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The major characteristic of cell death by apoptosis is the loss of nuclear DNA integrity by endonucleases, resulting in the formation of small DNA fragments. The application of confocal imaging to in vivo monitoring of dynamic cellular events, like apoptosis, within internal organs and tissues has been limited by the accessibility to these sites. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to test the feasibility of fibered confocal fluorescence microscopy (FCFM) to image in situ apoptotic DNA fragmentation in surgically exteriorized sheep corpus luteum in the living animal. Following intra-luteal administration of a fluorescent DNA-staining dye, YO-PRO-1, DNA cleavage within nuclei of apoptotic cells was serially imaged at the single-cell level by FCFM. This imaging technology is sufficiently simple and rapid to allow time series in situ detection and visualization of cells undergoing apoptosis in the intact animal. Combined with endoscope, this approach can be used for minimally invasive detection of fluorescent signals and visualization of cellular events within internal organs and tissues and thereby provides the opportunity to study biological processes in the natural physiological environment of the cell in living animals.  相似文献   

光生物素标记DNA探针检测感染细胞的BHV—1 DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王柳  封启民 《生物技术》1992,2(6):14-16
将七株从不同地区、不同牛种或不同部位分离出的牛Ⅰ型疱疹病毒(BHV-1)培养于MDBK细胞中,从感染的细胞中提取病毒并抽提其DNA将克隆的BHV-1LA株DNA的HindⅢ—Ⅰ片段(11.7Kb)用光生物素标记作为探针,检测上述七株感染细胞的BHV-1 DNA,其中有六株(均属IBR临床型)呈阳性反应,另一株(属IPP临床型)呈阴性反应,这一探针将作为一种有效的检疫工具在本病的防制中起重要作用.  相似文献   

何群  尤瑞麟 《植物学通报》2004,21(5):547-555
微管骨架在植物发育过程中起重要作用.由于植物细胞的特殊性,与动物细胞相比植物微管骨架的研究遇到更多的困难.简略地介绍了曾被国内外学者应用的植物微管骨架的各种研究方法及其局限性.Steedman's wax是一种多脂蜡.它熔点低(35~37℃),具有与石蜡相同的切片性质,能够切成不同厚度的连续切片,适合深埋于器官内部的组织或细胞的免疫细胞化学研究.介绍了应用Steedman's wax切片法观察植物细胞微管骨架的一般程序和方法以及经过作者检验且切实可行的一些技术改进.  相似文献   

We investigated the association of DNA polymerase and DNA primase activity with the nuclear matrix in HeLa S3 cells diluted with fresh medium after having been cultured without any medium change for 7 days. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that just before dilution about 85% of the cells were in the G1 phase of the cycle, whereas 8% were in the S phase. After dilution with fresh medium, 18–22 h were required for the cell population to attain a stable distribution with respect to the cell cycle. At that time, about 38% of the cells were in the S phase. DNA polymerase and DNA primase activity associated with the nuclear matrix prepared from cells just before dilution represented about 10% of nuclear activity. As judged by [3H]-thymidine incorporation and flow cytometric analysis, an increase in the number of S-phase cells was evident at least 6 h after dilution. However, as early as 2 h after dilution into fresh medium, a striking prereplicative increase of the two activitites was seen in the nuclear matrix fraction but not in cytosol or isolated nuclei. Both DNA polymerase and primase activities bound to the matrix were about 60% of nuclear activity. Overall, the nuclear matrix was the cell fraction where the highest induction (about 10-fold) of both enzymatic activities was seen at 30 h after dilution, whereas in cytosol and isolated nuclei the increase was about two- and fourfold, respectively. Typical immunofluorescent patterns given by an antibody to 5-bromodeoxyuridine were seen after dilution. These findings, which are at variance with our own previous results obtained with cell cultures synchronized by either a double thymidine block or aphidicolin exposure, strengthen the contention that DNA replication is associated with an underlying nuclear structure and demonstrate the artifacts that may be generated by procedures commonly used to synchronize cell cultures. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:11–20, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Processing of large numbers smaples of plant tissue samples for molecular mapping and gene tagging requires methods that are quick, simple, and cheap, and that eventually can be automated. Organic solvents used for DNA extraction can represent a significant proportion of the overall cost. In this study we examined dichloromethane as a replacement for chloroform to be used in combination with phenol.  相似文献   

