region was amplified using degenerate primers from highly conserved regions and has extended the range of recognition of Gypsy/Ty3 far beyond those previously known. The following matrix shows the percentage AA divergence of the translations of this segment of the pol gene coding region. Spr2 Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, sea urchin 39 Por2 Pisaster ochraceus, starfish 46 45 Cprl Clupea pallasi, herring 51 52 41 Cirl Ciona intestinalis, tunicate bar52 49 49 55 P. orchraceus, starfish 55 60 60 62 62 Spr3 S. purpuratus, sea urchin 55 61 60 63 61 24 Tgrl* Tripneustes gratilla, sea urchin 56 61 60 63 58 26 27 Lvrl* Lytechinus variegatus, sea urchin 57 62 60 64 62 27 10 29 Sprl* S. purpuratus 58 61 62 65 61 15 27 30 31 Spr4 S. purpuratus 72 72 74 75 72 73 72 72 73 72 Por3 P. ochraceus The underlines separate three groups of retrotransposons that can be recognized on the basis of this amino acid sequence. The new upper group shows surprising amino acid sequence similarity among members from the DNA of herring, sea urchin, starfish, and a tunicate. For example, the herring element differs by only 41 % from the Ciona element and 46% from the sea urchin element. The group between the lines includes members close to previously known elements (marked by asterisks) and has so far been found only in sea urchins. The two upper groups differ from each other by 55–60% and yet members of both groups (e.g., Sprl and Spr2) are integrated into the DNA of one species-S. purpuratus. Below the lower underline is listed the only known representative of a very distant group, which occurs in starfish DNA. In spite of large divergence, amino acid sequence comparisons indicate that all of the elements shown in the array are members of the LTR-containing class of retrotransposons that includes Gypsy of Drosophila and Ty3 of yeast. Of all known mobile elements this class shows the closest sequence similarity to retroviruses and has the same arrangement of genes as simpler retroviruses.Correspondence to: R.J. Britten  相似文献   

We have characterized the two families of SINE retroposons present in Arabidopsis thaliana. The origin, distribution, organization, and evolutionary history of RAthE1 and RAthE2 elements were studied and compared to the well-characterized SINE S1 element from Brassica. Our studies show that RAthE1, RAthE2, and S1 retroposons were generated independently from three different tRNAs. The RAthE1 and RAthE2 families are older than the S1 family and are present in all tested Cruciferae species. The evolutionary history of the RAthE1 family is unusual for SINEs. The 144 RAthE1 elements of the Arabidopsis genome cannot be classified in distinct subfamilies of different evolutionary ages as is the case for S1, RAthE2, and mammalian SINEs. Instead, most RAthE1 elements were probably derived steadily from a single source gene that was maintained intact and active for at least 12-20 Myr, a result suggesting that the RAthE1 source gene was under selection. The distribution of RAthE1 and RAthE2 elements on the Arabidopsis physical map was studied. We observed that, in contrast to other Arabidopsis transposable elements, SINEs are not concentrated in the heterochromatic regions. Instead, SINEs are grouped in the euchromatic chromosome territories several hundred kilobase pairs long. In these territories, SINE elements are closely associated with genes. A retroposition partnership between Arabidopsis SINEs and LINEs is proposed.  相似文献   

Helitrons, a recently discovered superfamily of DNA transposons that capture host gene fragments, constitute up to 2% of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. In this study, we identified 565 insertions of a family of nonautonomous Helitrons, known as Basho elements. We aligned subsets of these elements, estimated their phylogenetic relationships, and used branch lengths to yield insight into the age of each Basho insertion. The age distribution suggests that 87% of Bashos inserted within 5 Myr, subsequent to the divergence between A. thaliana and its sister species Arabidopsis lyrata. We screened 278 of these insertions for their presence or absence in a sample of 47 A. thaliana accessions. With both phylogenetic and population frequency data, we investigated the effects of gene density, recombination rate, and element length on Basho persistence. Our analyses suggested that longer Basho copies are less likely to persist in the genome, consistent with selection against the deleterious effects of ectopic recombination between Basho elements. Furthermore, we determined that 39% of Basho elements contain fragments of expressed protein-coding genes, but all of these fragments were explained by only 5 gene-capture events. Overall, the picture of A. thaliana Helitron evolution is one of rapid expansion, relatively few gene-capture events, and weak selection correlated with element length.  相似文献   

