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Since the recent sequencing of the rice genome, the functional identification of rice genes has become increasingly important. Various tagged lines have been generated; however, the number of tagged genes available is not sufficient for extensive study of gene function. To help identify the functions of genes in rice, we developed a Gateway vector, pANDA, for RNA interference of rice genes. This vector can be used for Agrobacterium transformation of rice and allows easy and fast construction of efficient RNAi vectors. In the construct, hairpin RNA derived from a given gene is transcribed from a strong maize ubiquitin promoter, and an intron is placed 5' upstream of inverted repeats to enhance RNA expression. Analysis of rice genes using this vector showed that suppression of mRNA expression was observed in more than 90% of transgenic plants examined, and short interfering RNA indicative of RNA silencing was detected in each silenced plant. A similar vector, pANDA-mini, was also developed for direct transfer into leaf cells or protoplasts. This vector can be used for transient suppression of gene function in rice. These vectors should help identify the functions of rice genes whose tagged mutants are not available at present and complement existing methods for functional genomics of rice.  相似文献   

Gene product distribution is often used to infer developmental similarities and differences in animals with evolutionarily diverse body plans. However, to address commonalties of developmental mechanisms, what is really needed is a method to assess and compare gene function in divergent organisms. This requires mutations eliminating gene function. Such mutations are often difficult to obtain, even in organisms amenable to genetic analysis. To address this issue we have investigated the use of double-stranded RNA interference to phenocopy null mutations. We show that RNA interference can be used to phenocopy mutations of the Deformed orthologues in Drosophila and Tribolium. We discuss the possible use of this technique for comparisons of developmental mechanisms in organisms with differing ontogenies.  相似文献   

The ability to control gene expression in a temporal and spatial manner provides a new tool for the study of mammalian gene function particularly during development and oncogenesis. In this study the suitability of the tet-system for investigating embryogenesis was tested in detail. The tTA CMV (M1) and rTA CMV-3 (reverse Tc-controlled transactivator) transgenic mice were bred with NZL-2 bi-reporter mice containing the vector with a tTA/rTA responsive bidirectional promoter that allows simultaneous regulation of expression of two reporter genes encoding luciferase and -galactosidase. In both cases reporter genes were found to be expressed in a wide spectrum of tissues of double transgenic embryos and adult mice. The earliest expression was detected in tTA CMV (M1)/NZL-2 embryos at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) and rTA CMV -3/NZL-2 embryos at E13.5. Doxycycline abolished -gal expression in tTA CMV (M1)/NZL-2 but induced it in rTA CMV -3/NZL-2 embryos including late stages of embryogenesis. The tTA and rtTA transactivators thus revealed a partially complementary mode of action during second half of embryonic development. These experiments demonstrated that both Tet regulatory systems function during embryonic development. We conclude that the Tet systems allows regulation of gene expression during embryonic development and that double reporter animals like the NZL-2 mice are useful tools for the characterization of newly generated tet transactivator lines expressing tTA (or rtTA) in embryonic as well as in adult tissues.  相似文献   

The SLC30 family of cation diffusion transporters includes at least nine members in mammals, most of which have been documented to play a role in zinc transport. The founding member of this family, Znt1, was discovered by virtue of its ability to efflux zinc from cells and to protect them from zinc toxicity. However, its physiological functions remain unknown. To address this issue, mice with targeted knockout of the Znt1 gene were generated by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Heterozygous Znt1 mice were viable. In contrast, homozygous Znt1 mice died in utero soon after implantation due to a catastrophic failure of embryonic development. Although extraembryonic membranes formed around these embryos, the embryo proper failed to undergo morphogenesis past the egg cylinder stage and was amorphous by d9 of pregnancy. Expression of the Znt1 gene was detected predominantly in trophoblasts and in the maternal deciduum during the postimplantation period (d5 to d8). The failure of homozygous Znt1 embryos to develop could not be rescued by manipulating maternal dietary zinc (either excess or deficiency) during pregnancy. However, embryos in Znt1 heterozygous females were approximately 3 times more likely to develop abnormally when exposed to maternal dietary zinc deficiency during later pregnancy than were those in wildtype females. These studies suggest that Znt1 serves an essential function of transporting maternal zinc into the embryonic environment during the egg cylinder stage of development, and further suggest that Znt1 plays a role in zinc homeostasis in adult mice.  相似文献   

Ulitsky I  Shkumatava A  Jan CH  Sive H  Bartel DP 《Cell》2011,147(7):1537-1550
Thousands of long intervening noncoding RNAs (lincRNAs) have been identified in mammals. To better understand the evolution and functions of these enigmatic RNAs, we used chromatin marks, poly(A)-site mapping and RNA-Seq data to identify more than 550 distinct lincRNAs in zebrafish. Although these shared many characteristics with mammalian lincRNAs, only 29 had detectable sequence similarity with putative mammalian orthologs, typically restricted to a single short region of high conservation. Other lincRNAs had conserved genomic locations without detectable sequence conservation. Antisense reagents targeting conserved regions of two zebrafish lincRNAs caused developmental defects. Reagents targeting splice sites caused the same defects and were rescued by adding either the mature lincRNA or its human or mouse ortholog. Our study provides a roadmap for identification and analysis of lincRNAs in model organisms and shows that lincRNAs play crucial biological roles during embryonic development with functionality conserved despite limited sequence conservation.  相似文献   