The Nbs1 gene is known to code for a protein involved in the hereditary cancer-prone disease, Nijmegen breakage syndrome. This gene is conserved in animals and fungi, but no plant homolog is known. The work reported here describes a homolog of Nbs1 isolated from higher plants. The Nbs1 proteins from both Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa are smaller in size than animal or yeast Nbs1, but both contain the conserved Nbs1 domains such as the FHA/BRCT domain, the Mre11-binding domain, and the Atm-interacting domain in orientations similar to what is seen in animal Nbs1. The OsNbs1 protein interacted not only with plant Mre11, but also with animal Mre11. In plants, OsNbs1 mRNA expression was found to be higher in the shoot apex and young flower, and AtNbs1 expression increased when plants were exposed to 100 Gy of X-rays. These results suggest that plant Nbs1 could participate in a Rad50/Mre11/Nbs1 complex, and could be essential for the regulation of DNA recombination and DNA damage responses.  相似文献   

Pyrophosphate serves as an alternative energy donor to ATP for sucrose mobilisation via sucrose synthase, for glycolysis via pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase, and for tonoplast energisation via the tonoplast proton-pumping pyrophosphatase. This review considers the possible roles of these pyrophosphate-driven reactions. Correlative evidence based on expression patterns, the distribution of proteins and activities in various tissues, and comparisons of the in vitro properties of the enzymes with the in vivo metabolite levels indicates an important role in young growing tissues and in stress conditions including anaerobiosis, but interpretation is complicated by the reversibility of the pyrophosphate-driven reactions and by their duplication by ATP-dependent reactions. The review then considers the evidence emerging from experiments using reversed genetics to alter expression of sucrose synthase, the pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase, and the tonoplast proton-pumping pyrophosphatase. This approach has revealed that sucrose synthase plays an essential role in sucrose breakdown in potato tubers, and that pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase catalyses a near-equilibrium reaction with a net flux in the direction of glycolysis. However, it does not support a special role of the latter enzymes in stress responses. Interpretation is complicated by compensation, which can include expression of other members of a gene family, use of alternative pathways, and relaxation of the feed back regulation in response to decreased expression of the enzyme. In an alternative approach, ectopic overexpression of soluble pyrophosphatase from E. coli has been used as a tool to decrease the levels of pyrophosphate in the cytosol. Constitutive overexpression leads to dramatic changes in sucrose and starch synthesis, sink-source relations and plant growth, phloem-specific overexpression of soluble pyrophosphatase leads to an inhibition of phloem transport, leaf mesophyll-specific overexpression leads to a small stimulation of sucrose synthesis, and potato tuber-specific overexpression leads to an inhibition of starch accumulation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜(LSCM)技术检测缺氧状态的人肺微血管内皮细胞(HPMVEC)内钙离子(Ca2+)浓度动态变化的价值。方法:HPMVEC常规培养,按观察时间点不同分为5个缺氧培养组(1h hyp组、2h hyp组、4h hyp组、6h hyp组和8h hyp组)以及1个对照组(0h con组)共6个组,每组设8个复孔,应用LSCM技术测定缺氧后HPMVEC内Ca2+浓度水平及随时间推移的变化。结果:LSCM技术显示HPMVEC内Ca2+的荧光强度1h hyp组与0h con组比较、2h hyp组与1h hyp组比较、4h hyp组与2h hyp组比较、6h hyp组与4h hyp组比较、8h hyp组与6h hyp组比较有显著差异(P〈0.05)。线性回归分析结果显示Ca2+荧光强度与缺氧时间成正相关(r=0.969,P〈0.01)。结论:HPMVEC内Ca2+浓度随缺氧时间增长而增高;LSCM在动态检测缺氧状态下HPMVEC内的Ca2+浓度变化中具有明显优势。  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜(LSCM)技术检测缺氧状态的人肺微血管内皮细胞(HPMVEC)内钙离子(Ca2+)浓度动态变化的价值。方法:HPMVEC常规培养,按观察时间点不同分为5个缺氧培养组(1h hyp组、2h hyp组、4h hyp组、6h hyp组和8h hyp组)以及1个对照组(0h con组)共6个组,每组设8个复孔,应用LSCM技术测定缺氧后HPMVEC内Ca2+浓度水平及随时间推移的变化。结果:LSCM技术显示HPMVEC内Ca2+的荧光强度1h hyp组与0h con组比较、2h hyp组与1h hyp组比较、4h hyp组与2h hyp组比较、6h hyp组与4h hyp组比较、8h hyp组与6h hyp组比较有显著差异(P<0.05)。线性回归分析结果显示Ca2+荧光强度与缺氧时间成正相关(r=0.969,P<0.01)。结论:HPMVEC内Ca2+浓度随缺氧时间增长而增高;LSCM在动态检测缺氧状态下HPMVEC内的Ca2+浓度变化中具有明显优势。  相似文献   