The origin of new diploid, or homoploid, hybrid species is associated with rapid genomic restructuring in the hybrid neospecies. This mode of speciation has been best characterized in wild sunflower species in the genus Helianthus, where three homoploid hybrid species (H. anomalus, H. deserticola, and H. paradoxus) have independently arisen via ancient hybridization events between the same two parental species (H. annuus and H. petiolaris). Most previous work examining genomic restructuring in these sunflower hybrid species has focused on chromosomal rearrangements. However, the origin of all three homoploid hybrid sunflower species also is associated with massive proliferation events of Ty3/gypsy-like retrotransposons in the hybrid species' genomes. We compared the genomic organization of these elements in the parent species and two of the homoploid hybrid species using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We found a significant expansion of Ty3/gypsy-like retrotransposons confined to the pericentromeric regions of two hybrid sunflower species, H. deserticola and H. paradoxus. In contrast, we detected no significant increase in the frequency or extent of dispersed retrotransposon populations in the hybrid species within the resolution limits of our assay. We discuss the potential role that transposable element proliferation and localization plays in the evolution of homoploid hybrid species.  相似文献   

The analysis of 460 kb of genomic sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome III allowed us to identify two new transposable elements named AtC1 and AtC2. AtC1 shows identical long terminal repeats (LTRs) and all the structural features characteristic of the copia-like active elements. AtC2 is also a full copia-like element, but a putative stop codon in the open reading frame (ORF) would produce a truncated protein. In order to identify the copia-like fraction of the A. thaliana genome, a careful computer-based analysis of the available sequences (which correspond to 92% of the genome) was performed. Approximately 300 nonredundant copia-like sequences homologous to AtC1 and AtC2 were detected, which showed an extreme heterogeneity in size and degree of conservation. This number of copies would correspond to approximately 1% of the A. thaliana genome. Seventy-one sequences were selected for further analysis, with 23 of them being full complete elements. Five corresponded to previously described ones, and the remaining ones, named AtC3 to AtC18 are new elements described in this work. Most of these elements presented a putative functional ORF, nearly identical LTRs, and the other elements necessary for retrotransposon activity. Phylogenetic trees, supported by high bootstrap values, indicated that these 23 elements could be considered separate families. In turn, these 23 families could be clustered into six major lineages, named copia I-VI. Most of the 71 analyzed sequences clustered into these six main clades. The widespread presence of these copia-like superfamilies throughout plant genomes is discussed.  相似文献   

The recent availability of the genome of Anopheles gambiae offers an extraordinary opportunity for comparative studies of the diversity of transposable elements (TEs) and their evolutionary dynamics between two related species, taking advantage of the existing information from Drosophila melanogaster. To this goal, we screened the genome of A. gambiae for elements belonging to the Ty3/gypsy group of long-terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons. The A. gambiae genome displays a rich diversity of LTR retrotransposons, clearly greater than D. melanogaster. We have characterized in detail 63 families, belonging to five of the nine main lineages of the Ty3/gypsy group. The Mag lineage is the most diverse and abundant, with more than 30 families. In sharp contrast with this finding, a single family belonging to this lineage has been found in D. melanogaster, here reported for the first time in the literature, most probably consisting of old inactive elements. The CsRn1 lineage is also abundant in A. gambiae but almost absent from D. melanogaster. Conversely, the Osvaldo lineage has been detected in Drosophila but not in Anopheles. Comparison of structural characteristics of different families led to the identification of several lineage-specific features such as the primer-binding site (PBS), the gag-pol translational recoding signal (TRS), which is extraordinarily diverse within the Ty3/gypsy retrotransposons of A. gambiae, or the presence/absence of specific amino acid motifs. Interestingly, some of these characteristics, although in general well conserved within lineages, may have evolved independently in particular branches of the phylogenetic tree. We also show evidence of recent activity for around 75% of the families. Nevertheless, almost all families contain a high proportion of degenerate members and solitary LTRs (solo LTRs), indicative of a lower turnover rate of retrotransposons belonging to the Ty3/gypsy group in A. gambiae than in D. melanogaster. Finally, we have detected significant overrepresentations of insertions on the X chromosome versus autosomes and of putatively active insertions on euchromatin versus heterochromatin.  相似文献   