Existing transgenic RNAi resources in Drosophila melanogaster based on long double-stranded hairpin RNAs are powerful tools for functional studies, but they are ineffective in gene knockdown during oogenesis, an important model system for the study of many biological questions. We show that shRNAs, modeled on an endogenous microRNA, are extremely effective at silencing gene expression during oogenesis. We also describe our progress toward building a genome-wide shRNA resource.  相似文献   

Siah is a mammalian homolog of Drosophila seven in absentia (SINA). Here we report the identification of a new member of the SINA/Siah gene family. This new gene, designated Siaz, was found in zebrafish, and its product is predicted to share extensive amino acid sequence homology with Drosophila SINA. Siaz is maternally inherited, with zygotic expression in all blastomeres starting at the mid-blastula transition. After the 20-somite stage, Siaz expression occurs in a stage-specific manner in particular regions, including the brain, eye, cranial cavity, otic vesicle, optic chiasm and gut.  相似文献   

The Dan gene was first identified as the putative rat tumor suppressor gene and encodes a protein structurally related to Cerberus and Gremlin in vertebrates. Xenopus DAN, as with Cerberus and Gremlin, was demonstrated to block bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling by binding BMPs, and to be capable of inducing additional anterior structures by ectopic overexpression in Xenopus embryos. DAN, thus, is suggested to play pivotal roles in early patterning and subsequent organ development, as in the case of other BMP antagonists. In this report, we isolated the chicken counterpart of Dan. Chicken Dan is mainly expressed in the cephalic and somitic mesoderm and several placodes during organ development.  相似文献   

A transgenic mouse line named iUBC-KikGR was generated, which expresses the photoconvertible fluorescent protein Kikume Green-Red (KikGR) under the control of the human Ubiquitin C promoter. KikGR is natively a green fluorophore, which can be converted into a red fluorophore upon exposure to UV light. KikGR is expressed broadly throughout transgenic embryos from the two-cell stage onward and in the adult. Specificity of photoconversion can range from the entire embryo to a region of an organ, to a few individual cells, depending on the needs of the experimenter. Cell movements, tissue reorganization, and migration can then be observed in real time by culturing the tissue of interest as an explant on the microscope stage. The iUBC-KikGR transgenic line represents a singular genetic reagent, which can be used for fate mapping, lineage tracing, and live visualization of cell behaviors and tissue movements in multiple organs at multiple time points.  相似文献   

Genome-wide screening for gene function using RNAi in mammalian cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Mammalian genome sequencing has identified numerous genes requiring functional annotation. The discovery that dsRNA can direct gene-specific silencing in both model organisms and mammalian cells through RNA interference (RNAi) has provided a platform for dissecting the function of independent genes. The generation of large-scale RNAi libraries targeting all predicted genes within mouse, rat and human cells, combined with the large number of cell-based assays, provides a unique opportunity to perform high-throughput genetics in these complex cell systems. Many different formats exist for the generation of genome-wide RNAi libraries for use in mammalian cells. Furthermore, the use of these libraries in either genetic screens or genetic selections allows for the identification of known and novel genes involved in complex cellular phenotypes and biological processes, some of which underpin human disease. In this review, we examine genome-wide RNAi libraries used in model organisms and mammalian cells and provide examples of how these information rich reagents can be used for determining gene function, discovering novel therapeutic targets and dissecting signalling pathways, cellular processes and complex phenotypes.  相似文献   

Synchronized regulation of cell division during gastrulation is essential for the regional proliferation of cells and pattern formation of the early CNS. The neural plate and neuroectoderm cells are a rapidly dividing and differentiating population of cells with a unique and rapid heat-shock response. Heat shock and the heat-shock genes were studied during neural plate development in a whole rat embryo culture system at 9.5-11.5 days. A lethal heat shock can cause cell death and severe developmental defects to the forebrain and eye during organogenesis. Heat shock can also result in acquired thermotolerance whereby cell progression is delayed at the G1/S and S/G2 boundaries of the cell cycle. This delay in cell cycle progression caused an overall lengthening of the cell cycle time of at least 2 hr. The heat shock genes may therefore function as cell cycle regulators in neuroectoderm induction and differentiation. The kinetics and expression of the hsp genes were examined in neuroectodermal cells by flow cytometry and Northern analysis. The levels of hsp mRNA 27, 71, 73, and 88 were identified following exposure at 42°C (nonlethal), 43deg;C (lethal) and 42deg;/43deg;C (thermotolerant) heat shock. Examination of hsp gene expression in the neural plate showed tight regulation in the cell cycle phases. Hsp 88 expression was enhanced at Go and hsp71 induction at G2 + M of the cell cycle. Cells exposed to a thermotolerant heat shock of 42deg;C induced hsp71 mRNA expression in all phases of the cell cycle with the mRNA levels of hsp27, 73, and 88 increased but relatively constant. Following a lethal heat shock, dramatic changes in hsp expression were seen especially enhanced hsp71 induction in late S phase. The regulated expression of hsps during the cell cycle at various phases could play a unique and important role in the fate and recovery of neuroectoderm cells during early mammalian embryo development. © 1993Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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