在细胞凋亡的研究中,通常以检测细胞核和细胞器的形态改变或生物化学特性变化为指标进行分析.已有的实验表明:动物细胞在凋亡过程中,细胞膜的脂质双分子层发生了一系列生物物理和生物化学改变,如膜电位的改变、磷脂酰丝氨酸由细胞膜内侧向外翻转、细胞膜微粘度的改变等,这些变化会导致细胞中亚甲基信号强度的增加.我们利用质子核磁共振光谱分析(1H-NMR)方法,首次发现用物理和化学方法诱导的烟草(Nicotiana tabacumL. cv.BY-2)和胡萝卜(Daucus carota L.)细胞在凋亡过程中伴随有亚甲基信号强度的明显增加.在用烟酰胺处理的烟草细胞中,亚甲基信号强度的增加与DNA Ladder几乎同时出现,随诱导时间的延长,亚甲基信号强度也逐渐增大,在24 h亚甲基信号强度增加约2倍.而这种特征在坏死的细胞中并不存在.说明亚甲基信号强度的增加是动、植物细胞凋亡过程中所具有的共同特征,1H-NMR技术提供了一种精确可靠的分析植物细胞凋亡的手段,同时由于它所具有的非侵害性的特点,可能在揭示细胞凋亡机制的研究中具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

It was earlier proposed that an important anti-cancer mechanism of plant polyphenols may involve mobilization of endogenous copper ions, possibly chromatin-bound copper and the consequent pro-oxidant action. This paper shows that plant polyphenols are able to mobilize nuclear copper in human lymphocytes, leading to degradation of cellular DNA. A cellular system of lymphocytes isolated from human peripheral blood and comet assay was used for this purpose. Incubation of lymphocytes with neocuproine (a cell membrane permeable copper chelator) inhibited DNA degradation in intact lymphocytes. Bathocuproine, which is unable to permeate through the cell membrane, did not cause such inhibition. This study has further shown that polyphenols are able to degrade DNA in cell nuclei and that such DNA degradation is inhibited by neocuproine as well as bathocuproine (both of which are able to permeate the nuclear pore complex), suggesting that nuclear copper is mobilized in this reaction. Pre-incubation of lymphocyte nuclei with polyphenols indicates that it is capable of traversing the nuclear membrane. This study has also shown that polyphenols generate oxidative stress in lymphocyte nuclei which is inhibited by scavengers of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and neocuproine. These results indicate that the generation of ROS occurs through mobilization of nuclear copper resulting in oxidatively generated DNA breakage.  相似文献   

利用核磁共振技术检测植物细胞凋亡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在细胞凋亡的研究中,通常以检测细胞核和细胞器的形态改变或生物化学特性变化为指标进行分析。已有的实验表明: 动物细胞在凋亡过程中, 细胞膜的脂质双分子层发生了一系列生物物理和生物化学改变,如膜电位的改变、磷脂酰丝氨酸由细胞膜内侧向外翻转、细胞膜微粘度的改变等,这些变化会导致细胞中亚甲基信号强度的增加。我们利用质子核磁共振光谱分析(1H-NMR)方法, 首次发现用物理和化学方法诱导的烟草(Nicotiana tabacumL. cv. BY-2)和胡萝卜(Daucus carota L.)细胞在凋亡过程中伴随有亚甲基信号强度的明显增加。在用烟酰胺处理的烟草细胞中, 亚甲基信号强度的增加与DNA Ladder 几乎同时出现,随诱导时间的延长, 亚甲基信号强度也逐渐增大,在24 h亚甲基信号强度增加约2倍。而这种特征在坏死的细胞中并不存在。说明亚甲基信号强度的增加是动、植物细胞凋亡过程中所具有的共同特征,1H-NMR技术提供了一种精确可靠的分析植物细胞凋亡的手段,同时由于它所具有的非侵害性的特点,可能在揭示细胞凋亡机制的研究中具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

