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Choline, acetylcholine and betaine used as the sole carbon, nitrogen or carbon and nitrogen source increase cholinesterase activity in addition to phosphorylcholine phosphatase and phospholipase C activities in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The cholinesterase activity catalyses the hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine (Km approx. 0.13 mM) and propionylthiocholine (Km approx. 0.26 mM), but not butyrylthiocholine, which is a pure competitive inhibitor (Ki 0.05 mM). Increasing choline concentrations in the assay mixture decreased the affinity of cholinesterase for acetylthiocholine, but in all cases prevented inhibition raised by high substrate concentrations. Considering the properties of these enzymes, and the fact that in the corneal epithelium there exists a high acetylcholine concentration and that Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces corneal infection, it is proposed that these enzymes acting coordinately might contribute to the breakdown of the corneal epithelial membrane.  相似文献   

The flavivirus West Nile virus (WNV) has spread rapidly throughout the world in recent years causing fever, meningitis, encephalitis, and fatalities. Because the viral protease NS2B/NS3 is essential for replication, it is attracting attention as a potential therapeutic target, although there are currently no antiviral inhibitors for any flavivirus. This paper focuses on elucidating interactions between a hexapeptide substrate (Ac-KPGLKR-p-nitroanilide) and residues at S1 and S2 in the active site of WNV protease by comparing the catalytic activities of selected mutant recombinant proteases in vitro. Homology modeling enabled the predictions of key mutations in WNV NS3 protease at S1 (V115A/F, D129A/E/N, S135A, Y150A/F, S160A, and S163A) and S2 (N152A) that might influence substrate recognition and catalytic efficiency. Key conclusions are that the substrate P1 Arg strongly interacts with S1 residues Asp-129, Tyr-150, and Ser-163 and, to a lesser extent, Ser-160, and P2 Lys makes an essential interaction with Asn-152 at S2. The inferred substrate-enzyme interactions provide a basis for rational protease inhibitor design and optimization. High sequence conservation within flavivirus proteases means that this study may also be relevant to design of protease inhibitors for other flavivirus proteases.  相似文献   

Phosphorylcholine phosphatase (PchP) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a product of the PA5292 gene, catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphocholine to choline and inorganic phosphate (Pi). Phosphocholine is produced after hemolytic phospholipase C (PlcH) acts upon phosphatidylcholine or sphingomyelin. Therefore, PlcH and PchP are involved in the pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa. PchP belongs to the HAD superfamily as it contains three conserved sequences motifs. In mature PchP, the motifs I, II, and III are (31)DMDNT(35), (166)S, and (261)GDTPDSD(267), respectively. Kinetic characterization of wild-type and mutated proteins, obtained by site-directed mutagenesis, in addition to a molecular model of PchP helped us to understand the contribution of key residues in the conserved motifs I, II and III that are involved in the catalysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate processing after the addition of Mg(2+), Zn(2+) or Cu(2+) (these are activators of PchP activity). Our results are explained by invoking the concept of chemical hardness and softness introduced by Pearson in 1963 and its extension that "hard acids prefer to coordinate to hard bases and soft acids to soft bases" [Parr and Pearson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 105, 7512-7516 (1983)].  相似文献   

RNA triphosphatases (RTPases) are involved in the addition of the distinctive cap structure found at the 5′ ends of eukaryotic mRNAs. Fungi, protozoa and some DNA viruses possess an RTPase that belongs to the triphosphate tunnel metalloenzyme family of enzymes that can also hydrolyze nucleoside triphosphates. Previous crystallization studies revealed that the phosphohydrolase catalytic core is located in a hydrophilic tunnel composed of antiparallel β-strands. However, all past efforts to obtain structural information on the interaction between RTPases and their substrates were unsuccessful. In the present study, we used computational molecular docking to model the binding of a nucleotide substrate into the yeast RTPase active site. In order to confirm the docking model and to gain additional insights into the molecular determinants involved in substrate recognition, we also evaluated both the phosphohydrolysis and the inhibitory potential of an important number of nucleotide analogs. Our study highlights the importance of specific amino acids for the binding of the sugar, base and triphosphate moieties of the nucleotide substrate, and reveals both the structural flexibility and complexity of the active site. These data illustrate the functional features required for the interaction of an RTPase with a ligand and pave the way to the use of nucleotide analogs as potential inhibitors of RTPases of pathogenic importance.  相似文献   

Using flow chamber‐grown Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms as model system, we show in the present study that formation of heterogeneous biofilms may occur through mechanisms that involve complex subpopulation interactions. One example of this phenomenon is expression of the iron‐siderophore pyoverdine in one subpopulation being necessary for development of another subpopulation that does not itself express the pyoverdine synthesis genes. Another example is quorum sensing‐controlled DNA release in one subpopulation being necessary for development of another subpopulation that does not itself express the quorum‐sensing genes.  相似文献   