A cDNA-AFLP experiment was designed to identify and clone nucleotide sequences induced during seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Sequences corresponding to known genes involved in processes important for germination, such as mitochondrial biogenesis, protein synthesis and cell cycle progression, were isolated. Other sequences correspond to Arabidopsis BAC clones in regions where genes have not been annotated. Notably, a number of the sequences cloned did not correspond to available sequences in the databases from the Arabidopsis genome, but instead present significant similarity with DNA from other organisms, for example fish species; among them, some may encode transposons. A number of the sequences isolated showed no significant similarity with any sequences in the public databases. Oligonucleotides derived from these new sequences were used to amplify genomic DNA of Arabidopsis. Expression analysis of representative sequences is presented. This work suggests that, during germination, there may be a massive transposon mobilization that may be useful in the annotation of new genome sequences and identification of regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The complex evolutionary history of gorillas: insights from genomic data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Relatively little is known about the evolutionary and demographichistories of gorillas, one of our closest living relatives.In this study, we used samples from both western (Gorilla gorilla)and eastern (Gorilla beringei) gorillas to infer the timingof the split between these geographically disjunct populationsand to elaborate the demographic history of gorillas. Here wepresent DNA sequences from 16 noncoding autosomal loci from15 western gorillas and 3 eastern gorillas, including 2 noninvasivelysampled free-ranging individuals. We find that the genetic diversityof gorillas is similar to that of chimpanzees but almost twiceas high as that of bonobos and humans. A significantly positiveFu & Li's D was observed for western gorillas, suggestinga complex demographic history with a constant, long-term populationsize and ancestral population structure. Among different population-splitscenarios, our data suggest a complex history of western andeastern gorillas including an initial population split at around0.9–1.6 MYA and subsequent, primarily male-mediated geneflow until approximately 80,000–200,000 years ago. Furthermore,simulations revealed that more gene flow took place from easternto western gorilla populations than vice versa.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The annotation of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome remains a problem in terms of time and quality. To improve the annotation process, we want to choose the most appropriate tools to use inside a computer-assisted annotation platform. We therefore need evaluation of prediction programs with Arabidopsis sequences containing multiple genes. RESULTS: We have developed AraSet, a data set of contigs of validated genes, enabling the evaluation of multi-gene models for the Arabidopsis genome. Besides conventional metrics to evaluate gene prediction at the site and the exon levels, new measures were introduced for the prediction at the protein sequence level as well as for the evaluation of gene models. This evaluation method is of general interest and could apply to any new gene prediction software and to any eukaryotic genome. The GeneMark.hmm program appears to be the most accurate software at all three levels for the Arabidopsis genomic sequences. Gene modeling could be further improved by combination of prediction software. AVAILABILITY: The AraSet sequence set, the Perl programs and complementary results and notes are available at http://sphinx.rug.ac.be:8080/biocomp/napav/. CONTACT: Pierre.Rouze@gengenp.rug.ac.be.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana inhabits diverse climates and exhibits varied phenology across its range. Although A. thaliana is an extremely well‐studied model species, the relationship between geography, growing season climate and its genetic variation is poorly characterized. We used redundancy analysis (RDA) to quantify the association of genomic variation [214 051 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)] with geography and climate among 1003 accessions collected from 447 locations in Eurasia. We identified climate variables most correlated with genomic variation, which may be important selective gradients related to local adaptation across the species range. Climate variation among sites of origin explained slightly more genomic variation than geographical distance. Large‐scale spatial gradients and early spring temperatures explained the most genomic variation, while growing season and summer conditions explained the most after controlling for spatial structure. SNP variation in Scandinavia showed the greatest climate structure among regions, possibly because of relatively consistent phenology and life history of populations in this region. Climate variation explained more variation among nonsynonymous SNPs than expected by chance, suggesting that much of the climatic structure of SNP correlations is due to changes in coding sequence that may underlie local adaptation.  相似文献   

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