流式细胞仪检测高等植物细胞核DNA含量的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
相对于动物和微生物而言,流式细胞术在植物科学上的应用会因植物组织与细胞(如细胞壁、中央液泡、特殊细胞器等)的特殊结构以及次生代谢产物等特殊成分,造成样品在前期处理、染色及测试等方面的困难,甚至导致检测失败或结果不准确。笔者在长期运用流式细胞仪测试工作中,积累了大量的植物样本检测经验,并参考国内外相关文献,总结出从植物取材、样品制备到植物细胞核DNA流式检测的方法和技巧,可为植物科学研究者及从事流式细胞检测的技术人员提供实验参考。  相似文献   

Association of the organization of microtubules (MTs) in the perinuclear region with a 49-kDa protein, that is immunologically cross-reactive to a 51-kDa protein isolated from sea urchin centrosomes and has been shown to play some roles in the organization of MTs in animal cells (Toriyama et al.: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 9, 117–128, 1988), was examined during the cell cycle transition from M phase to G1 phase using the highly synchronized tobacco BY-2 cells under confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). After double staining with an antibody against the 51-kDa protein and with an antibody against tubulin, it was revealed that the 49-kDa protein was closely associated with the organization of MTs on the perinuclear regions during this stage under the CLSM. Notably, microfilaments (MFs) were not associated with the organization of MTs in the perinuclear region. This observation suggests that the 49-kDa protein plays a specific role in the organization of MTs on the perinuclear regions during the cell cycle transition from M phase to G1 phase. To understand the molecular characteristics of the 49-kDa protein further, the search for cDNA encoding the 49-kDa protein was conducted in a cDNA expression library prepared from rapidly growing tobacco BY-2 cells using monoclonal antibodies against the 51-kDa protein. Determination of the base sequence of the isolated clone revealed that it encodes protein synthesis elongation factor (EF)-1α. Thus the significance of the involvement of the 49-kDa protein as EF-1α in the organization of MTs on the perinuclear regions is discussed in relation to other cellular functions.  相似文献   

Primary normal human bronchial/tracheal epithelial (NHBE) cells, derived from the distal-most aspect of the trachea at the bifurcation, have been used for a number of studies in respiratory disease research. Differences between the source tissue and the differentiated primary cells may impact infection studies based on this model. Therefore, we examined how well-differentiated NHBE cells compared with their source tissue, the human distal trachea, as well as the ramifications of these differences on influenza A viral pathogenesis research using this model. We employed a histological analysis including morphological measurements, electron microscopy, multi-label immunofluorescence confocal microscopy, lectin histochemistry, and microarray expression analysis to compare differentiated NHBEs to human distal tracheal epithelium. Pseudostratified epithelial height, cell type variety and distribution varied significantly. Electron microscopy confirmed differences in cellular attachment and paracellular junctions. Influenza receptor lectin histochemistry revealed that α2,3 sialic acids were rarely present on the apical aspect of the differentiated NHBE cells, but were present in low numbers in the distal trachea. We bound fluorochrome bioconjugated virus to respiratory tissue and NHBE cells and infected NHBE cells with human influenza A viruses. Both indicated that the pattern of infection progression in these cells correlated with autopsy studies of fatal cases from the 2009 pandemic.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopy requires the use of fluorophores to visualize structures of interest within a specimen. To perform reliable measurements of the intensity of fluorescence, the stain should be specific, penetrate well into tissue sections, and bind stoichiometrically. Furthermore, emission must be linear with respect to DNA content and brightness, and fluorescence should be stable. Confocal microscopy is used to determine DNA ploidy and to analyze texture of nuclei, which is accomplished in three dimensions, because nuclei can be measured within the original tissue context. For this purpose the sample must be stained with a DNA binding fluorophore with the properties described above. Stains with different properties have been developed for different applications. We review here the advantages and disadvantages of these different stains for analyzing DNA ploidy and nuclear texture using three-dimensional microscopy. We conclude that SYBR green I and TO-PRO-3 are the most suitable stains for this purpose at present.  相似文献   