The production of preferred lipopolysaccharide O antigen chain lengths is important for the survival of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria in different environments, yet how Wzz proteins regulate these lengths is not well understood. The Wzz2 proteins from two different serotype O11 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are responsible for the expression of different very long chain lengths despite high sequence homology. Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to determine whether a specific amino acid was responsible for this difference in chain length; the residue present in position 321 within the second predicted coiled-coil region was able to determine which chain length was produced. A panel of site-directed mutants introducing different amino acids at this position implicated that the charge of the amino acid affected chain length, with positively charged residues associated with shorter chain lengths. Expression data also suggested this site was important for overall stability of the protein because mutants predicted to disrupt proper folding of the α helix led to lower protein levels. Cross-linking studies found that Wzz2 proteins producing shorter chain lengths had more stable higher-order oligomers. Mapping residue 321 onto the solved Escherichia coli Wzz FepE crystal structure predicted it to be located within α helix 8, which participates in intermonomeric interactions. These data further support the observation that Wzz oligomerization is necessary for chain length regulating activity but also provide evidence that differences in complex stability or changes in the conformation of the oligomer can lead to shifts in the length of the O antigen side chain.  相似文献   

Two mutations associated with antibiotic supersusceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain Z61 were transferred separately into strain PAO222, using R68.45-mediated conjugation and phage F116L transduction. One mutation (absA) was 40% contransducible with pro-82 at 26 min on the P. aeruginosa chromosome and was associated with increased susceptibility to beta-lactams, gentamicin and hydrophobic agents. Strains carrying the absA mutation also displayed enhanced uptake of a hydrophobic fluorescent probe, 1-N-phenylnaphthylamine, and were found, by SDS-PAGE, to be altered in the pattern of lipopolysaccharide O-antigen distribution. The other mutation (absB), associated with increased susceptibility to beta-lactams and gentamicin but not to hydrophobic agents, was cotransducible with met-28 and proC at 20 min on the chromosome. The absB mutation caused a structurally undefined alteration in the physical interaction of EDTA and gentamicin with the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The idea that interactions between mutations influence adaptation by driving populations to low and high fitness peaks on adaptive landscapes is deeply ingrained in evolutionary theory. Here, we investigate the impact of epistasis on evolvability by challenging populations of two Pseudomonas aeruginosa clones bearing different initial mutations (in rpoB conferring rifampicin resistance, and the type IV pili gene network) to adaptation to a medium containing l ‐serine as the sole carbon source. Despite being initially indistinguishable in fitness, populations founded by the two ancestral genotypes reached different fitness following 300 generations of evolution. Genome sequencing revealed that the difference could not be explained by acquiring mutations in different targets of selection; the majority of clones from both ancestors converged on one of the following two strategies: (1) acquiring mutations in either PA2449 (gcsR, an l ‐serine‐metabolism RpoN enhancer binding protein) or (2) protease genes. Additionally, populations from both ancestors converged on loss‐of‐function mutations in the type IV pili gene network, either due to ancestral or acquired mutations. No compensatory or reversion mutations were observed in RNA polymerase (RNAP) genes, in spite of the large fitness costs typically associated with mutations in rpoB. Although current theory points to sign epistasis as the dominant constraint on evolvability, these results suggest that the role of magnitude epistasis in constraining evolvability may be underappreciated. The contribution of magnitude epistasis is likely to be greatest under the biologically relevant mutation supply rates that make back mutations probabilistically unlikely.  相似文献   

Beta-oxidation of acyl-CoAs in mammalian peroxisomes can occur via either multifunctional enzyme type 1 (MFE-1) or type 2 (MFE-2), both of which catalyze the hydration of trans-2-enoyl-CoA and the dehydrogenation of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA, but with opposite chiral specificity. Amino acid sequence alignment of the 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 domain in human MFE-2 with other MFE-2s reveals conserved protic residues: Tyr-347, Glu-366, Asp-370, His-406, Glu-408, Tyr-410, Asp-490, Tyr-505, Asp-510, His-515, Asp-517, and His-532. To investigate their potential roles in catalysis, each residue was replaced by alanine in site-directed mutagenesis, and the resulting constructs were tested for complementation in a yeast. After additional screening, the wild type and noncomplementing E366A and D510A variants were expressed and characterized. The purified proteins have similar secondary structural elements, with the same subunit composition. The E366A variant had a k(cat)/K(m) value 100 times lower than that of the wild type MFE-2 at pH 5, whereas the D510A variant was inactive. Asp-510 was imbedded in a novel hydratase 2 motif found in the hydratase 2 proteins. The data show that the hydratase 2 reaction catalyzed by MFE-2 requires two protic residues, Glu-366 and Asp-510, suggesting that their catalytic role may be equivalent to that of the two catalytic residues of hydratase 1.  相似文献   

Human membrane primary amine oxidase (hAOC3; also known as vascular adhesion protein-1, VAP-1) is expressed upon inflammation in most tissues, where its enzymatic activity plays a crucial role in leukocyte trafficking. We have determined two new structures of a soluble, proteolytically cleaved form of hAOC3 (sAOC3), which was extracted from human plasma. In the 2.6 ? sAOC3 structure, an imidazole molecule is hydrogen bonded to the topaquinone (TPQ) cofactor, which is in an inactive on-copper conformation, while in the 2.95 ? structure, an imidazole molecule is covalently bound to the active off-copper conformation of TPQ. A second imidazole bound by Tyr394 and Thr212 was identified in the substrate channel. We furthermore demonstrated that imidazole has an inhibitory role at high concentrations used in crystallization. A triple mutant (Met211Val/Tyr394Asn/Leu469Gly) of hAOC3 was previously reported to change substrate preferences toward those of hAOC2, another human copper-containing monoamine oxidase. We now mutated these three residues and Thr212 individually to study their distinct role in the substrate specificity of hAOC3. Using enzyme activity assays, the effect of the four single mutations was tested with four different substrates (methylamine, benzylamine, 2-phenylethylamine, and p-tyramine), and their binding modes were predicted by docking studies. As a result, Met211 and Leu469 were shown to be key residues for substrate specificity. The native structures of sAOC3 and the mutational data presented in this study will aid the design of hAOC3 specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

PhuS is a cytoplasmic, 39 kDa heme-binding protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It has previously been shown to transfer heme to its cognate heme oxygenase. It is expressed from the phu operon, which encodes a group of proteins known to actively internalize and transport heme from host organisms. This study combines the spectral resolution of resonance Raman spectroscopy with site-directed mutagenesis to identify and characterize the heme-bound states of holo-PhuS. This combined approach has identified a site in monomeric PhuS having alternate His ligands at positions 209 and 212. A second distinct binding site is present in dimeric PhuS. This site supports six-coordinate, low-spin heme, even when both His209 and His212 are mutated to Ala. The presence of conserved His and Tyr residues in all of the homologs characterized to date suggest that the dimer could be of the domain-swapped type in which two protein molecules are cross-linked by bound heme. The multiple heme-bound states and their sensitivity to pH suggest the possibility that these cytoplasmic heme-binding proteins have multiple functions that are toggled by variations in intracellular conditions.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous bacterium capable of twitching, swimming, and swarming motility. In this study, we present evidence that P. aeruginosa has two flagellar stators, conserved in all pseudomonads as well as some other gram-negative bacteria. Either stator is sufficient for swimming, but both are necessary for swarming motility under most of the conditions tested, suggesting that these two stators may have different roles in these two types of motility.  相似文献   

Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is an autosomal recessive disorder that causes visual impairment in children due to fifteen different gene mutations. Of these, mutations in Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor Interacting Protein-like 1 (AIPL1) cause the most severe form of LCA (LCA4) leading to the degeneration of photoreceptor cells. NEDD8 Ultimate Buster 1 (NUB1), a protein that regulates cell cycle progression, interacts with AIPL1 to prevent the over expression of NUB1. In the case of over expression, cell cycle progression is disrupted and may lead to LCA. The studies on interactions between these two proteins will aid in identifying potential modulators for this condition. Since no three-dimensional structure is currently available for these two proteins, in this study we predicted the structures of these two proteins by molecular modelling methods. Moreover, we also modelled the three proven significant mutant forms of AIPL1 spanning the tetratricopeptide domain. Finally, both the modelled wild and mutant structures of AIPL1 (A197P, C239R and G262S) were computationally docked to NUB1, so as to map the potential molecular interactions. This is the first study on modelling the structure–function relationship of AIPL1–NUB1 interactions which shall aid in discovery of novel therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Four strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (wild type, Delta(pil)HIJK mutant, lasI mutant, and rpoS mutant) were genetically tagged with the green fluorescent protein, and the development of flow chamber-grown biofilms by each of them was investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The structural developments of the biofilms were quantified by the computer program COMSTAT (A. Heydorn, A. T. Nielsen, M. Hentzer, C. Sternberg, M. Givskov, B. K. Ersb?ll, and S. Molin, Microbiology 146:2395-2407, 2000). Two structural key variables, average thickness and roughness, formed the basis for an analysis of variance model comprising the four P. aeruginosa strains, five time points (55, 98, 146, 242, and 314 h), and three independent rounds of biofilm experiments. The results showed that the wild type, the Delta(pil)HIJK mutant, and the rpoS mutant display conspicuously different types of temporal biofilm development, whereas the lasI mutant was indistinguishable from the wild type at all time points. The wild type and the lasI mutant formed uniform, densely packed biofilms. The rpoS mutant formed densely packed biofilms that were significantly thicker than those of the wild type, whereas the Delta(pil)HIJK mutant formed distinct microcolonies that were regularly spaced and almost uniform in size. The results are discussed in relation to the current model of P. aeruginosa biofilm development.  相似文献   