Summary— The Feulgen-like osmium ammine-SO2 method developed by Cogliati and Gautier (CR Acad Sci Ser D 1973, 276, 3041–3044) stains the DNA at the ultrastructural level. Compared to several other techniques for detecting DNA, this method remains the only one revealing the configuration of the DNA molecules within the cell whatever their compactness. In the present article we summarize the results we obtained with the osmium ammine method in the study of the fate of viral genomes along the infectious cycles in several DNA virus infected cells including adenovirus, herpes simplex virus, simian virus 40 and poxvirus. The results are discussed in relation to the replicative and transcribing activities of viral DNA.  相似文献   

Ethidium bromide (EtBr) is used to stain DNA in agarose gel electrophoresis, but this dye is mutagenic and carcinogenic. We investigated N-719, which is a visible, reliable and organic Ruthenium-based dye, and five fluorescent alternatives for staining plant DNA. For prestaining and poststaining, N-719, GelRed, and SYBR Safe stained both DNA and PCR product bands as clearly as EtBr. SYBR Green I, methylene blue, and crystal violet were effective for poststaining only. The organic dye N-719 stained DNA bands as sensitively and as clearly as EtBr. Consequently, organic dyes can be used as alternatives to EtBr in plant biotechnology studies.  相似文献   

N1-methyl adenine (1-MeA) is formed in DNA by reaction with alkylating agents and naturally occurring methyl halides. The 1-MeA lesion impairs Watson-Crick base pairing and blocks normal DNA replication. Here we identify the translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases (Pols) required for replicating through 1-MeA in human cells and show that TLS through this lesion is mediated via three different pathways in which Pols ι and θ function in one pathway and Pols η and ζ, respectively, function in the other two pathways. Our biochemical studies indicate that in the Polι/Polθ pathway, Polι would carry out nucleotide insertion opposite 1-MeA from which Polθ would extend synthesis. In the Polη pathway, this Pol alone would function at both the nucleotide insertion and extension steps of TLS, and in the third pathway, Polζ would extend from the nucleotide inserted opposite 1-MeA by an as yet unidentified Pol. Whereas by pushing 1-MeA into the syn conformation and by forming Hoogsteen base pair with the T residue, Polι would carry out TLS opposite 1-MeA, the ability of Polη to replicate through 1-MeA suggests that despite its need for Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding, Polη can stabilize the adduct in its active site. Remarkably, even though Pols η and ι are quite error-prone at inserting nucleotides opposite 1-MeA, TLS opposite this lesion in human cells occurs in a highly error-free fashion. This suggests that the in vivo fidelity of TLS Pols is regulated by factors such as post-translational modifications, protein-protein interactions, and possibly others.  相似文献   

Summary All modern mammals contain a distinctive, highly repeated (⩾50,000 members) family of long interspersed repeated DNA called the L1 (LINE 1) family. While the modern L1 families were derived from a common ancestor that predated the mammalian radiation ∼80 million years ago, most of the members of these families were generated within the last 5 million years. However, recently we demonstrated that modern murine (Old World rats and mice) genomes share an older long interspersed repeated DNA family that we called Lx. Here we report our analysis of the DNA sequence of Lx family members and the relationship of this family to the modern L1 families in mouse and rat. The extent of DNA sequence divergence between Lx members indicates that the Lx amplification occurred about 12 million years ago, around the time of the murine radiation. Parsimony analysis revealed that Lx elements were ancestral to both the modern rat and mouse L1 families. However, we found that few if any of the evolutionary intermediates between the Lx and the modern L1 families were extensively amplified. Because the modern L1 families have evolved under selective pressure, the evolutionary intermediates must have been capable of replication. Therefore, replicationcompetent L1 elements can reside in genomes without undergoing extensive amplification. We discuss the bearing of our findings on the evolution of L1 DNA elements and the mammalian genome.  相似文献   

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