Exopolysaccharides contribute significantly to attachment and biofilm formation in the opportunisitc pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa . The Psl polysaccharide, which is synthesized by the p olysaccharide s ynthesis l ocus ( psl ), is required for biofilm formation in non-mucoid strains that do not rely on alginate as the principal biofilm polysaccharide. In-frame deletion and complementation studies of individual psl genes revealed that 11 psl genes, pslACDEFGHIJKL , are required for Psl production and surface attachment. We also present the first structural analysis of the psl -dependent polysaccharide, which consists of a repeating pentasaccharide containing d -mannose, d -glucose and l -rhamnose:

In addition, we identified the sugar nucleotide precursors involved in Psl generation and demonstrated the requirement for GDP- d -mannose, UDP- d -glucose and dTDP- l -rhamnose in Psl production and surface attachment. Finally, genetic analyses revealed that wbpW restored Psl production in a pslB mutant and pslB promoted A-band LPS synthesis in a wbpW mutant, indicating functional redundancy and overlapping roles for these two enzymes. The structural and genetic data presented here provide a basis for further investigation of the Psl proteins and potential roles for Psl in the biology and pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa .  相似文献   

Snf1‐related protein kinases 2 (SnRK2s) are major positive regulators of drought stress tolerance. The kinases of this family are activated by hyperosmotic stress, but only some of them are also responsive to abscisic acid (ABA). Moreover, genetic evidence has indicated the ABA‐independence of SnRK2 activation in the fast response to osmotic stress. Although phosphorylation was demonstrated to be crucial for the activation or activity of the kinases of both subgroups, different phosphorylation mechanisms were suggested. Here, using one kinase from each subgroup (SnRK2.6 and SnRK2.10), two phosphorylation sites within the activation loop were identified by mass spectrometry after immunoprecipitation from Arabidopsis cells treated by ABA or osmolarity. By site‐directed mutagenesis, the phosphorylation of only one of the two sites was shown to be necessary for the catalytic activity of the kinase, whereas both sites are necessary for the full activation of the two SnRK2s by hyperosmolarity or ABA. Phosphoprotein staining together with two‐dimensional PAGE followed by immunoblotting indicated distinct phosphorylation mechanisms of the two kinases. While SnRK2.6 seems to be activated through the independent phosphorylation of these two sites, a sequential process occurs in SnRK2.10, where phosphorylation of one serine is required for the phosphorylation of the other. In addition, a subgroup of protein phosphatases 2C which interact and participate in the regulation of SnRK2.6 do not interact with SnRK2.10. Taken together, our data bring evidence for the involvement of distinct phosphorylation mechanisms in the activation of SnRK2.6 and SnRK2.10, which may be conserved between the two subgroups of SnRK2s depending on their ABA‐responsiveness.  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided evidence to implicate involvement of the core oligosaccharide region of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in adherence to host tissues. To better understand the role played by LPS in the virulence of this organism, the aim of the present study was to clone and characterize genes involved in core biosynthesis. The inner-core regions of P. aeruginosa and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium are structurally very similar; both contain two main chain residues of heptose linked to lipid A-Kdo2 (Kdo is 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid). By electrotransforming a P. aeruginosa PAO1 library into Salmonella waaC and waaF (formerly known as rfaC and rfaF, respectively) mutants, we were able to isolate the homologous heptosyltransferase I and II genes of P. aeruginosa. Two plasmids, pCOREc1 and pCOREc2, which restored smooth LPS production in the waaC mutant, were isolated. Similarly, plasmid pCOREf1 was able to complement the Salmonella waaF mutant. Sequence analysis of the DNA insert of pCOREc2 revealed one open reading frame (ORF) which could code for a protein of 39.8 kDa. The amino acid sequence of the deduced protein exhibited 53% identity with the sequence of the WaaC protein of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium. pCOREf1 contained one ORF capable of encoding a 38.4-kDa protein. The sequence of the predicted protein was 49% identical to the sequence of the Salmonella WaaF protein. Protein expression by the Maxicell system confirmed that a 40-kDa protein was encoded by pCOREc2 and a 38-kDa protein was encoded by pCOREf1. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to determine the map locations of the cloned waaC and waaF genes, which were found to lie between 0.9 and 6.6 min on the PAO1 chromosome. Using a gene-replacement strategy, we attempted to generate P. aeruginosa waaC and waaF null mutants. Despite multiple attempts to isolate true knockout mutants, all transconjugants were identified as merodiploids.  相似文献   

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